Why are young, white males killing themselves?

Why are young, white males killing themselves?

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Almost 1 in 3 American men have not had sex in the last year

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i used to think my life was a tragedy, now i realize it's a double tragedy

cause them niggas dick too small

Unironically we are the only oppressed group. Its the weirdest thing for most to hear, my self including being a former leftist, but its undeniable.

No reason at all im sure. lets not look into this at all.

Based & victimcomplexpilled

Yeah lets focus on the 11 unarmed black men who have been shot by police this year and how we can spend billions on that.

We lack the same purpose that our forefathers had in abundance. Women and children have replaced man with government as the provider. Short and ugly or otherwise undesirable men exist as tax cattle and comedy.

it is actually true, it is the only group you are allowed to openly hate and discriminate against. imagine saying what you said in a room full of those haters, they would flip their shit like you have never seen

Brutally accurate.

What does this have to do with Yea Forums?

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Dude, you're exaggerating. It's closer to 1 in 4 than it is to 1 in 3.

H1Bs, affirmative action, and censorship.

Yea Forums is 99% young white males

Intense frustration because I tell them to have sex

The fuck is the point?

They're watching too much moeshit anime and having tranny thoughts

guaranteed those are all tranny suicide statistics

Fuck off I dont want anything to do with you /pol/acks
Go cry moar about kuh white race muh supremacy muh shitler muh shit kampf muh race! REERRRRREEEEEER
shut up your time has come.

This dude knows

the spike in incels, suicides, etc came right at the advent of the internet & dating apps. 90% of women chase the top 20% of men leaving the rest of the 'average' or 'ugly' men to masturbate to porn and remain sexless.

White men need to wake up and quick.

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this isn't a /pol/ thing

people like you are why /pol/ and similar movements attract people

Piss off, faggot.

no, keep whining like a little bitch if it makes you feel better

>White men are killing themselves?
>Go cry moar at muh white race muh supremacy /pol/

I'm not even a /pol/tard, but I'm beginning to understand where their power comes from. Retards like you are their primary tool of recruitment.

Maybe if you were out living life and having sex instead of spending your time posting on a board intended for gooks to talk about tv shows, you wouldn't off yourself so much. But here you are.

it wasn't the advent of the internet. the internet was great for a long time. then social media became a thing, and everything went to complete shit. dating sites existed before social media, but they were viewed mostly as a total joke. once social media got big it made things like online dating acceptable.
it all traces back to social media. it spread like cancer and destroyed everything. now every dumb bitch in the world wants to be some instathot and every jackass wants to be some retard like dan blizerian.

>Yea Forums is 99% young white males
Yes, and?