People born in 2001 can post here

>People born in 2001 can post here
Jesus anons I feel old. Was born in 1998 and already feel out of touch with these newfags

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Other urls found in this thread:

1983 here. people who "feel old" always feel old, like at basically every age. they start with that shit at like age 16 and continue it for the rest of their lives. generally they're born losers.

Cant wait till November so me and my gf can post together

she'll already be my gf by then desu

>kids born after 9/11 can post here
>these kids already had sex and i'm still a virgin
atleast i can sneedpost all i want

What was watching Tyson stomp about like?

kill yourself zoomzoom

Based. Me and my wife’s son posted together on his 18th b day

I’ve never felt old. I’ve always felt like everyone is an absolute moron though, so kids finding new ways to be stupid doesn’t

'88 here, can confirm this is true

1984 here, I don't know why...I'm here...I've tried to leave before...I just end up in a room with red curtains and owls...then I'm back here

People were saying the same shit about you when you turned 18. Get over it.

Based older bro posting. I knew you posted here.

Shut the FUCK up CUNT

1988 here. Don't blame yourself. Our parents generations set us up to fail.


*kisses you on the lips*

absolutely fucking based user

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t. that fucking weird old boomer who shows up to high school parties that everyone barely tolerates because he brings alcohol

Mfw born 9 months before 911

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Go floss little boy

this, if you feel old just because slightly younger people exist you probably are bitter because you feel you missed out
t. knower

September 11th can post here oh no

wizard from 87, can confirm

What do you mean your wife's son? Wouldn't that be your own son?

Ohhh no ohhhhh nonono HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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That old man is infinitely less insufferable than flossing zoomer fortnite fidget spinner minecraft faggot retards.

yep, back in my day, we didn't have none of that "fort night" or "miney craft," we had to pick ourselves ourselves up by our bootstraps and join the marines to invade iraq and kick saddam's ass oorah that was for 9/11 you raghead son of a bitch god bless america

Is there a Yea Forums for old folks? I'm sick of all the shitty, new memes and actors I could give a fuck less about? Where do they all go after Yea Forums and talk about the good old days?

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>*flosses and becomes a tranny*

>another I just turned 21 and feel like I know the world zoomer
Back to your superhero movies faggot

You can't live in the past man, not healthy. But to answer your question, most moved on with their lives. Got careers, got married, got kids. You got left behind. I'm halfway there - thinking about getting married. Once I have my first child I will probably never post here again either.

>not flossing

are you retarded? especially with all we're learning about how gut bacteria affects the brain. of course you should floss. it takes like 2 minutes max. also, gum disease. what a bizarre thing to gatekeep about.

t. 92



I just want to live in my childhood forever. There should be a board for 30+.

but that post chain went on to imply that zoomers were dumb for flossing
take your meds, schizo

shut up faggot u were only 3 when they were born u dont even remember

i can tell you as an engaged 28 year old that browsing Yea Forums when my fiancee isn't around is almost as satisfying as masturbating

Nostalgia thread? Nostalgia thread.

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You're like my 4 year old who tells the other 4 year old she's the boss because they just turned 4 but she's 4 and a half.

This. When millennialcucks came they ruined the whole fucking internet.

I have felt like a grumpy 50 year old man my entire life desu. I can't wait to be 80, be retired and have an excuse to not do anything of value all day.

based pedo

>tfw almost 30 and still in this shithole
I'm not feeling so spry anymore, bros

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I hope you show her who's the real boss with your dick

Yeah? I graduated college the year before you were born.

>2003 was 16 years ago
>We're as far away from 2003 as 2003 was from 1987

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shuttup faggot it's meaningless

1987 not that long ago

What is the generation that comes after Z? I have a nephew that was born in 2013.

He's Gen Z (2000-2019). The next generation doesn't start until next year.

Wikipedia tells me that gen y, millennials, is 1981-1996. Which is 15 years. So by that logic Gen Z is 1997-2012.

The worst part about getting older isn't you yourself getting old, but your parents getting old.
Mine were perfectly fine and I've been living with them in my 20s with no trouble, but then they hit their mid 50s and it's become extremely hard to tolerate them. It's like a switch flipped and suddenly they're old and really annoying. I never felt the need to move out in my life, and they never wanted me to, but now I'm making plans to GTFO this place asap. I'm actually going to go insane if I have to stay here another 6 months with them like this.

my parents have been obnoxious for most of my life

What's the alternative? Getting married? Having kids? Taking vacations together? Being proud of the childhood memories you're installing in your kids' heads? Watching normie movies with your wife? Normie Pixar toons with your kids? Getting a fat tax break every year? Having kids say, "i love you, daddy"? Sharing your childhood interest in movies, music and vidya with your kids? Sleeping with your comfy wife every night in bed?

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People CAN post whenever they want but its just that they're ALLOWED to do it now.

You're meaningless

June b day reporting. Fight me boomers

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Are post-zoomers the generation that will save the West? Will my nephew build construction on our Mars colonies?

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It's good to be out of touch.
I'm 36 and would fucking kill myself it I was donating to Fortnite streamers and watching tiktok videos.

Gen X is the only based gen out of them
t. Millennial faggot (31)

My parents are the opposite. They fought non-stop in my childhood now my mom's a sweet little ol lady. My dad died in 2017.

All that shit wouldn't happen. Your kids would be trannies and addicted to their phones.
Your wife will be rubbing herself over the comments she got from Chad over her newest social media selfie.
And you will spend all your fucking money on their insane bullshit.

Late millennial here, what's so good about GenX?

user, Yea Forums has always been for young lads in their early-mid twenties. How many of the people in 2003 do you think still post here regularly? In 10, 15 years time you'll probably be out of here and so will many of the new zoomers, who will complain about the good old days.

>My parents are the opposite.
My parents are divorced, but they really both mellowed as they got older.
I have aunt and uncles that have only gotten worse with time.



Not whiny faggots
Angry when they have to be
Knew how to have fun
Actually got what's wrong with boomers

>. How many of the people in 2003 do you think still post here regularly?
I arrived in 2005 and I'm still here.
Feels good, man. Not many places left online to shoot the shit with some good anons.

Agreed, millennial here too and 90's pop culture blows the fuck out of anything produced in the past two decades. My guess is everyone thought the world would end in 2k so they maxed out all their creativity before the end.

That's probably fairly common. I was 11 (2005) when I first posted on Yea Forums

87 here
What does a room with red curtains and owls mean?.Is this what happens when you try to escape?

70s was best music tho

>actually raising your own kid
Fucking cuck


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This. I can't mentally/emotionally handle the concept of aging so I've decided I don't want to live past 35.

I can't even imagine the concept of getting old. Like when all these Fortnite kids are middle-aged and we're all elderly. What will the world look like then? What will tech be like? Will we finally get the flying cars we were promised since the 50's?

Just look at Detroit or South Africa, except now the niggers are flossing with holograms

Look at present day South Africa, India and China, then imagine the entire planet is like that. That's your future.

I have a brother born deep in the early 2000s, as someone born in 97 I feel sorry for them, since they only started being conscience in the late 2000s when Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and all the other cancerous things of today began.

no retards, the entire world will be in the singularity

That's some hardcore defeatism there bro. The pendulum is ready to swing back ushering in a new golden age where every city is 95% white. The 5% minority will service ethnic eateries, nail salons and cleaners.

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Bless you user


>wagie at a pizza delivery store
>on a delivery
>Already slipping back into incel mode
>Seen qts all day
>On no fap day 60 so my accute loneliness is only more lucid
>Pale redhead qt 3.14 walks by
>Literally perfect
>Holding hands with a Mexican manlet
>Smiles at me and says hi
>Absolutely destroyed
>Blast Linkin Park in my car for the next three hours
>Crawling in my skin
>The rest of the day is hell
>tfw you look normal but are socially retarded
>tfw a Chad Mexican manlet is dating the girl of your dreams
None of my coworkers understood. Are they just too young to understand this feel?

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no fap is a meme, just drop porn

nothing wrong with jerking off, its the porn that fucks you up

He's with her because he had the nutsack to go approach her and you don't. Take it as a learning experience and stop wallowing in self-pity. You will never, ever, ever get a woman doing that.

I just think it's too weird thinking I might be on here calling my kid a nigger or faggot without even knowing for sure. I think that's why a lot of dudes quit Yea Forums when they get older.

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>But to answer your question, most moved on with their lives. Got careers, got married, got kids. You got left behind.

Wrong. After you have done those things, your kids gone, retired or close to, what do you think you are going to do? I just enjoy going to the range and shitposting here.

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