The Bill Burr renaissance is upcoming. Be ready faggots

The Bill Burr renaissance is upcoming. Be ready faggots.

You all naysayers and doubters shall repent.

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he looks like my crazy uncle

I fucking love Bill Burr

only way he'll be funny again is all the new material he's gonna get after his divorce

Burr is making a comeback? Fuckin' brutal.

Based Burr trascending to Lemmy tier. Maybe his next special won't be fucking shit then.

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A divorce would be good for his career.

I'm just shitposting, but Bill has been my favorite comedian for years. Nia has made his comedy suffer like I wouldn't believe. I listened to every fucking one of his podcasts and tolerated her. Until the one where right after he had to get rid of his dog Cleo. Listening to how broken he sounded just fucked me up.


It's kind of impressive how many Burr fans have i seen having this exact same experience in this exact moment. It's almost like a dancer lost his legs or some shit, in the way the reaction has been so definitive and propagated.

You remember Bill's bit about letting go of religion? I did the same thing with Bill's podcast.

and found religion shortly after

And I stopped watching the usual Rogan suspects: anything with Bert, Rogan, Kriesher, Theo Von, etc.

Waste of time dishonest hacks tbqh

>Waste of time dishonest hacks tbqh
This is why I don't follow any real comedian podcasts anymore really, and ones I did were just very few and far between. If their career is meant to be about making up and weaving tales that are presented in a believable manner, then I have a hard time taking them seriously. When does the honesty and reality really converge here? I am sure there are honest comedians out there, I am certain of that, but I've heard too many tall tales from this subsection of entertainment for me to believe what anyone of them says anymore.

I don't think so...

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Same here. Since he's been in New York and Nia isn't around his podcast picked up a bit, imo.

Podcasts are retarded anyway, you could be listening to a structured and with a real point audiobook in the same ammount of time you listen to the routine of weekly retards reacting to the same shit about how the internet is mad at someone or whatever.

Bert is the worst, he has an annoying personality type which i like to call "desperate enthusiasm"

I dislike the other guy even more. The jewy guy who does the podcast with his wife. What a creep.

His dog was a rescue pit bull that had lunged at people when they came into his home. He be a horrible parent if he kept that dog around his newborn

Don't you find it charming how he cuts out everybody in the middle of a story and makes some shit up to upstage them every single time.

tom segura?


*dramatic pause*
*commercial break*
*small replay followed by the same dramatic pause*


>that comment on the ig

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and laughs hysterically while still trying to get words out, meanwhile spit is building up on the corners of his mouth and he is crying with a red face, squealing like a pig, to ultimately say nothing funny at all. also his brain is destroyed from alcohol abuse and it takes him 2 minutes to put a coherent sentence together, um um um. it's crazy how one shitty story about a trip to russia can maintain a career for so long

for reference #1

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>tom segura
>jewy guy
this has to be bait

Holy shit and that guys is whiter than Bill and that girl is africaner than his wife.

He let his mustache grow so he would be noticed at a gay parade. I'm not making this up.


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you sound like every broken 50 year old who spoke to the youth group when i was growing up

This is a horrible example, even between blacks and ginger hybrids these are anomalies.

He's not as angry and sharp as he used to be. Ever since he married that monkey. We need a new comedian.

why you gotta be racist bro?

maybe she is tan? i mean they were at the beach, nigs get dark in the sun

they look like cookies. truly disgusting.


But why be ambiguous about it? "Oh my baby her face is going to be seen by people!" Bitch a face isn't going to stop weirdos from finding your kid.

Remember the retard fit Burr threw on h3h3 over mentioning his sister? I imagine he's hiding his daughter like it's Area 51 or something.

>the retard fit
bill has always been standoffish when it comes to personal stuff

>All these seething incels while based Nia and Bill tour the world together.

Jealous much?

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Should mention that off screen before you start streaming or talking to somebody, weird.

>black woman

>wasting your based Irish genes on that pre-evolutionary specimen resulting in a kid that doesn't even look like you
true degeneracy

kek, the look on bills face
>if only you knew...

on par with theogate desu


Based Patterson poster.



theo von fucked tom sugar's wife while he was on mtv with her

LMAO kid's as black as the night holy shit

why should i watch this

bill burr is an albino nigger

i don't want you to watch this

Honestly I dont think Comedians are supposed to get married. It always ends poorly for both parties

Oh no
Not again

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>and found religion shortly after

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He's gonna be a bounty hunter with a shoulder laser cannon in The Mandalorian. His acting career is on the come up.

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Most of their jokes revolve around funny shit they did or hurt while hanging out with their (guy) friends. A wife lessens that and their material suffers. Plus a woman will tell him not to joke about certain things, like what Nia does to Bill. Along with living on the road, it can't help but add to the stress.

Did someone buy his drum set finally?

Don’t get why these autist don’t remember him saying this

That's it!
Imma gun watch it!

He can still be upset about it though.

Time ran out and Nia burned it.

stay strong billlll

His podcast is still gold.

Him and Nia have been going out for 9 years or so before they got married. All of those jokes that have "my girl" in them? She was the girl.

>star wars in 2019
>acting career on the come up

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is that the one where they exploit mentally ill people for clicks and cheap laughs?


She's not even a hot black woman, Bill could do way better