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It makes so much more sense now why they chose such a manfaced actress
it was followed by horrible sequels
The hilarious kung fu sequences
The Matrix? More like The Dilatrix!
Changes for the new matrix.
>race and sex doesn't affect your appearance in the matrix
>your matrix gender is your true identity
>everyone is black in the real world but many appear white in the matrix because of popular media influence on the machines that created it
original script had the machines using humans as processors instead of batteries. they changed it because they didn't think audiences would understand. shitty change, it would've still been "relevant" today. still the GOAT action movie though.
You will never be a real woman.
The biggest problem in the matrix is how they go on and on about how the information in the matrix being tied into your brain, yet suddenly you are unable to use it when you break out of the matrix.
All of these fuckers would be deadly assassins outside of the matrix because they basically just self thought themselves thousands of hours of kung fu practicing in seconds with cerebral downloads. Fuck the trannie bros for completely missing this oversight yet writing it into the script
They could of even put it into the sequels but nope makes them even suck more than they already do
Enjoyed the first movie (and only saw the first movie) but I felt the romance prophesy thing at the end was half-assedly thrown in.
>mfw I saw all three films in the cinema
I can't, it's the greatest film ever directed by women
Too many white people
>If Keanu reeves didn't chimp out about financing the entire film will smith and sandra bullock may have been Neo
How the FUCK did Cypher jack into the matrix by himself
Sunglasses are used for sunny, hot weather, while trenchcoats are used for rainy cold weather, so normally it'd make little sense yo wear both at the same time. And don't say it's to hide your identity because it makes you stand out like a sore thumb.
Of course, maybe it could be blindingly sunny so you need glasses while the air is extremely chilly, but if I remember correctly a good deal of the movie is spent at night and inside buildings so the glasses don't make sense.
... But I still love it. I found out those conflicts by trying to wear those clothes on the regular.
very based opinion, but also bluepilled
Douge said it’s bad.
Literally who?
Humans are batteries rather than a neural network
I can't
fucking based
the Matrix trilogy is actually certified based
the wachowskis brothers simply took their prank too far
You expected more (you)s, didn't you?
Trite, corny, edgy, shallow, juvenile tone, dated badly in some ways (practically a self parody), shitty sequels, bad color grading, etc etc.
kys zoomer
mouse dies
this here
I'm at tge cusp of Gen X and Millennial, and could see even when it came out how corny it was, basically a shallow mainstreaming of edgy industrial style, and sure enough it immediately became the template for Hot Topic grimdark commercial edginess and was reduced to meme fodder. Basically *teleports behind you*: The Movie.
I mean I like it but if you think it's kewl in a straightforward way you're a dweeb.
That weird moment Neo jumps into Smith and the bad CGI green exploding bits
What kind of an ending shot is this?
you can't get more energy out of a person than what you put in. there, now your movie is ruined
oversocialized virgin cringemaster reddit cuckold faggot lmfao
trinity is older than grandma
Have a cookie. You'll post better.
>that 38 year old boomer who dislikes The Matrix, Pokemon and everything else from the turn of the millennium
Whos to say they arnt kung fu masters outside of the matrix? What good is a fist against metal robots anyway?
Also “switch” was supposed to have a guy avatar when they were in the matrix.. the name makes more sense now, eh?
In the scene where neo “scares the bejesus” out of him, hes writing a scripting program to self jack in. Thats why he gets startled and its also why he shuts screens off immediately
I’m not even gonna read this just kill yourself lmao
I love how fucking clear the action is in The Matrix. You can almost always see their faces in every single shot.
>so the glasses don't make sense.
They know that it is a simulation, that the sunlight and rain isn't real, and that they are not bound by the rules of the world, so it makes sense that they would disregard environmental practicality and dress in a way they think is cool. The self-expression also contrasts them with the agents and uniformed enforcers. It's only natural to portray yourself as the opposite of your enemy.
The humans wins
>talcum powder festival
What's the trope called again?
>thread claiming that The Matrix is a flawless movie
>someone makes a challenge to that statement (as likely intended by OP)
>throw a bunch of buzzwords and insults rather than refuting any of the points made
Not him but you guys are retarded and part of the reason why this board is shit
The entire argument was one big fucking buzzword though. He didn't talk about one substantial thing to criticize
The matrix is great and if you edited the tard bits of 2 and 3 (most of the Zion scenes) out and combined them into one movie they also would be great
Carrie Anne Moss is a terrible actress.
>I was a child when the movie came out so my edgy opinion carries weight
love is powerful
That would have been much better, or better yet if they were being used for creativity / imagination.
Using them for heat / energy is retarded, you'd just lobotomize all the humans rather than construct some elaborate illusion.
Likewise if you were literally using them as computational elements in a distributed network (or like cores in a multi-core / multi-threaded computer) that also implies some sort of bypassing of higher brain functions
Delet this
Yeah that part
him flying away at the end should have never happened
Learning how to do Kung Fu in The Matrix isn't the same as learning to do it in the real world. That's like saying if I grind out a bunch of iron daggers in Skyrim and get my smithing skill to 100 I should be able to forge weapons and armor IRL.
Why can't they just re-cut Matrix Reloaded to make it better?
the fuck you say
>dated effects
>bad acting
>shit romance between trinity and Neo
I still like the movie but it is filled with flaw
>The self-expression also contrasts them with the agents and uniformed enforcers. It's only natural to portray yourself as the opposite of your enemy.
But all the agents wear sunglasses, too...
Morpheus is only the few based black characters out there
Recognizing - correctly and aptly - that this movie is juvenile trenchcoat-core (while still enjoying it) is not an edgy opinion. It's just seeing the movie for what it is. Something being absurd or juvenile doesn't preclude my liking it; the contrary in many cases.
It's based and redpilled
Keanu Reeves is an illuminati cult shill
why'd he turn it down bros?
It's likely that he couldn't negotiate enough creative control as all of his films in that era are essentially the same character.
What's up with this guy? A Yea Forums user who made it?
Nowhere is it ever implied they dont retain skills/ knowledge outside the matrix moron. Hell, Neo is outside the matrix when he says "I know kung fu", implying the opposite.
Youre a fucking idiot. Playing some kids game is nothing like having knowledge and experience directly loaded on to your brain. Pushing buttons and watching shit happen on a screen is not the same as actually performing a task in your perceived reality and actually going through the steps.
>philosophy is too tryhard and is needlessly exposited
>Half the action in the movie could be cut
>Neo flying and shit
I mean all of these are shit, yet cutting too much of any part that will make a difference will end up making the movie a complete and utter mess
Because they abide by different rules in the Matrix you fucking moron. This is a big rule compounded by Morpheus in the movie.
That dude who played Tank is fucking CRAZY, he made a documentary about him being screwed by Keanu, Fishburne and the Wachowskis
can you give a brief summery? what exactly makes him crazy? i need to know more before watching a 44 minute video
He got mad because WB didn't want to pay him more money, called Fishburne an uncle tom, says the Wachowskis sent a guy to kill him et cetera
They don't watch the second one
geography is just so right
you have a clear feeling of where the characters are no matter how much you see of them in a singled out frame
To many white people
Yeah youre fucking retarded for real. The different rules and bending them was the explanation for the superhuman feats they could do in the matrix, it doesnt mean they suddenly forget shit that was downloaded on to their brains like how to fly a helicopter or throw a punch. The entire point of the I know kung fu line was to illustrate that the downloaded info is in their brain whether in the matrix or not, you absolute brainlet retard.
The third movie
Pic no related
It have none.
>the sequels were bad
This is how you spot people with 2 digits IQ.
Thumbnail looks like Hellraiser
Knowing how to do that doesn't mean shit if your body isn't it shape to perform said stuff. They might be limber in the Matrix, but it's a completely different story in the real world
Revolutions was easily better than Reloaded.
>black man fears for his life in hollywood after not playing the house negro
that something new?
And keanu is now banging a tranny
Decent bait. The shitty grammar is a nice touch.
>says the Wachowskis sent a guy to kill him et cetera
What a paranoid schizo
Carrie Anne-Moss?
No a real one but i appreciate the joke
The point is they dont suddenly forget shit when unplugged which is what this entire reply chain has been about.
Can a guy get a source? Generally curious
Obligatory romance
I'm pretty sure he still knows Kung Fu technically, but he doesn't have the physical prowess to do so. You can know how to play basketball by knowing the techniques, moves, rules etc. but if you don't have the physical skill to match, you're not gonna be a good ball player.
didn't see the other movies.
in the first one i thought it was implied Neo knew all the kung fu irl after downloading it.
>thats retarded that it doesn't transfer if not the physical ability, the technique at least
Except he does have the actual experience of doing kung fu, but you are right about one thing sorta that his body in the real world would be too weak at that point in time
You realize he never, literally did kung fu right?
They do retain the information. But their bodies lack the physical training. You can see in matrix revolutions when Neo fights Smith in the real world. He knows fights with knowledge but it is sloppy and hes much slower.
Every time someone mentions this I reply the same thing.
Morpheus dumbed it down for Neo.
Raged and against the machine pilled.
theres only him and blade inb4 static shock
So let's say they reboot the Matrix every 100 or so years (as is implied in the sequels). There would have to be at least 100 solid years of civilization between reboots, but how could it "always" be 1999? Wouldn't they have to reset the timeline back to 1899 for it to be 1999 by the time each "One" came about? And what do you do with all the people's memories when you reboot the Matrix? They can't very well retain 1999 memories if they're suddenly living in 1899.
>>Because they abide by different rules in the Matrix you fucking moron.
Not the other user but I thought the matrix was a good enough imitation of usual physical life that 99.99% of plebs aren't able to notice the difference.
So I assume the crushing majority of
tasks and/or knowledge is relevant to the outside world. Like metallurgy would be the same, and there would only be imperceptible differences between doing backflips in the matrix or the real world.
thank god that happened will smith cant act for shit
the wachowskis revealed the entire Jewish paradigm of control and you know these likes we're fucking furious about it. Kubrick did the same with eyes wide shut and he got whacked almost instantly. what's interesting is that both movies came out in 1999 as a sort of hidden warning to the people.
lack of consistent data from other centuries
The sequels.
even the elites allude to the 90s being peak Western Civilization. the world you live in today is one going through a phase of annihilation.
weird chemistry between neo and trin
Heres you new Matrix, bro
mee too, several times