What was the point of this scene? There's nothing being told here yet there's a whole 5 minute dedicated to it

What was the point of this scene? There's nothing being told here yet there's a whole 5 minute dedicated to it.

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Joi’s love for K was dishonest

He sees that the woman he loved (?) was a programmed product, a fake.
Which parallels his own existence as a robot with implanted memories.

All love is dishonest. Joi was programmed digitally, "real" women are programmed genetically. They don't mean anything they say. They can't. They aren't real.
K decided to believe in love anyway. Just like the rest of mankind.

It's a scene women will never understand

The point of that scene was to show that his holo gf was programmed.


All love from a female is dishonest

>There's nothing being told here

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Is it really? I'm starting to belive so myself, do you guys just meme it, or actually think it's the truth?

Women just use men for sex, money, food, etc. And they're cheered on for it.

Are you a literal woman?

It's a scene about a man finally finding his true purpose and identity. Finding true meaning in life. Getting broken down after already broken down and then going against your entire conditioned slave programming in order become an actual individual.
All told through visual storytelling alone.

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Imagine being this anti-human.

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Based and hopepilled

Yes, females aren’t capable of romantic love. The only man a woman could ever unconditionally love is her own son.

You're the reason the west is declining you sad sack of insecure, self-loathing shit.

>You're the reason the west is declining you sad sack of insecure, self-loathing shit.
Pot, meet kettle.

>tfw I choose to believe there is hope to escape a spiral of despair
I just want a qt to love so badly, bros

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Lol loser

That response doesn't make sense

Okay then.

Do you really believe this?

Its an agitator trying to anger men

>that's like the pot calling the kettle black

>K decided to believe in love anyway
no fucking brainlet, K learned the ultimate lesson, how to be a REAL HUMAN BEING AND A REAL HERO, how? simple, he sacrificed himself, he had nothing to gain, and he had nothing to lose, he understood what it means to exist, true love is love for others, not selfish or sexual love, real love for other beings, he understood what it means to be Christ

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Those guys have never had a woman love them so they assume it can't happen to cope with that fact.
Not the best people to take advice from.

it was an excuse to show off those perky as fuck nipples

Women can only love chad; all other love is just a scam to acquire betabux

What about her father or brother? Your theory isn't even half baked

All women are whores and need to be killed

Have therapy


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