>girl 6'9
>her crush is a literal manlet over 1 foot shorter than her
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In high school there was 6'2 girl that was obsessed with my 5'9 friend. I never understood that
it's almost as if some people are likeable outside of how tall they are
lol...that's adorable
I guess she's a Taron Egerton fan
They even made out one night and that shit looked comical. But I'm happy for him
>it's almost as if
It's a fetish thing
Look at that neck on her. What a bloody legend.
>Big Al
>Shortest person in the family
>sent from my iPhone
That neck's so unfortunate. Tall girls are never proportionate.
>matched with a tall girl on tinder
I hope I don't mess it up boys. Height difference makes me diamonds.
I have a friend who's probably about 5'6" who's going out with a girl who would be at least 6'.
Look at that neck
>that tight orange dress
look at this fucking Guido and his blingy earrings, he's not good enough for that lanklet girl. she's cute, he's a fucking guido
ok that shea kid is either a fag or f2m tranny
proof facial aesthetics matter the most and lanklet posting is pure cope
This can't be Yea Forums why am I 6"2 and still a kissless virgin...the memes lied to me!!
She should be a boxer.
With that reach and height advantage she could dominate the heavyweight female division,
One punch breaks her swan neck
>mfw 5'6" and all I've learned through my 13 years hear is that everyone is insecure and that the guise of anonymity makes everyone here a little bitch
On the real though she probably has marfans or Ehler-Danlos, she needs to watch out.
>tfw 5'7 and ugly
>tfw the most handsome person in this thread
lol don't think so bitch
>tfw no ayy gf
tfw 6'0.5 and grotesque
so he has mommy issues right?
Amazons are so fucking hot, I almost lost my virginity to one
tell us about yourself so we can live vicariously
>using the subject field
tremendous newfag
Just be yourself bro
is it because they're closer to the sun?
have sex for once you fucking incel
>hurr if you're not a top 20% male you're invisible to women
Bros it really isn't hard to be TOP TWENTY PERCENT
How many men are in the world? 3.5 billion? Oh so I have to be in the top 700 million men in terms of attractiveness for women to notice me? Oh no I'll never make it!
Most men look like shit, and are poor and retarded. Top twenty percent is fucking easy unless you're literally deformed or a sub 5'8 manlet
>Work out, gain muscle and lose fat. Almost anyone can look great after just 2-3 years of lifting. Losing fat will also make your face look 10 times better.
>Get on a skincare regime, and start dermarolling. If you have average skin you can have incredible skin in under a year
>Grow a beard / stubble, get a fashionable haircut.
>Get a tan. Preferably not from sun exposure since it fucks your skin. Beta carotene, melanotan 2, even fake tans you just apply to your skin. Anything to not be a pale cave dweller.
>Get eye contact / laser eye surgery if you wear glasses
There. You're now top 20% and can stop crying about being incel.
>tfw 5ft 11.5 Manlet who rounds up to 6ft but boyishly handsome and everyone up to 6ft 2 describes me as tall anyway
Nah breh, that's just impossible. You need to be at least 8 foot minimum to even get a side glance nowadays. Minimum.
This you? Looks like a fun guy to grab a beer with. Go on ya mate.
As a 6'6" guy... I have nothing to share I just wanted to state my height because that gets me upvotes. Also fuck niggers, and I'm tall so you better believe it.
I don't think you guys realise that tall girls are the equivalent of manlets
Most men don't want to date a woman taller than them, especially not a 6'9 freakshow. Manlets and amazons are natural partners because they're both shunned
She's 6'9"
It stands to reason that she wouldn't take height into account when virtually all men are shorter than her.
Dudes like you are the only people I am afraid to fight as a 5'10 midget. I would get my head taken off before I could put any training or mass I have to use probably.
Glasses are an excellent fashion accessory, you just need to invest in some fashionable ones.
white people look so stupid and goofy
>tfw get called handsome and cute
>it's mostly from other guys
what does it mean
he's clearly a faggot
>hopes her crush will ask her out
>just fucking waits instead of asking
>decide fuck it, let's make a tv show about my stupid freakishly tall life
>fuck it, interview my crush at the same time and give him hints that i want to suck his dick
Nah M8 it's Greekgodx, not even I could be that much of a bro
oh look it's another thread from the HOLY TRINITY OF INSECURE WHITE BOIS
dick size
white bois are insecure as fuck. meanwhile we have good height, great hair (look great bald), and lastly...well, I don't need you white bois to tell that. You already know about it.
>tall enough for her to ride you while you suck her tits at the same time
Oh hell yes.
Gay men are more forward about their attraction than straight women. You're probably handsome and cute.
Grass is always greener yadda yadda
What really gets to me is that ugly guys won't even bother going to prom - let alone going with a girl -, while this genetic freak gets an invite from her crush by virtue of being a woman. Fuck this world.
but i'm pretty sure theyre not gay
He is relentlessly handsome. I want his lips wrapped around my dick.
God, I just wish I could find a girl taller than me. I'm 6'3 and I dwarf just about every woman i've ever met. Feels bad man.
This. Face is the most important.
>t. sexually invisible Asian male
>men are calling you cute
>they're not gay
you never met some bros where they compliment you to boost your confidence up?
you mean like friends? no i've never had any
>be in Hong Kong for New Year's
>ride elevator to lobby
>7 foot dork walks in, pretty strong jaw, good smile
>imagined him fucking me
Imagine having sex with that.
you take the 20% by country retard, which means since my country's population is 60 millions, I have to be in the top 5 million men. I look like shit, I can't even find a job and I'm retarded. I have good skin, I'm fit, normal haircut and I'm still completely undesirable.
Not so fast, anal avenger.
why is your mouth off centre
They look like giraffes lmao
>hairy arms
>tfw no giantess GF
>tfw no highschool GF
>tfw forever alone
i welcome death
wtf Yea Forums you told me that 6'5 was the manlet cutoff status
6'1 girl asked me out to prom and i'm 5'6. said no cause she used to date one of my good friends and they broke up a week before. I ain't backstabbing my friend and ain't no sloppy seconds
Does anyone else find Nancy and her entire family insanely unattractive because of their accents?
>it's almost as if some people are likeable outside of how tall they are
t. Manlet
>"being tall really effects your confidence, especially when you see your crush walking down the hallway and realize he is shorter than you"
>I'm 5'6
How do manlets live with themselves? Imagine getting intimidated by almost everyone while walking in public.
are all American shows this fucking cringe holy christ
>no one has mentioned her banging albeit lanky body
Have sex incels
you learn to live with the depression
stoned homer is stoned
you get used to it
>transformation artist
Ha ha imagine if Nancy got a magic spell to shrink to the same size as little Shea, but she accidentally kept shrinking and shrunk down to the size of his benis, that would be pretty awkward and embarrassing ha ha ha.
Wholesome kino
t. retard
I smoke cigarettes and shit post to deal with the feels of being 5'6
Will you go to prom with me?
is she 18? i want to run my tongue from the bottom of her feet alll the way up to ass and pussi
Its fuckin Greek LULW
fuck man, this is so cute, I'm really happy for her
>Imagine getting intimidated by almost everyone while walking in public.
what? why would I be intimidated by everyone? Is this an american thing? someone pls explain.
>most popualr guy in school
>literally no fucking girl there cares that he is 5'6
Place full of fucking lardasses btfo yet again.
Remember if you go to any board in this shithole and they desperately trying to tell you height matters to a girl, just laugh at their sexless lives.
I still actually get girls flirting with e all the time, but I can't be confident anymore because this fucking shithole for three years has told me deep down every women cares alot whether you're at least 6'0 or taller.
I'm 5'6" and dated no less than 2 women over 6' tall.
You just gotta have game, bro.
what happens when im the sexless one too?
>tfw no amazonian gf
ill be ur friend :)
>that neck
whoa and I thought I had a long neck
holy shit
That kid is a classic HS chad. His shortness is compenssated for the fuckboi twink looks and charisma. I've seen it before
Almost like men aren't women and women aren't men, smart guy.
the most chad guy I knew in highschool was super ripped and like only 5'7 but all the girls loved him
She could deepthroat Shea easily. He's gonna have a great time.
>>I'm 5'6
>How do manlets live with themselves? Imagine getting intimidated by almost everyone while walking in public.
I'm comforted by the fact I have an 8.0" dick.
oh yeah hes gonna be rockin in Kansas with his 6'9' gf for sure aha
I don't get how this is a lol manlets thread when that guys who is like 5'6 is getting laid with a hot 6'9 women
like if anything im happy for the guy and im 5'6 too
FACE >>>>>>>> height.
Coping lanklets will say otherwise.
He's 5'6. He's a manlet. He's not going to bang the Amazon woman. He's going back to fuck Stacy after the prom you dolt. He asked the freak girl to prom because of the fucking TV show. Also manlets should always be laughed at.
easy there little guy
>the whole family
wtf did the mom get impregnated by a giraffe?
>Mfw most Hollywood sex symbols are manlets
Tom Cruise is not a sex symbol, he just gets jobs because he's a Scientologist.
just because I think something else will happen or because of the tvshow im a dolt? fuck you nigger
wait, 5'6 and he's the most popular guy?
what happened to america?
Lmao underage detected
you seem to forget the couch jumping and him making an ass out of himself
hahahahaha midget throwing contest
>Ignoring the fact that women couldn't stop screaming for him though the whole interview
Prime Cruise was a literal god.
I'm 6'2 and I want a 6'1 or taller girlfriend
okay some women do like him but still
fuck shes so sexy or that one beach photo shoot wheres shes bending over in shorts hnnnnnng
shes the one with a crush on him you retard
>tfw 6'3''
>always wanted a gf taller than me
>live around nothing but womanlets
It's not fair bros
Manlets LITERALLY stealing lanklets women
Lanklets absolutely SEETHING. BTFO ETERNALLY
what the fuck are they feeding that family? the brother is fucking 7'3
lanklets like short women tho so whats the problem lol
and shes the one with the crush on him retard
What did Jim mean by this?
He's handsome. Something you will never be.
its not fair
Imagine Karlie Kloss, Elizabeth Debicki and Gwendoline Christie all being bullied by Nancy from TLC.
>all the seething incel lanklets forgetting he was married to prime Nicole Kidman and dated qt's like Penelope Cruz
Sharapova is cute as fuck
almost like height isn't as big of a deal as the memes on 4channel make it seem
ashamed about being shorter than Karlie or something
> be one of the most successful boxers ever and still get height shamed by a woman
Manlets really cannot win kek
Calm down, little man.
Wears dress to show off her flat chest...
Disgusting titlet.
no fuck you nigger sneed fuck and suck formerly chucks
this is why he hit his wife
That neck
that dress is fucking ugly lol shes hot as fuck tho
now this one has a cute fucking face
All that matters is your dick. If your dick is under 5" long, consider suicide, because your life is over.
she just needs to put on a few pounds
nah shes gross
her nudes made me wanna vomit
mayweather a qt
She's wearing 4" heels, so essentially she is the same height as him.
mine is under 5 inches and I've had sex with 4 women
relationships don't last long though
she makes my dick wanna vomit cum if you kno wat I mean
Fallon is like 5'8
get off your fucking high heels you thot
17.5 in length and 16 in girth, what is that in inches?
He looks like tom Holland. You can tell he gets mad pussy
tf no 6’9” gf
I have regular enjoyable sex and under 5 inches. Learn to finger and to do good foreplay retard.
>He looks like tom Holland.
Isn't Tom Holland gay though?
Only one user commented on his earrings. You're all a bunch of faggots if you think being a manlet is worse that being a raging queer. You can be charismatic as fuck even as a manlet, but wearing earrings makes you a lil bitchboy
ITT: Bitter incels acting like they aren't jealous of Nancy for dating that cute boi.
>is handsome
>user on the mongolian death worm collector forum thinks women care about height at all
Everyone says he isn't but
>acts disgusted when female costars get close
>male "friend" he travels around with
>drama kid
>great hair (look great bald
based zoomers reinventing the english language
What's the point of wearing high heels if you're already tall
You fucking bitch
"Doggo" needs to be added
they use them to push their ass up or something like that
What do you have against floofy puppers?
Nothing but doggo sounds retarded. It's not even a contraction. It's pointless and retarded
The dad is a manlet and the mom a kaiju as well!
The plot thickens.
user this is Yea Forums, personality matter not to these titans that walk the earth. That grace us mere mortals with their 6'5 stature, 9" cock length (flaccid), hair that grows by the second. Your words will never reach their perfectly formed ears.
Sounds like you need to spend some quality time with a foozy-woozy woofer.
>foozy-woozy woofer
This unironically sounds less retarded than "doggo"
You're also retarded. You have to be in the top 12 million men, not the top 5 million.
It's her stepdad
like when you shove four bags of crystal meth up your ass and snort coke while engaged in an orgy with overweight transvestites in a seedy motel as your harlem of wives videotape for posterity and pop poppers, not knowing that people are parked in the driveway and can see exactly what's going on through the flimsy curtains, leading to you shittitng yer pants and eventual sexual violation in the slammer at the hands of a group of tattooed, homosexual big bubbas who simply like sissy boys and, I quote,"don't take no shit"
i want to see them have sex.
small guy fucking tall girl porn is kino, especially when the short guy has a huge dick and the girl starts by teasing him, but ends up passing out from cumming
She looks like Gilly from Game of Thrones
nice try manlet but it's really :
FACE+HEIGHT >>>>>>>>>> FACE >>>>>>>>> HEIGHT
You retards are including ALL men in the 20% calculation when you should realistically only include men 18-40, which for most western countries is about 20% of the male population. If we use 60 million figure that means only about 1.2 million men.
>she didn't go with one of the black guys
lol what the fuck
>everyone talks about being 5'6" is not so bad but I'm 5'4"
Fuck man
why do so many white people have black accents?
You jelly of all that energy, sloth? Careful not to hurt your back now gramps!
>tfw 6'3" and 9/10 face and over 30 tinder matches waiting for me to respond tonight, even if I ever bother putting in the effort
feels great bros, we're all gonna make it
>tfw 6'14, face designed in a korean laboratory to be mathematically as attractive as possible, literally matched with everh single tinder user in a 100km radius
We're all gonna make it bros
>the mother's voice
Fuck off