What's your favorite Kubrick film?

For me it's FMJ

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solyaris and ghost in the shell

Barry Lyndon is underrated.

For me, it's 2001.

join the stream lads FMJ starting now.Link in the poster

>catering to eurofags by having it in the evening
No thanks!

The ones he made in England - 2001, The Shining, A Clockwork Orange, Full Metal Jacket, Barry Lyndon, etc.

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Dr. Strangelove

Na we have been streaming all day already.We are doing a 24 hour stream of kubrick movies

FMJ would've been better if the whole thing was about the boot camp.

I get that just not ever referencing it again during the actual war parts makes it more disturbing in a way but the actual war parts aren't as good in comparison.

>For me it's FMJ
I've recently decided it's my favourite too. Probably not his best but the one I can rewatch the most

Paths of Glory, early Kubrick is concentrated kino

>I get that just not ever referencing it again during the actual war parts makes it more disturbing in a way but the actual war parts aren't as good in comparison.
The second half is directly informed by the boot camp you fucking retard. Boot camp turns them into killers and sexual deviants who get sexual pleasure from death and violence. This gradually stripped away over the course of their campaign and instead revert themselves to the mindset of children/blissful innocence (Mickey Mouse theme) to distract and delude themselves from the horrors they have seen and committed to keep some sanity and pretence of honour


Is the second half of FMJ pleb filter?


Apollo 11

Is the childhood/blissful ignorance mindset the reason for the charlie brown/cartoon characters in the office of the propaganda paper? Fuck.


The Shining and Barry Lyndon

More like Full Metal KINO

Honestly Torn between FMJ and CWO


Gonna join soon.

Probably The Killing or Strangelove.

We watched Dr strangelove in the stream already.But we still have the killing in the list.

2001, but FMJ, CWO, and the Shining aren't far behind it.


Eyes Wide Shut is alright



for me its Full Metal Jacket

you mean kino

Holy pleb.



full metal jacket is only good till the guy kills himself, everything after that it's a bore.
imma go with 2001 or the shining.


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>full metal jacket is only good till the guy kills himself, everything after that it's a bore.
Oh wow, never heard that dumbass opinion before

sneaky fucking jannies

Shining for me Friendo

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Barry Lyndon

ideal nam movie: first half FMJ second half apocalypse now

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sick of hearing this, both parts are essential

Strangelove for sure

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is it too late to join?

Paths of Glory
Then Strangelove
Then Clockwork Orange

He made three movies which are an examination of the unrestrained human personality.

Barry Lyndon
A Clockwork Orange
The Shining

They all take place at different time scales and look at different aspects of the same idea. If I had to pick a strongest one out of the group I would say it is The Shining. It's the purest.

Toss-up between Eyes Wide Shut and Dr. Strangelove

na we watching A clockwork orange and we have still more movies

moloko velocet

Interesting, I didn't know he help light the interior of the supertank set. They sure don't make centerpiece sets like these anymore



The Killing and Paths of Glory

Before he got full of himself

hello r*ddit

2001 Space Oddesy


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Watching for the first time the beginning scene - a black-screen coupled with the abrasive orchestra followed immediately by this is the most mind-blowing experience in cinema


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Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. Anyone that says differently has very poor taste in film.

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Barry Lyndon. FMJ close second, but I thoroughly enjoyed Lyndon beginning to end.

Based and fluoridepilled.

1. Barry Lyndon
2. Clockwork
3. Dr Strangelove
4. FMJ
they're all very close though. Kubrick is one of the best

Going to watch Barry lyndon after we finish a clockwork orange.Join the stream lad

Great tier
>Full Metal Jacket
>Barry Lyndon
>Paths of Glory

Good tier
>A Clockwork Orange
>2001: A Space Odyssey

Ok tier
>Eyes Wide Shut

Shit tier
>The Shining
>Dr. Strangelove

what about the killing?

Correct answer. It's the only Kubrick film that has rewatchability.


It's still up

I don't watch films from reddit directors. How could you tell?

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bump daddy