>You're going to pre-order my BluRay right user?
You're going to pre-order my BluRay right user?
Other urls found in this thread:
This cgi makes my head hurt it's so bad
Why did they make her face so weird?
damn this movie was really fun. regret not seeing it in theaters. ending was kind of disappointing though.
I already pre-ordered your special edition.
>hey, let’s adpat x!
>but let’s change literally everything meaningful about it and take strides to keep all the things that aren’t important!
They literally spent a hundred million dollars to keep giant anime eyes for literally no reason.
>s-sorry b-b-but no. I'll wait for an HD torrent though
no, i just watched the webrip and that fucking ending was TERRIBLE
>no real third act, making the whole film feel like a part 1 of 2 which it was clearly made to be before it bombed
fuck me i thought it had another 20 minutes left or so, it was going so well too.
I still haven't finished this movie. I lost interest so hard it's impressive.
>t. plebs
Where did you expect the movie to go? She dealt with the movies antagonists, did you think she was going to deal with Nova in 20 minutes? The dude is setup to be akin to a god
I finally just watched it thanks to the relatively good quality available, a few thoughts coming from someone who liked the manga a lot:
>Alita is cute
>she'll never look at you like that
>CGI is a bit of a letdown at some moments, surprisingly
>cinematography is weak sometimes, some moments really feels cheap
>Alita is cute
>I still don't give a shit about Motorball
>it could've used some Shumira for the fanservice but ok
>Alita is CUTE
>Alita/Yugo's relationship development will always feel a little weird to me
>I kind of wish I saw that in the theater but I don't feel like I've missed that much
Making the stupid eyes smaller would’ve made the shitty CGI more uncanny. Making the eyes larger was the only option, but it was still uncanny as fuck.
literally this
To bring it far enough from trying to impersonate a human being that it skirts just before/outside of the uncanny valley effect getting too bad. If they made her look "normal" it probably looked bad to people. Also its from a mango.
no thanks I already downloaded the torrent
All the other cyborg characters proved the CGI face was completely pointless.
no, I regret paying for the ticket to see your shit movie
if it's any consolation, it was better than king of the monsters
James Cameron watched an OVA called battle angel alita in the 90s. It was the first exposure to anime he ever had. Since there is only one young female character in the OVA, he confused anime stylization for traits unique to the character.
no, but i'm gonna make a rule for my torrent client to download the first 4K HDR version available, which is pretty much the same thing
The movie’s antagonist was nova, and nothing happens to him. Vector was literally no one and could be replaced by nova in a matter of hours. So the main character is a flat arc protagonist who does nothing of note, then the movie ends.
>your movie
Who are you talking to?
Who was this movie supposed to appeal to?
Why does everyone live in a cramped pile of shit city when there's an endless stretch of farmable land beyond it?
They do all this lite gore shit for teenagers and even kill a dog
But they also do all this little girl pandering father/daughter nonsense throughout the whole movie.
> 6/29
>still no webm of Alita eating chocolate/oranges
When she bites down on the chocolate you could easily Photoshop a dick in her mouth
I haven't bought a Blu-ray in a while Alita-kun. I'll think about it though.
pls don't be lewd around my Alita
fucking make one then, the webrip is out and good enough quality for a webm
>pay attention to my childish opinion
Quickly made one.
>Why does everyone live in a cramped pile of shit city when there's an endless stretch of farmable land beyond it?
Watch the movie. It clearly explains the living situation.
Another one
Here's a chocolate one
>tfw no qt android gf to watch as she tries different food for the first time
doing god's work
and another one
That’s fact, my completely ignorant friend. Stylization is for avoiding the uncanny valley with character designs. Reducing stylization would make the uncanniness worse, because photorealistic human faces still aren’t possible with CGI. So their only option to try to counter negative reactions was to increase the stylization. But they couldn’t increase it enough, as that would require redoing all the CGI.
Yes. Anything you wish.
No, it doesn’t. As people are clearly shown as being able to come and go as they please and the land around the cities farms are shown as lush wilderness. Meaning it wouldn’t be difficult to take some technology from the city and not live in the city.
In the manga the scrapyard was a prison, entry/exit was strictly forbidden unless you enslaved yourself to Salem.
No one cares. The situation in the move is explained. Cry more if it helps you feel better.
No. You're just a whiny child. She looks fine in the movie.
If that were true, the movie would not have flopped.
No, the situation in the movie is hand-waved and the movie shows there is no reason to stay in the city.
False. The movie didn't flop. It did fine. Few people are interested in scifi and even less in anime is the issue. No one gives a shit about the CGI except anal retentive autists with time on their hands to whine like babies.
Nah. You're just a crybaby like the other poster in this thread whining about Alita's eyes. You're both a couple of nitpicking autists bringing up moot points no one gives a shit about. Its not supposed to be a perfectly explained realistic movie. Its an easy to watch fun popcorn flick for christ sake.
I thought this film was going to be shit but I watched it and it was actually pretty good. I preordered the steelbook.
Thats cgi? Since when?
the movie made over 400 million
7th highest grossing movie this year still
made much better than anticipated for an anime adaptation
it means a lot of people did in fact see the movie
all across the board positive score from audiences
a lot of people saw the movie and loved it, that's a fact
the budget or profit is irrelevant to this
Man, facts really trigger you guys.
The movie failed to break even or turn a profit. It flopped. There will never be a sequel.
I made the complete chocolate webm.
that's another debate friend
no, you shouldnt buy media in current year
The movie generated 400m in ticket sales revenue. The studio does not get all of that money. The studio gets less than half the domestic gross, less than 30% of China’s gross, and less than 40% from the rest of the world.
The fact is, it flopped, and nothing you say can change this.
>completely misses the point
There is no debate. If a movie fails to generate a return on the investment, it flopped. Flops don’t get sequels.
You aren’t making a point, you’re trying to argue reality out of existence.
is your iq room temperature?
I was replying to someone arguing that the movie has "flopped" because people had a problem with the look of the character
I replied that a lot of people did in fact see the movie and loved it
profitability isn't a measure of the quality or enjoyment of a movie, especially when the budget is as high as it was for Alita
Why didn’t she grab his chest with her feet?
Your argument is seated in the idea that no one could know what alita looked like without seeing the movie. They ran a trailer during the super bowl.
>childish opinions = facts
reminder: flipped sequel whenever
Facts remain facts no matter how much they trigger you.
a 30sec ad at the Superbowl doesn't automatically make you a 1billion dollar film, what kind of retard argument is that?
also, a trailer doesn't give you a good assessment of why they did the character with CG
or doesn't give you a clear assessment for any movie
a lot of people who had their doubts about the look of the character had their mind changed once they saw the movie, it works better in the flow of things and with a proper introduction to the character
The point you’re desperate to avoid is how the horrid design of the main character make the movie completely unmarketable. Which caused people to not buy tickets to see it. Which caused it to flop. On top of the fact it’s an incompetent mess of a film.
>my childish opinion is fact
>you not accepting it triggers me
>i'll show you by projecting my triggered state upon you
Being this childish should be punishable by death.
There was no reason to make alita cgi in the movie. Every other cyborg character looked better. You weren’t on the fence, you went in determined to ignore every flaw with the movie. Most people were not going to do this. The movie was most successful in places where the local media is absolute garbage (spics, Indians) so people are predisposed to actively ignore flaws in their media.
I'm sorry its okay mrs alita.
>Every other cyborg character looked better
Let me stop you right there...
So you’re saying the uncanny valley doesn’t exist, it is possible to make photorealistic human faces with CGI (and paint, pencil, clay, latex, etc), that stylization isn’t a means by which the uncanny valley is avoided, and that they tried to stylize alita to make her more appealing?
Well shit man, I guess 90% of the money Hollywood has spent on CGI, animatronics, and hand drawn animation has been wasted. If only everyone knew what you knew.
Don’t get me wrong, they all looked bad, but alita was the only one that was physically painful to look at.
>it works better in the flow of things and with a proper introduction to the character
These user's have either not seen the movie. Or watched the 1xbet rip.
7th highest movie of the year
more people saw it than John Wick, Godzilla, Shazam and a fuck ton of other movies
you're confusing how many people saw the movie with how much money it made relative to its budget, those are 2 completely different things
you're legitimately retarded
I mean you are wrong or you need some glasses or something. Because Alita is the best and most modern CGI render of any character to date WETA spared no expense in rendering/creating Alita and it really show's when at some points in the movie you can almost forget this is CG.
ignore the bow...
>ticket sales are irrelevant to how much money a movie makes
It’s funny how some poo-in-the-loos recently made this exact argument for why endgame was more successful than avatar.
The uncanny valley is a phenomena where the more human something looks, the ways it doesn’t look human become more noticeable. So you’re really just saying “this is the most uncanny CGI render to date.”
It's funny how mad people get about this flick.
now I wish I had chocolate. I ate what I had yesterday.
I mean If you watched the movie for a minimum of 5 minutes you can easily overcome the statement you aforementioned. How do you think the movie made 400 million?
what? still not understanding...
I'm not even arguing whether the movie was successful financially or not
I'm pointing out that a lot of people did see the movie relative to other movies this year (anything that doesn't have a Marvel stamp on it or isn't Disney is struggling this year) and much more than anticipated
for instance the first John Wick made 88 million, was it because it was bad?
not necessarily, just that people weren't aware of it enough, new IP and it wasn't capeshit
Alita is the same situation, little known IP, not a sequel, a lot of people were just not aware of it
doesn't mean the movie was bad in any respect
No one is mad except you, sweetie. One day you’ll have to come to terms with the fact the movie flopped.
The best you can do is ignore how bad alita looks. Which isn’t easy considering she’s center screen and closeup so often.
Of course doing this doesn’t reward the viewer with anything but a pretty dull and uninteresting movie.
I mean what you speak of makes no sense, and if you really feel that way and are not just trolling because EHEHAUHUAHAUH shit on Alita because some people liked it very much EHEUHEHUAHUHEUH. I urge you to go back to watching you're cape flicks or artsy indie bull crap, in that case.
you sound like you're pretty dull and uninteresting
John wick didn’t cost anything and typically does most of its money on Blu-ray/streaming. Because the movies aren’t really compatible with the big screen. They have a simple premise and execute that premise well, for the audience that enjoys such things.
Alita was trying to take a pretty obscure manga and make it the next avatar level success. Most of the movie is bland and uninteresting and the main character looks revolting.
It’s been a very bad year for movies so alita being in the top ten just underlines that.
So you’re admitting the only reason you forced yourself to like alita is because you don’t want to like capeshit, but still want movies that are just like capeshit.
Yes ofc that is the very reason.....
So I take it, it was the first option I mentioned,
Hell no. You'll sit in my window while I sleep and try to rip out your own heart when I wake up. Fucking freak.
>So the main character is a flat arc protagonist who does nothing of note, then the movie ends.
From amnesic girl to superlethal martian hunterwarrior with a broken heart and thirst for revenge
it had Robert Rodriguez as a director, it sure was a bold attempt if they were aiming for Avatar level success
it's doesn't change the fact the profit it made is irrelevant to what people thought of the movie
I wonder why you even bothered seeing the movie though if you though the character was REVOLTING, that's a pretty strong word
of course you just sound like another idiot arguing in bad faith and probably didn't actually see the movie
>he hasn't already got 4 on pre-order
Good to see you enjoyed da moobie, I just wished I could of watched it in IMAX... :(
I'll get the 4K HDR if they have one, shouldn't this be out already though? Seems like it's been more than three months since it was released theatrically?
What is the steel book edition of the bluray? I've seen it mentioned in Alita threads. No one says what it is though.
Yep it's been 4 months since release, and there's still a other 1 to wait for the 4k BluRay, digital on the 9th. All because of fox's merger with Disney slowing everything down...
They are a lying idiot is why they claim to have seen a movie they hated looking at the main character of.
The two on the left and right, not sure the differences in content tho, one is supposedly supposed to have 4 discs instead of the three in the 4k BluRay and the regular steelbook, even tho they contain the extras as well.
>anyone who criticizes the movie hasn’t seen it
Why are you this delusional.
she has such beautiful hands.
a lot of people sound like they're basing their view of the movie from a trailer
>character looks bad
>movie bad
>movie was bland and uninteresting
generic comments that don't tell you anything about what they actually didn't like and that you could easily pull out of your ass if you hadn't actually see the movie but just want to bash on it anyway
a lot of people do this actually, not just for Alita
how do you have sex with her
why the fuck is this taking so long? Films came out way later and got ripped earlier
>The main character is the largest part of the movie
>thus complaints about it are automatically invalid
It’s not like this is the only criticism you people will outright ignore.
Yea, Bestbuy's 4k steelbook looks nice.
They were milking the theatrical run, thinking it would get a second wind like avatar.
i could just watch her eat chocolate for hours
nom nom nom
>character looks bad
>looks bad
>most important part of the movie is how the character looks
everyone knows about the muh big eyes look bad, CG anime character bad
this is the first thing that someone who hasn't seen the movie will complain about
so I don't much care about this complaint if they can't elaborate more
once you see the movie, you understand why they did it this way and it makes sense
because there's another movie in it
most movies don't bother adding this much content these days
and it's been hanging at the top of the charts for a long time so it looks like it's working
Avatar never needed a second wind, it never stopped
Alita just had a natural run
the final boss was her easily stabbing a nigger. could've at least made it some kind of a fight.
>four months since Alita: Battle Angel was in the theaters
>still no bluray released
When in the fuck is the bluray gonna be released?
>back in my day we had to wait more than a year for a VHS release
>looks don't matter
way to saw off the branch you're sitting on 'cuz the movie sure doesn't offer anything else
The main character’s design is also the most memorable aspect of the movie. As it’s not like the writing was taught and compelling, nor is it like the action sequences were ball-grippingly exciting, as they were just polygons representing completely undeveloped characters bumping into the polygonal representation of an amnesiac murder-bot with less character development than the protagonist of most children’s movies. The plot clumsily tottered around milestone points of then manga, without any of their impact, then ends at what feels like a midpoint, as the movie went to great lengths to establish vector and grewishka were nothing but disposable pawns.
The movie tells you why people don’t leave the city, but then shows you people can just leave the city and do whatever without consequence.
The main character is introduced in a manner that establishes she can’t be killed, then in her hardest fight, she’s told straight away she’s not going to be killed, and when she’s helpless, her opponent just runs away because she poked his eye.
Chiren. Period. She has no business being in the movie at all. The OC they came up with to justify her is complete nonsense. But this applies to all of the movie’s OC.
The movie is a total mess from start to finish and alita’s design is pretty representative of why. As it was a bad idea implemented poorly for no good reason.
Avatar’s opening weekend was one of its weakest weekends. It was also re-released after it won all the awards, and made more on the re-release than it did it’s opening week. So, yea, it did get a second wind.
>qt robutt gf
>nah lemme go up this giant tube into a placed filled with god knows what
>oh look a deah trap
fuck that retard
>blog posting on Yea Forums
No one is gonna read that shit retard.
>ignores criticism
Yea, that’s what I thought. Also nothing about that is a blogpost, my recently arrived friend ;)
4K UHD blu-ray is so much better than regular bl ray. Especially with HDR support.
someone make the webm of when she and hugo first meet. it literally made me question my life and if it was worth living.
The movie was mastered at 2k. So 4K is just an upscale.
She is pretty, but she would even prettier if she looked more asian, had cute small eyes and was with a slim hot boddy with a hot white dude and they kiss, and have sex with each other and to be epic wiht a ugly middle aged white woman as villain and related to shit with some asian boy incels or and few niggers sidekicks, but niggers would not look good here to be used as negative, niggers would look good as trash only if was a hot white male with a attractive black woman with niggers like shit so niggers can be removed from my movie and the white woman can be used as ugly villain.
I have never seen a post more wrong in my entire life
the fuck are you on about?
this is the run: boxofficemojo.com
it made like 30 million on the re-release and made 2.75 fucking billion in its original run
the opening weekend was still the largest the movie ever had (very close to the second one), but also had very strong legs
Fuck niggers
That’s only tracking domestic, Negro.
>fresh off the boat from reddit
>blog posting trash no one will read
>calls others new
you have to go back tourist.
So what you’re saying is you can’t refute a single point I made.
>my recently arrived friend ;)
Wall texts on 4chin and doesnt know no one is gonna read that shit. Calls others new. gayrod
Walls of texts are long posts, but not all long posts are walls of text.
Stay on your discord. You clearly can’t handle discussion.
Sweetheart, I did.
Are you 12 years old?
Why do you keep projecting?
It breaks uncanny valley
every hollywood blockbuster is upscaled, cause CGI rendering cost more than doubles for 4K
however, since Cameron was behind this, and they went as far as to shoot it in 3D, which no other movie has done in the last 5 years, i'd bet it was rendered/mastered at arri's native 3.4K format
Pre-ordered this bad boy over here.
This is a Cameron “side project.” It got the same amount of attention as the terminator movies after judgement day.
>tfw all I can afford is a crappy DVD version
Well at least I have something coming which is more then nothing I guess.
Even though digital has a better video quality, DVD still has more soul than digital can ever hope.
>alita autist pretends to be oldfag
Well this is sad.
Her entire face and brain are a tumor.
no you bug eyed creep
I'm halfway through watching this. The audio is okay, but somebody has clearly had to introduce silences to resync the audio.
It's pretty entertaining. I'll watch the rest of it next week sometime.
I can see why trannies like this.
>be surrounded by endless acres of open country
>have a flourishing jungle with clean running water
>everyone decides to live in a violent ghetto full of oppressive technocrats
but why?
The movie was bland and uninteresting though
What the fuck even happened in this movie?
Robot girls from the moon want to run up a giant cord on planet earth to beat up an old guy?
Whats even at stake? I just saw this last night and all I remember is roller derby bullshit, why won't daddy let me be hardcore and some dude on a platform being evil for no apparent reason
I don't remember her wearing glasses
I don't remember your mom's face.
Is this an actual screenshot from the movie or is it photoshopped?
Excluding the eyes because that was a design choice but those lips/smile looks absolutely fucked.
No, I don't watch shit.
Don't forget the scene where theres a crashed high-tech spacecraft that hasn't been looted in 3 or 4 hundred years because....
>It's underwater, no one goes there
If it weren't for the high production values this movie plays out like a B movie, something you'd see on the SyFy channel alongside sharknado.
Why would you? She died when I was 3. I don't remember her face either.
Stop lying you selfish nigger.
this movie could have been great. too bad they tried everything in their power to make it intentionally shitty.
fuck that ending what the fuck where they thinking
I thought you knew my mom? Where you lying about that too?
what an awful character. just awful.
i can't believe how upset i am about this shit tier pg-13 flick
Stop lying about your mother being dead you lying worthless son of a whore.
Oh so you were lying about knowing my mom? I thought you said you knew her? Why would you lie about something like that?
>their mom is a whore
I guess you do know the cunt.
please do not encourage the producers to make more of this crap
we already have four fucking avatar sequels in the making
we don't need alita 2, spend your money on mdma and weed instead
>lying and bad mouthing your mother on the internet
You should be ashamed user.
God damn this movie was fucking awful.
The lengths waifufags will go to defend it is nothing short of astonishing.
All because they put a big eyed anime girl on the big screen?
I'm not even counting the trannies, you guys are wosre than bronies.
Did you know my mom too? I heard she was a receptionist. No one ever told me she was a prostitute but I guess I understand why they'd leave that part out.
What a turd of a movie, watching this was actually insulting. I feel violated.
post feet
i gotchu my dude
based..so based
imagine getting hired to work on a movie with ROBERT RODRIGUEZ and JAMES CAMERON, so you give it your best for months, maybe even years, thinking this will be the next avatar and then you see the final cut of the movie on premier night and it turns out to be absolutely forgettable trash and your career is basically over because your name will forever be associated with this junk
Imagine being this delusional.
Still better than college humour and the CHIPs reboot.
i wish i would have seen this when it came out so i could have shit on it earlier while also memeing dumb anons into buying a ticket
I saw this movie almost fifty times in theaters and I was only bored a single time in the upper 30s
>They literally spent a hundred million dollars to keep giant anime eyes for literally no reason.
All of that money could have been spent making Cyborgs that didn't look like Spy Kid 2 expies, and creating a genuinely bleak and distressing dystopian city, instead of the "Disney's Alita Theme Park" the movie takes place in.
Also, has a fictional character's adaptation missed the whole point of the character harder than Desty Nova? Maybe Doomachev from Tranktastic Four. Movie Desty is the polar opposite of the fantastic manga character.
There is actually a webm around of one of the action sequences where they actually replicate the tired, 2 decade old, freeze-frame-midair-kick cliche from the matrix.
I kid you not, it's that bad.
the bar fight was the best part of the movie
>her waking up scene was the best part of the movie.
ftfy nigga
Once ICE deports you yeah
If Cameron had no faith that Makaku/Hugo was compelling enough of a story to put to the screen, he should have left the IP alone, instead of having Rodriguez shit it up with a baffling motorball contest from nowhere for no raisin, and shitty Kingpin Desty Nova.
Yea imagine it, the very best they could muster was some worn out second hand late 90's fight movie trope that has already been lampooned hundreds of times.
I don't know how a movie could be this much of a mess, the animation during these fights is also Matrix sequel tier, stand out like a sore thumb and looks very very budget.
>all these assmad Alita haters seething over the movies success and its coming bluray release
lmao at your pathetic lives
Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.
i'm only mad because i expected to see a serviceable scifi flick and got a rotting turd instead
It's a serviceable PG-13 dystopian scifi flick for kids age 10-14 (with a parent or legal guardian).
fucking same
he was so fucking punchable in this shit flick
he can't even act and his delivery is worse than disney romcom tier. couple that with one of the blandest scripts in recent history and I was almost ready to blow my brains out.
more like 7-10 or 10-13 if english isn't their first language
>parent or legal guardian
those people should be shot if they allow their kids to consume this mind numbing garbage at such an early age
It's harmless YA shit like The Maze Runner, with a single interesting technical achievement, Alita's mo-cap.
Holy based.
She not even that kawaii
Some men are bigger than that.
How much did they paid Norton for a character we'll never see again?
fuck off jesus
$5, a blanket, warm meal and final cut privilege
Eww... And people say the CGI is bad? If they made this beaner look good then I think they did a good job.
Why has this movie got such a weird fan base anyways
because its for preteen children
the main character is an aspirational role model for transgenders
She's 100% a girl. Trannies are just retarded, but that does not come as a surprise.
it's the fact that she is a constructed girl.
they see themselves in her, in thier case constructed through surgery
With the difference that trannies never were girls and never will be, yes.
The fanbase is pretty boilerplate if you think of it in terms of fanbases for a particular anime. As these threads just look like Yea Forums threads (with more pushback). The only real difference being how no one spends $100m an hour to make an anime.
Technically alita never was a girl either. As she’s a tumor.
Cue: *Youtube*, Alita eats chocolate for 10 hours
I almost threw a brick at my TV screaming this...
Also how the FUCK did she get back up afterward??
no but ill seed the remux
>hey let’s make this scene more dramatic
>uh, sir, now it doesn’t make any sense
>eh who cares
You haven't even seen the movie.
Is that so? Well, not that it matters, the tumor had XX chromosomes.
MtF Trannies don't.
>v and tv incessantly pouring their memes into each other
Will you just fuck already?
The one time sneed is welcome, in an alita thread
It’s only going to get harder to maintain this delusion.
Sneed is welcome in every Yea Forums thread thank you very much.
Angela Anaconda is coming out on bluray?
>preorder a movie
Yea Forumstards, everyone
>Sneed is welcome-
Low bitrates make the CG look worse than it actually is. Rewatch it once a proper webrip comes out.
>I kind of wish I saw that in the theater but I don't feel like I've missed that much
You missed out on IMAX. I'm so sorry.
Nah, they’re actually hiding how bad the cgi is.
>and when she’s helpless, her opponent just runs away because she poked his eye.
It's obvious you either didn't watch the movie or didn't pay attention, since that's not what happened.
It wasn't looted because most people don't know it exists, and those who do have no idea how to use any of the tech. They could loot it for scrapmetal, sure, but if that's what you want it's far easier to just head to the scrapyard.
That’s literally what happens. Nothing in the scrapyard was much of a threat to grewishka unitl they give alita the ultimate murderbot body. But he runs away like a little bitch because he got poked in the eye. He doesn’t get fought off, he doesn’t get overpowered, he just runs away for no reason.
Negro, 300 years. You don’t seem to understand how much time that is.
>You do know DVD is digital, right?
>in immense pain due to having Alita's hand impaled in his eye
>hit by a rocket hammer
>set on fire by a grenade
>chased by three highly dangerous cyborg dogs
Actually watch the movie before trying to criticise it.
You forgot he was set on fire, had 4 cyborg dogs on his ass and Ido was there with his rocket hammer. He must've figured he was at a disadvantage.
>he’s an unstoppable murderbot until it’s inconvenient to the plot
Yea okay
>implying Digital Versatile Disc are digital
The gold rush in the US represented literally every large deposit of valuable ore being extracted from the continental United States in about a decade. Add a couple decades for every medium/small deposit.
The only reason the berserker body made sense in the manga is because only Salem citizens can freely come and go from the scrapyard. The movie gave everyone the ability to freely come and go.
>He hasn't bought the $200 collector's set signed by Cameron Landau and Rodriguez yet...
What will you give me?
>he’s an unstoppable murderbot
Where is that ever stated? In his 1st body he teamed up with Romo and Nyssiana just to take out Ido, the 2nd body was clearly more powerful but he(correctly) wasn't expecting the people in Kansas Bar to be willing to risk their lives since he had no bounty on his head. 1-vs-1 he WAS the most powerful thing in that room and he did slice up Alita rather handily, it's only because there were people in the bar who cared about Alita on a personal level(and one very angry dog owner) that she managed to survive.
>how the FUCK did she get back up afterward??
I've been wondering that for months.
She didn't grab him with her legs because she was in shock. She probably got back up by doing gymnastics.
>tfw no Alita cosplay gf
>no Alita cosplay gf with fantastically reflective ass
Why did he trick her like this ;_;
>mean doctor pranks innocent teen gone sexual
>zipper on ass
yikes chink alita looks awful. Least with a Caucasian face you can somewhat see her as a human.
You mean spic.
Can someone explain why the reflected sky is black?
Its trash
A lot of asian cosplayers make the skintight rubber stuff out of sex/gimp suits so they can go to the toilet - saves having to peel themselves out of a suit everytime they wanna pee.
She has to get rid of used food somehow.
>mfw i deepfaked her into petite jav porn actress
jesus my nut can't produce more sperm bros
holy fuck
Reading comprehension isn't your strength smoothbrain.
post alita deepfake please
Man you really are delusional. You complain that anons criticism arent develloped at all, and when he take his time write you about what he think was wrong about the movie aside the main characters you ignore it and insult him of being a newfag for writing a few lines of text. You are an asshole.
You aren’t white.
stfu newfag
its not newfaggy to be able to read more than two words. You cant complain about a few lines when you spend your time reading bullshit trolls on Yea Forums. If you have a problem with text what are you doing on a discussion boards. Fuck out of here faggot. Nobody can call anyone a newfag now. Especially not if you try to defend this piece of shit of a flick
>t. newfag
you can easily make one yourself user
its really ez
Everyone can see thats all your saying and its more pathetic when you insult someone like this after he criticised your shit movie. Thats all you do, you sound like a cult "Oh you see, you cant have a real; opinion because you didnt see the movie" without providing an opinion of your own of why the movie is good, "Only true fans will see it on 4k br" "You have to see the movie to understand their stylistic choice, but i wont tell you lol" and everyone who doesnt adere to your ideology you try to shunned them by resorting to old classic anonymous lingo you could find on ed like site were a retard would learn about Yea Forums after the dark knight rises got out in theater. You could pretend you frequent this site from even before that, it doesnt matter, at this point its irrevelant to call anyone a newfags when most of them are facebook retards like you. Only thing we can do is call you out on that. You will not read any texts and reply with your shitty buzzwords, maybe others will read the texts. I dont care i will tell you are a retarded asshole as long as you keep bullshiting
Why are you in this thread if you hate the movie?
You're never going to convince /alita/rds to hate it along with you. We know it's a niche market film that won't break records. We know her eyes are big. We know it aligns more with the OVA than the manga. Haters have had little new to say for three months now. I challenge you to go to
and be forced to come up with an original post.
Why are you still trying to talk about this bullshit when we all know it brings the worst of the stupidest retards out there. Go back to your facebook page if you dont want to see hate
i better wait for a director cut who fixes that shity ending
There is nothing wrong with the ending incel.
>Total mess
Okay dude
Fixes the shitty ending, the ending is set up like that for a purpose... I admit it dosen't leave you you much closure but JC didn't write 3 scripts for no reason.
lurkers deserve to be warned about the reasons for the overly nice le reddit tier quirkiness that goes on here in these shitty anime cartoon worship threads.
La creatura el diablo
Did no one in the production staff look at this character and ask "why does he have pantsu on his head"
Fuck haters and Alita beraters.
Fuck lewds and asshole rude dudes.
Fuck jannies and discord trannies.
Fuck off topic hacks and ad hominem attacks.
Fuck waifu fags and Half in the Bag.
Alita is an interesting character.
She is cute and sweet and vicious when enraged.
She is very different than your average (((Hollywood))) crap.
We want to talk about this movie because we are sick of common formulaic crap.
Assholes like (You) disrupt comfy threads with garbage posts unrelated to the topic.
Go argue about 'rasslin' on
. (You) will love it there, and will be amongst like-minded room temperature IQ posters.
Uhhh based.
>tumblr: the post
I might actually hate alita moviefags more than bronies or furries. They're so fucking insufferable.
>Edgy contrarian the post
I might actually hate faggots on Yea Forums more than trannies or blacks. They're so fucking insurable.
> The Battle Angel limited edition collector’s set will include the movie on 4K Ultra HD and a 64-page art book “The Evolution of Alita,” along with a signed certificate of authenticity and two framed collectible art prints, for $199
> a signed certificate of authenticity
> $199
it's just the preorder price; the bluray on amazon started at $60 and went down to what it is now, $30. they start high with preorders and it always goes down before it gets released and you pay the lowest price
> Target's exclusives include a USB-charging wristband with WARRIOR stamped on the face and Alita: Battle Angel on the back
>James Cameron
Director of the highest grossing movie of all time.
>Jon Landau
JC's other half, and a famous producer on multiple billion dollar + movies.
>Robert Rodriguez.
Famous cult director, and all round chad.
And try collecting all 3 of those signatures on the same price of paper, that would cost more in travel and event tickets than the actual set itself. And for anyone who likes Alita you get that and an exclusive art book and 2 exclusive prints and ofc the 4k BR.
Don't confuse the regular DVD that nomal people might buy with the supra limited exclusive version for people who should have sex.
>And try collecting all 3 of those signatures on the same price of paper, that would cost more in travel and event tickets than the actual set itself.
Most people would spend that time and money on having sex. But you do you.
>a sucker born every minute
>You're preordering all the different versions of my movie, right user?
What's the appeal? It's an ugly spic goblin with huge photoshopped eyes. It's fucking hideous
You do realise that people do collect signatures and pay a lot of money for them, also why are you in this thread and not having sex right now? Genuine question.
He dosen't realise that she's all CGI...
The bionic hand then reaches into your pants and steals your wallet....
Do you guys have the orange webm with the new hdrip that came out, none of that 1xbet bullshit
why did Jim Cameron put his bush league cgi team on this movie?
this is fuckign atrocious
>trying this hard to fit in
> 4K
> Only in 3D
Now THAT is going to seriously piss off some incels.
Was that supposed to be a comeback?
what's his obsession with motion capture?
is it only a cost saving measure?
Do you think your engaging in a battle by being this dense ? Do you think every anons are the same person ? You keep acting retarded
How? That is a good thing. Now you don't have to pay for a 4k version and also pick up the 3d version separately same price as a normal 4k BluRay you just get the 3D in one package.
Dios mio...los ogros biónico...
Motion capture costs way more than hiring some a lister actress.
> not so great for 4k TV owners who don’t or can’t watch 3D, but still have to pay extra for it
"Wanna come over to my Mom's house and watch 3D 4K and chill?"
>Do you think your engaging in a battle
Pease, could you try and sound more like some virgin that sits on Yea Forums 24/7, arguing over movies he dosen't like?
La luz extinguido...
You no comprende? You get the 3D disc for free basically... 4k Alita (with 3D disc)is £25 on Amazon, and captin marvel 4k disc is also £25, but you get no 3d disc...
Rich coming from a someone who thinks hes white, you do realise you have "goblina" blood in you.
> You get it for free!
> Can't buy it without for less.
but motion capture using a D list beaner roastie costs less than doing a proper animation job
All pre-order 4k discs retail for £25, why would they sell it any cheaper?
You aren't permitted to buy a 4K disc. You have to pay for a 4K+3D.
>be Alita
>all your threads reach bump limit because autists are quantum mad about your movie for some reason
>Proper animation job
Good to see your baising your opinions evern tho you haven't seen the movie. Otherwise you would know that Alita is the highest detailed rendering of a CGI character ever. She has tens of thousands of polygons in one of her eyes alone... and is a testiment to how far CGI has come over the years.
Back to /pol/ you go.
You are permitted to buy a 4k disc, it just happens to come with a 3d disc for the same price. Why does this concept seem to trouble your brain so hard?
> you haven't seen the movie.
> downloaded for free and the (((studio))) will never see a dime.