ITT: Overrated "classic" films

>ITT: Overrated "classic" films

yes pic related

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You first



u blind?

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Indiana Jones and The Lost Ark

90% of movies highly rated movies from before 1970, but especially these.

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u mad white boi? Being a nigga is great you know what im sayin? All da white pussy be chasin my big black dick

cringe kys

A nigger is killed by a White Man in the movie so it's already a masterpiece in my book.

u be cringin even mo when I fuck yo mama while you cuckold ass daddy watches

2/10 larping incel. have sex.

the godfather

I am, with yo mama

you're a larping incel? lmao okay all settled then.

Look at this pleb. How is Fellini overrated?

Um, because his movies are impossible to sit through?

>because his movies are impossible to sit through?

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>since you don't like these movies, you must go to that site I don't like

Wow, you sure told me. Fellini is garbage for people who think they have taste.


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A clockwork orange

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