Do you REALLY think that the ADV dub is better or do you just not like change?

Do you REALLY think that the ADV dub is better or do you just not like change?

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The Netflix version pretty clearly has better dialog and voice acting, but doesn't really carry the same energy as the original

If you listen to the dub you deserve to be disappointed.

>watching dub at all

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Please take your weebness back to Yea Forums.

It's not about being a weeb, it's about getting the superior viewing experience that the studio intended. I bet you think Taco Bell is genuine Mexican cuisine.

>reading while watching

The voice acting is infinitely worse. It sounds like a bunch of interns reading off a sheet of paper

reddit anime

Both are pretty shitty

wow i cant believe they made a dub thats like 20 years old look good in comparison
thats netflix for you

>reading while watching
This isn't how watching subbed works. What happens is your brain processes the entire line of dialogue as soon as it appears on screen, creating a seamless experience with the show itself. When you get used to it, you'll forget they're speaking Japanese at all. The "reading" part is instantaneous unless you're a complete brainlet which apparently you are.

In the Netflix version? Really?

I haven't seen any dub of Eva but the Netflix version seems much higher quality

>>reading while watching
>This isn't how watching subbed works. What happens is your brain processes the entire line of dialogue as soon as it appears on screen, creating a seamless experience with the show itself. When you get used to it, you'll forget they're speaking Japanese at all. The "reading" part is instantaneous unless you're a complete brainlet which apparently you are.
Why not watch dub instead? The processed information is the same because I forget that the language spoken is English too when it's in my head? There is no correct language in your head.


Next you are going to say you don't like the fucking Bebop dub.

moot would be so sad right now

so what hes a sellout fag fuck him

>Why not watch dub instead?
Because it sounds like shit?

Subs > ADV > Shitflix

If you have a fluoride brain and can't handle subtitles, watch the ADV dub.

its all dub. those aren't the actor's real voices

A bit of both

The ADV dub takes a ton of insane librities. Even in that video alone.

Unironically soul vs soulless.

Also the Netflix dub is a really awkward translation. It’s far too literal.

Are people going to be confused when the fourth Rebuild comes out and it still has the old voice cast doing the dub?

>I’m so fucked up.

>I’m the lowest of the low.

Misato sounds better in the original dub. She has a tiny bit of rasp that makes her more earthy and she has more spunk and vitality. Tiffany Grant's original voice over for Asuka is better too. Her voice has a sour, cutting element to it that can't be matched. The new Shinji sounds better in some of the scenes, but I haven't seen any of the ones where he is whiny and totally pathetic.

IMAGINE if the just used the Netflix voice cast for 4 only
Jesus Christ

ADVfags are assblasted mongoloids bitter that their meme lines like "bologna pony" are gone even though they were never in the show in the first place; dubs are cancer but the Netflix dub is less cancer because it wasn't made by a bunch of clueless boomers in Texas

go back animeniggers

Trying to listen to the new Asuka read her lines in German is honest to God painful (Tiffany Grant sounds fluent and confident, the new VA sounds like she's literally reading them for the first time and you can hear her stumble)

> less cancer
> bored interns doing line reads
> literal tranny as Shinji

I keep seeing this meme spouted but nobody ever has an example besides the "children" translation and the kowaru bit which doesn't really count because neither translation is as accurate as the other

The new dub is more accurate though desu

ADV dub was absolute soul, you cretin.

The person voicing Shinji is biologically a woman who now wants to be neither. It's not a mtf tranny like Yea Forums will propigate.

That first video makes me cringe so hard. Imagine voice actors making a joke out of their work like that. Eva should be taken more seriously than taking the piss because it's "le so confusing! xD"

I like the dub. The adult characters had the better VAs. Can't believe they gave Pen Pen actual dialogue. Fuck off weebs.

I worked with a woman once who, when viewing a subtitled video, had to quickly read each subtitle out loud. She evidently could not process it quickly enough by eye alone.

I hope YOU'RE not that much of a brainlet, user.

Spike Spencer can't be taken seriously as Shinji; he sounds like a fucking cartoon character mocking the role he's supposed to play
Subs >>> Lobotomy >>> Netflix >>> Rancid feces >>> ADV

>like a fucking cartoon character
Hate to break it to you

>they actually somehow managed to make Shinji sound even more faggy

I'm impressed.

Eva deserves more respect than that

>The voice acting is infinitely worse. It sounds like a bunch of interns reading off a sheet of paper
All the voices are a flat upgrade, especially Asuka, who's original VA wasn't bad, but this new one is really great

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I get what you're saying, but honestly I thought Spike did fine

The ADV dub wasn't good but that doesn't mean the Netflix dub automatically is either. The biggest problem the Netflix dub has is that it's boring, the voice actors are wooden in their delivery of already very stiff dialogue that resulted from "literal translations are what weebs want." This all stems from Netflix being notoriously cheap with anything that isn't The Office or Friends. As I said, the ADV dub isn't good, but it at least is a unique way to experience the show that was presented by people that really cared, even if they were misguided in their passion. This only serves as a reminder that, of all things in 2019, pirated fansubs are still the best way to go.
And just because Yea Forums is sick of Eva Netflix threads doesn't mean you can make one here. Go back.

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Everyone in Eva is supposed to be a miserable bitter fuck and the Netflix dub does that better

Asukas is the one I'm most torn on. I think she definitely is better at spoken dialog, but the ADV girl has better range which is good for her breakdowns.

I was VERY disappointed in Asukas last stand in Netflix's EoE. Especially when she descovers the truth of the AT Field, which might be my favorite moment in the whole franchise. The enthusiasm just isn't there in the Netflix one

I prefer Japanese with no subtitles but the Netflix version has a better translation and has more consistency but it lacks the soul and passion that the ADV dub had.

The Mangle Entertainment dubs of the movies, however, take way too many liberties from the Japanese version and the ADV dub.
The Netflix dubs of the movies are miles better than the Manga dubs.

Japanese > ADV > Netflix > Manga

Aren't the Manga dubs and the ADV dubs the same?

what the fuck

>Shinji cracks an out of place joke in ADV that wasn't in the sub

And that's why Netflix was better. Regardless of quality of german

The Manga dubs had many alterations which contradict the ADV dub.
Even if most of the original voice cast is in the Manga dub, I can imagine that Matt Greenfield was the one keeping AWL from going all-out with her silly alterations lie the splooshing sound effect in EoE.
Unfortunately, the Manga dubs didn't have anything to do with Matt Greenfield so AWL went all out, as evidenced by the audio commentary of the movies.
Amanda Winn-Lee even mistranslated the line about Adam and Lilith, saying that Adam came from Lilith instead of saying that Adam is a vessel of life just like Lilith.

From what I read from a German speaker, her interjections are sort of odd; "Dumkof" instead of Dummkopf and "Schiess" instead of Schiesse

*Scheisse I mean

I watch all my anime dub lmao

Fuck your subs weeb ass bitch

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Spike Spencer is the eternal GOAT. Everyone else can go suck a penguin.

What's the manga dub

Why do they still refer to singular pilots as “children”? As in addressing Shinji as “You must be the third children”.

Clearly the original was a translation error but then they just kept it in the new dub even though it sounds awkward as fuck?

Because Glorious Nippon made them

New dub Shinji sounds better in emotional scenes, but in regular speaking scenes he sounds weird.

Lord have mercy.

Supposedly the originals studio forced them

Based and this

ADV licensed a bunch of other anime instead of the Evangelion movies so Manga instead licensed the movies.
At least Manga got most of the ADV cast back for the movies but Amanda Winn-Lee (voice of Rei and one of the English dub directors alongside Matt Greenfield, who voiced Makoto Hyuga) went full retard when dubbing the movies and changed a lot of shit that made it inconsistent with the ADV series dub despite getting much of the same cast.
AWL even changed a lot of stuff like adding a cartoony splooshing sound effect in some scenes of EoE and changing the sound of a slap in Death to a gunshot to signify that Kaji died even though the sound is supposed to be of Asuka slapping Shinji.

The fuck? How have I never heard of this

Which movies? All of them? I don't remember inconsistencies in EoE

They changed the pronounciation of Eva from "ey-va" to "ev-va", among other things.

There are two movies on the original Neon Genesis canon: Death and Rebirth, and The End of Evangelion.
Manga got both Death and Rebirth and The End of Evangelion.

Everyone in the thread........ HAVE SEX

Normally I'd watch dubs if it's okay to the ears so I could concentrate on watching instead of reading.
But FUCK whoever did the dubs on Millennium Actress. Fucking VA sounds goddamned old even when she's supposed to be depicting a young girl.

Noticing a ton of stock sound effects on this rewatch on Netflix. Door sounds, alarms, computer noises, etc. lot of stuff my brain has heard over and over in cheap movies.

Damn Netflix must have really skimped judging by all the open license sounds in this.


ALL animation is dubbed.

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>Millennium Actress
Just watched this a week ago dont really remember having a problem with the voices. The only dub that I found to be truly bad was the original Ghost in the Shell movie.

How badly did Netflix fuck this one up?

A stark improvement. Probably it's best part actually.

Rei specifically sounds much better

Holy fuck this dialog is atrocious

its supposed to be cheesy

This completely BTFOs ADVshits

>That part 20 minutes in
Holy fuck

Wait, people actually defend the original dub? It's fucking awful, probably half the reason this show has so many haters.

>The Netflix version pretty clearly has better dialog
It's very robotic because they weren't allowed to localize anything. I don't know how anyone could prefer "I'm the lowest" to "I'm so fucked up"

The casting was the best thing about the 90s ADV dub. The directing wasn't. We the fans were hoping that the original cast would be able to do their roles justice in a redub where they had proper direction, script, and microphones and it hurts that they never got that chance.

I'm new to this show and I've been watching the original dub and the Netflix dub simultaneously, sort of switching back and forth. I think the Netflix dub's dialogue is a bit stiff in areas but it's streamlined in a way to where I've not really cringed at anything. I think I'll keep watching both at the same time, to experience the high highs of the ADV dub but the more streamlined and natural sounding dialogue of the Netflix one.

hey can someone please point me in the direct of the sub and og dub versions of this show? like a torrent or smthn

I think it's better because it has a charm to it, not because it's objectively better.

Stop defending Amanda Winn Lee's dub. She fucked up and meddled with so much shit.

>no watching the french dub with Italian subs

You're all fucking plebs.

>Watching dubs

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Its weird i watched a anime in subtitles and whenever I think back to a memory of a scene. My brain translates what I read into them speaking English
but i will always choose dub

"Truly, I have renounced my humanity and have become a monster."

English dubs have never really worked for me, save for one when I was kid with the likes of Pokemon, DBZ, Yu-Gi-Oh etc.

Just the fact they have to use a different language from the original to go with the animation and also get the same point across. It just feels very unnatural a majority of the time.

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>not watching the version where there's still sound but all the dialogue is muted so you have to read their lips (in the original Japanese) to figure out what they're saying

Shinji is supposed to be a pacifist Jap surrounded by war criminals; Spencer's whiny bitchboi voice completely misses the point

Women are literally retarded.

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They both sound fine, just one butchered the german

netflix roastie sounds so hot struggling to read german
she should read an entire german book out loud that way

Nah, Shinji is a whiny bitchboi so the whiny bitchboi voice is spot on.

Also he wiped out the entire human race so if anyone is a war criminal it's him.

Holy shit, she sounds like one of those crappy "Learn a foreign language" audiobooks.

Play the dub along with the subs and you'll see they did localize the lines, just not to the point of making shit up like ADV.

this, if the dubs are really bad then I drop the anime. Fuck reading and listening to high pitched weeb shit

Former carries infinitely more weight to it. Jerking off to the tits of a comatose girl who YOU put in a coma is not "the lowest" it's "fucked up".

jesus did they really change it to that?


It's also the only real swear of the whole franchise and is remarkably different in tone/style to all other dialog of the series

Anno didn't know what shinji should say, if anything, after the scene and the voice actor ad-libbed it (which is why there's no lip animation to it

It's pretty great except for Shinji.

>Anno didn't know what shinji should say, if anything, after the scene and the voice actor ad-libbed it (which is why there's no lip animation to it
This must makes me all the more pissed that they went with a different line. They fucking knew how iconic that moment was and "I'm the lowest of the low" is no replacement.

That line fucking sucked anyway. "Lowest of the low" admits that you're beyond fucked up. You're worthless. The line works for the scene MOTHERFUCKING WEEBS

Allison Keith is a literal 10/10 in everything she does.
I tried liking the new Misato but it's just not right.

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I dunno about the american one but the german redub is so much fukkin worse i instantly closed it when i heard shinjis new voice

Except no one talks that way. If you just did something incredibly fucked up, guess what's the best way to express that in the moment?

Where have I seen this?

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>can't post 3d on Yea Forums
>can post 2d on Yea Forums
>can post politics on Yea Forums
>can't post films on Yea Forums
>can't post international television on Yea Forums

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Why are resetera trannies absolutely SEETHING at the Neetflix sub making Shinji "ambiguously gay" when there was literally nothing at all in the original that made him gay anyway and at best it was already ambiguous as fuck?

Are they just sour because they didn't turn a non-gay character into outright gay to appease lgbt subhumans?

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Definitely agreed, new Misato's delivery didn't at all have the loving older sister feel Allison Keith did when she talked to Shinji. Just sounded like a grown woman he was staying with and nothing more.

>implying either dub is worth watching

this lispy british retard really needs to learn how to speak

doesn't help he sounds half-asleep