How much longer till African kino will save us all from Hollyshit?
How much longer till African kino will save us all from Hollyshit?
Other urls found in this thread:
>captain alex is dead
>who killed captain alex
better cinematic universe than MCU
This is actual African kino and not shit like Black Panther.
Unironically Kino
why do blacks have so much soul?
I think I accidentally watched the director's commentary for Who Killed Captain Alex. Is the guy supposed to be talking over the movie?
Child like brains.
The same guy from the trailer? No, he's the DJ. All African movies have this guy talking over so people understand what's going on.
that actually makes a lot of sense, blacks begin synaptic pruning faster than whites so they mature faster but don't get as mature as a white man long term. something similar happens with autism
Go for panties, go for panties
>blacks don't become as mature as video game playing, anime watching, capeshit consuming whitetoids
This pol cope meme needs to die. White men are literal manchildren while black men are merely immature. You losers are inferior to black men physically AND mentally. There's a reason the male side of the white race is becoming more and more incelibate as better mating options emerge for white women.
whites are generally more autistic than blacks because they mature slower
because their black skin absorbs the spirit ether better. naah jk. low iq + high test means they are fun and dont try to be pretentious dumb fucking hipsters
>ugandan key
this is hilarious
Wonder what this guy could do with a Hollywood budget
Post a pic of your hand right now
Blacks have the intelligence of your average 10 year old white kid. Why do you hate science?
Kek, I just know you're a fucking loser faggot IRL.
You think if you went back 30-40 years with these movies people would be impressed by them?
>ugandan key
>his partner Bud Spencer
my sides
Yeah, the guy that says "Uganda!" and stuff. I never saw a movie that had a DJ before, so it was hard for me to figure out what was going on.
At this point just giving millions to random 3rd world idiots to direct kinos would produce better films than anything Hollyjew has produced in over a decade
That's not true. I don't know how you came to such a conclusion.
unironically good camera shots, shame about the quality of the camera itself
cuz they do it for fun.
>Sweet Jesus, Allah save us!
>When I make movies my main goal is for the people to enjoy.
Hollywood should take notes.