Yeah...this gonna be comfy.
Yeah...this gonna be comfy
IMAGINE the stains
Gross. Regular washing with detergent does not remove sexual fluids from fabrics.
>somebody pissed in the bed pits
Oh dude fuck that noise.
Went to see ne of these in hollywood last month and it was fucking garbage. Literally playing a dvd streched into the wrong format to fit the screen. A dvd, not even a blu ray. No speakers as your pic shows so everyone has to wear shitty headphones that sound like ass and constantly pick up interference.
Worst of all, unlike cinespa (the Hollywood forver cemetery screenings) you cant bring your own booze/food. You have to buy it from their overpriced rooftop bar. Fuck these roof top shitholes
Cuddling is terrible, I hate it. Don't fucking touch me unless we're having sex.
A sign of autism is uneasiness when being touched.
you have to be 18 to post here
this. the most I ever did sleeping next to a partner or gf after sex was linking one another’s legs together or my arm on her back, spooning is too fucking hot and uncomfortable
Cuddling is for homosexuals and women. Men do not, and will only partake in it if it increases their chances of mating.
Tfw cant spoon with gf because whenever she farts the vibration gives me a boner
I'll be 18 inches up your ass in a minute if you don't watch yourself.
Does anyone else not enjoy intimacy or romance? I seek out women for sex but I have no desire at all to be in a relationship. What's wrong with me?
based and checked
I know how you feel. The "sound" of kissing also puts me on edge. I can't stand it. The sound of "smooching" is like nails on a chalkboard for me. I have to fast forward when kissing sounds happen in movies or TV shows. The foley sound effects just make me cringe.
Hahah nope. I tried a similar setup and it was a joke. Prepare to be cold, prepare for shitty sound, prepare for other noises to intrude onto the movie, and prepare for jets;etc to wipe out any essential dialogue.
You're a man. You're going to have to fake it.
>intimacy or romance
Were concepts created by men to sell things to women or increase their chances of fucking them.
18+ back to plebbit, fag
Sound quality is going to be fucking shite.
I'm the opposite. I hate actual sex, but want a relationship with a woman.
>everyone is grossed out by sex juice
>not that it's all just outside and how many bugs are gonna be attracted to it from even light moisture
Sex is disgusting; vaginas are disgusting, cleanup after sex, is disgusting. Thank God that He wants it only for making children.
>Were concepts created by men to sell things to women or increase their chances of fucking them.
This. Arranged marriages were the norm in all cultures until women's suffrage/rights movement made men have to create new strategies to fuck and breed women. Hence "marrying for love" was born. It literally didn't exist before that.
>light moisture
Britbong education
same, I love children too
Sounds like you were abused in your past relationships or sexually abused as a child. Those are the leading causes to explain how gay you are right now.
t. abused victim with awful childhood
>The "sound" of kissing also puts me on edge. I can't stand it. The sound of "smooching" is like nails on a chalkboard for me. I have to fast forward when kissing sounds happen in movies or TV shows. The foley sound effects just make me cringe.
Mi amigo.
Cuddling with a woman you really like or love is one of the most kino things on Earth. But since I'm a sweaty fuck I can only really enjoy it in winter or in a heavily air conditioned room.. also I need a girl and I've been single for over 10 years now.
Past relationships, but I am more of a spiritual man/being than sexual. Reincarnation is a larger part of why. user, I dislike eating most of the time, I hate sleeping, I hate having to take a shit and piss, but pissing is fun sometimes and feels good, can't lie. My childhood was fucked up, but thankfully I didn't get fucked literally.
Please, kill yourself.
There's this thing called marriage, you'll love it.
you sound like a huge faggot, so you probably deserved it're all right, user. I like you.
t. divorced nobody
>i just LOVE cuddling with my gf hehe i would rather have it than sex!
My, what a handsome man! --too many women
Really, you'd be shocked at the specimens running around with hot gals.
Have you ever considered just wholly embracing your faggotry? Homos don't cuddle they just run trains on each other. Taking dick definitely sounds like your thing.
ok now THAT is based
yeah I'm thinking that's based
>calls others gay
>conjures up dick talk from reading about cuddling
Porn has ruined your mind.