This ffs, just censor criticism of her already

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Other urls found in this thread:

>warren talking about lying
What about the vile lies about being Native American that bitch told to get into college?

Notice me, senpai

Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people.

so I randomly did one of those 23andme genetic tests. turns out, I'm 1.8% native american; rest is european. as a norwegian whose family is all norwegian going back at least 5 generations. and I'm still as "native american" as this woman. pretty amusing.

Haha wait they are starting this angle already, pace yourselves leftists jesus christ

surely Kamala Harris is done after the Jussie Smollett hoax was revealed, right? is it possible the public wasn't made aware of her involvement?

these people are totalitarian freaks

Everybody not voting for her is a racist and sexist or facilitating both by refusal to act against it by voting for her and should all be incarcerated in FEMA camps where they can be taught the importance of tolerance and equality.

>Politician asking multibillion dollar companies to do them a favor and censor people
This is fine, everything is fine, I am okay with the events that are ocurring.

Racist smear campaign. And homophobic, too. And antisemitic, come to think of it.

you're a hundred times more native than her.

I think the number was 1/2048.

Honestly, I mixed and I can't really blame her for going with the black identity since most people would categorize her as that. Doesn't really show strength of character, though.

Liz shouldn't really jump in on this since she larped as a native american and did the whole DNA thing to try and excuse it instead of owning up to being a loser white lady wanting to be exotic

people didnt forget, the left thinks they did tho

>kabala haaretz

Oh no think of the corporations


Way to completely miss the point.

what attacks?

Well google was recently outed as messing with the election campaign so part of what she said is true

allegations she wasnt born in the US

Not sure, but "fact checkers" are saying that her bussing story is true when its probably not.

Go back to /pol
saged and reported

>Donald Trump Jr., the president’s eldest son, shared another person’s tweet with his millions of followers during the Democratic debate on Thursday that falsely claimed Senator Kamala Harris was not black enough to be discussing the plight of black Americans.

>Kamala Harris is implying she is descended from American Black Slaves,” Ali Alexander, a member of a right-wing constellation of media personalities, wrote on Twitter. “She’s not. She comes from Jamaican Slave Owners. That’s fine. She’s not an American Black. Period.”

>Mr. Trump, a valuable Republican surrogate as his father faces a bruising 2020 race, posted the tweet of unverified information, then asked his more than three million followers: “Is this true? Wow.” By the end of the night, Mr. Trump had deleted his message, and by Friday, a spokesman said it had all been a misunderstanding.

aka another holocaust

"Pocahontas" would know about claiming racial heritage that doesn't belong to her. Sad!

are people pointing out that she's a homewrecker?

Attached: brainlet.webm (640x360, 2.46M)

I meant Warren

Imagine not wanting an extra $1000/mo. Here is Elon Musk on the necessity of UBI:

Attached: DiknrYpXkAEdUTX.jpg (1080x1080, 110K)


holy shit

>americans unironically turned their governance into a tv show
Pretty entertaining so far can't wait for next seasons script.

Harris said a lot of stupid shit tho....

Attached: hmm.png (91x100, 19K)

UBI would be based if it replaced all existing entitlements and put everyone on an even field. But minorities would lose out there since they already take a hugely disproportionate amount so the jews would never allow it

why doesn't the ministry of truth do something, ffs.

what's even more vile is that somehow being native american gives you an upper hand in getting into college.