For me, it is "The Shining"
What are best Kubrick?
Other urls found in this thread:
Based. Also fuck those fags who wanted Lolita they can go castrate themselves
>the other thread is already dead
c'mon guys
Clockwork is a masterpiece.
imagine being this much of a buzzkill
pretty sure it got deleted
Imagine spamming your streamfagging channel for years.
>Forgetting to put the link to the fucking stream
But Sneed is about vouching for less regulation and rule enforcement on Yea Forums, hence why jannies are such a target. What you are doing is cringe.
2OO1 is arguably the best film of all time
It's on the poster
Ah. Who in the fuck else is gonna see that tiny ass slanted thing? Probably no one
>That fag spamming " >.> " on the chat
>Some gay zoomer spamming "Omg I love this" "I love this"
Why are Discord faggots/trannies like this?
The link is pruned nigger, we can’t post it directly
because they are faggots/trannies
the people in this discord are insufferable faggots
Here's a genius thought. You post the link but DELETE the period dot to make it a link.
cytu be/r/tv-movienight
Put a period between the cytu and be, you fucking newfaggots zoomer retards
Did that, got pruned anyway
No matter which movie you pick, there will be tons of morons who'll insist that you're wrong.
My favorite Kubrick film is Dr. Strangelove. Was it his best? I don't know. But it is his most consistently entertaining film, at least to me.
Ups currently watching that lad.But it's already ending
for me it's eyes wide shut closely followed by the shining, then barry lyndon
all other movies are on a lower tier, maybe 2001 and paths of glory stand out
>sensitive that others have different taste in kinos
>reddit spaces
God you discordfaggots are horrible
I've been through the FMJ valley and it's climbing the list
If you'll read, I made a clear distinction between a subjective opinion (i.e., X is my favorite Kubrick film...) and an objective stance (i.e., X is the best Kubrick film...). Have your own opinion, go right ahead. The post was directed at people like you who conflate the subjective with the objective. For me, Dr. Strangelove is the best Kubrick film. Other people like his other films better and other people hate Dr. Strangelove. That's fine. Like what you like, but don't give other people shit because they don't share your tastes. Pretty simple.
nice redditpost
Full Metal Jacket
My personal favorite?
for me, it's barry lyndon
We are watching that too.The stream will last like 23 hours
For me, it is "A Clockwork Orange"
Eyes Wide Shut
Strangelove desu
2001 is the best film but anything from the Killing onwards is all very very good.
Based, it's my favorite as well
The films he made with his bestie John Alcott.
B. Lyndon is his best photographic achievement.
2001 is his best technical achievement.
Clockwork is his best direction.
I agree to this, but I'd like to add that 2001 was also a great postmodern deconstruction of the movie narrative. That is just as important IMO as the technical achievement.
Clockwork is pure Kubrick Kino. There is not one shot or screengrab from that movie you could misconstrue from another film. It's all expertly and uniquly crafted in his vision. After 2001 he had complete creative control and it shows with this film. Also the regulations on censorship were lifted and you had a movie that pushed all the boundaries of violence, sex and humor in a movie for the time. This is what makes the movie overrated and underrated at the same time.
There was thread last night about best delivered single line in films and Mr. Deltoid's lines
>"You are now a murderer, little Alex"
>"I've just come from the hospital. Your victim has DIED"
Always stick with me as so perfectly spoken. The way he's laughing through the whole thing but the seriousness and menace and anger and disappointment all come through as well. Sums up the films tone perfectly
fuck jannies
based bois
>no one has mentioned Lolita yet
what have you bastards done with my Yea Forums?
All the cunny posters get banned.