For me? It's gotta be up and coming podcasting legend and stand up icon Andrew Santino!

For me? It's gotta be up and coming podcasting legend and stand up icon Andrew Santino!

And you?

Attached: file.png (466x772, 578K)

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Yeah I like him too

i'd fuck his mouth

no homo

He knows what Joe Rogan's dick tastes like.

i'd saythat's homo


How many times has he beat his wife?

Why does every guy these days look like this? It's fucking boring. He looks like the kind of ididot who'd thank you for kicking his face in, then fucking his wife.

looks fine to me. im guessing youre very ugly and projecting

How does this explain why OP looks boring and like a fucking docile deer in headlights? He has the look where you could literally take a steaming shit right on his face and he'd just chuckle a little and tell you to stop being so rowdy.

>looks fine to me.

Looks like every other loser out there. you probably listen to a lot of top 40 pop don't you?

Have sex

>Looks like every other loser out there
looks like hes a lot more successful than you, loser
>you probably listen to a lot of top 40 pop don't you?
i dont, but i dont see how that's relevant


Beards are a way out for a lot of ugly dudes, so they go for that look

This is a Schaub board, on sorry

Attached: 1498004338200.png (615x590, 299K)

They're still gonna pick on you once middle school starts up in September bruh

>looks like hes a lot more successful than you, loser

Going by your logic, a guy like Mark Zuckerberg isn't successful at all.

There's literally nothing interesting going on here. What was your endgame in picking such a boring photo to shill with?

Have intercourse

How is it we can all tell you wear Beats™ brand headphones, just by your posting style?

you're the one who said he looks like a loser.
zuckerberg may be ugly, but hes not a loser

>middle schooler once again uses sex as a status metric

You already did this and you looked underage b& the first time you did it, why try again?

Use other person as a fleshlight

all of your guesses about my life have been wrong so far so i suggest you give up

BASED Zoomer white knighting xer FotM streamer 4 F R E E

Would you have prefered something whacky like this you fruit?

Attached: file.png (728x1409, 1.58M)

based angry virgin

Rent free

Have sex

This guy looks like he bathes in his wife's boyfriend's cum

oh cool its another literal who comedian who sucks up to joe rogan for a career

Perform the sexual act

why are you so intimidated by him? lay off already dude.



What are some redhead kinos?

Attached: r.jpg (250x358, 13K)

>santino (filthy dago)
>red hair
The fucks going on here? I never heard of a wop without beady black eyes.

This dude is primo annoying.

am i god?

>go to his channel
>see a podcast
>guest is a woman

hahahaha what a joke
yes, love seeing him bomb!
>he thinks $80 is a lot of money!

I'm redhead and I wish there were some

He's doing it on purpose fuck off, he didn't bomb.

Redheads are chads

Tim Dillon

The worst possible choice. Not funny at all, literally just repeats whatever Rogan Theo or The kid say. His special was so fucking bad maybe the worst of all time. Definitely sucking Togans dick also so obvious the toe is a closet gay. Beandip Sclub is his fuck toy.

Santino was good on that short lived Showtime show about stand up in the 70s, Im Dying Up Here.

Montez from Workaholics was on it as well.

Sir, anyone who stands tow to toe with Theo in a roast is worthy of praise

(I included 'sir' to calm me down for not getting angry towards your ignorance, as I recently watched that video in full earlier today, to give my tone perspective)

You have to go back

Have sex

I really liked it, too bad yous and mes is the only people who watched it.

Doesn't exist.