Makes film on blacks that is supposed to be an indirect critique on blacks assimilating into white society

>Makes film on blacks that is supposed to be an indirect critique on blacks assimilating into white society
>married a white woman

What did he mean by this?

Attached: tmp_b5xiIC_6a35fd76d43273cc_GettyImages-927236162.jpg (1763x1175, 214K)

She's a jew


She's jewish italian. She's basically a mulatto

Who says he actually believes any of the crap he spews out? He just wants money and “yasss kween” points for that sweet free advertisment

My condolences to him

shes getting real ugly

Is that his wife? Surely he can do better than that...

Her brother, a jew, created buzzfeed and huffington post. Hes just another nig who sold his soul to the jew to be rich and famous.

She's white. A white Jew.

>deep nasally voice
>"come to bed, Jordan"
How would you respond in his shoes?

>one shot at life
>you're born with nigger lips

He also has a white mother and is totally surrounded by whites. Yet he hates us and wants us all dead.

>I'm gay now.

That's not a white woman.

He's the black James Cameron, who saw a market worth tricking from the Madea films.
Born shyster.

he's butthurt because he was born on the shitskin side of the mulatto spectrum.

Jews aren't white.

The secret war between light skin and dark skin blacks is one of the most fascinating phenomena in America.

Why not? What makes them so distinctly different from say anglos who would readily bring Sicilians and Italians into whiteness despite most Jews being religious Jews who immigrated from other parts of Europe?

>one shot at life
>post on fucking 4chins

They say full lips are a good thing about being black, but there is obviously an optimal point that many go way beyond.

they act differently

looks like a 10 euro Parisian prostitute, but the wife is kinda hot, though.

jews are smarter versions of whites

I'm sure their independent nation can get by just fine on its own then.

I legit had no idea she was married to him, and I hated her character so fucking much in Brooklyn 99. Makes sense since I can't stand Jordan Peele as a creator. I think he is overrated and coasts on his race rather than skill. Get Out was boring, and I hear his other movie is only so so which means it is unwatchable.

I hate him so much but I am called a racist even though it has nothing to do with that but everything to do with people sucking his dick for no reason. Thought Key and Peele was pretty funny a quarter of the time though.

European Jews are.

but christ are they ugly
