What is your dream project. It’s privately funded, so no studio meddling and you have free reigns...

What is your dream project. It’s privately funded, so no studio meddling and you have free reigns. Fuck if it makes profit or not. Who’s he cast/director/writer/etc.
>Mortal Kombat
>Brie Larson as Sonya Blade
>Directed by The Wichowski Sisters
jk James Gunn’s Kill La Kill with fresh faces. Make it college instead of high school. It’s a trilogy. Costumes stay skimpy

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POV cumshots staring Brie and myself

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I'd make a documentary series called "Have Sex" where I fly around the world to take Yea Forumsros to their local whorehouse to pop their cherries

An historical epic on the life of Edward Balliol
and Brie is a great choice for Sonya

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What a horrible man face she has.

I'd make a Punisher vs Baracuda movie with Tom Jane back as punisher and Rick Ross would play Baracuda. Refn directs.

cute angel

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A Documentary on Brie Larson.

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David Lynch's a Nightmare on Elm Street

I want a movie about Brie eating Brie cheese

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Tree's Lounge remake with Bob Odenkirk as Steve Buscemi and me as Chloe Sevigny. Other characters vape

Documentary about Brie cheese hosted by Brie Larson? I would actually watch

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Heart of Darkness/Apocalypse Now adaptation set during the American Civil War.
A group of Union deserters are spared the gallows in exchange for their participation in a secret mission.
A Union officer tasked with a Sherman's March type incursion into the deep south has gone rogue and cut all lines of communication. Rumors of all manner of war crimes start to spread and reports of the size of the officer's force begin to fluctuate. The men are tasked with infiltrating the officer's group and killing him. As the men travel further into enemy territory and into the sphere of the officer's influence they encounter evidence of his atrocities but a surprising unwillingness of anyone they meet to give any details on his activities or location. It becomes clear that he is forming an army made up not only of union deserters but southern deserters and escaped slaves. Disillusioned by both sides they are vying to create their own small nation amid the chaos of the war.

A food channel show hosted by Brie. Brie's guide to USA eats.

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Yeah, but what role does Brie Larson play in this Civil War movie?

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A two hour porno of BBC running a non stop train on Brie Larson’s shithole. Movie ends with Brie, farting out 12 loads of cum into a wine glass. She then casually reads to me, legs crossed on her big chair as she sips on her cum glass

Excep that plot was stolen from a JAV Bukkake video.

Biopic on Métis politician and founder of Manitoba, Louis Riel starring Keanu Reeves

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A live action Fullmetal Alchemist mini series produced by Guillermo del Toro with lots of detailed high quality costumes and sets, heavily choreographed fight scenes, and as many practical effects as possible.

Sounds legitimately good, user. Would definitely watch it.

I want a movie about Brie Larson eating Alison Brie out.

>James Gunn
>College instead of high school
Shit user, this is as bad as your bait.

>”You’re A Good Man, Charles Schulz”
>basically a biopic on the Peanuts creator but told in the style of a Charlie Brown Peanuts special
>either Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Schulz or a fresh face as Schulz
>directed by the guys that handled that god tier Peanuts movie Blue Sky Studios made a few years ago

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Shes fucking ugly for a movie star. The jewish executives are laughing at the bullshit they force feed the goyim swine.

Can it be titled Brie Cheese?
If so do you have a script?

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Would it turn dark? Love him, but he was obsessed. He didn’t talk to his kids for years so obsesssed.

Unicorn Store II. Brie takes over as the Unicorn Store proprietor when Samuel L. Jackson takes a new job in Europe.

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I'm edging for Brie. Post moar pics.

DESU i am surprised there isn't a peanuts 'reboot' yet

this sounds good

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you also forgot about her black male love interest

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Don't worry user, i've got lots

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Thanks brother.
Doing the lord's work.

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A Snuff filme starring Brie fungus
Nothing close to sexual
Just torture

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This shit right here.
Ten hour miniseries.

John Boyega, Sophia Lillis, Jason Momoa, John Hamm and Sam Elliot.

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thanks dude

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I wanna be in a car with Brie

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I wanna be everywhere with her

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Already wrong off the bat, plenty of people of this board are in love with her myself included

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You ok, user?

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I'm fine, I just posted that blasphemous pic some incel made, and hoped it would help discussion about how great she is.

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>What is your dream project. It’s privately funded, so no studio meddling and you have free reigns. Fuck if it makes profit or not. Who’s he cast/director/writer/etc.

Directed by me in a basement, Brie Larson stomps my balls barefoot for a while. Then when it's done I pay her to never speak of what happened and keep the video for myself.

>Directed by me in a basement, Brie Larson stomps my balls barefoot for a while. Then when it's done I pay her to never speak of what happened and keep the video for myself.

I wanna see you poop

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smart, stay awesome

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Disgusting. You've gone too far.

Cronenberg helmed adaptation of Saya no Uta

Isabela Moner cast as my loving wife and mother of my children

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How explicit is the sex scene between Momoa and Lillis?

Brie Larson on Top Gear, that British driving show.

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Lol what a man faced hag

brie larson as my gf

Sci-Fi adventure idael eht sa meilguG leoN htw

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multimillion dollar well done adaptation of Berserk with her as whitewashed (fuck you niggers) Casca in all of her glory through the golden age arc and the inevitable eclipse scene where we get to see Henry Cavill as griffith fucking her brains out

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Pretty cool idea. Only problem is I can see a lot of people saying it’s a ripoff of Free State of James as well as the Wyatt storyline in Westworld

Brie Larson's pajama party, where she interviews others and they're in pajamas

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I’m not a faggot weeb, but isn’t Casca supposed to be a young, lithe, attractive woman?

Probably not, if I'm painfully honest. One decent full-frontal shot, and then cut to the aftermath (which isn't much off of what the book does).
That one scene is probably the reason why the book hasn't been adapted yet, which is a tragedy because it's screaming for one

>I’m not a faggot weeb
No you're worse, you're an ironic faggot weeb or god forbid a closeted one.
Unfuck yourself.

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>Brie is a great choice for Sonya

you better be joking nigga, sonya blade is a very athletic woman with muscular tone

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I’m not, though

Brie in a comedy with Ken Park

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godzilla vs gamera

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>bony hips

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but brie is not young

Where does she fit in though? Does she encourage said men to have sex through verbal abuse and humour?

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>Where does she fit in though?
in weinsteins dick :-)

I'd make it a lot less of a historical drama and more of an exploration of power dynamics at different micro and macro levels. Like how small town people in the middle of nowhere can be compelled to fight a politician's war against their own countrymen etc.