>Good looking male characters portraying roles of outcasts or depressed people
>Quirky female characters
>Female characters referring to men as "dude" or "bro"
Small things in movies that makes you rage so bad you could actually kill someone
OP is a supreme gentleman.
Have sex
u mad OP??
How many cocks did you suck today?
Shoes in bed.
I once had a lil cousin in my house who stepped on my bed using shoes i puched him in the head so hard he felt dizzy, my family stopped coming here altogether.
You don't give someone head trauma in retaliation of bad manners you ape.
do not step on my bed using shoes, thats my only rule in life and he broke it.
The punishment fits the crime, he wasn't very bright to begin with.
I know a 19-year old girl who actually says "dude".
Have sex.
based he won't ever step in someone's bed using shoes ever again, probably because he's a paraplegic now
>newfag uses the subject field
sure fucking reddit indicator you god damn asshole
Jesus fucking Christ lmfao you people are a trip sometimes
Without shoes? sure.
Anglophone cinema
>>Female characters referring to men as "dude" or "bro
What are you, gay? Who ever heard of having a problem with this?
Why would the OP be mad about being called a supreme gentleman, you tard? Why would he tell those people to have sex?
I want to find where you live and step on your bed with shoes now just so I can press charges on your stupid ass.
>romance scene in a non-romance movie
>scenes where women talk to each other
>establishing shots of a location
>shaky cam action scenes
Unironically fastforward through all that.
Black people hair
>married couple have a big fight
>husband sleeps on the couch
>couple are having relationship issues/going through a divorce
>husband moves out and lets the wife stay in the house, despite being the breadwinner and probably legal owner of said home
These happen in TV series too (e.g. Breaking Bad) and almost always make me want to quit watching.
>makes you rage so bad you could actually kill someone
Nothing's that bad, user. You should get some training on mood management if shit makes you get that way.
What do you think that will change, user? Do you think having sex will make all these problems magically go away? Sounds like virgin logic to me.
>Put your bare feet all over my bed where I've been rubbing my bare ass and cock or I'll punch you
Women shouldn't imitate the way in which we men talk
Do white people actually do this?
I know, right? They should stick to butter-churning and dress-sewing and never have hair shorter than shoulder length.
Back to the barn raising, Jebediah.
Why yes, how could you tell?
When they take an obviously hot girl and try to make her look plain with overalls, a ponytail, and glasses.
It never works
disgusting that shit is wack
I'm 6'4 and handsome, girls regularly flirt with me but I'm a khv sperg and can never connect with anyone. It's not impossible
Everyone in the movies makes eye contact with each other. I can't even face toward the person I'm speaking to IRL i always have to be at least 45 degrees angled away. Every movie is made for fucking normies who don't understand what it's like to have social anxiety diseases
>They should stick to butter-churning and dress-sewing and never have hair shorter than shoulder length.
this but unironically
>Wanting someone to tread shit into your bedding
You know women despise white knights, right? They are not going to sleep with your beta ass. Pic related: you.
>not having a problem with tomboys is being beta/white knight
wew fucking lad
When the character is drinking from a cup and it's obviously empty. I mean, is it really that hard to just put water in it? Fuck I'm mad.
Black male white female couples/intercourse
Because after they do one take of the scene they have to fill the cup up again. And again. And again. And eventually they get tired of filling the cup and the actor gets tired of drinking from it. So they'll forego that even if it will enrage autists.
>Evades my argument entirely
Also when they have clearly empty boxes and even the slightest nudge sends them flying. Beer cases and pizza boxes seem to be the biggest culprit
Oh, user. I can’t exactly evade something that wasn’t there to begin with.
>Good looking male characters portraying roles of outcasts or depressed people
literally me actually. kys uglyfags
who actually /handsome/ here?
>I once had a lil cousin in my house who stepped on my bed using shoes i puched him in the head so hard he felt dizzy, my family stopped coming here altogether.
white people...