What's your favorite sports movie?
What's your favorite sports movie?
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What's going on in that webm? I don't understant european football
Also Basketball
Miracle on Ice
normies are starting to care about womens football, how did that happen?
The Winning Season
she's the man
>european football
It follows the same rules as football in the rest of the world.
well at least the female teams are white
as oppose the other game that gets called football, where you only actually kick the ball when something goes wrong.
uh why are the swedes white
The damned united
aussies are such cheeky cunts
imagine the smell
What's going on here?
When are they going to allow all women to compete in female soccer?
Only the US national team. And if it's a world cup year that they are expected to win. It's still pretty low on the totem pole.
braps were had
cute boy (vagina)
Imagine not being a lesbian and competing in this sport.
its women's sports, they dont even understand whats going on
Reminder this has happened at least 3 times in women's professional basketball
european football is what we call soccer or poverty ball. real football is the one with fat niggers and chads banging their heads against each others until they get dementia.
yes, its called football because you kick the ball with your foot
american """football""" is not football
oh dem nubs
>tfw next tuesday bra and arg will fight for worst team ever championship
>this your brain on women
g-d imagine being that thong
I wonder how much lesbian rape happens in the locker room and in the showers
it's the part of the game where the linesman makes a fault and has to get on her fours, very important part
Thank God I never cared about football.
No they don't no one cares they've just been told by the media that everyone cares and they are pretending to care. It's just like Bird Box where no one cared until the media pretended everyone did.
female football players are just cancer
the one half are dykes
the other half are coalburners
scum of the planet
Well that one's going into the fap folder on the desktop for quick access because I'm not a child who lives with his parents
>missing iconic crying old man
NZ had to get like 2 runs to win so the aussie bowler was directed to roll it along the ground, basically making it impossible for them to have a miraculous comeback. This was the final bowl of the game and their final chance to possibly win.
falling testosterone levels
>real football
>brapper blocks your path
In Women's Association Football, the team opposing a throw-in is allowed to stack players two high, known as "totem poling." The Swedish player on the ground assumes a totemic posture expecting her teammate to climb on top; however, her teammate opts for a standard defensive position gesturing her back onto the field.
>I was in this thread
I hate myself
>russia 18 ended up not being even half as magical as this one
feels bad, i really wished america was in the tournament against russia
so why wouldn't they do that every single time
Is rolling it on the ground bad sportsmanship?
mmm yes
Why is there a teenage boy on that women team ?
stay mad GDPlet
Typical Australians
They’re pretty good
its technically legal but frowned upon, its fucking dumb though.
No they're not. This happens literally every time the WWC is on. The predictions that this will see a boom in popularity and people will start attending the league matches. Then the season starts and they're playing in front of 500 people who were given tickets again.
remember that professional women's soccer team lost to a group of 16 year old trainee boys
similar situation as this
an act of true cowardice and I consider it appropriate that the Australian team were wearing yellow
imagine being the coach of these idiots
they banned bowling underhand 25+ years ago m8s
when will they learn
only girl i would go straight for
>posting that webm
The fuck is your problem, son? Those are just some base lesbian bitches with no hips or tits.
Just go to > and beat off already and come back when you're not thinking about pussy every 10 seconds.
big yikes
How many could you take down before they overpower you?
Because the *media* has been memeing and hyping it constantly.
so in all seriousness left is a tranny right?
>Margo Martindale
>Same Rockwell
Wtf I have to see this now
>that quintessential yuropoor chimping out at the end
top kek
What is the point of var
joke's on them, being overpowered is my fetish
What a waste
I could fight the entire female world cup roster back to back.
God that was just the best thing ever. The kid crying into his cup gets me every goddam time. So fucking satisfying.
None, they would take turns raping me until complete exhaustion
Christ that "girl" on the far left
>that chin
>gap teeth
was hot until i saw the face.
absolute munter
checked and extra surprising considering the two countries
>face on that girl in the first panel
oh lawd have mercy
Why don't sports girls athletes sell their bottled sweat from after a match
And then what happened?
Cast them. In a porno, of course.
Major League
not funny
How is the Post so fucking based.
Your post finally made me realized what
was an abstract of.
2 > 5 > 4 > 3 >>>>>>>>>>> 1
wot why are there so many white lasses?? wheres ngubutina? this ain't the footy i know an luv
t. mouthbreather
proper breathing is through your nose, especially during athletic activities
Is wrestling a sport?
she was acting tough until she realized the ref was much bigger than her
>world class "athlete"
>would get beaten by a 6th grade boys team
thought his eye popped out when the camera switched angles lmao
Fucking hell, we could use more refs like her. Too many basedboys who get overwhelmed by player packs as it is.
Are there any good MMA movies besides Warrior?
>its called football because you kick the ball with your foot
Our football comes from an evolution of rugby league, which we started calling "rugby football" to differentiate it from baseball, then we dropped the "rugby" part altogether when we added blocking and overhand passing.
Our football is "football" because it's the only game we played on the reg back in the day that involved kicking any kind of ball....hence football.
Don't know where "soccer" came from....or why people even play it. Too boring and soft. Blocking and tackling are much more fun.
this isn't how i remember thor ragnorok
We need to make a clone army of Pierluigis.
i remember this being on a knockout compilation i downloaded on kazaa
iirc thats a ftm tranny forced to fight other females
is a woman a athlete?
for me it's Dybala
Guess it was a foul play
ah yes the european "sport"
movies where the hero has humble beginnings?
Haha imagine if those german and swedish footbal players started bullying you and ganging up on you after the game in the locker room all sweaty and shit haha oh nooo how horrid that would be
I wish they would make a Joe Walcott movie because he had a really cool and relatable life story and you could have his KO at the hands of Marciano be like the climax of the movie
There is a benefit to doing this actually.
US team is "good" and the only sport on during the summer is baseball so the competition is relatively low.
more like
>movies where the villain was a cheater from the start
however you need to rationalize it
rent free
is pulling down her shorts and eating our her ass a yellow card or a red card?
The female on four legs, due to letting the ball go, was expecting to be punished with a thorough anal penetration with a steel dildo.
Do not tell me your are going to try and justify shit like that.
they've been pushing women's soccer hard since at least Mia Hamm was a "star"
the only way soccer becomes more popular in the USA is by becoming more Mexican
This. Senior Nazi Officers Colina to take care of all these maricons who dive at everything and then gang up on the ref like faggots.
brown card
Have sex ;)
Did they just shoot on their own fucking basket?
Fuck this shitty sports thread
The Mighty Ducks and D2
The Program
Friday Night Lights
Varsity Blues
Major League
Angels in the Outfield
Field of Dreams
Space Jam
Team Foxcatcher
The Sandlot
Little Giants
Incorrect. Mouthbreathing is "fine" while under heavy physical duress.
Mouthbreathing is not fine in your everyday activities.
why do europeans call soccer a sport when there's no sportsmanship and refs have to be trained to spot whether or not "players" are faking or not
Someone do it.
Roast beef
man imagine being so estranged from physical exercise that you forget that breathing from the mouth is a standard reflex to being exhausted
am I glad that I'm not you :^)
women should stick to things they excel at such as:
All team sports are shit
she knows the german player is a lesbian and wants to distract her
do third worlders ACTUALLY watch this?
taking black dick and ruining their future
Imagine having to massage her after every game.
Oinky McPiggers. Just go to pornhub and type fat you disgusting retard
Why do Americans force cuck shit everytime they can?
That was kinda hot until the gorilla showed up.
Oh no that would be terrible
This is some fucking Simpsons level shit
Wrestling is, aerobics and stunt shows are not.
like those mutt gymnasts who were fisted , then durty birds complained
is this a legal play?
Imagine if you had to oil up her entire body after a game and give her a full massage to relieve her aching muscles
Why didn't you save her, Yea Forums?
>which we started calling "rugby football" to differentiate it from baseball
but baseball plays and looks nothing like ruby, football or handegg.
Mutilation at birth they're mentally ill
kek. chileans still mad at this
Imagine being a beta pussy making junior high-tier fawning threads on the internet because you're too much of a coward to actually talk to girls.
The Mighty Ducks.
>why can't they use Ahmed instead of Jerome??? I can't get immersed in this!
unnecessary ruffness, 15 yard penalty and an automatic first down
*cue Joe Buck whining about the refs*
Don't project, American, you are alone in this.
That's an awful lot of projection there
can this webm please begin women's obsession with obtaining perky love handles?
This is a rare situation in which teams will purposely play out a draw because it's beneficial to both of them, rather than risking defeat by going for a win. It's supposed to be against the rules but it still happens occasionally.
Mentally ill freak
do all europeans use 8+ year old data to rationalize their constant need to think about americans?
what a slut
second from left, extremely sniffbale
Agreed, it's completely dated.
Should be in the high 80s nowadays.
>their constant need to think about americans
Maybe if you stopped attacking white people and posting cuckshit everywhere people would hate you less.
Stop talking about black dicks all the time and maybe you won't attract negative attention towards your nationality.
curious about this.
I love how people on the stands get up and start walking out in the end.
oh shit is this the dude from Final Wars?
Rooney Mara plays a teen da fuck
this is the correct order
Was it a miracle?
it's actually pretty good
>gets molested
>becomes a slut
UFC 1 Fight 1
someone should make an ooh ooh ahh ahh chimp noises edit video, though it probably wouldn't be much different
what would women need to do to make their sports watchable?
i always set my vpn to america when i watch interracial cuck porn
love how the score doesn't change because the editors are just as confused as the rest of us
>s-so who does that count for, dude
Based Film EVER
All women sports should exclusively be in lingerie
always "someone should"
never "I will"
you will never develop if you never try to exceed your existing capabilities
imagine being such a weak willed european that when anyone mentions black dick that they have to go on hour long rants about americans
literal retard
Imagine Trump banging her up the shitbox over the oval office
ITT: Moments in sports that are pure kino
wrong. it was called football because you play it on foot, as opposed to horseback. learn a little about the history of the sport, christ. let me guess, not a fan?
You're right user, I'm going to spend the rest of my day making white supremacist video edits. 14/88 to you and your family and thank you for the motivation
Imagine being the only male player in the game. As a 5'6" 135lb manlet I'm pretty sure I would get destroyed
And love every second of it
Lingerie Bowl is genuinely a more entertaining sport than regular football, even setting aside the cute girls in little clothing. If it was dudes playing it would still be a better game.