Once and for all let's settle this

The best episode,



The Final Sacrifice

Attached: mst3k.jpg (900x900, 286K)

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San Francisco International

>See all those people down there, Davey? Those are the people you've disappointed...

If the choice is between the two, it's Final Sacrifice all day.

Overdrawn At The Memory Bank makes me laugh harder than any other episode:

Space Mutiny, Riding with Death, Quest of the Delta Nights and Hobgoblin are all better

Merlon's Shop

>Manos or The Final Sacrifice
Everyone knows that Manos is the meme answer. It's not a particularly good MST3K episode in either the riffing or the host segments. The problem is that it started out being one of the worst if not the absolute worst movie they ever had to riff on so it became infamous for that and for the character of Torgo who became a host segment character and somewhere along the way that got memed into Manos is the best episode of MST3K. It's not a bad episode by any means, but it's not great either. Memorable? Sure, I guess. But I wouldn't even put it in my top 10, probably not even top 20 episodes. Awarding points for being able to hold the attentions of Zoomers is an unavoidable consideration.

The Final Sacrifice on the other hand is definitely one of the best. Definitely top 10 and could easily find a place in my top 5. Best, though? I doubt it. If I have to limit it to cheesy 80's genre films (and let's face it, you do since it's they're the only ones you have any chance of getting people to watch anymore), I'd put Space Mutiny or Puma Man or Death Stalker and the Warriors from Hell above The Final Sacrifice. Puma Man is criminally overlooked

The better debate is Joel or Mike?


Manos is a pretty lackluster episode outside of torgo's epic memery. For me, it's Werewolf or Space Mutiny.

Both are good.

I agree that Werewolf and Space Mutiny are the best episodes.

MST3k fucking sucks. It's just a bunch of autists shouting unfunny jokes during a movie

>Overdrawn at the Memory Bank
>Merlon's Shop of Mystical Wonders
These are good episodes (not GOAT honestly, but very good) and they're especially good if your sides demand movies with famous actors. A few more good ones with famous talent are City Limits (James Earl Jones and that slutty milf Vulcan from Star Trek VI) and Alien From L.A. (young and hot Kathy Ireland doing a comically bad job of playing an unattractive "dorky" female)

Riding with Death

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Neither. But if I had to choose, The Final Sacrifice. Manos is just punishing.

This show definitely hasn't aged well. The humor relies way too much on pop culture references.

The Sword and the Dragon

>MST3k fucking sucks. It's just a bunch of autists shouting unfunny jokes during a movie

You must be at least 18 years of age to post here.


Only if you're a fucking zoomer.

>This show definitely hasn't aged well.
>The humor relies way too much on pop culture references.
You just gave away how young your are because you're butthurt that you don't get the jokes. Btw I have never watched the new incarnation of it and won't.

>The better debate is Joel or Mike?
a long settled debate. It was established many years ago that the movie riffing itself got much better in the Mike years but the host segments became practically unwatchable by then, too. Joel and the bots vs. Dr. Forester and TV's Frank was perfect for what the host segments needed to be and fit their respective personalities. By the Mike years, studio meddling made them write the host segments with a "story arc" and actual characters instead just have a dumb invention exchange and calling movie sign. Both eras are equally lovable and yes this is one of the few times that being a based moderate is actually correct.

Space Mutiny.
Final Sacrifice > Manos, though.

Mike is far better.

From those two, Final sacrifice.

Manos is such an abysmal movie I think it detracts from the overall experience, yeah it's popular but even with the riffing it's a borderline indescribably awful experience.

Pod People

Space Mutiny and Puma Man are top.
But no love for Future Wars?

Attached: MST3K future wars.jpg (1263x1030, 73K)

Prince of Space also deserves mention.

like you need to ask

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>This show definitely hasn't aged well. The humor relies way too much on pop culture references
>Only if you're a fucking zoomer.
This. The show consciously tried to keep the current references to a minimum because they knew it would age the show in time. The problem is that retard zoomers have practically zero actual "pop culture literacy". They know memes so everything in pop culture becomes associated with a word cloud of memes. For instance, most don't really understand Star Trek, but they recognize phasers and Spack and Klingons.

So, when you're this stupid, you are literally incapable of following a show that is making 90% general pop culture references / 10% esoterica. The assumption then becomes "this is all just boomer shit" because how the fuck would you know?

And then you have the other problem of the delivery method. Dropping references verbally is becoming the new pun / dad joke. Some people get really irritated by them (because they're dumb). References need to be visual/auditory and performative (Family Guy makes 9 millionth quick cut random 80's reference or some character on a meme sitcom busts in the room dressed like Michael Jackson and does the Moonwalk) because the current generation of young people have a cultural "canon" that is nothing more than an deconstructed, decontextualized, "random", overly-broad in variety but shallow in meaning collection of memes. They posses no actual culture, popular or otherwise.

>Future Wars?
Is that the one with Robert Zdar or the one with the guy who had a giant laser for an arm?


Well, which one is it?

How is the new MST3K? Is it worth watching?

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