Are you ready, Yea Forums?
Are you ready, Yea Forums?
>less color
>less light everything dark
>more slow motion
>3 minutes longer
>some meme speech about "we are the modern gods and they are the demons"
slow motion sucks but dark colors work well for cgi (compare pac rim 1 and 2 you will understand) but all they have to do is get rid of quips. still capeshit anyway
>Snyder cut
Does this make the movie watchable?
If we're going to obsess over a movie that doesn't exist, I'd rather do it with this
God you wish.
Please tell me. Why does Yea Forums have such a boner for Snyder?
I can’t help but side with marvel fags. DC is dead, and that’s all thanks to Snyder.
snyder likes to explore the side of heroes that people often ignore. it's fun and games seeing faggots fighting in city but we often ignore that there are people who suffer
>suffering super heroes
>ignored take
Sure, if you ignore most of the comic book runs in the early 90s.
Imagine thinking that this is an original take on the super hero genre.
>I can’t help but side with marvel fags
>>suffering super heroes
I mean non-heroes. Normal people suffering, not heroes.
>it's fun and games seeing faggots fighting in city but we often ignore that there are people who suffer
that's exactly what Snyder did in MoS lol
You do realize that this idea has been explored since Burton directed Batman, right?
Yes I do, and since then only handful of movies did this. Out of 30 capeshit films, it's like 5 that do this.
Have you seen the ending of MoS?
Remember when Snyder excused all the people dying in MoS by saying Star Wars had more people killed?
He only turned the whole thing a plot point in BvS because of the backlash, not because he cares that normal people die when heroes fight
Why do people complain about how many people died in MoS? I don't have a problem with it
Burton's Batman
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight Rises
Black Panther
Civil War
That is a perfectly fine opinion unless you also think that Snyder makes movies about the human suffering in the world of Superheroes.
And now compare it with all capeshit released in last 10 years. Also Snyder is very good with visuals, dark and grim helps to hide CGI. Way better than oversaturated shitfest. (BvS final fight was fucking shit tho)
Why do you do this to me blood?
>100% more biblical references
I don't follow
lmao the snydercucks DILEMMA
>snyder cut
>but oh no not on NETFLIX. I HATE NETFLIX BECAUSE IT HAS BLACK PEOPLE IN IT (just like justice league)!
lmao fucking hilarious
>z-zaddy hides shit cgi using darkness and that makes him g-good!
this is your average dcuck
I'm never ready for fake shit
Disagree, Snyder's visuals are almost always at a conflict with the subtext for e.g. slow motion hero shots glorifying Rorschach.
Additionally, what is it that Snyder says about humans in the realm of Gods? He mainly just reuses the points inspires by Alan Moore.
better than oversaturated eyesore shit
That's their defence mechanism. Deeply inside they all know that Snyderkino is vastly superior to any MCUflick, so all they can do is hang on to some minor plotholes and discrepancies from the source material, nobody would ever pay attention to, if the films were done by Disney
marvel movies aren't oversaturated, quite the opposite, they're gray and there's no absolute black
whats even more funny people bitch and moan about the ending of MoS, ignoring the fact that Reeve killed his Zod too
maybe wrong words. they use some awful filters that make everything look like this
>what is context
>only available in the US
fuck you
>visuals are better if they are more stylized
So these are those famous cinephiles praising Snyder's body of work?
I'm kinda hyped.
its a perfect storm of hating leddit, hating snyder, and loving snyder, and ironically loving snyder. These things combine into long term slow burn memes.
>exclusively on Netflix (and torrent sites)
It's a fake tweet bro
>DC is dead
Aquaman made more than Spider-Man and Captain Marvel
lowkey horror aquakino incoming
You people misunderstand the purpose of superheroes as a literary device. They are meant to be impossible. They are meant to be the extreme of an archetype, no matter how cheesy. They are meant to never die and always win. This is because they are modern myths. They are specifically designed to represent the best aspects of ourselves while showing what exactly we can morally be. After all, we did create them. Especially with how much superheroes exist in the modern conscience, they should fulfill the roles they are meant to represent. So many people look up to our heroes, despite being fictional, that it is safe to assume or morality is partially dictated by what we accept in these roles (Tony vs. Steve, Thanos' philosophy, MoS snappening).
Momoa carrying, no one in the world cares 1 fuck about aquaman, and that movie was the fake aquaman, not the orange chest and green pants blue eyed blonde boiiii
It's not even the real snyder cut tho. He never got to shoot the script he wanted.
user... Snyder can't read.
> only available in the US
I forgot to mention this role being the same as the original sun god, as the angels of old, the ubermensch of nietzsche, jesus christ of christianity, etc.
Do people unironically like Zack Snyder?
Snyder cut sounds like shit
>DUDE evil Superman as Darkseid’s pawn LMAO
Making Superman a bad guy is the most hack thing a writer can do when in charge of this character. It’s nothing more than a gimmick and goes against any characttr development he had in BvS.
Why can't DC just copy the kino of all their animated series when they make their movies?
War is my favorite
>what is a VPN?
actually realising the Snyder Cut would cost a fortune, since 80% material needs costly postproduction work, and it still would be inconsistent without the necessary reshoots
Snyder literally copies comic books shot for shot. DCE...AU? did it first though and better.
read comics before acting like you do
dc animated movie universe
except snyder can't read and just stitches them together based on how awesome they look
Based Aquachad
Yes, yes, we all saw Glass, zoomer. It was shit.
And don't ever forget it
This philosophy has been around since the beginning of the superhero genre. Life didn't start when you were born friend.
>Snyder cut
Lol yeah okay
>Momoa carrying
sure thing bro, can you name 1 popular show or movie that was also carried by momoa? i'm sure there's more than just aquaman since he's so cool
I hate your mind.
dont forget more jesus symbology and more shirtless muscle men glistening with sweat
was was shit. They made Hal Jordan act like Wally from the tv series.
sounds a lot better