What did Kubrick mean by this?
What did Kubrick mean by this?
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one of the rare redpilled jews
perhaps the only red-pilled jew- certainly the only one in hollywood.
this. Kubrick wanted to be tranny to.
>had only one testicle
>was actually a jew
>was retarded
>was a tranny
anything else you want to add to the revisionist smear campaign?
bobby fischer
What about Bobby Fischer
cry more, tranny
wtf? I love Hitler now
tbqh famalam the only source for that quote is frederic raphael (who co-wrote the EWS script with kubrick) saying kubrick said that to him once. and frederic is a jew.
I always knew trannies were nazis
based and pinkpilled
it's true. at least 40% of nazis were trannies
sure libtard, sure.
I bet you do, faggot.
Hitler burned Wiemar tranny research and set dilation gore back 50 years.
Typical of socialists.
some dressed in parties as women for shits and giggles. they weren't actually transexuals lmao the state of this board.
Trannies have flourished more in capitalist countries like America, though.
Cope more Gaylord
I'm not coping. People in the past had different customs and standards. The old world isn't 2010s America.
what else? didn't he also eat babies?
The testicle one at least is legit
they all are. he was also a dark lord and a stripper.
jew propaganda. never happened. He actually tried to create the first LGBT homeland.
>it was a jooooke!
pathetic excuse, tranny
>leftists pretending to be homophobes
it must pain you to type that out. Oh who am I kidding? Leftists don't have actual values.
America is run by central bankers and cultural marxists. Hardly a free market.
He hated Schindler's List
> central bankers
you allowed the joos to proliferate
>cultural marxists
a total meme. a spook.
>Hardly a free market.
it's a bipartisan kleptocracy, yes. but it's still way more capitalist than it is socialist. the faggots don't even have universal healthcare lmao
It was. Watch the pictures, they're all laughing and in character, also I'm not a tranny.
Don’t forget the down’s syndrome and the bestiality
>you didn’t throw the jews out when they did it therefore you allowed it and they did nothing wrong
Jewish logic
>h-here's a wojak! that'll show him!
It seems like I won. Nice try, though.
Jews are neurotic and hate themselves due to their high IQ
Is Dave Foley a tranny? Are the Monty Python crew trannies?
>comedic crossdressing means you're a trannie
Daily reminder that his daughter that appeared in some of his movies is now a MAGApede Qboomer.
> therefore you allowed it and they did nothing wrong
Yes, The Scorpion and the Frog.
Women all have tapioca brains
she also was (is?) a scientologist lmao
dubs means this wojak won
idk, why are you deflecting. Nazi trannies are well known
stop justifying your degeneracy
ironic crossdressing =/= being a trannie
I'm not one, please stop projecting.
John milius
>hitler was a gay tranny jew and also the metric by which every liberal calls someone evil
makes my tinker tick
>kubricks daughter is a qtard