Wes Anderson’s worst movie
Wes Anderson’s worst movie
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And his only bad movie.
My sisters asked me for a good movie. I rec'd them this. I was serious but they told me it sucked and now I act like I did it as a joke.
why do basedboys hate bottle rocket so much?
his worst movie is life aquatic
movie literally had one good line
"awwww, come on Apple Jack"
that's it
piece of garbage
Are you kidding? That is his best
Agreed. No idea how someone can think it's his best, and I've seen such people claim it to be so on here several times.
>good lines make good movies
lmao straight out of plebbit
Bottle rocket is top tier comfy and might be my personal favorite. Imo life aquatic is his worst, while I still enjoy it doesn't feel like it has a great flow, don't really know how to explain
I'm with you.
I don't hate life aquatic, I just don't have the same rose tinted glasses about it that everyone else seems to. Too much quirk for the sake of quirkiness.
bottle rocket is his worst movie but only because it's less good than the other ones. it's okay I just don't go back to it much.
Thats because you guys have no taste and are probably teenagers without the slightest emotional memory of your youth fading into a distant memory.
OP here, here’s my top 3 Wes Anderson movies:
1. The Royal Tenenbaums
2. Fantastic Mr. Fox
3. The Darjeeling Limited (fight me)
>slightest emotional memory of your youth fading into a distant memory.
you probably thought this sounded smarter than it actually does you absolute brainless faggot
Grand Budapest is his magnum opus and shits on everything else he's ever done or will do
1. Rushmore
2. Moonrise Kingdom
3. Darjeeling Limited
4. Fantastic Mr Fox
5. The rest
Bottlerocket is really good, bit too on the nose though. Mr. Fox was worse. Moonrise Kingdom was worse but had cute.
Is putting out your movies in the Criterion Collection a vain and pretentious power move, or a charitable way to support the company?
Worst taste you fucking pleb tripfag
1. Rushmore
2. Royal Tenenbaums
3. Life Aquatic
4. Darjeeling Limited
past that its pretty tough to measure.
Rushmore, TRT and MK are his best. TDL, GBH and BR are his worst. I have not seem the animated films.
He should just make fun stop motion animated films more often.
Glad we agree on Rushmore being #1
>likes Tenenbaums
>hates Darjeeling and Bottlerocket
Explain please
Trips of falsehood
Fuck off namefag
Neck yourselves hipster faggots
this movie was so hard to keep following
was it just me?
I don't see the appeal of Tenenbaums. It seems like a Sofia Coppola-inspired crypto-incestuous clusterfuck. It was a tonal nightmare.
>GBH is his worst
Are you just being contrarian? How do people on this board not see clearly that GBH is his best film by a mile
I mean yeah, Fantastic Mr. Fox is fantastic and Isle of Dogs is gorgeous
My normie sisters didn't like it either.
Here, this will explain it:
It's cute and comfy.
I"m not being contrarian or saying that any Wes film is bad. I didn't enjoy the story or dialogue of GBH. I felt that when people say Wes is style over substance, this is the film they are referring to.
But that's not The Darjeeling Limited. Bottle Rocket is comfy and funny.
>I felt that when people say Wes is style over substance, this is the film they are referring to.
oh ok that's actually pretty fair. I feel that way about most of his films so maybe that's why it didn't bother me in GBH, felt like he finally got it all right to me desu. I also did enjoy the story but it isn't a story that needs to be told, it's just a fun vehicle for his vision
It's not though, the characters are shit and writing characters is what Wes does best. The visuals of GBH are amazing, he really really tries to go out of his element on things but he doesn't manage to hang onto the big picture.
On Darjeeling I think that was the first film he did his own music direction and it comes at a bit of a cost to the rest of his direction. Luckily he had the best possible Wes-Anderson-cast to hold that shit up for him. BR and Darjeeling didn't have much in the way of plot so I can see why a lot of people don't dig it.
BR had actual Wilson bros. doing their thing and it just worked for the context of that film. The story was perfect for them but it was before the meme stylism.
I didn't say hate. TDL drags on and honestly I shouldn't include BR in my list, because it's been so long since I've seen it. I like TRT because of the storylines and pacing.
TDL doesn't have much in the way of plot, it has deepest story though. I can't imagine anyone could ever like it if they didn't have brothers to relate to in it. It's possibly my favorite because of the family story that is not remotely related to the plot.
still pretty good tho
You mean the Glass family "inspired" the Tenenbaums?
>trap trip
>huge pleb
Life Aquatic
Moonrise Kingdom
Isle of Dogs
It's somewhere between homagey continuation and loving parody? You have to comprehend the material it is satirizing/parodying/homaging. Salinger portrayed a very similar family with a very similar manhattanite high IQ elitist family thing but from a sort of hero worship perspective. Royal Tenenbaums is the opposite of hero worship.
Its better then that Rushmore trash.
Life Shitquatic is hot garbage. All you fags have terrible taste in cinema and should feel bad. March your asses back to plebbit stay there till you grow up and form adult opinions worthy of being shared on Yea Forums.
Rushmore is his best film.
Prove me wrong.
I will fucking rape you you shit
Maybe you didn't get it.
His worst movie is Fantastic Mr. Fox followed by maybe Moonrise Kingdom.
Good taste.
You fucking retard. I bet you cant even squat 225 pussy. How about you have sex maybe??? Fuxking virgin. Ugly. Shit taste. Stupid brain in ur oversized skull. Keep breathing through your mouth.
call him an n-word user, that's how we deal with people we disagree with on 4channel
MK was kino you pleb.
Unironically kill yourself today
It was filler in the style of Wes Anderson with cameos from his friends.
Isle of dogs was okay, not great unlike fantastic mr fox
Was it autism?