Disney did not ruin Star Wars

If you feel that Star Wars is ruined because you don’t like one or two movies then guess what, the problem is with you and not Disney. A few bad movies will not kill a franchise this massive. If that was the case then Star Wars would have been ruined and dead a LONG time ago.

Star Wars has a history of being uneven. At best.

Let’s look at the original trilogy. It has two fantastic movies and one that was OK. I always liked Return of the Jedi but a lot of fans crapped all over it. After A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back, ROTJ was viewed as a major disappointment. People tore apart everything from the opening sequence at Jabba’s Palace to the Ewoks. Out of the Original Trilogy it also has the distinction of not aging as well as the other two.

So we have one meh movie and two phenomenal movies. Not a bad track record so far. But let’s look at everything else that came out before the 90’s. The Holiday Special, Ewoks: Caravan of Courage and The Battle for Endor, the Ewoks and Droids cartoons… all of those were loads of crap. Now the ratio of good vs crap is much, much worse.

Star Wars still wasn’t ruined.

Now we enter what is arguably the golden age of Star Wars. The birth of a cohesive Expanded Universe with the Timothy Zahn’s Thrawn Trilogy. Like the rest of the Star Wars universe you have some fantastic stories (anything done by Zahn, X-Wing, Dark Horses Republic series once Ostrander became a major writer on it), and some absolute garbage (most of Kevin J Andersons work, Trioculous, Dark Empire, Calista’s stories).

You know what? Star Wars wasn’t ruined.

This brings us to the Dark Times. The times of Jar Jar. The times of little Annie and pod racing. The times where we learn just how diabolical sand is. The times of the Prequel Trilogy. The most positive thing I have said about those movies is “Revenge of the Sith isn’t complete crap.” That is the best I’ve heard a lot of other people say as well.

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No... I am your janny

Almost 14 years after ROTS came out we’re still talking about Star Wars and shelling out tons of money on new movies and merchandise. It’s fair to say Star Wars wasn’t ruined then either.

Disney comes in and cleans house. They throw out the old Expanded Universe which is a blessing in disguise. As I already stated, there had been so much crap in the EU and so many plots that made no sense that it was impossible for newbies to jump right in. The books had become more and more convoluted as they try to tell new stories and Dark Horse had started to run out of ideas. Scraping it gave authors a fresh start.

Disney’s biggest mistake was cancelling Clone Wars. It had grown into a fantastic show. Disney’s problem is that it was getting too dark for their target audience. They cancelled and replaced it with the more kid friendly Star Wars: Rebels.

Pre-Disney we have two wonderful movies, four movies ranging from simply OK to being torturous to watch, one good cartoon out of three, and other Expanded Universe material that, when taken as a whole, has about a 50/50 split in it’s quality.

Now Disney is in charge.

Guess what…there has been some fantastic material that came out after Disney’s take over.

Rebels, while geared towards younger kids, has had some excellent episodes and stories. It reintroduced Thrawn, showed Vader as a killing machine before Rogue One, brought some closure to Ahsoka’s arc, and introduced some intriguing characters.

The comics at Marvel were a breath of fresh air. Star Wars under Jason Aaron was phenomenal, Vader Down is one of my favorite Star Wars stories in any medium and we were introduced to Dr. Aphra.

The novels have been more of a mixed bag but not any more or less so than the old EU books. Dark Disciple, Lost Stars, Thrawn and Bloodline stand up to anything from the pre-Disney era.

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In my opinion the movies that have been released under Disney actually have a better ratio than the previous movies. While I don’t think any of them hold up to ANH or ESB I still found them entertaining. I liked The Force Awakens and Rogue One. Solo was OK. I did not like The Last Jedi at all. So that’s two good, one OK and one bad. That’s a better ratio then the pre-Disney movies. Much better if you’re including the horrible pre-Disney era TV movies and specials.

So did Disney ruin Star Wars? No. Did they not meet your expectations for what Star Wars should be? Probably.

And that’s OK. *

Nothing is constant. Star Wars is a franchise that has had hundreds or creators making their mark. The stories that made you a fan were probably from a specific era. You heard a specific “voice” in the stories that were dictated by the time they were created and the creators involved. Disney is producing stories with a new voice. They have new creators and are influenced by the current time. If that voice isn’t what you imagine Star Wars to be that is OK. But it doesn’t mean Star Wars is ruined. It just means you and Star Wars have grown apart.

*I just want to clarify…It’s OK if it’s just not your cup of coffee. If you think it’s ruined because of the increase of woman characters then it’s all on you.

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>Disney did not ruin Star Wars
Agree, that thing shouldnt be called Star Wars since they bought it.
Star Wars = 1-6 movies and EU (games/books)
Only disneydrones and SJWhores do not realise this.


tldr but that bitch is hot unlike that bitch from the movies

Nah, they ruined it. Even after the horror show of the prequels, people still wanted more. Now no one cares.

Star Wars was always shit.

>Rebels, while geared towards younger kids, has had some excellent episodes and stories
light saber propellors

>Star Wars under Jason Aaron was phenomenal
>anything under Aaron not being a cringefest

Then again, Disney was the first to inject identity politics into Star Wars, so perhaps Lucas and Andersons just didn't try hard enough.

>Disney did not ruin Star Wars
Not yet, but they're trying. The sequel trilogy is going to be so disjointed when it's all said and done that it's going to make the others seem like masterpieces.

So boring that it's not worth rewatching. Seriously, try it. It's terrible.
Just a poorly written movie that tries to retroactively ruin all the others (but, it's still more rewatchable than TFA).
Likely retconning TLJ and doubling down on the sorta-Star Wars-y sci-fi we seen in Solo. Also, will probably be boring thanks to JJ.

So maybe not entirely ruined like I said, but they at least half-way there. Another trilogy of nonsense ought to do it though.

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More slave jenny

Peddle your crack elsewhere you fucking shill. I'm so sick of you assholes trying to convince me that Disney wasn't the worst thing to have happened to the franchise. Go fuck yourself

Reminder that people are paid to do this, just ignore the obvious shills. I mean is it a coincidence that all this started up again when something big about star wars was gonna happen?

haha wow do you think if you moved that strip of cloth aside you could see her pusy? like imagine if she wasn't even wearing any underwear, just the loincloth. whoa that would be crazy haha

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>box office returns plummeting
>merch sales dropping like a rock
>public interest and fan reaction in the toilet
>only people who pretend to like it just like that it supports their agendas
it's dead

Did anyone else watch star wars and wish they could take the place of princess Leia... as a beautiful princess enslaved to a giant fat slug who would slobber all over your lewd body...

This so much this.

I can smell the misinformation campaigning a mile away with this shill

People who shit on the Jabba’s Palace scenes in ROTJ should be publicly executed.

the pictures make this really obvious as a marketer