Name one thing that Gus did wrong.
Name one thing that Gus did wrong
got into the business of synthesizing a horrible and addicting drug
Born a nig.
gave walt a second chance
Being black
Allowed himself to get half his face blown off.
Joined the Empire.
He didn't embrace his homosexuality. He never got over the loss of his lover.
Not sticking to Gale. Gale promised him 96%, by the end Gus is willing to accept Jesse's 92% - 96% meth. He gained nothing but trouble by going for the blue stuff
Gave Horatio a gun
no. go away jew
Trusted Walter
>I do this
He personally went in to flex his dick before killing Hector. If he sent someone else in to kill Hector with a lethal injection, he'd still be alive.
Being gay is wrong, let’s be honest user
took a half-measure
now take your contrarian "did nothing wrong" meme and shove it up your anus, go outside and play with the other kids who might hopefully beat the living shit out of you
>blacks don't crack
>looks noticeably older than in BB
>mike looks like he's about to die anyday now
>Better Call Saul is better than BB - average redditor
Her thought he was smarter than he was
Wait, Gus is in better call saul?
So maybe I should watch this series?
No, it is pointless and boring.
t. watched 8 episodes
Yeah now BCS is a weird melting pot with a lot of different storyline.
It's fucking amazing but the rythm is very very very VERY slow
t. ADD zoomer
Should have stuck to Gale. Got too greedy and fucked around with Walt.
fair enough
i did like him in Usual suspects
He shouldnt have killed Manny
This, but like that one user said, Mike looks fucking ancient compared to when he was in BB
going to personally kill that old guy
like, why not have someone else do it? who the fuck cares
>I'm gonna need military grade chemo therapy cause I ain't making it a week on consumer grade chemo.
this. case closed