Who's your favourite older actress?

Who's your favourite older actress?

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Holy milkers

Any movies where she seduces the kid who mows her lawns?

The Huppert.

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Older = ? Over 50?

no like MILF it just means passed 20


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How old we talkin? Because if it's just the 40+ group, Judy Greer for me.

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Why, Siggy, of course.


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how old does one need to be to be considered old?

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Patricia Clarkson, without a doubt

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I really want Mary to tuck me in and sneak into my room while I'm having alone time with my pp on purpose.

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Oh no. No good.

Juliette Binoche

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Morgan Fairchild

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great thread

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looks like photo from castingcouch porno

Great actress. Hot as fuck too.

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Brandi Love


Thread Theme Song

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pretty goat

For me? Its Diane Lane

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Is Monica Bellucci an 'older' actress?

Diane Keaton

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I've seen that back today twice. Where is it from?

High Life. Dildo riding scene.

I posted it earlier today

She's 50 apparently. Her voice is second to none.

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40 and up, dumbfuck.

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she sounds like she screams all day and eats gravel now

i named my 2001 4runner limited susan in her honor. it's old red and shapely and its glory days are long gone but i still want to have sex with it.

unfortunately i'm a little too tall for it i've decided and i'll probably sell it to my sister and get an old range rover or a pickup at some point. none of that applies to the real susan sarandon though.

care to post it again lad?
sounds like a cinematic masterpiece

gross, i get that the thread's about old hags but there's a line you don't cross dude


That's the best part.

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holy shit this reminded me of a scene I saw years ago.. does anyone know of a lesbian scene where a young maid is forced to sit with a strap-on on a chair while the older owner of the mansion/manor rides her?

Was a really hot scene but I saw it when I was pretty young

simpler times

Noone's mentioned Julianne Moore yet?

You guys are fags.

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she's almost 40

For me, it's Jane

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Would berry etc.

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Mommy and Granny

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Whoa! She looks good!

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damn chandler's mom is HOT

I know a woman who looks exactly like her.

Mind passing along her info?

I want to suck and fuck her tits and make her feel sexy on my dick. I want to cry "I LOVE MOMMY SO MUCH" as I bust my load hard in her well-traveled butthole and for her to call me a good boy and stroke my head.

>"call me Mommy"

This sex scene made me diamonds

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patrician taste user

Carter is beyond a cougar, she's a sabretooth tiger

what's that from?

>leaves DS9 for her "career"
>her career goes nowhere

Escape at Dannemora. First episode

that scene with her and Amanda Seyfried is top notch

Jane Seymour

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> Milky Road

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Excellent taste, she's great in everything but holy shit did I fall in love with her in that terrible Judge Dredd movie as a kid, the costume was very flattering for her.