/got/ General - Sorry about S8 Edition
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For me, it's Rhaeneyra
Fav villains, go
The ending that was promised
>Emilia: So she goes mad, kills everyone and gets stabbed? lmao, *laughs at everyone else brooding*
>Conleth: So I die? tosses script away and sulks
Dany is cute!
For me, it's Maekar I
*kills own brother*
>Heh, nothin personnel, Egg
Dubs don't lie
She'd already spent a night wandering through city streets in despair; I'm guessing at this point she was numb to it.
Emilia had already read the script and made her peace with them before being at the table read. Conleth didn't find out his character dies until right there in front of everyone
George sucks.
GoT is reddit as fuck
Emilia along with Nigel Farage have absurdly wide ranges of facial expressions. Pretty endearing desu
>we never got a Jon vs NoWorm
this hits me the most besides the entire Stannis and Jaime assassiantions
>eggs cooked in fiery Dornish peppers
>cropping out the text that made her look apologetic
user, pls.
for me, it's Stannis
For me, it's protecting her and giving her children.
Since she was a kid
Don't worry i'll can do that to her for you
So why does Sam get Gilly? Why not take your own advice and dump Sybil and your wife?
He played the roll so well, imagine if Dumb and Dumber actually gave him the proper lines from the book.
Does she dye her hair like that to look like Dany?
Well this is awkward for you guys
Egg died due to his own stupidity trying to hatch a dragon egg with wildfire. Maekar was one of the last noble kings and permitted Egg to train with a lowly hedge knight, one that remembers his vows.
The last "dragon" was pic related, who walked barefoot to Dorne to save his lil bro from a pit of snakes. He was the last Targaryen before Dany to perform fire-related miracles. Sadly, he was too pious for this world and wound up starving himself.
She didn't always, but it helped for her to keep it blonde and short. Now that she no longer has to wear the wig, she's growing it out and letting it revert to her natural hair color.
Sam will also get to fuck Oberyn's reverse trap daughter in TWOW because fuck you
here's your prequel bro.
>undoes all of the based young Dragon's gains in Dorne
Fuck Baelor and fuck the Seven
She used to so the wig would fit faster, she's letting It grow naturally now
Are the Dunk & Egg books worth reading? I'd like something Westeros related while I wait for fatman to release something else.
>its a Reek chapter
Why would be awkward her holding her godson?
>all the nogs will undergo heavy makeup to not look like nogs
Shouldn't ASOIAF have taught you not to read unfinished works by now? Especially George's?
I was looking forward to a Valyria prequel, it boggles the mind why they think people want more White Walkers after the wet fart that was S8E3
Good, not great. Worth a read but don’t go in with really high expectations. It’s a much more lighthearted read.
That's our son silly
>Is in the show for 8 years, 8 Seasons
>8 years of employment
>Dies in last Season (like other far more famous and talented actors have done in previous seasons)
>Throws away script and sits in a huff when he finds out
What a fucking baby
Yet say... Gwendoline, whos character has been a pillar of stone for the entire show turns into a sobbing baby because she got dumped, yet maintains a modicum of decorum.
I know whose character got the short end of the fucking stick desu
Sure, why not? It's entertaining enough. It's not as dense as the mainline books, and you could finish it in a day. I liked it as a side quest. :)
Fire&Blood, on the other hand, aspires to emulate Gibbon's Decline and Fall. You'd be better off reading World of I&F, which is where we get all the best illustrations.
w-who's that man to her right?
>Old gods give you warging abilities, treenternet and dreams that can see the future
>Drowned god gives you autism and retardation
>Many faced god gives you shapeshfting skills
>Seven do absolutely nothing
>Lord of Light brings back the dead, lets you see the future, makes shadow baby assassins, lights lots of stuff on fire, heals wounds, changes appearances, provides resistance against cold, changes the weather if given sacrifices and lots of more stuff
Kinda unbalanced
Are you literally me? Because thats my son dude
>that video of Kit absolutely shocked when he hears he gives Kelly C the old stabby-stab
is he actually an idiot lads?
Just some random helping her
"If I had not fought, you would have had my hand off. And my foot. Sometimes I sit under that tree there and look at my feet and ask if I couldn't have spared one. How could my foot be worth a prince's life? And the other two as well, the Humfreys, they were good men too." Ser Humfrey Hardyng had succumbed to his wounds only last night.
"And what answer does your tree give you?"
"None that I can hear. But the old man, Ser Arlan, every day at evenfall he'd say, 'I wonder what the morrow will bring.' He never knew, no more than we do. Well, mighten it be that some morrow will come when I'll have need of that foot? When the realm will need that foot, even more than a prince's life?"
Maekar chewed on that a time, mouth clenched beneath the silvery-pale beard that made his face seem so square. "It's not bloody likely," he said harshly. "The realm has as many hedge knights as hedges, and all of them have feet."
"If Your Grace has a better answer, I'd want to hear it."
Maekar frowned. 'It may be that the gods have a taste for cruel japes. Or perhaps there are no gods. Perhaps none of this had any meaning. I'd ask the High Septon, but the last time I went to him he told me that no man can truly understand the workings of the gods. Perhaps he should try sleeping under a tree."
Maekar is the most based of all the kings. He's Stannis, if Stannis were somehow cooler, harder, and actually sat the throne.
they all should have thrown that garbage script away
When it came out I thought Fire and Blood was just self-indulgent world building, but then I pirated the audiobook and was pleasantly surprised by it. The Dance of the Dragons and its aftermath was genuine kino, and plus there are no le epic ice zombies to distract from the politics.
im with you user. Valeria and the doom would have been great. faceless men, dragons, magic everywhere. they probably didn't go with it because the budget to pull it off would have been enormous.
Because dragons are more expensive than the zombies
Catelyn spoke about how the Seven saved Jon and then cursed her for being a cunt. They definitely do hold some sort of power
you think they'll ever remake this series in the future?
Pretty sure that's my kid. How did you get our family photos? Wtf?
Show only thing and they didn't save Jon, medicine did
>Catelyn spoke about how the Seven saved Jon and then cursed her for being a cunt.
People say that God helped them win football games. What's your point?
Was actually him realizing he couldn't larp as Emilia bf no more
There's a huge difference between "good/bad thing happened, therefore gods blessed me/cursed me" and "hey god, do this literally impossible thing" and the thing happens
I guess it's just the shock that he'll be killing his great friend and that this is how she goes down. He did support her killing though, said in an interview that her being crazy was always there but we supported her so it's on the audience. Fucking dicksucking faggot
Archers knock, everyone else hold.
someone working for her or the production. Stop freaking out every time you see her next to another man.
We are the same person then, its the only explanation
So we're two people in one body who both get to love and be loved by Emilia? I don't like sharing.
>I don't like sharing
I guess you should leave her for me then
Lena is a pretty good actress, but why did she start to speak in this whispery tone from the end of s4 onward?
Like in this clip - especially the line at 4:26:
Alliser was pretty based in the Watchers on the Wall episode
post a pre season 4 example as I cannot be bothered to look
Not as based as Grenn and Hobb
>Niggers and women saved Westeros from the joke Night King
Why? How can anyone take the Night King seriously when they could just send anyone to sneak up on him and shank him? Are they even gonna include Bran the Builder or the Last Hero? How much you wanna bet Nissa Nissa gets cut cuz sexism?
I think I need to make a doctor's appointment to excise you from our lives. This'll confuse our kids too much
Seriously? You preferred the midgets? You preferred the Frog? We aren't shown the Frog's significance until the very end, so it's hard to care about his adventures with the mercenaries.
The Ghost of Winterfell chapters were my favorite part of DoD. He made his choice to betray the family that raised him, and he chose horribly wrong.
Yeah I don't think he called Jon a BASTID the entire episode.
imagine having your penis flayed fellas
you misunderstand me m8
reek chapters were probably the best in ADWD, albeit very grim. victarion runs them a close second just because its hilarious to watch him tard around the seven seas
He still called him Lord Snow, a twat and called Ygritte a wildling whore
Too late im already talking the meds lmao cya
"A quiet people: a quiet rule. That has always been my way. You should make it yours."
Victarion's second chapter wasn't that good. Just him taking a bunch of ships by listening to his magic negro's advice
ya could you imagine lol
>"Aah did wahn yoo not ta trust meh"
Imagine how much shit would have been avoided if Brandon had finished the job
>tfw no Dance of the Dragons miniseries cause dragons are expensive
>the only dragon fight in GoT was totally forgettable and not even between two people
It hurts
The only problem is that he does too good a job and it doesn't make sense why the Night's Watch would vote for Jon over him to become Lord Commander.
In the book he doesn't show up until after the first wave is over, and Jon was the one leading the defense
Well, at least there's this
I guess the meds really are working, soon I'll be the only one left. Thanks for volunteering
Because he is an asshole that no one really likes
>those glasses
Why did anyone at the Wall take this retard seriously? He almost becomes Lord Commandah in the books. In the show he's up there with Alliser and Aemon during Jon's trial.
In that case we are agreed. Victarion was super fun to read. He, the Reader, Damphair, pic related babe, and even poor Theon are the reason for why I'm a proud Kraken.
He had powerful friends at court, user
Jon does knock him down a few pegs, one of the few times I actually enjoyed watching a Jon Snow scene.
He was a lord for like five minutes so everyone thought he was a big deal, worthy of respect and of getting a good role in the Wall right away even though titles are supposed to be meaningless in the Night's Watch
He is a professional brown noser that immediately started sucking up to the right people as soon as he got to the Wall
Lets get one day each then ok
>Victarion Greyjoy, you shall take Janos Slynt as your new rock wife.
>ywn be qarl the maid
Is Bran the only attractive male Main character? Tyrion is noseless dwarf and Jon sounds mediocre.
This ending would be kind of disturbing, because that seem to be everything that GRRM wanted to make with the show, but it's paradoxically too soft for what he served us before.
Maybe if everyone else suffer and die before, it would be the good ending.
And miss a day of Emilia and our kids? And not waking up to this? I'm sorry, but I can't
It won't happen because Dany and her dragons are antagonists on the level of the Others.
There's not a single Targaryen I can bare to like. Incestuous fucks isn't the sort of people I can root for, even less so foreign invaders.
I can't either dude cmon
What about the based Dornigger remover?
Not even Jaehaerys I?
Either one of us goes, or we merge into one mind sharing one experience and one complete set of memories.
It's seriously unfair, however I'm too old for it. I'd prefer to be chad Tris Botley, her actual love interest instead of just a pet fucktoy. But enough of that. To maintain quality, I think it best to keep the waifufagging to an appropriate minimum.
Fuck It then, Emilia is worth It
>foreign invaders.
Everyone in Westeros is a foreign invader though, except maybe the Giants and Children
For Emilia
>chad Tris Botley, her actual love interest instead of just a pet fucktoy
Fuck off, Tris
And they all practice incest, too.
Theon, Jamie
Did the nostalgia sow actually steal our bobby B meme?
Not all the Targaryens practiced incest though. And they're ubermensch, incest doesn't affect them the same way it affects others
probably just got it from redacted
Targs are otherworldly, thus superior to all other men.
>Not all the Targaryens practiced incest though.
I was referring to the other lords of Westeros practicing incest.
So they're an elite class that thinks they're above everyone else? One good reason why they shouldn't rule over Westeros.
booby b is a gay cuck reddit meme
I hope we make her twice as happy
quite literally otherworldly as they are a parallel race of humans that came to the planet colony late. Much like the first men, andals etc.
Gonna play Aerys and try to avoid going insane. First thing's first, incest is for incels. Time for a divorce, if the Septon refuses I'll have his head.
no one cares you loser. Go the fuck back to /vg/
Truly this is a song of ice and fire and we have become a game of thrones
Oh, my mistake then
>hardly get sick
>can practice incest for millennia with few issues
>can ride dragons
They are elite and above others. Like Elves from LOTR
much better
make me incel
In the books his main asset was Tywin's support.
>The sound of voices echoing off the vaulted ceiling brought him back to Castle Black. "I don't know," a man was saying, in a voice thick with doubts. "Maybe if I knew the man better . . . Lord Stannis didn't have much good to say of him, I'll tell you that."
>"When has Stannis Baratheon ever had much good to say of anyone?" Ser Alliser's flinty voice was unmistakable. "If we let Stannis choose our Lord Commander, we become his bannermen in all but name. Tywin Lannister is not like to forget that, and you know it will be Lord Tywin who wins in the end. He's already beaten Stannis once, on the Blackwater."
>"Lord Tywin favors Slynt," said Bowen Marsh, in a fretful, anxious voice. "I can show you his letter, Othell. 'Our faithful friend and servant,' he called him."
Yes, and just like elves they're faggots. Humanity > all.
>create a character in Dragon's Dogma modeled after Dany
>sets out on a quest to destroy a dragon
Is this wrong?
That fucking cleaver doesnt even go in. 0/10
If Tywin gave a shit abut Slynt he would have recalled him from the Wall instead of giving his castle to Littlefinger
>Really? I think it's about the same low level of quality that it has been since season 4.
>even their mutts are superior chads
>can fight Balrogs
>can hurt and stand against Melkor
>are immortal, when killed they just pop up in the Undying Lands and can leave to go back
Accept it, Elves are based
Like they threw away the script, you should have thrown away the thesaurus.
Joanna Lannister's kids definitely won't come with any incest issues
>"If we let Stannis choose our Lord Commander, we become his bannermen in all but name.
What if this unironically happened? If the Night's Watch bent the knee to the OTK (One True King for all you incels), then would he win by default?
shut up showfag. Seriously, just shut up. You can't argue against why Slynt was treated the way he was. You just cannot if you have read the books.
A glorified penal colony with less than a thousand men wouldn't help Stannis get the throne in the slightest
>"If Mormont is indeed dead, the black brothers must choose a new Lord Commander."
>Pycelle gave Tyrion a sly glance. "An excellent thought, my lord. I know the very man. Janos Slynt."
>Tyrion liked that notion not at all. "The black brothers choose their own commander," he reminded them. "Lord Slynt is new to the Wall. I know, I sent him there. Why should they pick him over a dozen more senior men?"
>"Because," his father said, in a tone that suggested Tyrion was quite the simpleton, "if they do not vote as they are told, their Wall will melt before it sees another man."
>Yes, that would work. Tyrion hitched forward. "Janos Slynt is the wrong man, Father. We'd do better with the commander of the Shadow Tower. Or Eastwatch-by-the-Sea."
>"The commander of the Shadow Tower is a Mallister of Seagard. Eastwatch is held by an ironman." Neither would serve his purposes, Lord Tywin's tone said clear enough.
>"Janos Slynt is a butcher's son," Tyrion reminded his father forcefully. "You yourself told me—"
>"I recall what I told you. Castle Black is not Harrenhal, however. The Night's Watch is not the king's council. There is a tool for every task, and a task for every tool."
>Tyrion's anger flashed. "Lord Janos is a hollow suit of armor who will sell himself to the highest bidder."
>"I count that a point in his favor. Who is like to bid higher than us?" He turned to Pycelle. "Send a raven. Write that King Joffrey was deeply saddened to hear of Lord Commander Mormont's death, but regrets that he can spare no men just now, whilst so many rebels and usurpers remain in the field. Suggest that matters might be quite different once the throne is secure . . . provided the king has full confidence in the leadership of the Watch. In closing, ask Marsh to pass along His Grace's fondest regards to his faithful friend and servant, Lord Janos Slynt."
>"Yes, my lord." Pycelle bobbed his withered head once more. "I shall write as the Hand commands. With great pleasure."
Gotta be Joffrey
>could've had the best ending
>got probably the worst ending, even worse than the NK just killing all of Westeros ending
Bravo call me back when season 9 starts
But Baelor never fucked his sis Daena. He married her as was expected of him, but he chose to remain chaste in the name of the Seven. Daena became just another mistress of that Unworthy fatfuck.
Baelor was pure. Even serpents bowed before him.
>But Baelor never fucked his sis Daena
And that gave us Aegon IV and the Blackfyre fucking shits
He found someone and married her and is still butthurt about other Thots.
Maybe God did help them win football games
>But Baelor never fucked his sis Daena
And thus ended the male line of Aegon III
>had the chance to settle down with his beautiful sister-wife at the house with the red door and have a happy life with lots of beautiful targ babies
>instead sells her to some mongols who never actually help him and just kill him because he was autistically obsessed with the throne
actually the most retarded character in the entire series
matrilineal??? this is some advanced retardation
Certainly. The user was condemning the incestuous practices of the Targaryens, but one of the few to deviate from that practice eventually led to a civil war. This shows that it's best to maintain traditions, however gross, for the good of the realm.
It wasn't incest that ruined house Targaryen. It was their acquiescing to the peasants' demand to confine their dragons to the Dragonpit. A riot led to the killing of their alpha Dragons, which led to runtier and runtier 'gons, which led to their ancient Valyrian magic to become recessive: hence, the silverhaired idiots and monsters.
Their might comes from fire. And dragons are fire given form.
Show Roose got nothing on book Dracula
Those costumes would have been kino
Why didn't they just keep most of the Dragons in Dragonstone?
There was apparently enough space there to house the three biggest big guys in dragon history
>not wanting LannisCHADS on the throne
her and her dragons are the others to the others
Agree, thou the actor got many of his mannerisms right he lacked the sinister appearance of him. Long hair and pink cape would have made a lot difference, but then it's D&D.
>from now on we shall meet here once a year to decide who should rule
Naw fuck that. ALL HAIL BRAN THE BROKEN, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Six Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm (for life)! While another Stark holds the North. The Starks outright won the game of thrones. Love him or hate him, GRRM is our only hope for a better ending.
>The Company of the Rose is a sellsword company operating in Essos. It was founded by men, and according to some accounts also women, of the North who rejected Torrhen Stark's submission to Aegon the Conqueror and thus chose exile over bending the knee.
MegaChads, will they show up in the books?
Targaryens were ruined from the start. What was the earliest possible opportunity to drive the Targaryens out of Westeros? Not talking about Blackfyre cucks either, they're just hipster Targs. But yeah, was there an earlier opportunity before Robert's Rebellion?
Gurm spent like a quarter of ADWD just dumping lore about Essos sellsword companies so he'll probably keep doing it more if he ever bothers releasing more books.
As soon as the last non-manlet dragon died. All that was required was at least 4 unified kingdoms with a clear purpose.
Euron, followed by Qyburn.
They need to meet up and do some serious blood sacrifice shit.
>one is a threat that's bided its time for thousands of years
>last time plunged the world into darkness and killed across Westeros and Essos before being defeated in some mysterious way
>fucks up the entire continent's climate
>can do things with ice that are never before heard of
>been amassing power for those years and is active again for one last push
>the other is a girl from a family that got pushed out of Westeros like 15 years ago
>who even at their zenith were part of an empire with 39 other families who ruled Essos and never so much as touched mainland Westeros
>who at their zenith in Westeros weren't just killing anyone and everything with their large dragons or trying to conquer and destroy everything
>now all she has are small baby dragons who's presence makes magic and spells more effective
>can't make valyrian steel or manipulate fire or weather
>these threats are on the same level
George is a hack
I wonder who would be King afterwards? Still a Baratheon?
Gotta admire Gurm for having the balls to give the bad guys pink as a color theme.
Depends on the context of the rebellion and the lords at the moment.
I imagine that with Targs losing their dragons some kingdoms would try to go for independence and the ones most likely to do it are the Norf, the Iron Islands and Dorne. But given that ironniggers are shitty allies that would stab everyone in the back because Iron autism, the Norf and Dorne would still need at least two more kingdoms, and the Reach and the Stormlands are likely to side with the Targs because of their history
What are they to eat? Fish?
There were several opportunities. As he was kneeling, Torrhen could have shanked Aegon I at the last second. Princess Meria Martell sent Rhaenys flying back to her brother, who retardedly admired her Dornish resolve enough to leave them Unbowed, Unbent, and Unbroken. What if Meria had never let her go? Rhaenys was Aegon's favorite, he would have left Westeros forever if to save his sister's life.
>t-t-the others are gonna be an extinction level event in the books guise, it won't be like the show
Bron, black of hair and heart, is his Master of Coin and lord of the Vale and the Reach. Just how peaceful do they intend for Bran's reign to be? The show writers fucked up.
I'm not saying they will be, I'm saying that's what they were last time and what they're supposed to be this time if they aren't stopped somehow. But to put Dany in the books on the same level of threat as the Others taking into account history and ability, is asinine.
George names the thing A Song of Ice and Fire yet Ice and Fire aren't or won't be a thing for most of Westeros until much later and will amount to nothing. Literally not till Winds if Dany lands then or Dream. George fucked up. as a trilogy if everything so far happened in the first book then Dany in the second taking up all the pages then ice in the last, okay, but in a seven book series having fire in the second to last and ice in the last is bullshit
Dorne literally killed Rhaenys and they still somehow survived Aegon's vengeance despite how easily he fucked all of the other kingdoms.
I agree just making fun of the bookfag cope
>can't make valyrian steel or manipulate fire or weather
??? Dany dragons can't make valyrian steel??
Thoughts on the Dornish?
For me, it's Darkstar
No. Valyrian steel takes more than dragonfire (which I don't even think was explicitly stated as an ingredient). It requires magics and spells which no Targaryen ever had. Guess there were specific Smith Families in Valyria who made it.
>tfw the leaks about Dany bursting into flames when Jon stabs her with Longclaw turned out to be fake
Does someone have the webm of her reacting to how her character dies?
Wondering where he got that idea...
He certainly lived up to his name, and Westeros will remember the Field of Fire well enough to never again challenge dragons in an openly. But we don't know what Dorne did with Rhaenys. We don't know what stayed Aegon's vengance. It's the secret that he took to his grave.
>completely retarded plot armor for 200 years when Aegon easily destroyed the two richest and most populated kingdoms without breaking a sweat
>worst part of AFFC
>boring culture based on worshiping a river on another continent
At least Oberyn was cool
God Sansa is such a slag
It was pictures of Rhaenys getting blacked
>At least Oberyn was cool
He literally sucked dicks
He was a faggot but a bassed faggot, unlike Renly
Don't have a thumbnail but might be this
>slaps a girl's mother and tells her join him, a perfect stranger, or be like her mom
LOL how would that have stopped him? Did Dorne threaten to leak them online? No, I think Aegon family somewhere that only he and Rhaenys knew about. Rhaenys must have revealed this to the Dornish while being tortured onto death. It was probably a letter expressing knowledge of this family, along with "you hurt us, we hurt them." It would have had to be something of that magnitude to have stayed his hand, but that's just my own personal theory. I prefer your theory.
I like this general
The Baratheons are basically a cadet branch of House Targaryen, so maybe. Either them or the Velaryons
>just a morsel of dick, jon please
what did she mean by this?
What was the point of this fat fuck and why did I have to sit through hours of him fucking around in the citadel and the reach?
He got the Disney ending and the two leads got fucked. I wonder why...
You didn't like seeing George's self-insert showing how brave he can be outside of fighting battles? Or falling further in love with his waifu?
>professional critics hated it, fans hated it, big youtubers hated it, good youtuber critics (like lindsay ellis) hated it
How must GRRM feel about his ending now?
He is Gurm's flattering self-insert, who starts as a coward and grows into a man committed to his wife and child, all of this leading up to him counseling democracy before a bunch of aristocrats. But they just laugh him off the podium with "LOL what a fag. Let's give the dogs a vote." Also, he cures Mormont of his affliction does he not?
>Jon pls, just one drop of your semen, the madness is taking me I can feel it, I need your cum before it’s too late
He didn't accomplish anything though, nah I don't give a fuck about him raising his wife's father's son
Fat man will never accept that maybe his ending is shit so long as there are yes men and fanboys out there saying only the pacing is off and thinking George is a genius who can definitely make everything make sense in the next two books
>the travesty that was the finale might get GRRM to rework the ending to the novels
Silver lining?
Seven hells she looks like shit! She didn't eat for a few days, did she take up smoking crack as well?
Well George cares user. Sam is him, shit at fighting but he enjoys other things and it's because he doesn't care for fighting and power that he's able to have his waifu, get her pregnant and raise her son.
Those are the lessons for you, you don't have to be an integral part of things to wind up happy, and if everyone were more like Sam, the world would be a better place.
To be honest, I never really cared for finishing a song of ice and fire
That was happens when an aunt is denied her nephew’s D
>implying you wouldn't want to wake up to that face every morning.
Thousands will furiously search A Game of Thrones trying to find justification for Bran being king. Decades will be spent trying to decipher why GRRM wanted to end the series so retardedly.
Tolkien didn't get this much shit for a reason.
Undeniably cute!
She saw her friend beheaded! She saw rhaegal shot out of the sky!
There are already people defending Bran as king. Bran the Blessed and Fisher King, Bran being the first POV, Bran visibly being an integral part in taking down the Others, Bran having Bloodraven (who was Hand) as a teacher, even the greatest story thing is getting defended using some philosophical shit people think George probably read about.
Fanboys will never not suck George off and defend him, otherwise they'd have to admit they wasted years reading and waiting for these books, coming up with theories, pouring over everything to understand and discussing them.
>Jon spoke to Tyrion about Dany's losses but wouldn't speak to Dany about them
>Jon reflected more on his Targaryen heritage with Tyrion than he did with Dany
The plot is so fucking paper thin. Why put Jon on Dragonstone before the siege of King's Landing? It made no sense narratively.
>Jon my beloved husband, I had the most horrible dream! I dreamed you wouldn’t have sex with me because I’m your aunt! A silly thing like that!
>silly indeed, Starks have wed uncle to niece before, why would that possibly be a problem for me?
>Nonsense, Dany! Why would I care? Starks married uncle to niece before and cousin to cousin. What a weird thing to reject you over!
George isn't even like Sam, George wrote a massively popular fantasy series and he's got a lot of power and influence over people, but I guess he's an actual hippie with that kind of lesson
George wrote that later in life, but Sam is the one George can most realistically see as himself. Rejected by his dad for not being a warrior, in love with books and history, doesn't care for fighting, tries to find uses in other things, finds love in someone who likes him just as he is and even admires his mind, finds a place in the world where his interest are useful and where he can read and write to his hearts content and keep his waifu
>Sam discovers the cure to notoriously incurable disease
>It's literally just "cut off the greyscsle and apply some ointment after"
That was so stupid. Jorah leaving in season 6 would've been a good send-off for him since he dies pointlessly anyway
It was the impetus for Sam to tell Jon his true heritage, though. If Jorah hadn't been cured, then Dany wouldn't have told Sam about killing his family, and Sam wouldn't have been driven to tell Jon what he knew.
Renly was the better choice
>good at anything other than sucking dick
Sam was always gonna tell Jon because he’d want him to know he’s not a bastard. The problem with Sam was that they made this big deal out of him, and he disappeared until the final episode basically. None of what he said about Daenerys was really true or really mattered in the overall story. It’s kinda like Sansa and Arya saying “Blonde girl bad, not one of us,” but she did nothing to them and they basically instigated people to turn on Dany, so were they right or did they force try to force Dany into a corner so they could look right? It’s unclear what the message of the show is in the end,
Reminder that Bran instigated both of these things. He sent the raven to the Citadel who by dismissing it led Sam to leave before the Maester could tell Sam about his father and brother dying, which would've had him accept their deaths before he ever left instead of being raw and emotional when Dany told him.
Then Bran told Sam to tell Jon right after Dany confessed to the deaths.
Bran really is evil
Renly has no legal claim to the throne
Why do they all have the same buggy eyes
Bran told Sam that Jon had to know so he would've told him eventually
Renly would maybe have been a better king, but it would come at the price of the long term stability of the realm. The reason succession law is so important is that it stops a civil war from breaking out every time a monarch dies - if Renly took over based on the nebulous concept of 'merit' it would set a bad precedent
I don't know how Westerosi rules on church/state relations work but Stannis being a heretic probably invalidates his claim to the throne, making Renly the rightful king
Gentle reminder that the SOULful way to pronounce Aegon is 'Eggon'
>It was the impetus for Sam to tell Jon his true heritage, though.
That's what Bran is for.
>If Jorah hadn't been cured, then Dany wouldn't have told Sam about killing his family, and Sam wouldn't have been driven to tell Jon what he knew.
The Maesters hid the fact that Sam's family were killed from him. He should have found out anyway.
Sam didn't accomplish anything. He is thieving oathbreaker.
It's not Bran's fault that Jon interpreted "You're fucking your aunt" to mean "stop fucking your aunt." It's not what he meant.
Bran didn't care to tell his sisters that Littlefinger was manipulating him until asked. Bran didn't bother to tell that Cersei betrayed the North's cause. Bran didn't give a shit that Last Hearth had fallen. Bran didn't give a shit that Euron's ships infested the seas around Dragonstone. Bran didn't give a shit about Cersei's plots.
All of this, but Bran thought that Jon HAD to know that he is a Targaryen. For what purpose?
Renly is gay which invalidates his claim
Yeah you actually coulda cut Sam from season 8 or had him die if he wasn’t Martin’s self insert.
Bran could tell Jon, and Sam’s books were useless and so was Heartsbane that he stole like a nigger. Remember when people were theorizing he stole those books to defeat the NK because why would he need books? Gendry was also brought back because he might forge something like lightbringer because why else does he exist in the story as a smith? Turns out they weren’t needed. Arya with a simple Valyrian dagger was all you needed.
So Bran could become king. It's literally the one thing that makes sense. Bran IS Evil. Anything and everything he could've said could've avoided what came to be
Unironically the Freys, not just Walder but the entire family.
Bran the Broken
Those are only rumours
Don't be silly. Starks are the good guys, not the villains. And we should be happy that they'll rule all of Westeros peacefully and well because that's how good they are
Starks are evil twats. Prove me wrong.
I don't need to prove you wrong, the show and books do that for me. Starks win everything, be happy.
Fuck George, fuck the Starks, fuck the show, fuck D&D, fuck Sophie's smug fucking face, fuck Maisie's goblin smirk, fuck Kit for supporting Dany's character assassination, fuck everyone except Emilia
A cute!
The sooner varys dies horribly the better
what did kevan even do as hand of the king
He's starts fixing Cersei's mess which is why Varys has him killed
That there's the only king I mean to bend the knee to
Uncel, sit.
The mog never stop
Careful user, careful now
>This pains me, my lord. You do not deserve to die alone on such a cold dark night. There are many like you, good men in service to bad causes...but you were threatening to undo all the queen's good work, to reconcile Highgarden and Casterly Rock, to bind the Faith to your little king, unite the Seven Kingdoms under Tommen's rule...
Dead show, dead waifu, dead general
Dany is alive though
Dubs and the hot girl who rejected me becomes my girlfriend next month.
>dead waifu
you do realize the show is literally over right?
Fuck this bald fuck
so why are you here?
Im saying that there is literally no episodes left, she will literally never come back to life
You dense retard.
He means we can still discuss the show as it is but there's no ammount of cope that will bring your waifu back
You dig?
This. You gotta feel bad for Kevan. Overshadowed for years by his brother, who's competent but produces three useless shits, then as soon as he's able to help fix the realm from their mess some creepy bald fuck murders him
Then mods should ban the general already since there's nothing to discuss anymore since the show is over.
HBO has a shitton of money. They left it open-ended just enough where they can bring it back any time if they wanted to. Hell, even an animated sequel with the actors providing their own voices would work.
or you could hide the thread and go fuck yourself.
Nothing to discuss... yet here you are....
what happened in Hardhome lads??
gay art
Kevan is legitimately working to fix the realm and help tommen's rule, varys is trying install his shitty puppet king through murder propaganda and warmongering, fuck varys
Would Sansa have hated Ygritte too if they had met
Today i will remind the only one (1) sansafag
Me on the bottom left
You must have hated the show then, it took a big shit on your favorite chars.
Oh my god.
Why exactly did Victarion not even exist in the showverse? Why were the showjoys in general so fucking boring?
It fell.
>the only one (1) sansafag
Whatever helps you sleep at night
Sansa would hate any woman that took attention away from her.
D&D didn't even read past ASOS
this one can't be real
>Jaime looking around at his men burning and dying all around him, slow version of Rains of Castamere playing
>Daeny shows up again on Drogon and the music transitions into a foreboding version of her theme
God the music for this show was so fucking fantastic, even when the plots kept getting stupider and stupider. Based Djawadi
They explicitly stated they wanted to get to the Red Wedding. After that, they didn't really care anymore.
The music during the Gold Road battle was phenomenal. They even used it to introduce her at the raptors game last month.
I guess it was a time constraint thing. Martin said the show could have 13 seasons. I guess most actors wouldn't mind.
They unironically should've ended the show at season 4, Martin stopped really caring after ASOS anyway so why shouldnt they
>dead thread
Look what they did to mah boy
at least rob could grow decent facial hair, unlike jon who looks like someone grafted scrotum skin onto his face.