I'm watching all the Columbo episodes now
Literally every singe one of them is fantastic.
I'm pirating them but are then on any streaming service?
Sat. night Columbo thread
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Just one more thing... When you say that you're pirating them, do you mean that you're... Pirating them?
oh no detective. that's just an expression. If you check my phone records you'll see I could not really be pirating those episodes at the time of the crime
You see Mr. Bane that's what confuses me sir. Now I don't know much about airplanes, Mrs Columbo and I sir, we'd rather drive to be honest, but I do know planes fly at tremendous heights sir, that anybody who would be unfortunate enough and down on his luck to fall out would almost certainly die. That's what confuses me about your account sir, as you claim Mr Wilson shot your accomplice before throwing him out of the plane. That's very unusual to me sir. Why at all would it be deemed necessary for a seasoned CIA law enforcement agent like Mr Wilson to shoot a man right before tossing him from a moving aircraft?
Been meaning to watch this show for a few years, but when Limmy posted this video this week, I knew I had to finally take the plunge
You know, my wife is sort of like that. She'll make a lot of lists, you see, and then she'll collect them all at the end of the week. Except that she sometimes forgets or throws one out. It sort of ruins the whole purpose of collecting a comprehensive series, you know? And by the way, this phone call to the deceased woman who was receiving pirated files -- it seems to have been deleted crudely from your records -- just a line drawn through. Like, right here, if you look at your own record of postings. I'm sorry, I don't mean to take up any more of your time. You wouldn't know who would have done something like that, would you?
They're literally on Youtube OP
>Literally every singe one of them is fantastic.
only a few seem to be on youtube.
I'm downloading them off dailymotion at present
I'm only 6 episodes in user. But the quality is fucking amazing so far
Most recent one i watched was mind over matter. Perhaps the worst one I've seen so far.
Worst than the London on. Which i at least thought was funny.
Columbo 2019:
Lieutenant Colombo is arrested for harassment. The end
Okay for newbs I'll dump info on the series for the rest of this thread. Hopefully it will give some sense of why this is the greatest Detective series of all time
> Intricate plots
> Intelligently written villains
> twist endings
> 70s style (or lack)
> the best guest stars in any series ever (including the Batman TV series and Friends)
In S03E07 Johnny Cash guest starred in "Swan Song"
>I'm only 6 episodes in user.
Just like me. There are about 3 or 4 that just fizzled in the end in my opinion and I could clearly see a better closure forming in my mind
Just one more thing Rabbi... I don't understand why anyone would build a gas chamber with a wooden door.
Both William Shatner (S06E01) and Leonard Nimoy (S02E06) limped through the lean years between the Star Trek series and the movies by doing episodes
This is peak Shatner. Rocketman era Shatner
Based user spending a comfy evening watching Columbo. Excellent viewing choice.
Nicol Williamson (Excalibur, the 7 Percent Solution) also played a villain (S07E04)
This was in the brief period when he was a bankable actor. Before he blew it all by becoming a toxic alcoholic no one would work with
The Johnny Cash episode is my all time favorite next to the chess player one. I just loved how Johnnys character was actually nice to Columbo throughout the episode instead of rude and curt. Plus how it ends was so good too.
Oscar winner Martin Landau (Ed Wood, Crimes and Misdemeanors) would be featured in "Double Shock" (S02E08)
I've been looking over top 10 lists for the best episodes and that Episode (Swan Song) is very highly reputed.
Here' a general list from "Ranker.com" that seems to reflect the general consensus on the best episodes:
> 1. Murder by the Book (Spielberg directed, S01E01)
> 2. Now You See Him (the Magician episode)
> 3. Any Old Port in a Storm (the wine episode) guest starring Donald Pleasance about the time he was in Halloween
> 4. A Friend in Deed
> 5. Negative Reaction (the Dick VanDyke episode)
> 6. Swan Song (Johnny Cash)
> 7. A Stitch in Crime (Leonard Nimoy)
> 8. Try and Catch Me (the old woman episode)
> 9. Death Lends a Hand (the "contact lens" episode. 10/10 in my book)
> 10. Prescription: Murder (the first pilot Movie before the series)
I also want pic related now
Not OP but I do know that the show gets better as it goes along. Season 5 is about the best that Hollywood can achieve
Nani!? Is that a... Columbo reference!??
I actually had this in my hands in a thrift store but stupidly didn't buy it
weird novel which pits Columbo vs the Manson Family
There's similar ones about Jimmy Hoffa and the JFK assasination