Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-29 ‘When They See Us’ Lead NYPD Detective Calls Netflix Series Full Of “Lie (773x508, 487K)
Wasn't everyone already aware of this
FOR REAL!?!?!!!!!
When is the black victim narrative just going to die already?
Wasn't their defense that they were there to beat and rob people not to rape anybody?
If they were innocent of beating and raping the white woman, how come two of them independently lead investigators to the exact scene of the crime?
It's a series not a documentary
dear white ppl is full of lies
Really makes you think.
Oy vey what a racist
Next year once the new roaring 20’s hits and everyone has one final decade of straight hedonistic decadence until another world catastrophe
WTF you mean the police aren't death squads that go around indiscriminately murdering women, minorities, and trannies? Why am I even in the academy then?
All documentaries and pseudo-documentaries are full of lies. Supersize Me was a huge lie. The recent Michael Jackson one was a huge lie. You can't trust anything with an agenda.
Does this mean Trump didnt really demand they be executed immediately by hanging without a trial?
>trusting anything a cop says
ask me how I know you grew up in a nice lil suburb
>>trusting anything a cop says
>ask me how I know you grew up in a nice lil suburb
They just beat her and held her down, racist.
>NYPD still on damage control for horrendously bad police work that cost the city $40 million
>we wusn't doing that felony because we wus doing a different felony
then the music from to kill a mockingbird plays and an old black women cries a single tear
But its Triggered so many zoomer white anti fa /lefty /hate trump cunts on twatter
even if they admitted to it they would be seen as poor black guys in a sex emergancy an she didnt play fair , its like The Boston Marathon Bombings , you Mutts made a Wonderful kino Patriots Day, it was NOT rant on Mudslimes but the reality of lifes Tragically Lost an People Maimed , But here in the UK , Fuck off we Not allowed to say a bad thing about the Westminster mudslime terrorists , cut a blokes head off in a brit street an living the life of riley in UK Paki Prison ,
Wheres the Films here about these terrorists ? , Our major cities are all Paki run .
would a Race war help . No cos love island an brits got talent keep the massses down , Charlie Brooker had it right the Black box was the only tool needed to keep the masses down
>training to be a cop
The only person who cost the city money was that commie Deblasio
MI5 watch this one
I haven't read a single post yet but I already know all of the people ITT (including me) need to have sex
Maybe if your kind didn't commit an astronomical number of violent crimes relative to your population then cops wouldn't hate you so much....
should of hung them dirty nogs , they would of killed
This looks pretty clean and aesthetic. We should somehow try to meme it as a new logo for the transgender community.
fugly filth
Oi, you got a free speech loicense, m8?
That's why they used to just lynch them, back in the old days. Simple and effective, and a good community bonding event to boot. Imagine if they just lynched these chimps, none of this would have been an issue. Makes you think.
>should OF
>would OF
41 million lies, each worth a dollar.
I mean it's an attack on the police, of course they'll have to defend themselves, doesn't mean they were right though, it's easy enough to understand blatant racism and people who have power that can easily be abused.
Oi, ya got a 4channel loicense foa dat post thea, m8??
I'm going to drop my Yea Forums internet persona for a moment to mention how mad this shit makes me. Like it's one thing to shit on Weinstein, okay, he's obviously a piece of shit. But while the stuff he did was bad it wasn't "beaten and raped by a pack of savage niggers" bad. And yet it will be that same #METOO crowd defending this hoax that the CP5 were innocent of anything. Frankly they should have been charged for murder, I know the woman didn't die but the miracles modern medicine can achieve shouldn't enter into charging criminals. You'd feel the same way after reading the interview with her plastic surgeon talking about how extensively her face had to be rebuilt.
its probably all true then.
The police are full of shit
>nice lil suburb
Your place would be nice too if you treated cops better and stopped being a violent criminal.
Weak people today desire the path of least resistance.
A lot of them probably know on some instinctive level about the dark skinned predators in their midst, but they just "don't want any trouble".
this shit is still going to win all Emmy's over Chernobyl cause politics.
sadly you were born in a time you have to fantasize about it on Yea Forums instead
Entirely agreed.
>t. nigger
>pol enters the thread
jesus christ pol fags are complete autists
when we balkanize and have a white country.
Ask me how I know that I drive the speed limit, pay my insurance and tags, use turn signals, don't smoke weed in my car, and don't pull a gun on police officers.
>why yes i trust the police, how can you tell?
Lynching should be brought back.
really didnt ask
>SEETHING monkey
checkt tho
>why yes, I can't be bothered to use a turn singal and then argue with the officer for 45 minutes about how I'm a sovereign citizen, how could you tell?
God Loves Dead Cops
Yep, they're in heaven while lynched niggers are burning in hell. Your point?
>Like it's one thing to shit on Weinstein, okay, he's obviously a piece of shit.
Sorry you didn't get the part sweetie
>the cops totally pressured Brendan Dassey into falsely confessing
>wtf the cops would never pressure black kids into falsely confessing
100% hypocrisy
conspiracy theorists in a nutshell
Better than trusting a nigga
>One guy giving one confession
>5 guys giving almost identical confessions
>I'm sorry officer, but I did not consent to that stop sign. Under the Articles of Confederstion in maritime jurisprudence, you cannot legally fine me. Good day
Didnt the victim remember it wasnt just one. And didnt the doctor validated one person couldnt do this?
If so, why is the one saying he was it believed than evidence pointing to not a single attacker?
>5 guys giving almost identical confessions
but they literally don't besides them all saying they were in the park fucking shit up
>friends of them said that some confessed they took part in it.
Keks I write those Rules K
They all talked about doing various things to the woman. The only difference in each confession was it was always one of the other guys that did the more serious stuff.
nobody likes cops, only cops and their relatives
Glad you see it
Niggers with a cause like the hoaucaust lies
an you will have the cunts standing clapping like hungry fucking seals at teatime
Needs Nerve Gas .. Just saying or asbestos dust to fall on them
when the government stops treating niggers like shit
racial profiling and discrimination is real. deal with it.
Oh no, netflix would lie? Who could have seen that coming?
And then, nobody wants to be a cop and everybody screams why there is no cop to stop the criminals
Seriously, if it's so fucking bad, eat a bullet.
it's easy, we kill both
>when the government stops treating niggers like shit
>racial profiling and discrimination is real. deal with it.
when niggers stop being niggers ! Richard Pryor said same about scumbag niggers
gamers rise up
That sounds like a plan!
>dude I have a good premise for a show
>black people are oppressed
would NEVER be Made now
get this man a direct line to netflix hq
Not this way.
SAD ..
Cops are literally the only thing keeping you creatures alive.
Shocking that the people who did shitty things hate having it made public.
Yeah...oh wait you weren't talking about the black criminals?
No, I was talking about the cops and prosecutors who didn't bother to work the DNA evidence. Those guys...
>when the government stops treating niggers like shit
>racial profiling and discrimination is real. deal with it.
that wont stop until colored people stop committing the majority of crimes in the country. im not saying its right, but it is inevitable.
Politics. 99% of the time the courts would laugh out any case where someone with nothing to lose and provable ties to the ones incarcerated for a crime, suddenly decided to confess that he did it all alone.
If that wasn't the case, we would only need one prison in this country for 3 inmates. One black, one white and one Hispanic. All of them already incarcerated for life, and taking payment to confess to the crimes other people did.
DNA testing was a new thing in the 80s user. i know its hard for a narcissist to understand situations outside their own but you have to.
what did (((they))) mean by this?
So a new thing is still a thing, or is it not...?
haha that's a weird pic user! what do those lines mean haha
Does it actually show them committing the crimes they were responsible for?
>Despite being the 13% of the plot, lies commited are about 50% of the runtime
I love sovereign citizens. They are a perfect example that a piece of paper with words on it has no value unless backed by violence. They think they are playing by different rules until they get their shit slapped by a cop who says they're not.
>believe all women
>women would never lie about rape
>omg how could you believe the rape victim over the poor oppress nigs
we live in a fucking simulation............
I thought you were talking about the city who didn't lynch them. Cucks.
yea, the '08 wasn't a crisis created by the rich but having fun is gonna make a catastrophe happen
>Too bad fella, you're coming to the station.
This, stop shooting our kids on sight.
Black power
Yeah just waste infinite amounts of money on experimental technology that may or may not work and won't convince the jury since it doesn't have any weight to it yet. Libtards are literally brain damaged because they don't understand that reality isn't just their little bubble. This is why they want blacks to be free to chimp out and want to eliminate all cops and guns from non-criminals. It's okay because they're safe in their gated communities! Or Israel.
Look, I really hate to say it, but I don't like black people that much.
Top of the morning, officers!
It’s funny that all the “artistic liberties” this series takes happens to slant one particular way.
>hurr durr science is hard
>what we've been using it for years before this case and in this case, too?
>b-b-b-but they're guilty!!1
I don't know what burger-flipping joint you work at, but some of us with professional careers take the responsibility seriously. If you have evidence that clears your suspects, and 9 others, but keep pushing for a conviction then you're just a piece of human garbage. Instead of being reeeeing about four black kids being innocent, maybe you should focus on the god damn idiots who let a rapist get away?
When Hispanics take over - they could give a fuck about Blacks. Can't sell it to them. They had ZERO to do with Slavery, so Black victim ideology dies. Good riddance.
>tfw had a great family and a pretty decent childhood
cry more bitch nigger
it cost 40 million because a retarded Democrat settled out of court despite everyone involved saying the city would have won a court case
Sounds like a business plan.
>maybe you should focus on the god damn idiots who let a rapist get away?
Like Hillary Clinton?
And most people think this series is a documentary.
>If you have evidence that clears your suspects, and 9 others,
Are you retarded or what? The DNA evidence only proves there was an additional suspect who hadn't been found. It doesn't say shit about the others being innocent of either helping a rape or being involved in the many other violent crimes that took place that time.
Wow what a shock
Yeah having heard from actual cops the kind of danger they face just doing routine jobs around black people, I don’t really give a fuck how they defend themselves.
Because they found his dna just means he was present. But it doesnt falsefy that they were there.
They just didnt found dna of them. Especially back then it was hard for them than today. And if they dont lost blood or left a hair, you will not find any dna of them.
But there was enough evidence that they were there too.
haha fuck niggers BASED AND REDPILLED!!!
I don’t know why niggers are so keen on fucking up whitey. I really hope they do realize that the gullible whites are the only ones shielding them from complete annihilation should the spics and chinks get their way.
You really should try to imagine the West without police keeping the white public at bay...
>crime is associated with poverty and education levels
>a system existed that kept black families in lower paying jobs and in poorer neighborhoods
White people suck
Despite being 13% of the population...
Weird how we don’t have that in Europe, yet we have the same black problems the USA has...
>the actual rapist got away, because the detectives wanted these kids to be the rapists
>the actual rapist then raped a few more women AND EVEN MURDERED ONE
Yeah, *ahem* fuck ni...
Ah yes the "give them free shit until they stop protesting"
Expected to bear fruits any day now...
niggers are shit. you dont seem to get it.
When can we Final Solution you stupid edgy stormfags.
you will die
>majority of black crime is perpetuated on other blacks
>/pol/ whines because muh statistics
little brained
How nice of you to join us leftypol
>compensate for iq
>turns out people get what they deserve
wow, almost like the entire discrimination & oppression narrative is a lie that the system can't confess to because entire institutions are build upon it as their foundations and doing so would cause them to collapse on the spot
Nobody said give them free shit. The problem is that the system that was meant to keep black people down and in poverty was only removed recently.
It takes time for to really grow beyond that and people have bitched and moaned the entire time. People didn't care about equality in the job market until affirmative action threatened the 1% of the 98% of white job applicants.
I grew up in a mostly good neighborhood but used always go to the bad parts of town to score when I was into drugs. I allowed me to see first hand all the crap cops got to put up with.
Also why is it that people say only blacks are profiled by cops when as a white man I can't even enter certain neighborhoods without the cops accusing me of being there for drugs.
Delusional bastard
Cops suck but sometimes do good things. Netflix never does anything good.
>compensate for iq
Because an IQ test is actually a recognized metric for any degree of intelligence or ability to perform a job. Put your IQ down on your resume and see how well it does for you, faggot.
It's died down quite a bit compared to 3-4 years ago. BLM is dead. "Woke" music is no longer trendy. This Netflix show came and went, not exactly some huge cultural talking point.
>This applies to every country, even the ones where slavery never existed, and welcomed their first blacks with open arms only 40-50 years ago
Isn't it strange how it's not a phenomena exclusive to the US and other countries where blacks were at the bottom tier in society?
When you as a race get off welfare and so don't depend on white people to live, so never
Sure showed me!
Niggers treat themselves and each other like shit.
Refusal to see the value of police, refusal to police each otber, refusal to even disengage from urbanism and go form self-policing communes or something. They exist just to consume and disrupt, because the jew realized their value as lodestones for whites.
>you as a race
>everyone who disagrees with me is black
neck yourself
This doesn't apply because the niggers inflicted such great trauma on the head of the woman they gang raped, slamming her head against the concrete, that she went into a coma for weeks , doesn't remember months of her life around the time it happened and never fully recovered.
but these poor kids for being charged with rape by racist cops when all they did was hold her down for the real rapist :'(
I grew up in a nice white neighbourhood and we didn't like cops there either since they would always give us shit for partying and other late-night misbehaving. Doesn't mean I wouldn't take a cops word over that of 5 urban teenagers who were proven criminals and admitted their involvement in this woman's beating and rape. Look at their interview tapes, they literally come across as if they have double-digit IQs.
Because that's the likely reason you are there.
>bawww the poe-lease arrest us for commiting crimes
>bawww the poe-lease deter us from commiting crimes
>bawww what if I wanna commit a crime some day but the possibility of getting away with it is lower because of poe-lease
Arguments of children. Repatriation to Africa is the only answer that doesn't involve race wars and genocide.
iq is as good a predictor of job performance as actual observations of job performance
as for why businesses don't use actual iq tests in their applications, I don't know. I assume it's something like because they're actually objective and people don't really want to know if their subordinates are superior to them. better to do some bullshit personality test that their HR department came up with or whatever instead
Two questions, how were they awarded 41mil and why does everyone call the prosecution racists when all the rioters seem to be minorities?
you're either black or a subhuman leftist, either way you're likely on welfare
>when I was into drugs
>cops accusing me of being there for drugs.
user plz
that's a nice fantasy world you live in.
Back to >>>/pol please
Take Somalians in Norway as an example. The biggest non-Western immigrant group. Somalians only began pouring into the country in the early 1990s. They were given the exact same opportunities as everyone else; free healthcare, free education, free everything. On top of that, as refugees, they were given rent-free real estate and free language/culture lessons.
Despite the above, 78% of [working age] women of Somalian origin are on welfare.While 64% of [working age] men of Somalian origin are on welfare.
In the graph that the government statistics bureau has created, we can see that;
>Every immigrant group with the highest level of unemployment are African countries
>Then comes Middle Eastern countries
>Then comes Eastern European countries
>Then comes Western European countries
>Then comes Scandinavian countries
Isn't that strange? They began pouring in at about the same time, and not a single one of them ever faced discrimination on an institutional level. Quite the contrary. They were given free shit. Shit that ordinary citizens do not get.
>it's a comedy show not a news program
ITT: bootlickers
Bill de Blasio settled without going to trial
I don’t get it
>everyone who isn't a white nationalist is a communist
>reee you can't use intelligence tests because they make niggers look bad
lmao at your entire ideological position
Yeah, but if you switched the people around for a few hundred years, and Norwegians had lived for generations in Somalia their IQ would be low, too. Because dirt is magic.
Remember that time they made that Hulk Hogan Gawker documentary and made Hogan look like Hitler and Gawker look innocent even though the trial was about Hogan sueing Gawker because they would take down his sextape? And Netflix left out the Pedophile “joke” that Gawker would release a underage sextape if anyone older than five?
Just playing the odds.
I really want future generations to know about the mistakes we are making, the measures we will have to take to correct them, the ensuing cost of those measures, the groups responsible for precipitating these issues, and the importance of ensuring those groups can never find or gain influence in society until the end of time.
Thank Christ we at least live in an age where information is so easily documented in detail for posterity. Some things simply cannot be window-dressed no matter how hard media lies about them. What the globalist have done in 30 years could've been gradually introduced over 2 or 3 centuries and we would have been destroyed utterly. Instead the changes are so jarring that we have many men of fighting age whose memories are vivid enough to remember the time before.
If you love defending niggers for free so much you should become public defender.
I actually never understood this.
Is it just a really subtle
>20’s hits and everyone has one final decade of straight hedonistic decadence
Fucking hope so. It's interesting since we seem to in a period of Victorian era morals. Except it's on it's head ass in the air.
Holy fuck that was good.
>white nationalist
Literally what does that even mean?? You burgers with your crazy newspeak
I believe it is suicide rates for trans, fags, and normal people. With trans being at 40%
same thing in sweden, and they're hugely overrepresented in crime stats. somalis can't blame some slavery in the past either because they were the slave traders trafficking people to the arabs for centuries. they just suck unfortunately
>Nor does the film note that Mr. Salaam took the stand at his trial, represented by a lawyer chosen and paid for by his mother, and testified that he had gone into the park carrying a 14-inch metal pipe—the same type of weapon that was used to bludgeon both a male schoolteacher and Ms. Meili. Mr. Reyes’s confession changed none of this. He admitted being the man whose DNA had been left in the jogger’s body and on her clothing, but the two juries that heard those facts knew the main assailant in the rape had not been caught. The five were charged as accomplices, as persons “acting in concert” with each other and with the then-unknown man who raped the jogger, not as those who actually performed the act. In their original confessions—later recanted—they admitted to grabbing her breasts and legs, and two of them admitted to climbing on top of her and simulating intercourse. Semen was found on the inside of their clothing, corroborating those confessions
sounds like hes fucking racist and needs to have his life ruined
They got bored with calling everyone a nazi. Diversity is their strength.
I just don't hate anyone until that specific individual has done something to merit it, brainlet.
>bruh its the system
>the wh*te man keeping us down despite our innate abilities
and yet you hate so blindly and generally on /pol/
>noticing pattern bad
Like robbing and raping people in central park?
Go to /pol/ and learn all about it.
/pol/ is a board of peace
Its almost as if... your bias towards looking at race is ignoring all other factors... Woah... imagine that...
I've been here since before /pol/ existed, I can hate it all I want especially when you stormfags flood out of your hug box and shit up the rest of the boards.
>Its almost as if
Wasn't the problem when they gave their testimony they weren't accompanied by their parent or a lawyer at each time?
It doesn't make them innocent or guilty but they had rights.
Sick refutation of the global nigger crime constant. This is definitely a compelling argument that it is all pure coincidence.
American police are evil.
You can, but you can't do it and also claim that you only hate individuals based on their individual actions rather than making sweeping generalisations. Because if the former is true the latter is a lie.
Redpill me on the actually case
>I just don't hate anyone until that specific individual
>specific individual
>you stormfags
>specific individual
Not him, but jesus you suck.
>nightmarish legal proceeding
This, I've been on a month-long paid vacation and it SUCKED, I can't imagine six months or a year. I'd run out of shows to watch and places to travel!
And having the union pay my exorbitant legal bills, that would be even more terrible!
Those poor poor fucking pigs
niggers in my buthole
Why are there literally always excuses made for Africans no matter where they go in the world? They are the least successful people in every country around the globe, they have the highest crime rates by a huge margin everywhere that they live. It's just bad luck huh?
I do hate all stormfags. The primary difference between hating black people, and hating you, is that no one has what choice in what race they are when they are born. You CHOOSE to be a stormnigger.
Simple enough concept for you I hope.
Ava is on a mission to destroy whitey, be warned cracker, you're next!
Are you saying black people don't have a choice in committing crimes, but rather their race predetermined it?
>another propoganda based show lying about race/diversity
Getting real sick of this shit
That is not why you hate black people and you know it. Using crime statistics is just what you use to justify it.
>put my professional livelyhood (sic) at risk
>niggers go around beating people half to death with lead pipes
>sexually harass a woman
>spic comes by after they beat her half to death and rapes her
>niggers get arrested and sentenced for the beating and the rapes
>found put later through dna evidence niggers didn't rape girl, just everything else
>get released on a technicality, get $41 million dollar settlement
>Jewflix makes a miniseries about them portraying them as 100% innocent
>kill whitey comments ensue
these posts are based and made me laugh out loud. i am now smiling and breathing clearly and smoothly through my unclogged nose.
>massacre the formatting of something as simple as a chan post
ask me how i know you’re a nigger brain
So you hate stormfront because they're majority white then or does your own logic not apply to you?
I'm not even the guy you were replying to, but why then do you think they hate black people?
>mfw every "he dindu muffin he a good boy" cop shooting story you find out the "victim" was a gangbanger or did something stupid like try and fight the copsor pointed a gun at them
See ths problem (just like with women) currently ia blacks think they should be able to act how they want and do what ever they want without consequence. And unfortunate when you get stupid with a cop there will be consequences. Imagine if all these dindus would have just listened to the cops and didnt act out like monkeys
Again, not a stormfag or the guy you were arguing with. But you're very hypocritical when talk about judging people on a individual bases then put everyone you hate into a whole generalization. I'm a Pacific Islander and you just called me a stormfag and said that you hate me, you actual faggot. Go fuck yourself.
I have no bias. I'm just citing statistics. I'm actually of Pakistani origin myself, so go fuck yourself.
>leftists being so vehemently anti truth now
What happened?
No one likes stormfags.
>gang of blacks were robbing and beating random people in Central Park
>investment banker white girl gets raped 10 ways to Sunday like massive internal/brain injuries that she wasn't expected to survive from
>5 boys are questioned without lawyers, parents
>cops do the thing where they keep you up for a day or two with constant questioning until you sign a confession
>Donald Trump virtue signals about the death penalty by taking out full page ads in NYC newspapers
>the 5 nigs spend 10-20 years in prison
>repeated serial rapist/murderer confesses, knowing things that only he could have known
>also DNA evidence exhonerates the boys
>get what was at the the time the biggest settlement in NYC history
It was a fuckup, Trump is retarded, and those nigs deserved the 10 years served for being subhuman pieces of shit. Literally everyone, from the (((banker))) rape victim to the cops to Drumpf was a mouth-breathing retard, incapable of independent thought for even 1/10th of a second. The case exposed the astronomical stupidity of nigs, New Yorkers and daddy's special boy trust fund faggots who pretend to care about shit that doesn't concern them. And let's the virtue signallers other than Trump, the Netflix liberal (((producers))) who think its a TRAVESTY the way nigs are treated while trying to live as far away from them as modern technology will allow.
In conclusion, if every single person named in the investigation was teleported into an active volcano, the world would be all the better for it.
The same thing a racist would say.
This. I want to see cops start going on strike. Let those outstanding black people patrol their own neighborhoods since every cop is a racist says blacks.
>>repeated serial rapist/murderer confesses, knowing things that only [the perpetrator] could have known
FTF me
Yeah, I don't like you if you're a stormfag no matter what race you are.
It is done
You're fucking retarded is what you are.
> crime happens in black neighborhood
> cops step up patrols in that neighborhood
>wtf why cops be profilin us
>Yeah, I don't like you if you're a criminal no matter what race you are.
What a fucking racist.
Good luck, leftists are pissbois who do nothing but screech
Don't you dare disrespect >schalke.
That is literally a 4th grade level of logic. Congratulations. Can you please go back to the board that was MADE for you?
>I don't like (group of people) because of their actions
>I don't like (group of people) because of their actions
>retard for not blindly hating all black people
We know who the real retard is.
The government is full of niggers.
You retard the /lgbt/ trannys won’t fall for anything on Yea Forums. Should’ve gone to Yea Forums and been like “I miss him guys...”
The US government is the most important source of employment for blacks.
Why do you hate stormfront?
>hating people for the color of their skin
>hating people because they choose to be racist retards
Yeah totally the same thing.
>hating people for the color of their skin
Where? I'm pretty sure it's based on crime statistics that are similar around the world.
Then why use the setting from a real event?
>relaxing around blacks
only matter of time before a pavement ape clubs whatever brain matter you got.
No, you're retarded because when I pointed out your hypocrisy generalized me and called me a stormfag even though I'm not white and never in my life advocated for white supremacy
>everyone that disagrees with me is a stormfag
That's literally you, and that is why I called you a retard.
You go to Yea Forums I don’t want anything to do with that shithole
You have a board. Go there.
>generalizing on Yea Forums
No, never on my anonymous image board!
>>crime is associated with poverty and education levels
No, it literally isn’t. The poorest places in the US are in white Appalachia and they have almost no crime.
Well, maybe one day you'll grow up and have the foresight for self-reflection, faggot.
You have a website. Go there.
This is the best take I have seen thus far.
We live in a society....
G -
Facts don't care about your feelings and neither will the nigger that will mug you.
Am I the only one who naively supported Obama and thought that now that a black man finally steps into the most powerful position on the planet, blacks will finally stop playing the victim card and force themselves to rationally go through what is causing the decay of their communities and fix it?
Instead Obama just threw fuel on the fire and invalidated the black peoples conspiracy theories about "the white man holding them down", despite the President, the two past Attorney Generals, the Secretary of Education, the Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of Homeland Security and the US Ambassador to the United Nations being black.
Things were looking so good. But that was when I realized the truth to the whole "give them a hand and they'll bite your arm off" thing.
>invalidated the black peoples conspiracy theories
>one confession from a retard
>five confessions w/ indisputable evidence and witnesses
Is this some clever attempt to demonstrate that white people can be subhuman retards too?
The police risk there lives trying to stop people from hurting all of us and solving crimes. People need to grow up and if the police is so bad then you can become a officer and prove you can do a better job
No one is shitposting and pol is only everywhere because it's full of mostly normal people.
We don't hate you for the color of your skin. We hate you for the content of your character.
You dumb fuck. I'm assuming you were 14 years old in 2008.
Obama was no more black jesus than Blumpf is white jesus. Join the third position.
>Politics seeping into every medium of entertainment
>When the politics are discussed outside of /pol/, only liberals are allowed to voice their opinions
I'm not even a /pol/fag, but neck yourself, you mentally ill tranny.
You really think if blacks were all hardworking and smart upstanding citizens it wouldnt matter?.
Even those virtue signaling libcucks think of blacks as overgrown children.
>trump is actually going to win 2020 BECAUSE of how hard the media is pushing shit like this.
>Be white gril
>have dad thats 'hippy pot smoker'
>He gets nailed for it twice.
>Once in the middle of fucking no-where desert.
>Another time with a tangle with some illegal wanting to keep her footing in 'murica if she just squealed about any illegal activity.
>Cops stage it as 'robbers coming in to steal shit then send in SWAT.'
>Never understand this 'we got it harder than you!' when growing up cus of this shit.
I know this comes off as a 'then the whole bus clapped' thing but it pisses me off every-time some stupid fag shoots there mouth off that dosent know that 'if cops see a reason they'll go for it regardless of who you are.'
When it is no longer profitable, that is when either whites become a true minority themselves and the Mexicans take over OR they (whites) stop being so damn gullible.
If you had sex, you'd be less obsessed with jews
>be a negro in America
>beat up a woman and leave her for dead
>get awarded tens of millions of dollars of taxpayer money
Same if it was a woman president or mexican one or a gay one. Instead of uniting EVERYONE it turns into "hahaha now WE are in charge!! Now you'll pay for what you did to my race/gender" God forbid we get a president who wants everyone on the same page.
>politics is seeping into every medium entertainment
>doesn't like it
>makes sure to seep /pol/ content into TELEVISION & FILM
Damn you're a daft cunt. Doesn't matter what race you are, you have the soul of a nigger.
there isn't a single city, county, state, country, or continent that is majority black that isn't an absolute violent shithole. Niggers poison everything they touch and destroy any civilization they have more than the tiniest stake in.
You're in a thread about a literal propaganda film from the left.
We're discussing a documentary with political implications. You're the only one buttblasted about seeing opinions you don't agree with, in a thread about a documentary with political implications.
Go open up a capeshit or GoT thread. Or better yet, fuck off back to plebbit.
A thread that should have been made on /pol/.
Bad choice of words. Fictional series disguised as a documentary.
New York City cops, they ain't too smart
>"Yes we committed a whole spree of violent crimes that night."
>"But we didn't beat and rape a woman."
Literally the narrative being pushed. Robbing and beating people are apparently things innocent niggers do.
>reeeee why aren't you racist like us reeee
Take care Lads an Respect . x
It must burn you that you haven't managed to turn the entire internet into an echo chamber yet.
We never imagined blacks would start whining even more and liberals would turn anti white.
Overall obama was a mistake.
It's Yea Forums related. Just because you want people who you disagree with who browses this board to leave their opinions at the door, while faggots like you should have monopoly on opinions here doesn't make it so, you dense fucking cunt.
Netflix wouldn't just lie would they????
I don't care to turn the internet into a echo chamber. Racism isn't a legitimate viewpoint and you should be shamed into hiding or staying quiet. No one likes you.
That would have been hillary. You would have gotten expelled from college from microaggressions against women.
We dodged a bullet there.
>Yea Forums should turn into plebbit because I say so
Yeah, no. Fuck off.
Doubt it.
You clearly weren't here before stormfront took over /pol/. I bet you were underage.
that's because obama had the exact same agenda as previous white presidents, less public funding, handouts for corporations and banks. The right even gloats about how bad immigration conditions were during the Obama years.
obama was bad because of his neoliberal politics not his skin color. poltards can't understand anything outside of race and obama fries their brain into mush
>I don't want an echo chamber
>*Insert something you disagree with* isn't a legitimate viewpoint and must be purged
The fact that you don't recognize the oxymoron of your own statement is more than enough validation of your genuine mental illness. Don't forget to dilate your wound.
It's not just "insert something I disagree with" you dense retard. It is something that is nearly universally abhorred.
>understanding statistics is racist
>racist white police is racist
Wow I didn't see that coming.
Remeber that time America elected a nigger president and he destroyed three countries?
not really, it's pretty common across the entire planet
Very soon. "N word" fatigue is building. We're already at boiling point. Unironically thank Obama for that
das rite ma nigga these crackkkers dont know shit
never tried driving without a seatbelt in canada have ya
ha ha when Killmonger tried to drop vibranium bomb on London I thought based Killmonger gonna nuke the capital of Pakistan.
>Pretend to be an oldfag
Why do all plebbitfags always do this?
Stormfags/NatSocs shitting up Yea Forums with politcs was the entire fucking purpose of /pol/ being created in the first place, you mouthbreathing faggot.
go to any non-western country dude. it's the literal opposite of that. everyone on planet earth is and has been openly and proudly racist for as long as there have been humans. the ONLY exception is current-day modern whites, and that's not going to last very long as they're slowly seeing the consequences of everyone else dividing along ethnic lines and fighting for their own group
and even whites, when you look at BEHAVIOUR rather than the dogma they've been conditioned into regurgitating in public, are just as racist as everyone else
I know you're baiting because nobody writes in such a cringy unaware and shamelessly reality-denying style otherwise, but you succeeded so congrats
Hey remember that time two races attempted to gain power over one another? Yeah I don't recall human history either.
you're proving my point incel
It is true that they were shitting up Yea Forums before /pol/ was a thing - however people knew the difference between the edgy racism and the "have you ever thought about actual white nationalism" that stormfront brought over. No one likes you.
>out argue
i thought whites were better because they're more civilized? but you're saying whites should act the same way as every other ethnic group, even though racists call those groups inferior and savage? doesn't make a lot of sense.
>out argue the opposition
How old is this? It seems as if they skipped that part and went straight to "Haha, do you even know how long I've been here? Go back to /pol/ with your unapproved opinion ;)".
They legitimately think that is an argument.
>I've been here since before /pol/ existed
yikes! unironically have sex you pathetic incel
Stormfront already beat them to colonizing this place. This plan would never work.
>i thought whites were better because they're more civilized
You're forgetting the the serial murderer rapist was a friend to one of 'victims' after they shared a cell together and he had no chance of getting out ever.
Only one of the kids was held for days of constant questioning after his parents never showed up.
The problem isn't institutional bias or whatever contemporary progressives pedal the problem is the culture and socialisation, an entire lifetime of being called a victim it will become internalised even if it's not real. Like 6/10 of the richest celebrities are black, like 5/10 of the top rated movies are black centred and the wealthiest, musicians, sports stars and actors are all black. You've gotta wonder how they're so oppressed. If they oppression was as ubiquitous as they say wouldn't black Americans be robbed of any opportunity, weird.
so you're telling me a white racist doesn't believe they have a superior culture or country compared to other races? Only a liberal believes that? that's such obvious bullshit lol
>they would stop asking for gibs
that would never happen even if they had reparations
When did it become wrong to value one's own country and culture above others? Fuck off retard.
You're simplifying things to the point of absurdity. You'll find racists of any race who admire portions of cultures of other races. Take the Japanese as an exampe, who are notoriously xenophobic. Many white racists as you put them believe that the Japanese culture is superior in many ways.
It's as if you boil everything down to a simple "good vs evil" and nothing inbetween.
Loving your "people" or country doesn't mean that you automatically hate other "people" or countries.
Same as you loving your own children (if you could have any, you disgusting tranny) doesn't mean you automatically hate other children.
Despite being 13% of the population…
so your argument is "racism is okay because other races do it?" What about rape? Is that okay because in the minds of a white racist all other races are evil rapists? What about pollution or destroying the environment, is that ok for whites because people on other continents are bad at environmental preservation.
If your argument is that white people should do anything they want because "other people are allowed to do it" what exactly makes whites superior? sounds like you just want to be able to do whatever you want and, if you happen to be white, racism is a way to justify that.
>Many white racists as you put them believe that the Japanese culture is superior in many ways.
Go back to rebbit, you fucking faggot.
Dude, you do know what happened in liberia, right? They weren't accepted by the people living there, and race wars plus genocide ensued
>t. muslim
Nigger < Cop
You will never be a real woman.
What the fuck kind of logic is this? What makes you think a white racist despises literally every single thing that other groups do, and believes that we as whites must rise a level above, otherwise we are just as bad as they are?
I don't know if you're a /pol/fag LARPing as a libshit and accidentally spilled some of your NatSoc rhetoric out, or if you, as a self-proclaimed anti-racist is literally more of a racist than most people I see posting on /pol/.
This thread really brought out all the discord trannies.
>What about rape? Is that okay
Why do retards always do this?
why are you yelling? are you an incel?
You're stretching so far you may have just grown a foot or two man.
why do /pol/fags get so dramatic whenever they're called out? Do you think pol is some super-secret clubhouse? literally anyone can go on there and see what retarded americans think about Indian, Chinese, african people etc.
If you don't want to be seen as "despising" other races, don't call yourself a racist. The "say something controversial then get shocked and deny you meant what you said" tactic got old a long time ago
>don't call yourself a racist
Nobody calls themselves a racist.
But if someone [white, other races are too savage to be responsible for their racism according to you] has the audacity to imply that not every group is the same, people like you are quick to brand them as a racist.
It's a shame you view other groups as lesser than whites on a general level. I certainly don't. Many groups are better than us at many things, and we are better than many groups at other things. Claiming so isn't racism, but in your mentally ill cesspool of a brain, it is. But you claiming that whites have risen above their savage ways of pollution and sexual assault, isn't racist. Because... engage mental gymnastics of olympic proportions.
you are still alive and havent had any situation where you feared for your life because of your poor choices? I hope that type of behavior catches on sometime.
Because they're retarded.