Just how hard can you scrape the bottom of the barrel?

Just how hard can you scrape the bottom of the barrel?

Attached: Han Leia.png (674x588, 608K)

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>Marvels start wars
What the fuck is this? did i miss something?

>buy a franchise worth billions
>haven't the slightest fucking clue what to do with it
what did they mean by this?


Canonical, baby!

>4 and a half years
Fucking HELL Marvel, there were only three years between ANH and TESB, get over it already.

Attached: Shatner what the fuck.gif (178x195, 875K)

Forget about Star Wars, you will be a happier person.

can't wait for leia lovers list

>haven't the slightest fucking clue what to do with it
>what did they mean by this?

I don't think even they know.
Buy late 2020 I'm expecting StarWars productions that are literally cellphone footage of executives throwing shit at fans to see what sticks.

It's going to be a comic.

Something else nobody asked for.

Marvel ruins comics and now they try and ruin Star Wars?
Honestly wish every single Disney employee died.

well fuck this shit marvel doesnt know how to write comics anymore, everything good is from old era.

They announced episode 7 during the purchase without having anything at all. They know what to do with it, money. And even today despite being defecated on the face again and again there are people with 'hype' to see Episode IX and talking about how excited they are for palpatine.

not everything

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Star Wars us dead... bury it

>literally squirrel girl crap writing.
you must be joking.

It can't be money driven.
If it were money driven they could literally just not upset the fans, hire a competent writer/director and blow these numbers out to like 3-4 billion.
Rogue One made over a billion and it's literal (who) characters. It made that because it didn't go out of its way to upset the fans.
Solo bombed because the fans were upset and no one wanted a Han Solo movie.
"Star Wars fatigue" is a retarded concept considering Marvel pump out movie after movie, year by year.

Marvel literally produced Star Wars comics before Star Wars was even a movie

you zoomers should KYS

Current day Marvel isn't Marvel from the 90's.
t. retard.

a bloo bloo bloo muh politics muh essjaydouble(You)s

have sex

It's called Over-confidence in the IP. They thought the movies would print money forever with little effort. It was a new Marvel Cinematic Universe but bigger and cooler.

fuck off paki, learn the language

If you actually think the quality is the same as before.
Here's a video for your retarded brain.
It's terrible art work and writing regardless of politics.

Except for when the next star war comes out and you get to explain to normies daily for a month again why you don't care at all about it without hurting their fragile feelings.

Fuck, at first I read it like "PRO-Empire relationship" and I guessed the story was gonna be akin to the Cap America being Hydra storyline (yes they did that) or some retcon shit like that, but nah. Still looks like it's gonna suck Chewie's balls tho. Nu-Marvel and nu-SW are meant for each other. The fucking hacks.

>have a fleshed out property revolving around a galaxy with trillions of inhabitants and thousands of locales and vistas to visit
>"Hey, I have an idea! Let's make nothing but media about the same eight characters on the same ship shooting the same evil empire with the evil space laser."

why tho

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>So that's the power of Feminism
The Snap in hyper slow motion, that's how I would describe it.

>Solo bombs
>time to emasculate Han as penance
Man, the relationship dynamic is going to be absolutely retarded, I can feel it in my bones.


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Why does he need training?
He's the son of the chosen one, can't he just swing his lightsaber at a rock like Rey and instantly achieve level 70?
In fact no, Rey didn't even need to do that, she could just use it against Kylo in episode one despite never wielding one or having any training.

Who cares? They end up bitter and divorced. Disney ruined this relationship.

And who cares about this? Luke fails and becomes a coward and die achieving nothing.

Why are they still trying to push the OT despite the sequel trilogy making everything that happened in the OT pointless? What is the point of going “Member the OT?” When we still ‘member’ the sequel trilogy going on.

I though we were suppose to LET THE PAST DIE, KILL IT IF YOU HAVE TO?

Yeah, if the MCU can survive thirty movies, Star Wars could have done the same.

>Luke gets more training but not Rey

It's Disney backpedaling hard.
You know what would save Star Wars?
Introducing that thing from Rebels, the "world beyond worlds" (Time Travel. Yep for those that don't watch cartoons time travel is canon in Disney Star Wars)

Literally make the sequel trilogy non-canon.
This is what you do.
Send Rey back in time to stop Luke from attacking Kylo. Easy.
Bring back Luke leading new Jedi, Ben being on the light. Can still do your nostalgia bait Palpatine story.
Rey is the unappreciated savior who fixed Star Wars canon.
You can still have Rey for episodes 10, 11, 12 but an "alternative" version of her.
The reason her lightsaber skills are so powerful in episode 7 and 8 is because of skill bleed through. (Or if the actress doesn't want to come back, idk just leave her on Jakku)

Isn’t this pointless since now anyone can become a master of the force without training?
Rey can already lift a hundred large boulders and easily use a lightsaber. Even the slave kid can use to force to move brooms with no training.

Yeah it's retarded, they've turned the force into superpowers. Even Jedi Masters who trained their whole lives got gunned down in Order 66 by blasters. What was the point in training, and meditating, if you can just use the force and do what Rey does.

Not just Rey, even the kid at the end of TLJ could easily lift a broom to him.

The force is no longer special or hard work.

pretty fucking hard

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Incompetence is the only answer. How else could they have thought that giving exclusive video game publishing rights to EA was a good idea? Years later and there are still barely any new SW games, even though they could be printing money by spamming games across every genre
>"Star Wars fatigue" is a retarded concept considering Marvel pump out movie after movie, year by year.
Side story movies set across the timeline and universe would've done fine, but pumping out the main trilogy titles this fast is a bad decision

fuck normie feelings call them a man baby and ask if they want to watch mlp while shoving a banana up their ass.

>get over it already
They can’t.
Post-Return of the Jedi continuity sucks. Wendig’s books are shitty and boring. No one wants to do anything in that time period because of all the stupid stories and creative choices from writers at that time.

It also doesn’t help that certain continuity parts are under strict control. No one can fully explain The Knights of Ren until they know JJ ain’t gonna use/explain them or conflict anything else in the sequel trilogy. Same goes for Star Wars deep past and future until it is decided what they are going to look like.

Episodes one through five are the safest timeline areas.

I think you mean dark horse comics

Stop the idiotic concept of only doing "canon" games.
Don't renew EA license.
Easy money for Disney.

People have already forgotten Finn, Rey, Poe and Kylo.

These days, people aren't fatigued by anything. They're used to binge 10-14 hours of mediocre Netflix shows almost daily they're simply forgetting about that "Star Wars thing" that was popular 40 years ago.

Star Wars is so famous, it garners no hype. It's what every consumer product fears - to be commiditized. Like Tivo, Band-Aid, Cola, Star Wars is seen as just "that thing everybody know about" rather than a special product that garnest buying interest.

T. Business retard who gets drunk and shitposts afterwards instead of spending his time more usefully

Han and Leia had three children: Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin. Who the f is Ben!?

How about a 30 minute sitcom set in the Cantina on Tatooine.
Different guest stars each week along with a cast of well loved Cantina favorites.
Think Cheers, but in the Star Wars universe.
Just recycle all the Cheers scripts, just add the SW twist.

Now if Disney would just buy the Star Trek, Tolkien, Alien, Terminator, Predator, Mad Max and 007 franchises, imagine the crossovers.

It would be poetic.

He might as well have chopped his own dick off and gotten a vagina instead to save some time and effort.

But I wanna see how they got their signature suits.

Cap being a HYDRA agent was due to the meddling of a cosmic entity

Attached: Kao Cen Darach and Satele Shan vs Lord Vindican and Malgus.webm (1000x562, 2.96M)

>Marvel was making Star Wars comics before 1977

Ok, sweaty

Not really before the movie, but almost at the same time.

In fact Star Wars saved Marvel from bankruptcy.

Attached: Comic.png (309x519, 374K)

Interesting. Too bad it's gonna be dog shit.

His training was only what was seen in the first 2 movies.wtf are they doing

The funny thing is IT could have been if it had been planned properly. Instead Kathleen and co tried to change the themes and characters to cash in on dated social media and political trends.

Uhm lets see..
>Cool action and fighting choreography
display of toxic masculinity
>Hot female lead
le male gaze
>Competent villains
Nahzees can't look cool! Reeeeeeee
Now that's actually pretty problematic user

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>Marvel from the 90s
Marvel ceased to be Marvel by the mid-point of the 90s, if not earlier in that decade.
The original Star Wars comics were 70s/80s anyway

>Cap being a HYDRA agent was due to the meddling of a cosmic entity
Is "cosmic entity" by any means a code word for "SJW infestation" ?

>Han and Leia's pre-Empire relationship
so when they didn't even knew each other? wtf

Based George sold that dead horse.

Boomers and Gen Xers did. That’s why we’re in this mess in the first place.

Literally no one over the age of 30 wanted any more star wars movies. The only people I've met in real life who were actually looking forward to the new shit were 22 and 23 year old soi boy zoomers

What happened is Marvel has to keep going back to the OT well because:
T-hey have no idea what the hell is going on for the Sequel Trilogy (the lack of timeskip means no way to expand on things and JJ trying extra hard to not reveal anything to people also means nobody knows what direction to go in)
-OT stuff sells better than Sequel Trilogy stuff

>MEANWHILE in Pre-Disney EU
>there is another comic/novel that shows some random back ground character from Mos Eisly super important and has done many things!
>over the years everyone in that bar had become a spy/secret jedi/sith/rebel leader/inspired the lead characters to take the actions they did in the movies/was the REAL reason things succeeded.

That’s 100% bullshit.

Every Boomer/Gen Xer.

>Millennium Falcon!
>Han and Chewie!
>Old Luke!
>Classic lightsaber battles!
>Practical effects!
>AT-ATs on a Hoth like planet! Like I’m Empire!
>I can’t wait to relive my childhood with my kids!
>Thank you Disney!

Attached: Satele vs Malgus.webm (854x480, 2.38M)

>Practical effects!
Didn't the sequels use more cgi than phantom menace?

Kek, dumb zoomer. You grew up watching the shitty PT and you're mad the new movies pandered to the OT. It seems pretty clear YOU were looking forward Disney shit.

This is good because it expands on the universe and makes it seem big with hundreds of characters doing their own thing behind the scenes. An issue with the Disney EU is that it only focuses on the main cast and ignores everyone else

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No way you’re that fucking stupid

Yeah but Gen Xers don’t know that

that would be good if that is what they did.
they did not.
what they did do was take random background characters and make them super important to the story of the movies.

>you see the REAL reason the rebels blew up the Deathstar 2 was because IG-88 was uploaded to the core and was fucking things up!

90% of the shit from EU read like shitty fanfiction.

Why did he shill for TFA?

Attached: Darach Dualwield.webm (720x486, 1.98M)

they had to start pre production on each comic 6 months to a year before the movies, thus the star wars comic has a 6 foot gill man Jaba and Empire had a Purple Yoda