The absolute state of Japanese ""cinema""
The absolute state of Japanese ""cinema""
How do you go from Seven Samurai to this?
the culture got more and more degenerate as time passed
>oh, I'll just do what people do in the animes! that'll work
Why is she so fucking mean? Holy shit.
only good film to come out of japan the last 20 years has been, well, jav.
name of this movie?
By cherry picking
The Hidden Fortress
americas capekino is based on our comic books. japan capekino is based on their manga.
surprising desu
This used to be true, until shin godzilla come out.
You should watch it btw.
>Kiyoshi Kurosawa's cult days long over
>Takashi Miike takes twenty films to shit out something decent
>Takeshi Kitano has sucked for two decades
>Hideaki Anno will be leaning on NGE until the grave
>Hayao Miyazaki will probably die in the 20s
Who do they actually have left except Koreeda?
How long until Japan perfects race science and finally achieve their goal of becoming white? Also will South Korea beat them to it.
Hideo the Kojima
Whats good about that movie? It's like avengers but with terrible acting
Then he dies and gets isekaied as underwear washing machine
How did Japanese cinema go from most based in Asia to most cringe in just 20 years?
Nips pandering to weebs: volume 3,965, 042
>>Kiyoshi Kurosawa's cult days long over
>>Takashi Miike takes twenty films to shit out something decent
>>Takeshi Kitano has sucked for two decades
>>Hideaki Anno will be leaning on NGE until the grave
>>Hayao Miyazaki will probably die in the 20s
>Who do they actually have left except Koreeda?
I like Kiyoshi Kurosawa though his good days are also probably gone.
seven samurai and godzilla came out the same year
zoomers will fucking hang