Post you’re favourite Simpsons episode and you’re favourite Family Guy episode

Post you’re favourite Simpsons episode and you’re favourite Family Guy episode

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I aadmit that was chad, OP

E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)



Will I too get laid if I become a sneedposter?

Yes, take the sneedpill

I don't get it?

Yes, we are experts on fuck and suck after all


Attached: 275739A0-8C21-420A-B476-0D8BC6AF7E72.png (1242x2208, 784K)

I'm convinced. (Formerly skeptical)


there has never been a more based thing posted here

post rest of the conversation

Yea Forums here, why don't I get matches :((

Attached: tinder.jpg (1125x1947, 311K)


yeah sure manlet lol

wide hips, dirty ambiguous mexican looking person, beto o rourke is a faggot, first pic which is your most important has you standing FAR AWAY and NOT REALLY VISIBLE, chubby cheeks, latent homosexual desires visible in your eyes. Your Gay. Also your bio sucks

You seem like a nice guy and judging by the pic with Beto you’re not a commie or alt-right so unironically pretty based. I’d hang out with you user

Based spic. You may remember me from talking to you on /int/ few months ago. I'm the Pajeet

You look boring, like an NPC

>these are the posters that claim to be 6'1
pfftt hahaha

Attached: Family Guy Flyer Back.jpg (1583x2048, 1.46M)

>Yea Forums
One wonders.

Attached: Simpsons Pinball Party Flyer Back.jpg (614x794, 250K)

>racists judging someone while chadfishing girls

I smell incels

You look alright user
I guess it's just bad luck, hang in there

>on cinema at the cinema fan

And I smell spics and niggers, and boy do they reek.

>claims to be 6'1
>Beto is listed at 6'4
>getting completely MOGGED by Beto
mutt has to be a 5'10 manlet at best

Attached: T2osPhZ.png (466x381, 58K)

Attached: Bitch.webm (288x160, 278K)

you have to many pictures with wacky celebrities

Attached: 1550885067619.png (1080x1920, 201K)

I guarentee this man had his eyeballs sucked out his dick that night

you look like a browner ben shapiro.'s a start. Better than posting Ryan Gosling over and over. I'm proud of you Yea Forums, you're really putting yourself out there

Pinhead here I've played that one quite a bit.

Attached: image0.jpg (266x483, 23K)

Another great pin. This used to be at a pizza place I worked at and was the first pin that got me into pinball

What are some good dating apps that don't require a facebook? I almost fell off the tinder meme but it needs a fb account so fuck that.

tinder and bumble only need a phone number lad

you can use your phone number for tinder now

Wasn't aware of this. I tried this several months ago. Thanks for the info.

Because you look like a Mexican K.D. Lang.

In both cases it's the one with Sneed.

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>putting this much effort into a dating app profile
you know girls get bombarded with tens and probably hundreds of messages, right? even if you 'stand out' you're feeding into their narcissistic vision of themselves and enabling a blatantly rigged system.

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Short, skinnyfat. All your pictures have you leaning in towards guys, making you look like a fag.

damn she's kackzynski pilled

Attached: 36BCDD7E-3403-41DC-99AC-D39F3931E15D.jpg (1242x1828, 721K)

she is based

Attached: IMG_1385.jpg (538x522, 61K)

You're fat dude. Also small shoulders for a tall guy (implying you are tall), just lose like 15 pounds and eat more protein you'll be okay.

post your profile

my favorite episode

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Based sneedchad, how will moecels ever recover?