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A movie written by a homosexual.

Homos can be redpilled

He's just like me

cool it with the anti-semitic remarks, tranny

Jim Uhls is a faggot?

That's why it's based and redpilled, he doesn't need roasties

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But thinner, richer and handsome.

Just the last two.

Chuck P is based. A shame his best novel, Survivor, will never be made into a film.


I was always during that impression, like wtf Tyler why would you say such a gay thing.


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Reminder in this scene he's just talking to himself.

just like me

he didn't write the movie, though. he wrote the book the movie is based on.

>doesn't have a chad skull
>still chad
lmao /fit/ BTFO

>chuck p
eventually Sneed F

no. chuck palahniuk is a faggot.

whats a chad skull?

I rather take advice from a straight man.

I think they will. They just have to find an actor that can do it. This is hollywood we are talking about.


Chuck palahniuk's fan base is mostly woman. Woman mostly go to his events not men.

are you suggesting a trap?

I love how this movie is interpreted by incels and alphas as male centric, and betas and woman think its ironically male centric.

it is male centric, though

Really? That actually surprises me.

Women are the majority of book readers in general.

Another one of those nights huh user?

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No. Desiring women is for weak idiots. How could you 'love' something as pathetic as a woman? Why would that be the most important thing to you?
Fly higher, you idiots.

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The problem with black comedies and satires is the people you're making fun of rarely realize you are.

I went to a Chuck Palanuik reading and it was mostly neckbeards with copies of Fight Club

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>Fly higher, you idiots.
To where?

how does this play into the bell curve?
are middle smarts people more likely to read? or just the woman thing more likely to spend money SLASH give into weird shit

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Self purpose has nothing to do with love you absolute buffoon.

>protagonist falls in love with a crazy hoe
>Tyler's plan fails

Did the movie tried to tell us that women are an obstacle to men's objectives in life?

yes, it's basically MGTOW: the movie

People would lose theyre shit with how he was talking depressed people into killing themselves. Also the whole 9/11 similarities might not go over too well either. I wanna see a movie of the one where the little girl goes to hell.

flat-head skull like superman or kids with down syndrome

The plan still went on tho.

The only thing that changed is that the protagonist killed his inner chad.

Stick man

average, actually. not ripped like brad, though.

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I'm a firm believer that his books get bought up nowadays as movie options with no interest in ever making them so no one can make them.

i bet the jews did this

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Book was written by a fag, but Fincher cut out most of the obvious references to homosexuality and made it more about alienation and loss of male identity. But the undertones are still there. The novel was actually about Palahniuk's own alienation from straight society and he was dating a fighter at the time. It's actually something on an in-joke among gays that straight men like a movie that was a metaphor for the underground gay scene in 90s. What do you think "We don't talk about Fight Club" really means. Palachiuk is full of shit if he claims anything otherwise

>Palachiuk is full of shit if he claims anything otherwise

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Palaniuk is based.


I 100% believe everything he says. I'm also conviced anyone that doesn't like Palahniuk or Fight Club is a salty cuck. Also he's clearly redpilled and trying to hide his power level.

He said he liked the movie more than his book.

Read the book. Palahniuk is a good writer and the book is well written. It's just really really gay.

Proof chuck is a cuck. Doesn't even like his own book.

I always thought that too but I was surprised to see it's not the case. Maybe he just prefers the ending of the movie.

formerly liked his own book

That explains why it speaks to the masculine identity so well. He gets it and more because he needs no estrogen in his diet.

gays still understand masculinity.

Top gays are based

um, no. The film completely missed the point and he has said so

The book had no point and most of the good stuff is just quotes from his friends.

The film is objectively superior in every way.

But Rant is his best novel.

Give me an adaptation of Guts

it's probably different interests. men are more interested in more visually stimulating stuff, violence, engineering problems, whatever, shit it's harder to get out of a book than a video game or a comic.

there are some people who would argue it's (also) because the publishing industry discriminates against men, or men's interests - in the sense that because "men don't read" they don't publish books aimed at men and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, but I don't know how true that is. men still read plenty of non-fiction, they just don't seem very interested in much else

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Women have time to read.

It's because he also wrote invisible monsters.

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Meh. You know, men are broke and women are fat. Women want money and men want skinny. Is it any wonder why the incel population is so high?

The suicide bunker apparently

Get the fuck out of here Yea Forums!
You don't belong on Yea Forums!
All your fucking "sneed" and "formerly" shit, you're fucking useless!

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i feel like if you get to the point im at, where you had a long term relationship and marriage and then lost it but made it through without kids or jumping into some next thing, once the loneliness subsides you realize women aren't shit and life is so much easier without them. maybe ill fuck a hooker here and there if i figure out where to find those chicks, but otherwise why would i want to complicate life? im raking it in, i answer to no one, and there isnt an ounce of drama in my life.

Fuck my dad. I am going to shank the shit out of him if he blames my mom for my own failures that are mostly my own fault and his for not helping in raising me.

did that for a decade. shit gets so boring man. I'm at the point where I miss the drama. but I can't help but remove retarded people from my life. I have no problems... and that's starting to become a problem.

Sounds like you are a boring asshole who is afraid of challenging himself. Sounds like you've made yourself a neat little life loop and just repeat that.

sounds like you're doing the same but not for long enough

Dubs and I clear my mind by fucking the girl who rejected me next month.

women literally read mostly young adult fiction. i wouldn't even count that as reading.

thing is im sure ill miss the drama soon enough. i was like that for the first few months being single but i feel like i passed a milestone and dont give a shit about any of this. its not a good thing though. i spent half my life getting it in regularly and now i feel like i have more in common with the KHVs here.

poor paul rudd