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Other urls found in this thread:

oh oh oh it's magic

its pretty simple thermodynamics, actually. you would know this if you went to college


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speed force

Yeah just ride a bike properly once you hit 20

>I have never rode a pushbike: the thread

is this photo shopped? wtf

Why would someone take the time to shop this image?

What's the problem?
You can't ride a bike like that?

Attached: ed_3.jpg (600x900, 306K)

Is this real life?


Attached: ed_1.jpg (900x600, 200K)

im pretty sure thats not how you ride a pushbike... I've heard of ladies side saddling and its not that

Wtf is this real?

I don't understand

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>>itt zumies that have never once ridden a bicycle so it looks like witchcraft

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You don't ride a bike by hanging your entire body on one side of it.


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I hope that's his daughter and not... You know... Cause he'd probably split her in half.

>he doesn't know

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That look in his eye, he knows deep down

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I wonder if dicks are proportionate to your body or just random
Midgets have normal sized dicks. Do giants have gigantic dicks?

>he's never dismounted from a bicycle at speed

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in general height is the factor that has the most correlation to penis size, but even then its not a 100%, i mean look at ron jeremy.

and yet they never learn

That black guy really pissed that other black guy off goddamn

you guys think he also has a big dick and cums a lot? you know being a big guy and all

has cg gone too far?


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They usually don't. Tall people have average sized genitals that look tiny on them and midgets have average sized genitals that look huge. It's one thing that really doesn't scale much.

>not wanting a mommy gf
there's really just no hope for some posters on here

>slams him into the counter instead of punching
>then body slams him

Attached: life goals.png (720x751, 709K)

that fucking hangtime

Some idiot wrote the sign on backwards.

Just be confident.

Daily reminder. Not human.

what are blacks so violent

The manlet was getting uppity and brought it on himself. This behavior happens across all races.

maybe he's good with calculation

We did this when we were kids to be cool. When stopping you take one leg over as your bike is coming to a stop, then you hop off. Didn’t ride for like ten years and when it was time to stop I did this move without thinking.

>Mfw I realized I had done it

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photo shlp

Your face was a stupid whore that deserves to be killed?


hol up

>lying on the internet
>lying on an anonymous board
take the you and kys fag

Fake news, blacks aren’t violent

Deh yaeh gahn ahnni dhagss?

yooooo nigga jus got knocked the fUCK out by jackie chan!


when women marry guys like that, it's usually because they're extremely good at eating pussy

women deny it because it makes them seem shallow, but it's true.

he's rich, you brainlets
holy shit, you guys are dumb

Have sex

Imagine getting mogged this hard

oh now I get it it’s opposite world

How do I get extremely good at eating pussy?

Stupid whore and needing to be killed? Why so redundant?

that's a bean

I know for a person who can’t see his cock over his stretch marked belly, some of us are fit and active.

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Cursed Yea Forums photos thread?

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Not everyone is as fat as you


This ought to be the most kino picture of all time.

eating pussy is for beta fags

She looks like she fucks black guys, white guys, Asian guys, guys that text her, guys that message her on Facebook, guys that buy her a drink, guys that make her laugh, guys that take her on their boat...

I do this all the time. I also see movies in the theater alone on a regular basis. It amuses me to think of all the native Yea Forums fatties who think that this is impossible.


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i dont how

Mark "If you're Korean you better start fleein'" Cavendish
Mark "I'll destroy your face for second place" Cavendish
Mark "Road racer, gook eraser" Cavendish
Mark "Take a hit, commieshit" Cavendish
Mark "I'll go mental if he's oriental" Cavendish
Mark "I'll snap you in two and avoid a DQ" Cavendish
Mark "If he's Asian I'll take him out the equation" Cavendish
Mark "Eyes at a slant? Make him face-plant" Cavendish
Mark "Want to race? Better bring a neck brace" Cavendish
Mark "Zipper head? You're brown fucking bread" Cavendish
Mark "If you're yellow I'll turn you to Jello" Cavendish
Mark "See a gook, lets give him a spook" Cavendish
Mark "The Third Reich on an indoor bike" Cavendish
Mark "Take the inside , you'll go for a slide " Cavendish
Mark "If his name's Kim I'll tear him limb from limb" Cavendish
Mark "Enter the velodrome, end in a mental home" Cavendish
Mark "If he's from Asia I'll give him Euthanasia" Cavendish

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women like having their pussies eaten occasionally as a special treat, they do not want it to be the main focus and if you are basing your sex game around eating pussy you will fail.
The number one thing that women want in sex is an unprotected penis thrusting in and out of their vagina until the male ejaculates. Everything else is window dressing.

Yea Forums pls leave.

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I’ve come across a few that enjoy an unprotected penis thrusted in and out of their asshole

Why are cyclists dicks?

This man speaks the truth. I have both my exes came loads from pussy eating, but they absolutely hate it when done too much and prefer me to just straight up drill them hard instead. Kinda weird of women, I liked sucking on their little buttons.

you know

cause they juice :)
then take estrogen to kick their gonads back into normal mode

got to believe that it's so


Did you faggots not have a childhood me and my friends would do this shit all the time biking around as kids

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wat? i used to do this all the time when i was a kid. it's not hard if you're not a fat fuck

that must be the glassest chin in history - he can't possibly have hit with any more force than a pleasant slap that way

He's right you know

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These midges are all fuckable, how?