What's the next big thing after streaming?

What's the next big thing after streaming?

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Imagine my shock

I wish this headline were real

>insert niche fetish for burgers
>why not marketable?
interrarial or other degeneration porn like piss or something is pretty niche


>Imagine being racist

imagine being a traitor to your own race.

>continues efforts to engage audiences with interracial programming
Why bother? Seems like a lot of effort for no reward for a corporation to do that.

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implying (((they))) care if it's marketable or not

Don’t care virgin

too honest to be real

Everyone despises interracial though, every single race, and both genders, so why won’t they fucking learn?


Who cares about "race" anymore?

people who understand IQ distribution?


The left. They won't shut up about it.

So ah, does his name end with "-stein" or "-berg?"

Everyone except white leftists.

How is that IQ working out for whites lol

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better than blacks

do you enjoy having intact and well maintained infrastructure?

pretty well actually, NASA is going to a gold asteroid

they run the planet and hold all the wealth, so...pretty well?

You still losin' all your women to black men lol

only the trashy ones that we dont want

racemixing is based and redpilled
but only wmaf

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Not true lol. All white women crave BBC.

The fat ones, and the low IQ kardashian types, sure. Thanks for clearing out our deadwood for us, Lajambe!

actually white women are the most racist when it comes to dating outside their own race

hint: blacks can't pronounce the "-ing" suffix, but they also can't type apostrophes. your niggerlarping skills need work.

Who really cares? Women can do whatever they want. In years we will have advanced AI and be able to create perfect bodies. Anyone having sex with a human at that point will be a loser. They are a completely inferior species. They can fuck only black guys and I'll be fucking my perfect 10 out of 10 waifu while they are having fun being single mothers.

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Cope harder whiteboys lol. The future is BLACKED.

>the most retarded white women self-select their genes out of the white pool
oh no?

Memeing ;)

I've fucked a black guy and I'm pretty normal.

>Interracial Romance "Not Marketable"

It's never even been tried properly. They just need to focus on amwf pairings.

It's whitebois thank you very much

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I'm white american, nice try to lol
Are they really retarded if they choose to have genetically better children?

Africa's massive projected population increase will be killed by the famines and droughts unleashed by climate change

> I've fucked a black guy
> I'm pretty normal

There's no deception, like self-deception. I'm sure I'd be surprised at the number of "pretty normal" people who are into scat, too.

well luckily fags don't reproduce, so "you do you :)"

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wtf why was this post deleted
fucking retarded jannie
bet it's the same fag who deletes friday night threads

Why would you not

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There's no such thing as butt babies.

gee why would a corporation knowingly push unprofitable products. i thought the (((free market))) was supposed to prevent this?

The weirdest thing about "black" fetishists is that blacks are getting replaced all over the country by Hispanics.
When America because a 3rd world country it won't resemble Africa, it will resemble Mexico.

Who cares about Africa when Europe and USA are full of black men, fucking white women as we speak?

>low iq good
remember kids, never go full-ungabunga

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I mean I post here so I probably have some kinda brain defect.
I'm not a gay you bully.

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Big dicks seem to be working better than good big IQ lol

>Fake article

>I'm not a gay you bully.
trannies aren't real women sweetie, you still gay

but they don't fuck niggers, they statistically fuck the minimal amount of niggers when it comes to fucking niggers, you're full of shit

Are the Mexicans going to stop the African boat people armadas from landing on the coast?

>pol statistics

uh oh here we go

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I'm not a freak either.

Sure, they'll just kill the negros or put them in the ghettos like they do in their own countries when there is no white people to protect Africans.

>Big dicks seem to be working better than good big IQ lol
Sadly, true.

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I don't

just dating stats nigger

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You will never be a real woman

Made by a seething whiteboy, so they can't be trusted.

you know they can't do math

Not fake, but okay.

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No, actually. Whites are just having less children than niggers because niggers are too poor to buy condoms, and too stupid to realize that having 10 children with three different mothers isn't a great idea.

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Yes, same behavior observed in animals. I think they did it with puffer fish, and noticed the dumbest one reproduce more.
The lower the average IQ of a group, the more they breed like rats. An unfortunate flaw of nature, that the dumbest ones reproduce the most.

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nigger nigger nigger
you'll never be white
nigger nigger nigger
you won't win this fight

netflix is so racist

I saw that trailer for that killer mike netflix show and it's literally him saying he only does things for blacks and only cares about what's good for blacks, yelling at a little asian kid and a little white kid about their race

>biting oh so obvious bait

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catchy, I'll be sure to hum it next time I buy groceries

imagine living on this planet for decades and still have blinders on to the most obvious things

Blacked subscriptions show otherwise.

>Blacks going around dominating women and spreading their seed is bad
Only white people think reproducing is a bad thing lol

>you will never look like bottom left

even (you)'re reaching at this point user

Everyone except a percentage of white leftists.

how tall are you?

what do they say, cuckie?

They hope it'll work to appeal to the different demographics that they're including in the shows. Also the shows are typically very cheap. Even the Christmas movie Netflix did was incredibly cheap looking even though it ended up pretty popular, which shows how low the bar is for these shows.

I mean if the craze for the next phase of the mcu doesn't go down, then the future of marvel onions is truly blacked

and you will never be a man


>never heard of it
Typical niggers, they just don't understand how families function. Which explains why they can't build long lasting, advanced civilizations.

I wouldn't be so annoyed if there were some qt black girls but it's all BMWF everytime

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Why build something when white cuckies will build it for you as you fuck their women lol

just b urself :)

if i tell you, i'm sure you will laugh

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You're best bet is a desperate dwarf woman

bonbi a slut her new elsa cosplay a cute


>algorithm, big-data driven media company making production decisions based off their consumer demand data
>data shows conclusively that consumers do not want to see racemixing
>they'll push it anyway

really makes me thonk

>ooga booga gibs medat
This is why no one likes you people.
Buckle up nigger boy, the more white population decreases, the less tolerant we will become. The racism that's spreading on the internet like wildfire will make it onto real life streets soon.

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the cutest chesse slut.

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pp slut. bonbi is blacked.