Could you do it, Yea Forums?
Could you do it, Yea Forums?
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Be a self centered prick and run away from all my responsibilities? Yeah, I reckon I could take the easy way out if I wanted to.
Wander into the wilderness unprepared and die ?
This fpbp
Fuck this kid
A yeah, the soiboy clique
I mean survive
>plenty of people have gone into the wild like him and survived for way longer periods of time
This kid was just stupid.
A yeah, the sneedboy chuck
Your whole life is centred around yourself mate. We are literally self centred creatures. If one of them wants to seek happiness outside society then let them try.
He ran away from Annandale Va. It was a good choice. Dying in the woods is better than living there
WTF, is this image real?!?
Yes, this is Elliot Rodgers Halloween Party. He was the only person there
WTF, I thought hes dead?!?
Yeah. I'd to it better than him too, because I'm not some flowery retard. The solitude and lack of other people would get to me pretty fast though.
this nigga was ugly as fuck
Then do it, pussy
This film made me incredibly insecure about every aspect of my life
Ah yes, the poison
Starve to death a mile from civilization?
I need people around me faggot. Being all on your own is not much fun. I've done it, and it's disastrous. I reckon I'd make it as far as two weeks.
>directed and screenplay by Sean Penn
Makes sense. Anyone have that screencap of his completely retarded book?
haha what a loser how dare he not be a wageslave like me oh got to go mr shecklesberg needs me for another triple shift
So, you cant actually make it, shut the fuck up
Make what? Starving to death?
Survive, brainlet
teen Kris10? without question!
You make it sound like it's some sort of accomplishment.
I've spent 2 consecutive months a year for the past 5 years all by myself in completely fucking desolate mountains of Northern Norway. I set out on November 1st, then I begin the two or three day walk back to my car when I can see fireworks in the far distance, meaning it's new year.
The only supply I bring is; tent, sleeping bag, fishing gear, rifle, an axe, 2 knives, flashlight, a small shovel for when the snow comes, bottle to collect water and the winter clothing on my back.
I'd say I run into about 2-3 groups of hunters during the entire time I'm there. Otherwise, complete silence. There is just something about spending so much time in temperatures as low as -30 celsius/-22 degrees (fahrenheit), the bears, the wolves and the dozen other things that can kill you. So that when you come home and live your normal life for the remainding 10 months, you start appreciating it a lot more. If not only for the fact that the next time you go out to survive, you might not make it back home.
quads of wisdom.
btfo for eternity
My mind is an untamed wilderness. I don't need to go anywhere.
t. cant actually do it
Based if true.
He's an idiot but I still respect what he did.
I have though. Repeatedly. Leaving again in another month or two.
why did you start doing it and how the fuck are you able to pause your life for 2 whole months?
2 days dont count, fatty
Imagine projecting this hard.
Could I starve to death in Alaska? Yeah probably.
Imagine being fat
Based digits
I don't have to imagine it, I used to be.
I was a shut-in whose only focus other than my job was the internet. A few weeks before my father died, he told me that I'm wasting my only life away and that he wished I'd begin appreciating every moment. After he died, I remembered he used to take me on these week-long trips to the mountains when I was a kid, so I decided to give it a try. First I did a week in the summer, then I decided to do it 2 months in the winter to really get the shock-treatment I needed. And it got me hooked.
We have 5 week paid holiday set by law here. So I take the 5 weeks holiday, and then an additional 3 and a half weeks without pay. My employer is cool with it.
I remember how much I hated reading the book in high school. Especially when the faggot author writes his own experiences. It was pretty much just
>g-guys don’t forget about me too! Jon Krakauer! I have my own wacky adventure in the wild as well! I’m just like Chris!
Did the movie have that literal who and his shitty mountain adventure in it as well?
Why does your generation act like this?
Stop being an obnoxious nigger.
checked but bluepilled
scariest thing that ever happened?
t. fat fatty
I'll greentext this one.
>About halfway into trip
>Snowstorm fucks my tent up and blows essential parts down a very steep cliff
>Instead of sleeping in collapsed tent, make a snow cave like pic related
>Wake up one morning and stick my head out the exit
>20cm from my face is a wolf
>See 4-5 other wolfs standing around behind it
>Trapped in a snow cave with nowhere to run, with a wolf staring at me
>Slowly climb back inside and begin constructing a "door" out of snow so thick that I could probably survive a nuclear strike
>Sit there for hours and pray that wolves don't begin digging in the snow for an easy snack
fine, next time shoot the fucking baby and it';s mother you fucking faggot. Nature doesn't care about your feels.
Experiences like this could provide a nice theme for a Mr Nightmare video
You are very brave,btw
And lucky
SEETHING hamplanets
That was all left out
If you gave me time to prepare, sure. This dumbass died because he didn't do any preparation even with all the time in the world
>McCandless also served as captain of the cross-country team, where he would urge teammates to treat running as a spiritual exercise in which they were "running against the forces of darkness ... all the evil in the world, all the hatred."[11]
What in the fuck did he mean by this?
Self-deluding virtue signalling.
Every time I take a shit I treat it as a spiritual exercise in which I'm struggling to defeat child hunger and AIDS. It's cheaper than donating and it keeps my conscience clear.
>running against the forces of darkness ... all the evil in the world, all the hatred
thats pretty cringe bro
pretty based if u ask me
>literally “this big corporation knows how to use my money better than I do”
>literally voluntary taxation
Do cuckz really do this?
It's how people can walk around spouting off nonsense about saving the world without actually having to do anything. Donating to charities is simply how virtue signalers wipe their conscience clean without having to actually do anything good.
>I've donated my annual $20 to red cross, so now let's go laugh at these local homeless people. Did I forget to tell you I donated to red cross?
I could do it and not die like the little proto-zoomer beta faggot.
Just study Ray Mears work, thats all you need
>literally voluntary taxation
What kind of neet opposes taxation on principle?
The amount, use, and adminstration of those taxes, yes, but if you live in a society that you don't volunteer time in, of course you have to give money
If I was tossed out in the Appalachians I probably could survive, anywhere else I would do as well as that guy. In school they had a short first aid and survival class every couple of years and I spend a lot of time hiking and camping.
Worst thing I've come across was a mother bear and cubs, I'm lucky she didn't think I was too much of a threat to bother with but I was terrified of running back into her as I hiked back out. I had spray on me but I did not want to need to use it.
Turning down the opportunity to fuck her was the most unrealistic thing in this entire flick.
Are you dumb? If you’re living in a society, you’re already giving money to it.
>dude fuck society lmao
>no wait I still subscribe to their arbitrary age of consent laws, I can't fuck this nubile 16 year old it's wrong
fucker deserved his painful death from poison berries
Everyone can do it. He didn't even leave civilization. He's just 5 miles away from the highway.
Probably not. At least I’m smart enough to realize that instead of throwing myself in the middle of the woods in freezing temperatures with little to no food and supplies
Nothing wrong living off grid. The problem is he was so incompetent. He didn't even plan or learn survival skill. So many people live away from civilization for years without complications. Millennials thinks hes woke but he's bad influence to most people who wants to live away from judeo-capitalist system we have right now
He never ate poisoned berries. He simply starved, though there is speculation that rabbit starvation or paralysis in his legs played a role in that
How do you jack off in the wild? Do you just cum on a tree and hope nobody smells it?
Pretty much, but I'd be more concerned about animals finding that instead of people
Why? Animals or ants would probably just eat it
That's not the issue, the problem is he had no tools, no training and no depth to his little escape. Isolationism isn't the issue, romanticising morons is
Just imagine how much of a crazy piece of shit he was to talk to.
>entire colony of monster girl ants living off your semen
This streak. Triple double, triple, and quads
This is all true but when this shit comes up people say hes selfish for running away from "his responsibilities". What responsibilities? If he has no kids then everything else is just there to keep you working until death.
As someone who hitchhiked America coast to coast at 17 and only got molested once I can confirm this guy is a fucking faggot retard.
Everything he did was fucking retarded and I'd beat the shit out of him for his clothes+teeth any day.
>q&a i will do
With proper supplies, absolutely. That area of Alaska is pretty warm during the summer months which is when Chris was at the bus. He would’ve been in very little danger had he brought a decent amount of food.
Did you get molested by a beautiful woman with big tits? Even if you didn’t, please say you did.
He was a mentally ill narcissist, thinking he would conquer the wilderness by his sheer ingenuity rather than any guidance or know-how from anyone more experienced than him.
I got roofied so since i didn't see what happened its up to interpretation.
I'm not a fucktarded hippy faggot so no.
Yea Forums is full of future beta bux provider STEM cucks.
Why didn't he just follow the road the bus was parked on back to civilization?
Of course. Just a bridge about mile down to cross the river.
That guy was crazy and it seemed he was rejecting every part of civilization he could
>no one has posted the pasta yet
That’s one of the worst pastas ever.
I’ve done it twice, in point of fact. When I was much younger I traveled to Alaska and worked for six months before coming back to the lower 48.
I kind of fell in love with the atmosphere of the place, how primal it was, and the freedom of it. So I saved up money, bought supplies, a canvas tent, a whole bunch of food that I could transport easily that wouldn’t expire, and I went and just lived in a canvas tent in Alaska with my dog for about eight months, the first time. I was really rude to the few tourists I ran into.
My uncle had done the same thing so I had some advice from him that was invaluable. I eventually went back for about a four month period, but it didn’t have the same effect.
The guy in that movie had no actual respect for nature, he treated it all like a game, like he was on some grand adventure, and that’s why he got murdered because he was stupid. I was never in any real danger of dying. It was the most meaningful experience of my life.
Haha yeah. Running away from you're family who I'm pretty sure his dad worked for NASA. This guy was nuts. At least his journey was interesting
What is it about the wilderness that attracts these autists?
What about this guy? He basically lived like a NEET in the woods for close to 30 years.
This explains why the latest computer models prove nationalism and its lack of egoism within the nation as the most logical framework
Sorry, you can’t beat the land of the rising sun
>After the war ended Onoda spent 29 years holding out in the Philippines until his former commander traveled from Japan to formally relieve him from duty by order of the Emperor in 1974.
It doesn’t stop there, either. Here is the guy who found him
>On 20 February 1974, Onoda met a Japanese man, Norio Suzuki, who was traveling around the world, looking for "Lieutenant Onoda, a panda, and the Abominable Snowman, in that order".
>Suzuki died in November 1986 in an avalanche while searching for the yeti.
Why does everyone seeth when this kid is mentioned? How many fucking boomers post here?
What the fuck is actually wrong with you?
eat a plant and die? sure, wouldn't be too hard
Because he was stupid. He had everything going for him and rejected it all
If he had bulked and hit the gym hard as fuck, he'd have been a chad
>moving during winter
Unless you enter a bear den you shouldn't meet one.
I swear to god nothing of value would be lost if your entire generation disappeared.
Fuck. Have you seen that webm of that man who survived living in a bear den for a month? The bear broke his back and he pretty much got mummified
Well shucks turns out its fake
How bulky we talking, because I'm imagining him swole as fuck and it just looks silly.
>and hope nobody smells it?
What the fuck is wrong with your cum that it has a smell?
He was a soiboy cuck libtard
because you're not given the choice. I'd gladly get rid of some things I don't use in my taxes like law enforcement or firefighters (never needed any of those), but no you have to pay goyim or else.
best post itt
Why didn't civilization follow the road the bus was parked on back to him?
I don’t know, but I can guarantee I wouldn’t be as retarded as this one
Find a Linden tree and spaff against that, no one will notice
>He has odourless cum
You should probably see a doctor about that, you might be sterile.
you get it all back via tax deductions anyway
I camped for an entire year on the gulf coast and did nothing but fish and surf. Couldnt do it forever but really glad I did try it. Fuck trying that shit in Alaska though. I don't have a death wish.
it only decreases your taxable income. Basically, if you made 30k in 1 year and donated 1k, then your taxed on 29k of your income instead of 30k. The end result is you only get whatever you would have been taxed on that extra 1k back.
They all melt when compared to based Proenneke
forgot to add, this is for the USA. Also, if your standard deduction is higher than what you are taxed on donated income, you are better off not claiming the donated income and claiming the standard deduction. So often, you get nothing of what you donated back. It only matters when you are in higher tax brackets.
Why arent there any NIGGERS that try this
Are wh*Tes brainlets?!?
norwegians get too much time off
US military get 30 days a year
Which is horrible really. You need a mentor, you need a teacher. Humans did live for generations in areas on a whim, trial and error, elders showing the children and so on. He thought he could just wing it and do it and he gambled his life on it. A mountain man could have shown him the ways and he could be alive today.
>idolizing a self-centered idiot who is way over his head and died alone, rotting in a van
The history of Human existence says otherwise. We are social creatures who thrive in communal organizations
unequally based and brutally redpilled
>No human contact for miles
>beautiful, calm surroundings
>simple life with very little surprises unless a bear comes into your cabin
OP and dead bus fag BTFO
Based, haven't seen the movie but I read the book and the dude sounded like a selfish asshole who was charming and attractive so people liked him. He thought he could make it out in the wilderness, couldn't, then Kerouac wrote a book sucking him off
ITT: brainlets
I'm on the verge of doing something like that but not alaska. I was thinking about Siberia.
>We are social creatures
>could you shit on the face of everyone who loves you and leave behind the perfect life just to go die in the woods because you didn't plan accordingly?
Yeah I could, but I'm not retarded.
Because a million niggers dying in the wilderness is called Tuesday.
>dude suck dick for corporations!
We are though. No matter how much you want to brand yourself as some introverted loner, there's a desire in every person to connect and mingle with other people.
it was starvation but the berries did also contain some shit that helped cripple his body. the nazis even experimented on it.
>things I don't use in my taxes like law enforcement or firefighters (never needed any of those)
Stop i cringed so hard I pulled a face muscle
I could not bring myself to selfishly and foolishly leave everything I know behind, in favor of nothing and certain death for no good reason.
Couldn't do it, man.
Those damn nazis, is there anything they haven’t done?
I’m very sorry you have to live next to arsonist niggers, user.
Did you build the computer you are on? Did you establish the internet yourself? Why are you on a public message board with thousands of other people?
they were very productive
great post goys
I had a wonderful time
blessed comment. and he's right too.
How do you deal with shitting.
are you the Dutch lad that went missing but was rumoured to have just escaped his dull life
>rude to strangers for no reason