South park? Yeah I remember that show

>South park? Yeah I remember that show.

Attached: zoomer.png (1000x1000, 496K)

Other urls found in this thread:éstar_Studios_opponents#Black_Door



>everyone born in 2000 can post here

better times

Attached: 1558938892685.jpg (680x734, 46K)

Boomers fuck off
OG Zoomer reporting in

I was literally born in 97 and my favourite and first pokemon was Emerald what the FUCK


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I just want to transfer my 24 year old body back to 2007 and get a goth gf who likes final fantasy. I don't even like final fantasy.

I was born 1996 and i do not relate to that at all

>Jan 97
>this is literally me

Literally me, except replace Pokemon with Naruto.

95 and same

97chads we're saving the world

can i get a 1992 version please and thank you

All these non-97 seething rn

I feel bad for zoomers. You have such shit nostalgia. Growing up in the 90s was amazing.

Attached: 1561605404767_bbb.jpg (1280x720, 226K)

if you were born in 1997 you know nothing about the culture of 2005

tfw 1995 Boomer-Z

Attached: DA320B90-59CA-40AA-A30B-26C9ED6CBC68.gif (300x456, 567K)

>late 1989-mid 1990 born's peak: 1996-2000 (absolute peak 1998)

>late 1990-mid 1991 born's peak: 1997-2001 (absolute peak 1999)

>late 1991-mid 1992 born's peak: 1998-2002 (absolute peak 2000)

>late 1992-mid 1993 born's peak: 1999-2003 (absolute peak 2001)

>late 1993-mid 1994 born's peak: 2000-2004 (absolute peak 2002)

>late 1994-mid 1995 born's peak: 2001-2005 (absolute peak 2003)

>late 1995-mid 1996 born's peak: 2002-2006 (absolute peak 2004)

>late 1996-mid 1997 born's peak: 2003-2007 (absolute peak 2005)

>late 1997-mid 1998 born's peak: 2004-2008 (absolute peak 2006)

>late 1998-mid 1999 born's peak: 2005-2009 (absolute peak 2007)

>late 1999-mid 2000 born's peak: 2006-2010 (absolute peak 2008)

>late 2000-mid 2001 born's peak: 2007-2011 (absolute peak 2009)

>late 2001-mid 2002 born's peak: 2008-2012 (absolute peak 2010)

>late 2002-mid 2003 born's peak: 2009-2013 (absolute peak 2011)

You're an idiot

as someone who was born in 2000, i know a lot about 2005.

I'm more of a Phantom Menace guy myself.

Bruh you gay. Crystal was older but ten times better.

>ok computer
The radiohead album? Zoomers like that?


Attached: Tangerineer.png (1978x1157, 204K)

For me? It's not building my entire identity on shit wojak edits and false superiority because of the year I was born.

There are probably people born after 9/11 posting 9/11 memes on this website

>zoomers all have the same taste in everything


>yeah the 90s were lit
mostly true
>everyone born after 1998 is retarded
they will mature just like everyone else
>2005 was dope
it really was, feels like the last year before the age of depressive irony started to creep in which is at it’s climax now
>Revenge Of The Sith
Star Wars is for fags
>Totally Spies
Good for porn artists i guess
>Ok Computer
kino, truly THE last amazing rock album
>Toby Maguire
Good, unlike capeshit nowadays which is fun but soulless
>Soul Calibur III
no comment
>The Simpsons went downhill after the movie
>We are the last gen y year
Being a millennial is not something to be proud of
>Dragon Ball
are you black?
>Soulja Boy
Not even good in a nostalgic way
>Club Penguin
Fun game, my igloo was simply the best because I downloaded cheats to get money fast
>Ashton Kutcher
Cringe, glad he is irrelevant now
>I’m an early 00s kid cause I started kindergarten in 2002


As a 1982 boomer I'm feeling nostalgia for the late '80s - first half of the '90s, the action stuff, muh 16 bits sega..

Attached: 66c974bb8b79c7cd1f4541478fe132a8.jpg (800x1073, 121K)

Thanks for the gold, kind sir!

Didn't Ok computer come out in the late 90s thou? It doesn't make sense to have it on this meme

'94 here, first pokemon game was Yellow


>upside down quote marks
come from a country anyone cares about

>og zoomer
Gen Z technically begins at 1995 but people born in 95-97 aren't really zoomers. The ones who grew up with zoomer childhood stuff like iCarly and Minecraft were born 1998 onward. And the ones that were a part of "zoomer teenager culture" like eating tidepods were born a few years into the 2000s or something.

I’m a zoomer and I had Beetleborgs on vhs

What was the last good/soulful era to be a kid in here?

Attached: 1554350673752.png (1400x1039, 3.15M)

soulja boy is kino in an ironic way

I was born in 97 and watched icarly and played minecraft. I remember when minecraft was in alpha

why even ask this, of course the people born during each era will have that bias

my culture is shifted about a gen and a half backwards on this chart because my family was poor lmao

if i am 22 born in 1997, what does that make me? also pokemon ruby is better

Honestly, you guys here who actually remember the EARLY 90s (fresh prince neon era) are like ultra-dead boomer ghosts.

The majority of people here were in elementary in the LATE 90s-early 00s pokemon y2k chrome era, and the early-mid 90s are pretty unknown/mysterious to them.

And heck now we're starting to get a huge influx of zoomers here who were in elementary in the late 00s-early 10s, the iOS electropop era.

90's - 2008

Anyone have a 1995 version? I've seen the '98 and '97 now

REMINDER: if you were born after 1995 you are cancerous trash that should be put down


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'95 is like latest stage Millennial. I was born in early '95 and find myself in a weird purgatory because of it. It's probably how people born in '82 feel when they're not called Gen X.

>johtoddlers thinking their opinions matter

kill yourself
>why even ask this
data collection

If 1994 does that mean i'm okay? :)

I witnessed 9/11 and I post 9/11 memes

no, you are retarded for asking that question when the answer was spelled out for you
but also yes people born in 1994 are ok

No different then fags who were to young to even know 9/11 was happening because it might as well didnt happen for them

same lol

REMINDER: if you were born after 1895 you are cancerous trash that should be put down


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What about cartoons like he-man, transformers, inspector gadget, defenders of the earth, m.a.s.k and so on?

this shit made me more mad then it should have
then again i make fun of vietnam vets all the time

then again vietnam is not really comparable to the 9/11 attacks

fuck zoomers, they werent there

...i understand vietnam vets more now

Meh, I'm happy to have lived an analog childhood and enter the digital era without problems, in terms of movies/fiction in general there's an element of non tryhard rawness that was lost at the end of the 90s, that's what I miss most.

so this is the humour of the zoomer faggot born after 1995? its very cringe and uninspired

2007 was the last burst of creativity in pop culture. After 2007 everything went to shit.

Have sex.

I was born in 1988 and 2005 was extremely dope.

Who else /born1994/ here?

yes, but you usually appreciate more the stuff from your late childhood, early teens period, at least for me.

Welcome to five years ago.

where my 1999 bros at

>tfw the last year of your teens ends in a few months
>tfw you're entering the decade of life you'll probably die in

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the 90s were a weird decade, whit a big difference between the early and late years

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Imagine not having seen "The Lion King" in the cinema as a kid. Imagine not having seen "The Matrix" in the cinema. Imagine not having seen "The Fellowship of the Ring" in the cinema. Imagine not having seen Avatar 3D in IMAX.

Funny enough, I remember that many people used to say "1998-99 wasn't really 90s, more proto-2000s culture" or "That pokemon nsync crap isn't real 90s" or "1993-1997 was the real 90s".

But now in 2019 everyone on social media thinks 1999 culture like Pokemon, Matrix, and NSYNC is the 90sest thing ever, probably zoomers thinking that, who ignore everything made before 1998 and think 1998-2003 was "the true 90s era".

are you retarded? kids at 8 years old have no idea whats happening in the world and culture

God damn, zoomers are so cringe
Can't even meme right
Your post should've gone
>who else here /1994/

What about the mid years

you know from reading about it, you didnt experience 2005 like someone who was 15 or 20 at the time did because you were a fucking child

94 master race.

Honestly, born in 1982, and feel solidly Millennial. Like, since the early 00s that what I've been referred to. It's only laterly where retards thing you can be 40 and a babyboomer that I even felt kind of out of place.

If your birth year starts with 199, 200 or 201, then you're a zoomer.

>Avatar 3D in IMAX
who cares

>late 80s
>emilia pilled

Attached: yellower.png (1600x1242, 191K)

ah yes but i didnt want people to get mixed up with having grown up in 1994 and being born in 1994. It turns out that you my friend are the one who is cringe.

because zoomers don't know this

>A bit drunk. Love drunken Saturdays.

People who got to watch Avatar 3D in the cinema.

a mix, things started to look really early '00s by 98

Hows that Endgame box office doing? Still tens of millions short of #1

are you implying that people born in 1994 did not get to experienece those things?


Well considering they're re-releasing the movie, don't really see your point.

Here. Late 94 though. Basically 95 if you had to round it. At least I escaped zoomerhood.

Lion King came out in 1994, which is why I (you)d you.

Nobody would get mixed up you retard it's literally how we do things here
You are just too new to realize
>calls someone else cringe while doubling down on own cringe

Imagine thinking the quality of a movie falls on how much money it makes.

lmao cringing at you right now senpai

Born in 94, been chained to this shit website since 2006 and I regret every minute of it

I saw Lon king when it came out in 3D so jokes on you

Narriwsh. Anything before 1998-2000 escaped it.

Let me guess. Mommy had a job and you could surf the darkest corners of the internet unsupervised?

Born in 95 faggot, suck my dick grandpa


>The 2000 election, now there was a controversy

>I saw Lon king when it came out in 3D so jokes on you
Is that the Chinese ripoff?

I don't but Marvelfags desperately want to see Avatar dethroned. If I actually though box office success = good movie then I would think Transformers were some of the best movies of all time.

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95 master race

>zoomer: omg trump is the WORST president EVER
>me, enlightened 26 year old boomer: war on terror patriot act 9/11 was an inside job

Why are you arguing about who is in second place?

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Projecting that hard


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If youre born in the 90s, you are essentially the worst generation in the history of Earth and you are never going to reproduce, unless you got a big trust fund.

>wow i got btfo now im just going to act glib to hide my embarrassment
zoomers are so transparent


97 alpha don here, i had a friend show me this site in 2010 and ive been stuck here since

kek I always forget about this until someone posts it. I had the blue action figure


tfw born in 97 but started browsing Yea Forums in 2010


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We're getting old......

>Honestly, born in 1982, and feel solidly Millennial. Like, since the early 00s that what I've been referred to.
Well millennial seemed to have a different connotation back then, and was a kinda rare term before 2012. Before 2012 most people said gen y, maybe a few heard millennial, but since it didn't get pushed HARD by the media until post-2012, people who didn't know better got confused and thought millennials were after gen y, instead of being the same thing.

Nowadays in 2019, many people your age on Facebook rant that they're not millennials because they experienced analog stuff, and refer to current high schoolers as millennials. Now millennial turned into "young people who are bad", not just a specific age group, and is spun by most to refer more to zoomers (born late 90s and up).

wow dude that's so cool but i've been here since 1993

>mfw I have nostalgia for shit between 2008-2016

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Early 1995 here, does that make me very early zoomer or late millennial?

I fit into this timeframe but I don't have that faggot haircut. I also don't talk like that.

94 here, also nostalgic for the 80s. carson was on, letterman was good, star trek tng. (the rest of tv was and continues to be for retards.) lots of old entertainment legends still around, legitimately great movies coming out every year, before digital shortcuts ruined everything aesthetically and moral decay turned every story into a vehicle for bland bemused nihilism. music was great, i was just on a prince kick last night. his estate put all the music videos and a bunch of live stuff online finally, check it out. particularly recommend the concert film sign o the times which was hitherto very hard to find--it never got a full release. I'm in love with Sheila E now. yeah, a glorious era, even hip hop was good. after the 50s, my favorite time in modern US history


>tfw 91 fag


November 1993 here

Late 00s / early 10s were a good era to be a teen in

>imagine not showing your friends your newest trick after talking about DBZ
Millenials and zoomers belong in camps.

Attached: 90s fidget spinner.jpg (1024x683, 397K)

Do you hasve any nostalgia for wcw and early south park?

We will never see the redacted report on how involved the Saudis were.

Born in 1995 and I'm envious. I feel like I just barely missed out

I was born in 88. I know we had problems (and kids are always shielded from the worst of it) but I feel like zoomers inherited the worst of everything - first attack on US soil in decades, massive waves of immigration, the rise of PC culture, japanifcation of work culture, the rise of online dating (not all bad, just a destabilizing force), the existential threat of climate change, the failing US hegemony.

Things felt so carefree in the 90s. It's no surprise depression, anxiety and suicide rates are up for this generation.

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If i am born in 98 am i a doomer or zoomer?

>94 here, also nostalgic for the 80s.
You're a fucking zoomer who didn't even become cognizant until the 2000s

If you remember 9/11 and the distinct shift in society when it happened then you’re not a zoomer.

these at least required some brain power and could do more than just one single thing.

you're a millenial

this, you had to be at least in highschool during a period to be "part of the culture"

Ma fellow 88 nigga.
You forgot:
>noone at home to show interest/love/affection, since mom now works 40 hours a week and dad works 60
>free and unlimited access to the cesspool of the unfiltered internet

I know... That's why I sympathize for zoomers.

>don't remember 9/11
>do remember the Spongebob episode that aired 4 days prior

Attached: spongebob_awesome.png (350x263, 102K)

83 here. I dunno late nineties early 2000 was pretty fucking kino. 99 had some amazing ass theater experiences though. Also seeing all the based late 80s early nineties classics in theater was amazing. Hunt for the red October, terminator 2, true lies, shit the list goes on.

I remember apologizing to my dad for wasting his money when he took me to tmnt 3.

I miss going to the movies, back then there was something great to see like every other month now its lucky if there's a film worth theater viewing once a year.

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Reminder that culture from any era has high and low points so arguing over it is pathetic, but society has been in a decline since 2001.

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Yah, it's pretty atrocious. And you wonder how much of that additional income from both parents working goes to child care. I also didn't mention academics which have become more expensive (college tuition) and competitive.

My mom was stay at home and my dad worked - they were able to raise three kids. I don't think that's possible in many parts of the country now.

Hunt for red October, now THAT was a movie

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biologically accurate. none of the zoomer or even boomer memes fit me at all though. is there one about a zoomer who uses the infinite breadth of the internet to tailor the pop culture they consume to their personality with autistic specificity disregarding all conventional temporal boundaries?

It was a time when movies didn't have to be super inclusive and fee fees friendly for everyone, like a gay-asian-black-whatever character was there for the actual story and merits and not for quotas. Early 90s were still innovative in style, late 90s started the recycling era of copying everything from 20 years ago, starting with the 70s crap inspo.

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Well, which era here was more important to your childhood

it was faggot. mctiernan was a master


I think 9/11 destroyed the notion that the west is 'safe'. Along with emerging camera tech that allows everything to be recorded, this seems to have made everybody a lot more reclusive and paranoid because anything bad they do will get recorded and shown to millions and they are aware that they could be walking down the street and randomly get killed attacked after the public showing of 9/11 to the whole western world.

how the fuck do you become part of the culture when you're 6? or even 10?
ppl get absorbed in the culture during their teenage years, not before it

Wrong nigger, i experienced all of vanilla wow in 2005

It feels like back in the 90s and early 00s, films actually dared to be different. They dared to let the audiences determine whether it would flop or not. Thats why we got so many new ideas, genres and concepts. Films like the Matrix would never be greelit nowadays.

From 2010-2019 its literally been a nonstop bimonthly capeshit fest with the occasional Star Wars, romcom, or big franchise sequel in between.

Thats exactly why directors like Nolan, Villeneuve and Cameron are so loved. They dare to produce "new" things and since their name is half the marketing, they can get away with it.

Lastly, it feels like you could get alot more done (quality wise) with a budget of 100 million back in 2005. Nowadays even romcoms have 50 million budgets and 150 million films look like straight-to-tv garbage. The love to make art or atleast produce good films is gone.

When I watch a big budget picture, I can't help but mark "inclusivity checkboxes" in my head. It sucks we've come to this point, but Filmmakers haven't exactly been subtle about it

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brainlet. You're absorbed in to a culture as soon as you're sentient enough to string together patterns and memories and understand things lucidly. Which imo is about 4 or 5 years old.

stupid fucking high school graduate. Get a job.

The pic refers to *childhood culture*, not *teen culture*, you retard

me and my friend were talking about this (96')
He said we're like the rugrats, we're 90's babies.

But you were 13-18 in 2008-2013 so you were also a teen in the late 00s-early 10s

>reddit macro image

action black guys were cool as fuck in the 80s-early 90s, now they make them all denzelwashingtonesque

On the other hand you barely dodged a few particularly stupid fashion trends amongst college students in early 10s. Watching every guy on campus wearing ill-fitting plaid shirts and trying to grow a lumberjack beard was beyond retarded.

dudes who cares, fuck this thread and lets party


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>"yeah, the late 90s were lit"

actually a bit irritating. most of the kids born in 97 likely did not have the capacity for memory by the time 1999 ended.

>You'll never turn this on again for the first time

Why even live bros?

Attached: hqdefault (6).jpg (480x360, 32K)

Thats the joke you spastic.

Her shoulders are broad and muscular from perpetually carrying twice the burden of Sisyphus

Zoomers are gay and don't like tits

I'm sure you'll agree that the 2009-2011 years were quite different from the mid-00s which is what I felt I missed out on though, so I only observed that 00s teen culture around the people who were a few years older than me


More late 00s than early, but you guys remember how 2008-2014 pop used to be eeeexxxxxxxtreeeeemmmeeellly hated by "defeners" back when it was new? People kept saying "I only listen to real music like Queen, not Justine Gayber and Lil Gayne".

Well now that era is beloved online and considered a "golden age" of pop. Interesting to see the complete 180 turn in popular opinions.

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>posts milkers
>thread dies

what's her name?

Naw. Its still hated. I still get flashbacks of the "tonights gonna be a good night"-era when I heard that shit at every single college party I went to.


no one gives a single fuck about 9/11 its only thing amerilards can cry about
no one gives a fuck that two buildings got destroyed and a bunch of retards died
burn america




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I remember seeing the kiosk at Kmart and thinking these graphics were amazing.

>burden of Sisyphus
what burden? Sisyphus has the perfect life, ever striving to better himself, the journey itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man's heart
one must imagine Sisyphus happy

>make post
>zoomers dont contribute
>instead zoomers are just saucefags
The cancer of this site
They added the "nel" in Yea Forums
the "nel" of course being the symbolic cancerous growth

2004 was the best year for video games

Attached: snoops.jpg (266x300, 14K)

I bought the fireball but I always wanted the brain ;_;

I was born in 89 and Pokemon went to shit after gen 2

Attached: boomer dad.jpg (690x588, 46K)

Yeah I agree, but you should still fuck off to Yea Forums you fat faggot

you are a millenial you shit headed faggot retardo

Oh God, yes. I now remember all the memes where Eminem wrecked the Biebs' shit.

>Interesting to see the complete 180 turn in popular opinions.
See also: Kanye West. It's funny how everyone used to make fun of le gayfish yet today's youth absolutely reveres him.

mega cringe

80s pop is the golden age.

Nothing hits me harder than RuneScape, man the goddamn music alone was so good

>Pokemon went to shit after gen 2
based although i didnt stop playing the ds games

sup albert

Attached: 1561525671996.jpg (1102x988, 202K)

zoomers era "Pokémon"

Attached: Klefki_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqqVzuuqpFlyLIwiB6NTmJwfSVWeZ_vEN7c6bHu2jJnT8.png (475x475, 92K)

at least you agree, you big bully

In 10 years they're gonna say that today was the "golden age of pop".

>*sips* Now, Billie Eilish... that was REAL music.

you can stop making these

i unironically miss hearing call me maybe every single time i went to the supermarket

this cant be real

Elite millenials born in 1991, assemble.

Attached: pokemon silver.jpg (300x300, 42K)

>born in the 90s
oh the mental gymnastics

I bet those fucking zoomers don't even make webms like me

Attached: La Fille d'O-1.webm (1920x1080, 2.96M)

It is. And so are these.

Attached: weirdpokemon_610.jpg (610x351, 47K)

Emerald is peak pokemon

Does anybody else feel like there was a huge cultural shift in media after 9/11? Like the nice early 2000s culture that started forming in 1998 just kinda got killed in its infancy?

i unironically hope you don't reproduce

You don't consciously remember the early 90s neon era, only the soulless late 90s era, so how are you elite

Attached: 1560156634396.jpg (540x720, 33K)

if you were born in 1998 you were 2 when Eminem peaked
just sayin

yikes bro, what got into you?

whats the most significant thing someone born in the 1990s has ever done?

Attached: c7c.png (612x491, 106K)

good for you Satan

Because we're the ones who got to see both of the old and the new world, before and after 9/11. We literally remember seeing and feeling things change. Basically we're history walking on two legs.

you made me think of how that song goes you cunt

I thought it was more 2004 that was the shift. Some say after 9/11, but 2002-2003 pop culture still felt THE SAME as 1998-2001.

People often said "The late 90s ended in 2004", since 2004 had a lot of changes that screamed "the 00s culture is here" and the late 90s influences were fully dead:

>Nick and Cartoon Network cancelled all the 90s shows
>The re election of Bush
>Approval ratings of Iraq began to dip
>Movies like Team America began to come out that were disillusioned with the American Dream
>People began to get over 9/11 and the "Bush is stupid" schtick began
>The Rock retired and WWE begun transitioning to Cena and Batista
>Emo overtaking nu metal
>Crunk rap overtaking glam rap
>Myspace getting popular
>Web 2.0 coined
>Friends finale
>Laguna Beach started
>Release of Nintendo DS
>Broadband overtook dial up for the first time
>Eminem fell off with Encore
>Green Day changed their sound with American Idiot
>Last full year of 6th gen gaming, before 360 came out next year
>iPod became popular
>TechTV murdered by G4

Attached: 1528222016582.jpg (480x360, 65K)

You need to calm down

i can gaurentee that zoomers dont make webms or contribute to this site in anyway other than facebook reddit tier memes like OP since they all phonepost

Attached: mommy milkers.jpg (656x1024, 118K)

This sums up everything wrong with zoomers. Once great franchises, overtapped and ruined until nothing good remains

Attached: 8707-Mega-Klefki.png (237x300, 67K)

>Dragon Ball GT

damn im getting old

ok Dr. Phil

I genuinely cannot think of anything other than murder sprees / shootings


>>Last full year of 6th gen gaming, before 360 came out next year
Was just gonna say, youre describing 2005.

mind if i save this

jokes on you I experienced most 90s shit in the 00s thanks to my country lagging behind western ones.

did this pokemon exist before doors even existed? before keys? is there a door pokemon too?

Based and delusion-pilled guardians of time


Revenge of the Sith was kino fuck all you redditors

don't think they even have facebook.

Attached: La Fille d'O-2.webm (1920x1080, 2.85M)

Thats a cute dude.

reddit is facebook
facebook is reddit

March '94 checking in

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Does anyone have the "23 year old zoomber" one saved?


Today, I had to rush back to home due to delivery and that's when it hit me. Literally my whole body is falling apart. My lungs ached, my lower back gave me pains.. What happened bros? When did we get older?

>literally fucking me

Kind of? I don't know what the fuck this is but I don't think reading about it is worth my time.

Any zoomers want to chime and explain what the fuck this is?éstar_Studios_opponents#Black_Door

Attached: quest_39__forsaken_pokemon___rise_of_black_door_by_retro_death_d75gw81-fullview.jpg (600x702, 109K)

Go to the gym you retard, our body still has a good 15-20 years of good performance if you utilise its potential, assuming you haven't massively abused it with drugs and shit

360 came out in 2005

Are we guys from 1994 millennials?

Na I'm just 75kg and smoke weed rarely. That's it.

94 isn't old, faggot. You're just out of shape.

Lol he got keys

Zoomer here. Of my friend group, I'm the only one who prefers tits to ass.

based, fuck nu-zoomers
holy cringe

facebook is dead at this point
all normies immigrated to reddit

Are you a midget?

>t. trap lover homo

Attached: La Fille d'O-8.webm (1920x1080, 2.54M)


therefor through the transitive property of mathematics reddit is facebook

god, zoomers are so fucking retarded

That's a fucking good song though. Doesn't matter the era.

they're subhumans desu

Attached: 12397612837.jpg (300x300, 59K)

Yes, can you reread what I wrote?

i said post milkers and all you do is post this ugly bong and her butt

what is wrong with you

>millenial snowflake
>shit opinions
Yep, it all checks out. Go somewhere else with your awful mentality you fucking freak.


My condolences.

I was born in 1990.

Late Millennials I suppose.

I struck a nerve. What a butthurt reply.

I'm not a tits guy and post whatever the fuck I want.

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It was always shit. Some of the spinoffs are the only worthwhile games it has.

remember if you're younger than me that you're a raging faggot and if you're older than me that you're a raging faggot and if you're the exact same age as me then most likely you're also a raging faggot but it's not a guarantee

lol calm down faggot
this is why nobody likes to mass shooter tier zoomers

Guess how I know that you were born in noughties?

It's actually everyone born after 1993 that's retarded.

>and post whatever the fuck I want.
you are a faggot zoomer who posts shit trash

How old are you?

You need to add about 25 kg, like yesterday.

t. zoomer

agree, being a child with a cell phone or tablet makes you retarded



For the love of God you guys, if you're a smoker, please quit. You think the effects won't really hit you until you get older, then one day you start coughing up slime every morning.

Nadine Jansen

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>born December 1993
y-yeah, I agree fuck everyone born after 1993 hehe

calm your tits, you can still be a fag without hating girls.

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Do people in the first world still even smoke? For a while there I'd see tards with those pen things but that fad seems dead now.

You are a huge part of the problem.

I met a dude at a bar born in 97 who said the 90s were great like nigga the fuck you talking about, and I was born in 94 and only really remember the 2000s

>calling zoomers fags
Wew. Millenials were always pushing for gay acceptance and all other shitty stuff. Ever notice how most of the "SJWs" are millenials? What a carppy generation.

While I dont disagree with the overall meme that "everyone born after me is retarded is a retarded meme", you kids have to realize that before 2002-2007 things were fundamentally different in society. From daily interactions with strangers (kids being raised to be polite) to the way we entertained ourselves and had friends.

Some of us boomers saw that change and its incredibly obvious how society has devolved to a technology-dependent rude individualistic global highschool where popularity (on social media) dictates your worth as a human being. While at the same time any notion of independent thought or ideas get shot down are simply drowed out by entertainment, politcis, media and peer pressure.
Its not that the 90s babbies are shit, its just that you were raised in a time when technology and society fundamentally changed.

>posts skinny uggos with man bods
>calls someone else gay
never said i hated girls you projecting retard

JaTavious pls

im not black but whatever
zoomers are the biggest faggots in the world

>Back in 2015, zoomers born in 98-99 were universally hated on Yea Forums for being "fake/wannabe 90s kids", the Bieber-loving generation who didn't even remember 9/11, and were firmly shoved into the "First of the new school" (people born in 1990 kept saying things like "The differences between an 82er and a 90er are greatly dwarfed by the differences between a 90er and a 98er")

>But now in 2019, zoomers born in 98-99 are universally beloved for being "based Black Ops 2 zoombers" and are the majority of Yea Forums, and try to cram themselves into the "last of the old school"

What happened?

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Aside from Friends and Cartoon Network, late 90s pop culture was pretty dead by 2004 sure. But the "late 90s lifestyle" wasn't. People still used VHS tapes in 2004 (and to a lesser extent 2005), Youtube didn't exist in 2004 and most of 2005. This is why you have people born in like 1997 who don't even remember the 90s claiming they had a hybrid millennial childhood

part of what problem? the nth level irony and detachment that makes up modern zoomer culture? i don't see how that's a problem

Imagine first using the internet when shit like Facebook and Twitter were already a thing. No wonder zoom zooms are retarded.


I know loads of young people who smoke. It's still seen as cool even after all this time

>you now remember google videos having like 200 videos in 360p
>you now remember when Dailymotion was the biggest video upload site
>you now remember early youtube before google bought it

What happened is that those despised zoomer faggots became 60% of the population of the site. Oldfags are whittled down, probably by a slow attrition of suicide and, more uncommonly, someone actually leaving to sort out their lives

its Sturgeons revelation in effect. 90% of everything is crap so you only remeber the top 40 hits that people like. You don't hear the cheap shit anymore it's like dust in the wind. Nowadays people also listen to music on youtube so the audience has been fragmented and only fans look up the old songs others have forgotten.

Whatever dude. Enjoy being part of the generation that has the entitlement mentality of boomers but hardly any means to achieve your goals.
Imagine being born too late to experience life without digital devices but also born too early to be part of the next industrial revolution.

They don't have warnings on the box where you live?

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>implying zoomers can read

That last one on the left bottom..... Is this a credible threat?

I must have missed it. Was it November 2009 or September 2011?

>Imagine being born too late to experience life without digital devices but also born too early to be part of the next industrial revolution.
lol what? this is the most retarded shit ive read in a while
we had electronics and wtf are you going on about "the next industrial revolution" you sound mentally ill kek

Reporting for duty!

I know a guy who brags about having a lung problem rare in people under 60 at 26, they believe that smoking is badass or something

The simpsons was downhill a decade before the movie you dumb zoomie

The culture of 2005 was mostly the movies Dodgeball and Anchorman its not that hard to understand.

Thats pretty cringe dude.

Anchorman was 2004.

Can someone explain the color-coding? I saw the one for a Greener earlier today.


Everyone born after 1982 got screwed.

Wow you really are living in your own little bubble. DESU I was not surprised that a brain damaged millenial like you has not heard about the fourth industrial revolution.

I'm late millenial going by this. Mine is fantastic. What I find interesting is early zoomer looks really bad but core zoomer looks pretty good overall.

June 1997 here

the spiderman part is accurate

i used to binge watch stuff on 2005-8 youtube all the time, spent hours a day watching the dumbest shit, it was also filled with pirated before google bought it which was a revelation back then, watched tons of horror movies from one or two channels which were filled with them
site is so different today, can't believe semi obscure nerd shit like let's plays which started on somethingawful became such a milestone for video gaming, also youtube ecelebs becoming actual celebs

Both of those movies came out in 2004, not 2005

whatever you faggot nerd incel virgin you are retarded to imply we arent living in the same world where we are a part of the same eras

this entire thread is retarded but you are honestly the stupidest most pretentious faggot here
>you will never be a part of the 4th industrial revolution which is taking place right now and is going to continue to take place
>its all us zoomers making mechanical hearts and cleaning the oceans with drones
you sound mentally ill

>all that vaginal shit
Are you a chick?

Yeah I remember videos being shorter and straight to the point. No narration of a "e-celeb".

OG zoomers ITT please rate your life archs

I'll start:

1997-2010 - traditional middle-class childhood with a lot of exercise and being outside (9/10)
2010-2015 - gamer incel teenages, no sex, a lot of bullying, skinnyfat noodle arms (6/10)
2015 - ahead - dropped college, don't gayme anymore, starting to get /fit/, wageslaving (4/10)

currently on suicide watch, don't know if I'll make it to 25 alive

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You sound mentally ill

Idk man some of it was pretty good like Samurai jack, Genndy clone wars, Revenge of the sith, Lord of the rings, Malcolm in the middle. Wouldn't describe that stuff as vaginal.

All of this plus I was addicted to hearing Basshunter

Early June 2001 birthday reporting


videos are longer now due to monetization
they repeat the same info over and over or, like you said, give this long preamble just so the video is over 10 minutes long
its all to get those ads in and then those sweet youtube bucks

>n-no u
zoomer btfo

>people born in 2001 are able to walk, speak, use computers

August 2000

Other highlights were Edd Ed and Eddy, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Invader Zim, which is marred by the whole hot topic penguin of doom connection but if you're a kid whose already into horror and sci-fi its god-tier.

Yugioh and pokemon and those other anime were only good because you grew up with them. Those who were over 13 when those came out thought they were retarded.


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