It's your new best friend!

It's your new best friend!

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Honestly loved it. Chuckie was based as fuck.

I think the biggest flaw with any Chucky movie ever is that he's not even a fucking doll. Like no child would ever want that. No child would get excited over getting one for Christmas. No kid would ever want him to play with their plushes and other dolls. He has always been a creepy looking thing so there is no build up

>new best friend
Implying I had an old one

>A high-tech toy that can speak, help you out, control electronics
Sounds pretty based to me. I can see how someone would want one

cabbage patch kids and trolls are ugly af but still sold like hot cakes

>zoomers will never have a my buddy doll
Feels good man

>Implying an Alexa-like doll won't exist in our lifetime

The old Chucky Good Guy dolls looked like My Buddy dolls and Cabbage Patch Kids, popular toys at the time.
In the old movies, they had a TV show, TV cartoons, cereal and clothes they used to shill the toys to get kids to buy it.

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My Buddy existed 30 years ago. It talked to you. This whole movie is nastalgia bait for boomers.

When I was young they had this thing called a my buddy doll( look it up). My brother and I had watched Chucky, next day we hung him in the garage after tying him up. Thank god that didn't happen now, they would've put us in therapy.

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New Chucky's outfit and even the name of the doll is more similar to My Buddy dolls compared to Good Guy dolls.

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My Buddy was just a boring ass plush doll. But Teddy Ruxpin talked

Technology has come a far way since 30 years. They could make a doll that doesn't have prerecorded lines

Thinking of seeing this movie for free, but not sure if it's worth the gas.
Is it better than the original?

back in the 70s and for most of the 80s grotesque ragamuffin urchin dolls were common. my sister had one.

>Is it better than the original?

It's a really strong movie because the whole time Chucky is evolving as a character and the relationship with Andy is appropriately three dimensional.

Holy shit, its REAL?

I thought my buddy talked. I never had either though, my dad said that shit was for queers.

He looks more like a Eddie Haskell type doll that is just wanting to help the kid get into trouble.

>Like no child would ever want that. No child would get excited over getting one for Christmas.
>if it wasn't part of my childhood it didn't exist!
This is literally what inspired Don Mancini you zoomer fuckstain

On a technical level aside from some act three pacing it is.

Whether you’ll enjoy it more is up in the air.

I did.


Haven’t seen Cult yet

I really want dolls like these to become mainstream.

Lmao this nigga ugly AF

your dad blew niggers when he thought no one was looking

Why didn't they make the doll look more cute like the one in your pic? I doesn't even look creepy, it just looks ugly. I think it would've been a little more scary if the doll where just a cute, innocent looking thing like that. Instead it just looks like a playground pedo

Yeah true, but the point is that the doll does look like something a kid would want to buy.
Even New Chucky's face looks like the kind of weird face they'd give to a robot like that. I don't know what toys are popular today to compare it to though

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based dad
double based dad

In the first Child’s Play movie, they imply that most of the Good Guy dolls are supposed to look cute, but Chucky himself is a lot uglier because he’s possessed with the soul of a murderer, and he becomes scarier and scarier looking as a plot point as the film goes on, because his evil soul is increasingly becoming fused to the doll body through voodoo witchcraft rules and is becoming more biological. At the beginning of the movie the unpossessed Good Guy dolls are a lot less creepy than the image we usually associate with Chucky.

In all of the films after the first Child’s Play, including the new one, the dolls are creepy because they’re supposed to be modeled after Chucky’s iconic look we all know him for.

Shill at it again.

Why does Hollywood hate redheads? Why isn't Chuckie a Blonde Chad-type doll?

It looks prettier than the OG My Buddy dolls

But that's nothing like Chucky's original "evil" design. The 80s design would be way better than that shit. He looks like Christopher Walken.

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this is going to keep happening for atleast another month.
reading posts like confirms you've stumbled into the shill thread.

>New Chucky isn't cut-

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New Chucky reminded me of Junko.

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What's wrong with character development? What's wrong with trying things new?

that was no fucking character development.

One thing I was not prepared for with the new movie is how sympathetic they made new Chucky for so long into the film.

In the original, Chucky is introduced as a long time serial murderer and child rapist, and he stays as pretty much the most scummy character possible whose likability is mostly derived from how over the top unrepentantly evil he is.

But then in the new one, new Chucky is this poor confused robot who just tragically cannot fit into the world around him no matter how hard he tries. It was a big leap to take.

>Starts off as an innocent child-like doll and turns into a vengeful and murderous killer doll out of jealousy.

Weirdly enough, they bring this up in the new movie.

>It was a big leap to take.
And it paid off.

sneed kids. sneed.

Looking forward to this. I hope it’s not as disappointing as that robot puppy I wanted as a kid that turned out to be crap.

>starts off innocent
>Andy encourages Chucky to use bad language
>shows him horror movies
>Chucky is confused and increasingly violent
>feels Andy is betraying him over and over or maybe everyone else is the problem
>has a fucking torture experience that unleashes his complete insanity

So let me give you the story for Chucky 2, real original Chucky wants to kill some kid Andy or whatever, new Chucky has bonded with the target and wants to protect him, it's T2 Chucky version.

>child rapist
kek Chucky wasn't a rapist, he was a strangler

>I always had a thing for families, especially kids. - Charles Lee Ray in Curse Of Chucky flashbacks

Wouldn’t it make more sense to make it look like a teddy bear or some pokemon ripoff so it looks like a cute plush instead of a creepy doll?

He killed kids, in Cult of Chucky he stops a rape

So he strangled kids?

He looks like Walken and Willem Dafoe had a lovechild

I could swear they explicitly state in the first couple of minutes of the movie that he’s a kiddie diddler as well as a killer. I would not be surprised if they cut this out of made for tv versions or shit though, and the line goes by so fast and then is never really brought up again or explored, so it seems easy to miss. I think I spent years without noticing it was even there until one watching as an adult.

Again, this is actually brought up in the new movie.
I want to see more of this Chucky

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Strangled their no-nos as well as their necks.

Where can I find a torrent of this?

Based lynching user

You can watch it on TeaTV

I get the feeling this new Child’s Play was supposed to be set and probably released during the christmas season. I feel like they changed the one scene of the guy putting up christmas lights to him taking them down, which effectively means it can be set in nearly any time of year that isn’t late fall or december, but makes it most likely sometime in january or february. Which makes no sense, because why would the new doll model be launched at that time of year? Also I’m guessing they changed the characters getting and giving christmas presents to birthday presents for the kid, which gives us the convoluted situation of him giving the neighbor lady a present for his own birthday with some confusing excuse and telling her she needs to wait til his birthday to open it. Would’ve been nice if they’d just stuck to their plan and left it set at christmas time.

>This scene was originally Buddi giving Andy a Christmas present

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I prefer Sneedy.

is this the steve buscemi doll?

Slow start to the film but yeah, chucky carried it

How come OG Chucky never showed us Chucky's character developing?

They do, he goes from hating being stuck as a doll, to embracing it over the course of the movies.

Then to throw it away as he wants to possess someone again in the sequel to Seed (Curse)

Back in the 80s, there were in-store fights over these kinds of dolls.

Cabbage patch dolls, my buddy & kid sister, teddy ruxpin

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