Past the age of 15 a man who doesnt have sex at least 3 times a week can be a bad thing
Past the age of 15 a man who doesnt have sex at least 3 times a week can be a bad thing
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I am 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl.
Lmao you must be like 5'3 250 lbs with an ugly subhuman face or something
he was talking about men, you are just a boy
>Past the age of three months a man who doesn't have sex over 9000 thousand times a week, has no grandchildren, and makes less than a million dollars a week can be a bad thing
I lift and eat better than anyone around me. Extremely regular hygiene, maybe even too autistic about it. Don't dress like a manchild.
Average face and height
>caring what normies think
Past the price of 1.80$ a man who doesnt already have atleast 25k linkies can be a bad thing
small penis?
If you did, you’d have a gf by now. Nice LARP
Above average. Not porn material or anything, but zero problems with it at all.
Have you ever been to /fit/?
Lifting doesn't suddenly make you good at social interaction.
>tfw I'm 6'2 150 lbs and still KHHV at 24
God damn, I fucked up even on easy mode
>have sex, you weird incel virgin
also society:
>start a family? Have kids? Noo! Don't do that! Focus on your career! Children are a waste of time and money!
I used to slay pussy like 4 years ago but now I have become so introverted I don't even bother with women. If women talk to me I just ignore them, I wish I was a virgin to be honest. Would be awesome. Women are a meme, and pussy is overrated, just get a real doll or flesh light. If getting pussy means having to interact with women in 2019 then I opt out, they are too retarded to deal with.
Getting a gf is not about looks
It's about charisma, personality, and being able to make the first move
I'm an average looking virgin and I have fat friends who got laid before I did because of how confident they were
so you clearly don't want a girl? why are you complaining?
You come off as an arrogant stuck up autist. Knock that shit off and maybe a woman might find you tolerable.
So when did summer middle schoolers overtake everyone else on this board?
>Children are a waste of time and money!
Because they fucking are. It’s a 20+ year commitment unless you’re willing to kick them out at age 18. Say goodbye to sleep, say goodbye to your hobbies, and say goodbye to your life, because unless you want to have moderately healthy and successful kids, you’re going to need to invest your life and time in them. If you don’t want a relationship with them and want shitty neglected kids then you can just continue living your regular life and get by with putting the bare minimum into them.
It’s called a condom you fag
Maybe I don't want a gf, the entire concept of it so alien to me. Can't even imagine going to sleep and there being a whole another person beside me.
But yeah putting my penis into a girl and maybe kissing her or whatever from time to time would be great yes.
Yeah, the original sin. I suggest you get over it.
enjoy being a genetic dead end, loser
I'm 30 next month, I kissed a girl once at 23 and had my penis insider for a few seconds with no orgasm so I'm technically still a virgin. Don't give up hope bro. I wish I were 25 again. Retrospectively still looks like a perfectly fine age to get your life on track. After 30 it's mathematically over.
Get a hooker, assburger.
You can't kiss a hooker though.
>had my penis insider for a few seconds with no orgasm so I'm technically still a virgin.
You’re not, fuck off.
>gets answer
>spazzes out like an autist
I've had sex twice in the last 8 hours.
A fuckton of middle-class people around me have kids, they still manage to travel and have jobs and hobbies. Women too, and most of them are not rich enough to afford a regular nanny so they do it all by themselves. Don't fall for the meme, have kids.
Sure you can. Lots of whores offer the full girlfriend experience these days. Just make sure to go for the young ones looking to fuck away their tuition fees, rather than the diseased old cunts who literally chose to do it for a living beyond necessity.
He has a shit personality which is why he’s lived a quarter century without kissing a woman. Simple as.
I didn't have sex in the last 220,000 hours or so
Thank you for this post user
As a 25yo fuck up this gives me strength to move foward and fix shit
I don't want to kiss a hooker who just gargled some pajeet cum 5 minutes before me.
And ofcourse I'm aware I can just get fuck a hooker, but I don't see that changing anything about my situation at all
>Just make sure to go for the young ones looking to fuck away their tuition fees
Go for ones that say No AA/black guys.
So how do I fix my shit personality?
Get off the internet.
have sex
I wish I could fuck a hooker, but I don't have the guts even for that.
Literally how? Just go out on a Saturday, there are horny girls all over.
jus b urself
A hooker isn't going to make up for your missed developmental milestones
Back to redddit or facebook normiefag
I know this will sound even more ridiculous, but I've been to multiple clubs/concerts/music festivals/events in my life aswell.
It just never happened. And I don't get the "just go to a bar meme", whenever I do go with some of my """friends""" it's just small groups of people who go there and drink at their table, no movie like lonely girl at a bar or anything like that.
Granted I never approached a girl in those situations though.
Dont' worry about it, it's not that hard
HOW is a fukn discord tranny even ALLOWED to tell a proper male what to do?
Faggot, you don´t even DICK properly anymore!
>can't connect with the women I want (not supermodels like most incels but pretty girls)
>have no confidence
>can't kill myself because my parents would be sad because muh fee fees
Why is life so fucking hard? Why can't I just shoot myself and call it a day?
Still 10x better than staying a virgin. Fucking a hooker and then going back in the basement, no. But maybe it will help with the mental block toward women and could help you find a normal girlfriend soon. I really think it would take the virginity chip off your shoulder and would increase your chances to become a normie.
Go out where, retard? On the streets?
Yikes, lose some weight fatass.
Long term abstinence is one of the most freeing feelings I've had. You pretty much become immune to attractive girls because you're not constantly focused on whether you'll get laid or not.
There are so many more important and useful things to focus on than chasing tail, and I think sex should only be a very small portion of a man's life.
Once you realize the energy, focus and good feelings from not orgasming all the time, it becomes really enjoyable
I hate my life. I lie in bed and daydream about being crushed by a car, cut up into little pieces with an axe, having my skull blown apart by a bullet and my brains spread everywhere
I'm 35 and have never kissed a girl. Looks like I win this round.
Bars, night clubs. You can always catch some slut in there. Even I, a fucking skeleton, can get laid. Women just start talking to me and if they dont I just approach and begin to small talk. Whores are everywhere.
I am the same person as
>Women just start talking to me
fuck off
bars are for old rednecks to watch sports where I live, and there are no clubs
You dont know the power of drunk girls.
My coworker flirts with me and I'm too much of a pussy to ask her out (she's kinda crazy so it's somewhat justified).
>going alone into a bar or nightclub
They would put you down before making 3 steps for being a creep.
26 khv
I've been around plenty of drunk girls and they rarely approach anyone at all.
Fuck off chad
Looks are the only thing that matter for having sex
No it's not justified. It's even worth losing your job for losing your virginity to her. All my cowerkers are 20 years older than me, only one female. You're lucky. Keep flirting back and see where that takes you.
There is nothing fundamentally different between 25 and 30. At 25 you're out of school and can't easily create new social circles.
it's a tie
t. Lizard
she tried to have one of her coworkers at her last job reported for sexual harassment
You’re still considered young in society, so you’re allowed to take more risks and even be a little stupid. At 30 people expect you to already be at some point people concider ‘adult’, having kids, money, etc.
It’s as different as a 15 and a 20 year old, completely different.
And you can be in school at 25 still.
25 just sounds better, people still look at you more tolerantly, and your are better physically and mentally. After 25 your brain starts calcifying and it gets harder developing new habits.
Past the feed of seed a chuck who doesn't fuck and suck at least sneed times a week can be a formerly good thing
Oh shit that kind of crazy is a no go. Getting on a sex offender list will bury you.
>Not having a wingman
it's perfectly normal to be in graduate school at 30
I'm no Chad lmao I just wear a leather jacked, sport a nice haircut and use perfume. I'm a fucking skeleton ffs
>Dude sex is AWESOME
Seriously, how has one of the most natural thing that most have done since the beginning of time become so soi?
I don't have a soijak to post but imagine I did
I'm no Chad lmao I just wear a leather jacked, sport a nice haircut and use perfume. I'm a fucking skeleton ffs
okay dude we get it you're a chad
If I had a wingman/friend I wouldn't even worry that much about women. Go back and out, normie.
Yeah, and I really need the job. I really wish she wasn't crazy though, she's only 6/10 but her ass is amazing and she's really funny unlike 95% of women I've met.
The other day we were having lunch and I was leaving just when she started to pack up her things and one of my coworkers asked why since I still had time on the clock, she literally went like "user is leaving cause he saw I was leaving too he and won't be able to laugh at my jokes teehee".
>A skeleton Chad
it's not that easy bro, I've been going out every weekend for a year and nothing
Where the fuck do you live, faggots? Oklahoma??
>Why can't I just shoot myself and call it a day?
because it would contribute to gun death statistics
Wait, do you care about what society says?
>sup ladies
That other user has no idea about life.
25 and 30 are completely different worlds
The face of a kid who realized his life is a comedy, not a tragedy.
>this much of a cherrypicker
lmao just wear a black leather jacket and a proper haircut, go to a club, and get drunk. Thats literally it. You dont go there looking like a soiboi. Sluts will approach you while the hottest girls you have to approach.
>just wear a black leather jacket and a proper haircut, go to a club, and get drunk. Thats literally it.
This guy is a King.
lmao that faggot has the face of an 8 year old, haircut of a 6 year old, is fat, and his leather jacket style is cringe. My condolences.
>bathroom selfie
wew lad
>lmao just wear a black leather jacket and a proper haircut
No, that's just shitty facial aesthetics.
Give me one valid reason I should devote any time to women.
You wanna get laid with clubwhores or you want to be a fashionfag?
lmao he looks like a retarded kid
It feels really good. Just being able to be intimate with someone, not even talking about sex. Just lying next to someone and being open and honest and feeling positive and good. But landing a proper girl nowadays seems like a nightmare, and this is coming from someone who is openly a Chad.
There's something wrong about our generation, and it's messing up relationships, both in terms of friends and in terms of romance.
I swear this shit was easier just 10 years ago.
die thread
Same but 26, never even hugged a girl, never had a girl's number on my phone, I avoided them all my life because I was afraid
>Just lying next to someone and being open and honest and feeling positive and good.
From what I've been told, women see this as weakness.
>this is coming from someone who is openly a Chad.
lol ok
Not even ugly chicks? I'm an ugly-chicks magnet but I've passed most of time.
I know what you're talking about. I was brainwashed for a long time thinking this was the case, but I'm pretty sure I'm also autistic, though I've never been diagnosed.
Just lead the way, she will follow. That's all I can say. Be confident and unapolagetic, and if she has a problem with any of you, so be it. On to the next one.
Don't overthink that shit. Fuck what she "might" sense or think or whatever. Do what feels right and don't be afraid.
>oh no, I have to sacrifice IPAs and Marvel movies at 2:30 in the morning, I guess I'll just be a genetic dead end then lol
The only people who say shit like this are losers who can't be fucked to give up a """""comfortable""""" lifestyle of deracinated bugmanhood, and dumb women who want to ride the cock carousel before settling down with the latter after turning 30 and having the appeal of a burlap sack.
I'm serious. I get compliments left and right from young and old. It doesn't mean I'm superior as a human being, at the core. I'm also incredibly stupid and have difficulties with long term relationships.
But like I said, things have shifted in a nasty direction with people. It's become more difficult to find quality friends and hook ups.
>literally "muh feefees" masquerading as an argument
I didn't interact with any kind of girls when I was in school and college
I saw a guy literally exactly like this leaving a bar, once. He was drunk, and with his girlfriend. He told me I had bad hair, and I replied "I've got a bad hairCUT. You have bad hair, Mr. Combover"
He literally started stammering and I just walked off while his girlfriend pulled him away. He probably smashed that night while I went to be alone, though.
Well I'm not going to do anything, I'm never getting a girlfriend. I've just been reading some redpill sites to pass the time.
Everything you said doesn’t resonate with my personality.
Should've fucked him up. Ruined him forever in the eyes of his girl.
lmao this is why I like Yea Forums
You can't be too sure until you've tried. And you really have to give it your all to be sure.
I've been autistic my whole life, with absolutely nothing but my good lucks going for me, and even that didn't work in the beginning because I was a walking caricature.
Until you can socialize comfortably, you'll never be able to get laid. What helped me is when I started looking at things from an almost 3rd person perspective, because everything seems a lot more petty that way.
Picture yourself leaving your body and letting it do as it pleases, without having to worry about every little thing.
Relax, try your shit, if it doesn't work, that's okay, you'll try again. Rinse and repeat until it works.
>There's something wrong about our generation, and it's messing up relationships, both in terms of friends and in terms of romance.
Millennial American women are cruel, neurotic, flaky cunts.
You're better off. Trust me. It's way worse to miss something than to wonder of it
Omg I'm gonna die here
It's true for the majority. It shouldn't be like that. We've grown too privileged as a society and people have become sour, picky, wannabe elitists.
The men are fine. It's mainly the women.
No, I'm sure. I'm never doing it. I'm over 30 so I'm not going through some teen angst phase.
If that's what makes you sleep better at night.
Same, but I'm also a self-sabotaging cunt to the n-th degree. Every single compliment I've ever received I've doubted. I try my hardest to look good, and I still can't believe it when someone compliments my looks, or anything good that I do.
I also avoid people like the plague, even when I can tell something good might come of it. Just shoot me at this point.
Can't get mad at the truth, bucko.
fuck, that's literally me.
You're right too, for the most part.
If it isn't that important to you, that's fine. Obviously for a lot of people it is, so it's recommended they at least try. Otherwise, it's literally just a social construct you can ignore.
I used to be like that, but then something happened where I almost lost my life, and I started rethinking things, and using every benefit I had to make my life better. It's never too late to change your ways. But like I said, it's become more difficult nowadays to find good friends and girls.
The problem is you’re trying at anything. Just stop and let the self hate consume you until you kill yourself. That’s the only way to win the game.
t. loser
You're gonna make it lads. People don't just compliment at random. If you've ever heard anything even remotely good about yourself, that means you're AT LEAST average.
Ironically, I'm better at this shit now than I was back in the day, and I've downgraded a lot since then. I have a beer belly and I'm balding now, and yet my social game/women game has improved tremendously.
But have some self respect above all else, and start making an effort to patch ur life up.
t. 37 y/o
In what sense?
Based quads, checked.
i think lots of people, me included, suffer from some kind of narcissistic self hatred
the reason you are so self conscious is because you are so focused on yourself, when no one else is. i don't judge anyone else as hard as i judge myself, therefore, nobody else is judging me as hard as they judge themselves
all it takes is for one party to stop judging themselves, to allow someone else to accept them, to break the cycle. but the thought of letting go of my little world concerns me
>I also avoid people like the plague
This is the definition of my existence.
When I go to college I always go in through the far back door where only janitors came in just so I can avoid running into anyone. When I am walking somewhere (which is always just from A to B, never stop anywhere) I'm constantly looking who is coming my way and if I see someone I vaguely recognize I immediately go to the other side of the street and pretend like I didn't see them just so I avoid the small talk. Back in high school I used to just literally stand in the bathroom stall on doing nothing waiting for the time to pass just so I don't have to bother talking to the other kids. Never eat in public alone ever, same for any activity is it going to movies/bars/whatever. It's gotten to a point that I don't even go to grocery stores if they don't have self-checkout. It's just always easier to avoid interaction than to engage.
What is most pathetic about this is that in reality I don't know many people at all and I could probably do all of those things without anyone recognizing me anywhere 99.9% of the time, but for some reason I'm so beyond obsessed with keeping up this normalfaggot facade to that small amount of people I do know in my life that I feel like if someone would see me alone standing in line for the cinema it would all click to them of how much of an isolated friendless loser I actually am.
Killing yourself is the ultimate defeat, not "winning the game"
>>tfw I'm 6'2 150 lbs
i could use ya fer a whip
You're absolutely right, unironically. The problem is actually doing what you stated, which can be incredibly difficult.
But once you star easing up and accepting that maybe you're not a piece of shit, things will get better.
Just start with small things and go up from there. Eventually things will work out.
I envy the ignorant, because they seldom worry about things like this, and end up succeeding more than people who may have higher potential.
thanks, user. best of luck to you.
Sometimes when I was being forced to go to clubs I saw random girls coming up to me in a friendly way.
I just didn't know how to react or what I was supposed to do. I knew there was a line of events I could follow to fuck them, I just didn't see it.
The game is a loss in itself. Playing it is losing.
I’ve read this pasta before
I'm the guy you replied to, and yes, this is me to a T.
But the things is we know, consciously or not, that we can do a little bit better than this.
We just have to make it a point to start getting out of our comfort zone.
I also hide a lot of personal aspects, and lie quite frequently to people IRL, and I think that may play some part in the "being seen/caught" thing you were talking about.
I'm scared to be my true, unedited self, when in reality people would probably be okay if I did.
Think about this. Do you really judge people and every little thing they do to an autistic extent? Do you think they're irredeemable losers, even if they fuck up in some way? I personally don't, so my guess is most people don't either.
This is some perfectionist self-crippling shit that we have to discard.
A very important part of becoming an adult is realizing the opinions of random people don't matter that much to you.
Listen to me faggots. Go outside tomorrow, stop a random girl on the street, and ask her if you seem attractive. Just that and only that. DO IT.
That’s not going to get you a truthful answer. Dating apps, where there’s no repercussions for not being attracted to someone, are your best bet. If you don’t get matches on there then you’re not attractive.
>trying to meme someone into getting himself arrested for sexual assault
I got hit on by a teenager at the mall. Didn't do shit because AZ age of consent is 18 and I don't want to get shot.
Nah, just do this when you're drunk. Preferaly both of you.
I'm not talking about getting matches, or asking anyone out. Just that simple question. And then you can put a spin on it that someone dared you to ask a stranger, or you were feeling insecure or whatever the fuck.
The point here is to get out of your comfort zone slowly, but surely, and this is the first step.
There's no way that can happen. It's a simple yes or no question about you, not them. Even if they laugh at you, it's still better than nothing. You'll learn to get rid of approach anxiety over time.
Getting out of your comfort zone is a meme.
Walking down the street. I just did this. The chick stared at me and went away. I think my attractiveness scared her away.
How can it be a meme when you've gotten out of your comfort zone dozens of times. Everyone is forced to at some point. This is just another comfort zone.
all of his sex scenes turned me on until i later remembered his immature meltdown when alexandra daddario calls his attractive cold wife
It really isn't.
You meme, but they could literally puke and it still means you did a good job. This is for you to get better, they're just cannon fodder to practice on.
Have fun with it.
It doesn’t pay off.
thanks man, and for the record I know what you're saying, I did it once at a party lol she said yes
I found myself a nice mummie hooker who legit cooks me hot meals on sunday now. she does it outside her high paying office job. she only bangs white fit guys and vocally hates pajeets and niggers. i don't have to pay anymore and we often hang out. I'm 20 and she's 40.
You haven't tried hard enough. Just because you got out of your comfort zone, doesn't mean you're going to get immediate results.
The next step is getting good at it, which happens naturally over time. Just try to have fun and forget about your worries. If it works it works. But most inexperienced men will get rejected hundreds of times before they can even score a single girl. It's just the way it is.
The real scary thing is past a certain age you won't be able to get a girlfriend from sheer disparity in experience and behavior.
Women will be expecting you to act like a 30 year old man to them but you have the relationship experience of a middle schooler, and it's you act like it. And it's so obvious to women too. So they dump you, only for it to happen with the next one. And the next one, and the next one. Soon you're a 40 year virgin, and it's not any less weird.
It's fucking over.
Damn, just how old is she?
have you done it before, mate?
40 you idiot.
Joke ------------------->
You --->
femanon here. what are some classy understated ways to demonstrate interest?
A simple "I like you" and responding to texts/calls in a timely manner instead of hours later.
I hate PUA and redpill garbage with a passion, but this guy is unironically right about everything in this video. I urge you to give it a listen.
When I step out of my comfort zone I’m reminded of how disgusting humanity is.
Keep trudging through the shit. Pretty soon you'll be able to operate within that Hell. Adapt and play the game with the rest.
I can operate in it already, but acting isn’t enjoyable.
rsd unironically helped me a lot
thing is its easier to blame everybody else for your shitty life than its to fix it
Laugh out our jokes and maybe touch our arm - we notice. If you think the dude's interested dm him a couple of times if you talk a bunch then he'll likely just ask you out. If you want to engage in a respectful relationship, then just engage in an individual that respects both himself and you.
that's the idea
Using verbal communication in very clear, explicit terms.
Not all of it is shitty. I say this as someone who dreamed of fountains of blood and nuclear missles being deployed everywhere.
It will get better. Be more positive, as cliche as it sounds. Don't be mad at the world because a lot of our fuck ups are our own.
What's the tl;dl version?
Yes, which is fundamentally flawed.
31yo lossless here.
Had sex one time with an 8yo, I was 10, but have never kissed
We are entirely different entities.
You unironically espouse Yea Forums politics openly.
this is a classmate in my program situation... we don't communicate outside of school. there is a bit of a difference in age so i am uncertain if i am a 'candidate' if that makes sense.
worth the watch its not that you are doing anything better since you are on Yea Forums
No, it isn't. It's designed to make you stronger by exposition to the difficult side of life.
There is no tl;dr version really. Pretty much everything he says is valuable.
For the record, I've heard anons on here claim that he's a chad, physically, when he's clearly not even close. It's just that he's free, and that makes him appear a lot more attractive than he is.
I can bet 90% of the so-called KHVs itt are better looking than this guy. That means they can do it too. Almost everyone can, unless you're a chernobyl victim or something.
>Hey do you want to "insert classmate's hobby here"?
I'd say don't flake, but you probably will.
I don't even do it here.
God, I wish I was a zoomer
Having sex seems easier nowadays
It really isn't.
Have you tried actually talking to girls instead of waiting for them to come to you
Margaret Thatcher managed to get elected several times while still birthing and actively raising children. Organise your life and you can still have hobbies
Life is only difficult because of the human manipulation of the system.
Key word being "seems". Believe me, it's not. But it was never that hard to begin with. Kind of an oxymoron.
My point is, not everyone around you is having as much sex as you think they are, but they could. You could too.
>just bee your self is a meme you need to be a better self and work on it hard
>also dressing nice is good but do you really think girls give a shit how you are dressed
>its all in the personality
thank you for your advice :3
Adapt or die.
i dont get why its so hard for people to grasp the concept of the ''smash'', let alone just getting a gf and then getting regular sex. this fucking site has warped me, but thank god it cant warp me physically enough to the level of some of these anons
Easy you just just need money
you need friends to go out.
So make some. Getting friends is far easier than getting laid or a gf.
I will kill myself one day.
>implying this is not true
Kids and young people in general are fucking less nowadays tho
I saw a chart that said people under 30 now fuck like 5 times less than young people in the fucking 50s.
I think it’s the pressure to be perfect and successful at a young age.
No you don’t.
>tfw Yea Forums has not only turned me gay, but also turned me into submissive bottom
>tfw my pickup line is unironically "I'm just a regular type dude, with a small ass dick."
I agree your argument, but you gotta understand that sex has become this kind of holy-grail forbidden fruit to them at this point.
It was exactly the same for me, before I lost my virginity at 26 and realized I'm the same schmuck from before. I imagine it's no different for someone who's never been on an airplane before, and thinks it's magical.
Here's hoping every single fuck in this thread has some sex, just to see it's sadly not a big deal. It feels good, but it doesn't cure cancer, lol. I'd rather someone pay my student loans than have sex desu.
go out, make some friends, then go out with those new friends the next time
sex is painful
I think the real red pill is that sex and relationships are hard, in fact I would argue for many men it’s going to be one of the hardest things they will do in their lives. If relationships were easy Incels and lonely people would not exist. Besides that I have I advice anons sorry.
I do it 4 times per week
No it's not. You just shove your pee pee in a whole.
And if you don't like it, more power to you desu.
There's so much more to life than this. Music to me is more valuable than this, I'm serious.
>I'd rather someone pay my student loans than have sex desu.
the absolute state of Amerikkka
Relating to other people is cancerous.
same but 28
Want a real blackpill?
you are a strain of DNA that wants to replicate itself, if you dont replicate yourself you are biologically worthless. Your entire body exists so that the DNA can replicate and mutate efficiently. In the grand game of life, its only the DNA information that matters, not its individual carriers.
Kek I’m a fucking pajeet and fucked more Latinas than ICE. Get your shit together nigger wtf you doing ?!
They are, but most things in life that are worth it are that way. If you want to be in a relationship, settle for the upcoming troubles and face them head on.
But always remember you're capable of more than you realize. People no different than you went to space and fought wars, etc.
Exercise your good personality. 8h a day, everyday.
>Exercise your good personality
love my family but fuuuuuuuuuuuck sometimes it's hard spending 95% of my time outside of work having to interact with them constantly.
yeah i dont understand why anyone would have sex when you can use a vibrator or the male equivalent of a vibrator (just jacking off?) but maybe i havent had good sex or maybe i am too neurotic to enjoy sex
Not sure how much of this is true, but I'll let you know one thing; I went to the cinema by myself about 18 months ago and ran into a coworker there with his girlfriend. It made me a little uncomfortable at the moment but our friendly acquaintance type relationship didn't change after it. And basically since then I've been a lot less worried to go out alone in public.
An individual has the mental fortitude to voluntarily suppress the urge to reproduce.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH you'll be lucky if you're past 25 and has sex once a week, kid, yes that includes gfs
Also the pussy market is incredibly overvalued, you got 230 pound women clamoring for a 6 foot + bf. Shits insane but honestly once alternatives are created women will lose the monopoly on pussy.
Inb4 incel or have sex
26 khv. 5'10". Fed job like OP pic. /Fit/ cuz it's the only hobby I do anymore mainly because it puts me to sleep.
I'm reaching that point where not having a family let alone a gf can be dangerous to myself or others. My actions can already be described as risky.
A man doesn't have a hymen, so he's technically a virgin all his life. It doesn't matter when you lose your virginity, only if you're currently dating someone or not.
that dude looks too masculine to be a virgin
But then I need at least 72 hours of solitary confinement to compensate for the damage caused by exercising my personality.
I-I dress like that
Absolutely BASED
if i need to stick my dick into a vagina ill buy a hooker. im not going to change my lifestyle so i can get pussy for "free"
I mean, it feels better than jacking off, but to me it has more to do with the fact that there's a human being who considers me worthy of being a mate.
Other than that, it's not incredibly special.
Don’t have sex.
go out, find people to talk to and act like a funny, easy going and likeable guy... don't break character until you're back home and alone.
start slowly then, 2h/day
>human being who considers me worthy of being a mate
I’ll never understand how normies value this.
christ, please tell me you wear it ironically
You really don’t think people have become incredibly narcissistic and spoiled? Tell me if you genuinely believe forming relationships now is as easy as it was even 10-100 years ago.
This. It doesn't matter if you lost your virginity a year ago, or a year from now. All that matters is the now.
So if you're currently single, you're in the same boat as everyone else.
i guess that feeling is nice. i don't think most women orgasm from sex anyways which kind of ruins the appeal for me. i agree that it is not special i don't understand why this thread is so thirsty
>the people in this thread are the ones calling me nigger
Imagine not having at LEAST made out with a girl by 18
I’m not trying to “muh dick” but holy shit lmao
Do you have any advice for going out. I will force myself to go out alone in the future cuz I need to get rid of my social anxiety.
I need advice for going out and being sociy. Can you tell me what you did 4 years ago when you were a normie? I'm in a bad bad place right now. All I do I work and gym.
of course, if you can't go out, try to do it with socal media apps or shit like chatroulette.
You read way too far into what I said.
Same, jus 24, and also kissless virgin by choice because pussy freaks me out and dick is uninteresting
Because you are a normal guy who doesnt care about fashion, most of us dress this way.
Normal fags need not apply.
Young men have high sex drives. Couple that with the fact that it's this magical, seemingly impossible thing, and people get obsessed.
I made out with a girl when I was 5, forcefully kissed a girl when I was 6, made out with a boy when I was 9 and I haven’t had any contact of the sort since then. 26 now.
that can only be interpreted as an unwanted side effect of otherwise beneficial evolutionary trait of a large and sophisticated brain, of course if enough individuals decide not to reproduce DNA is a merciless master, and the species disappears from the genome forever, while other creatures that do replicate and mutate go on. If intelligence is a hindrance to the replication, it will not survive and will be replaced.
i mean this in the nicest posttible way Have sex incel
This would only become a problem after you have got her in bed. Why would this be an issue at all, if you have already reached that point? Is she gonna back out after you both undress?
Ok realistically sexbots/JOIs/photorealistic VR when lads?
>Is she gonna back out after you both undress?
Wouldn't be unbelievable as American women are capable of being that petty.
Not him, but he won't change a whole lot as a person. I'm literally still an aspie loser, but I learned to appreciate that as a feature, rather than a crutch.
Time is the only thing that molds us. Now I just want to tell my younger self that everything will be okay.
Then don't go for buger sluts, they're all cunts.
It can’t be unwanted by nature. In fact, the next step as sentient beings is to control our own evolution by further cracking the human genome and implementing selective breeding. But people have feelings and other unnecessary traits that hold back our own progression.
Realistically I'd say within 30 years from now.
Most of us will be in our 50s. Not that being in your 50s or 60s is an excuse.
What's wrong with it? It's the khaki or short pants in general?
Based I will able to piss of normal fags with my lolibot.
Khakis, but don't listen to that user. Dress however the fuck you please. Just make sure it fits, whatever you body type may be.
That's single most important thing. Make sure it fits nicely.
what's better for an asshole loner with weird taste in movies (average Yea Forums poser)
1) find a single mom, have a kid or kids with her until she leaves you and ask for your money..and you die alone
2)stay single, watch anime and movies until you die alone
Anons, it's going to be fine. Most of you are still toddlers in your 20's from my perspective.
I'm 37 and I still feel fresh, despite your insensitive boomer memes.
Like I said, just start practicing your game a little bit and you'll get the hang of it. And like other people have said, it's not THAT big a deal, even if you never get laid.
No thanks I'll enjoy my vidya and spending money, I won't feel bad about being a clump of amoebas or whatever you say when I'm dead lol
Something in between. Just find an average or below average looking girl and imagine your fucking whatever your waifu of the month is.
People will call/ tell you incel/have sex whatever but it’s true. It’s your life live it as you want to, if anime/vidya and shitposting make you happy then go for it.
it's over 40 degrees outside
what the fuck should I wear?
I broke up with a girl in '09 who broke my PC on purpose, with the argument that I was playing too much vidya. Fuck that cunt to hell.
I could probably at least go on a date with a girl but I'm so socially autistic I can't even bring myself to ask.
Don't listen to losers like this guy Stop dressing like you're still in middle school and wear something thats going to make you stand out in a good way.
Hell yeah man I have all the medals in star fox 64 I'd be pissed if some dumb slut did that to my games. Fuck dumb holes they aren't interested in anything.
True but better do that early because after 25 it's single moms or 300pounds whales only.
lol I know. I'm just super focused on one girl right now.
maybe your logic applies to your cold shithole but in a warm country during summer is where wearing those clothe is most comfortable
I went on my first date when I was 22. Went pretty awkward on my side, and I was very shy. Also went overboard with the humor, and she ended up thinking I had made fun of her.
Later she told me that I was the most bizarre date I've ever been on. So you have to relax and be yourself.
We used to chat online before that, and she was practically begging for my dick. I just blew it because I was too autistic IRL. It's funny how girls can do a complete 180 on you.
Nevertheless, it was a valuable experience. The more you do it, the easier it becomes, and it literally doesn't matter if you get rejected, because you'll just do it again. Don't be scared.
You kidding me? Women love older men. I know, as in personally, girls who are in their early 20's with guys who are pushing 30.
what does sexual arousal feel like for men? i get a hot tingling like 'tearing' sensation through my stomach very suddenly
You sort of feel it in your dick. Like a shiver up your perniular spine.
Imagine you have an appendage between your legs that starts growing and feeling sensitive in a pleasing way. Except you can't. But then again I can't imagine what a vagina feels like either.
^ This I’m 20 and going on my second date (first did not count). When I went up to her to ask her I was pretty scared desu, but I forced myself too and it all turned out good and she agreed.
Your dick feels like it's building up energy.
love these threads lads
damn, nanomachines really work
>When I went up to her to ask her I was pretty scared desu, but I forced myself too and it all turned out good and she agreed.
Asking them out is easy. Them showing up and not flaking is the hard part.
do you think a person who appears to be in their thirties would be flattered to have an early twenties woman ask them out, or is it too bold?
>it all turned out good and she agreed.
It really does. It's easy once you just ask. I have to remind myself quite constantly even to this day.
I remember I couldn't stop apologizing to the girl I went on the first date with, for being an autist, etc, and she said she didn't care, and to drop the subject.
Taught me a lot that girl. Don't over analyze things too much. She's currently with someone who looks objectively worse than me, but seems easy going.
Well duh of course it's possible.. but I'm talking about realistic outcomes for the average Yea Forums user.
If by some miracle, you can get some sweet young pussy, go for it.
But, as far as I know, this kind of relationships raraly last very long tho.
Just get a loli sex doll.
Of course they would. That would be great for them.
interesting. does it feel hot/tingly? orgasm feels like something has 'burst' or is 'glowing' for me
>Women love financially/socially successful older men
hmm. any idea how to get them to someone like this to ask me out?
It's really difficult to put into words when you don't have a penis as a reference point.
It kind of feels like you have an itch that needs to be scratched, and the more you scratch it, the better it feels until you finally ejaculate. Doesn't feel like peeing at all either. Each "burst" feels good.
But no, it's not a glowing kind of sensation.
Start socializing with them and teasing them somewhat. Just be playful and cute, and they'll get the memo eventually.
"Nice shirt", etc.
literally me wtf
thank you. this has been a positive educational experience for me
I second this. Also, being single after a period when you've been tied up can be quite liberating.
So be careful what you wish for. I've been single for about a year and I feel better, with more time for myself and my hobbies.
Any other questions?
You know, you seem like a nice, conscientious and reasonable person. Guys really like that. The problem is we often need looks to go with it.
It's just the way things are. Men will always be more superficial towards women than the other way around. But chances are, if you're a woman, you'll get laid sooner or later.
Just make sure to have some standards yourself.
Not him but yes.
I agree with him. I just want a nice girl at this point. Don't care too much about looks either, just don't be a wildebeest. And clothing, makeup, perfume and all kinds of things make a huge difference. You can't put makeup on yourself as a guy.
>found the love of my life
>gonna marry her in a few years
>sex life is great
It's worth it anons.
wtf i look a lot like the guy on the left minus the jaw, tan and haircut (could style my hair like that though) and i'm a 22khv.
post pic.
enjoy the break up in 3 months.
Khv is all in your head in 90% of cases. I've seen the faces of Yea Forums and have been shocked at what is now considered "unattractive".
I was 21 when I kissed my first woman. The event produced a chemical reaction in my brain known as "falling in love" or whatever. And now I simply can't forget her nor can't I stopped thinking about her. We dated for a few weeks but I just ruined it. Autism, no confidence, you name it. Pathetic, I know. Two years have passed and I still can't forget her. Sometimes she says hi or whatever on social media. Any ideas how can I forget her? How do I get rid of my feelings towards her?
I'm 26 and married to a girl who was a virgin when we met.
lol right could wreck left in a fight and ruin his face ez
don't do it m8
You can buy it for ~$400 an hour, less if you aren't looking for a model. I lost mine at 29, and I really regret waiting so long. It's underwhelming and nowhere near the hype others make it out to be, but it's something to get out of the way, so you can stop worrying about it. Just bite the bullet and look up a reputable escort that gets your motor going, and text her about an appointment.
Right is actively flexing for the camera. Switch the clothes and the posture and right would look better than left.
> And now I simply can't forget her nor can't I stopped thinking about her
> Two years have passed and I still can't forget her.
I was in the same boat until I approached the next girl who sparked a similar reaction. And then the next one.
Truth is, none of them seems "special" after a while. You'll get over her, don't worry.
Find someone who reminds you of her if you have to, but keep playing the game and advance. You'll get better, believe me.
>I'm mid 20s, above average looking tall guy with a good hygiene, I dress well and I'm still a kissless virgin, why is this happening to me the world is so cruel all the top 20% Chads take all the women boo hoo
>oh yeah I've never approached a girl in my life
wrong pic sorry guys.
>post pic.
im a social autist, never went anywhere and have no friends to go out with, never gonna make it
That can't be her since she's not white. I had a white girlfriend before so I know they are to be avoided.
>>oh yeah I've never approached a girl in my life
It hurts, but it's the truth for most of Yea Forums.
You niggerlings need to approach a girl Simple as.
And FUCK the embarassment. Who gives a shit, you didn't rape them right? Who's gonna find out you were a bad date either? Is she gonna go around and tell everyone you know? lel
Man up.
dude just be yourself and be confident :-)
>never went anywhere
Then go somewhere and do it. Be mindful of every opportunity you have to make a friend/meet a significant other and take it.
But even if you have no one, go to a club and approach a lady. Even if you do it once, and even if it turns out very bad, you'll feel better about yourself for doing it. Don't take my word for it either.
forgot pic again, sorry guys I'm a bit retarded.
Unironically works though. Just be the version of yourself that's in the zone. Everyone has felt this feeling, when things are going right.
You have to be able to channel that.
>im a social autist, never went anywhere and have no friends to go out with, never gonna make it
Go out more while you are young, after 30 it's pretty much game over
thank you very much. i think that i am moderately attractive, just have been described as 'offbeat' or 'eccentric' in personality by friends and colleagues
>after 30 it's pretty much game over
Nah, but it's definitely harder. It depends on how many people you have a chance to meet currently, your social circle, etc.
I have a friend who's 32 and recently met a girl at a bar, so it's all doable.
I'd say the real point of no return is when you're 40. And even then it can happen.
My dad was in his 40's when he met my mother.
Offbeat, eccentric women are great imo. I like odd women who stand out better than cliches. You'll do fine.
what is something that i can do that would make someone think about having sex with me, but appears to take little effort or the impression of it being natural on my part?