>literally zero (0) good films
Literally zero (0) good films
Other urls found in this thread:
>Das Boot
>Aguirre der Zorn Gottes
>Run Lola Run
>Run Lola Run
Look whoS back
t. seething Britbottle
>has never watched der ewige jude or triumph des willens
Germans are perverted scum
Das Boot
OP just curious but do you know who this is
Das leben der anderen
They gave us ww2 kino by recording their side of the battles
That is just the subhuman Böhmermann
>Das Boot
came here to post this
>what is Goodbye Lenin
>what is Das Experiment
>what is Funny Games
What is this kino?
Look Who's Back
Goodbye, Lenin!
Nobody Loves Me
Das Boot
>funny games
garbage torture porn with a pointless message, don't ever post on this board again.
>missing the point this badly
Never go full retard, Amerikkkan.
Please indulge me then, what was the point of the film since it seems to have gone over my flat american skull
a German Late-Night Talk Show Host who does cringy liberal videos like this
germans have good movies though
Und der gehört nicht dazu.
Essential krautcore
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Wings of Desire
Das Boot
Run Lola Run
World on a Wire
Toni Erdmann
The Edge of Heaven
Good Bye Lenin!
Aguirre, the Wrath of God
The Hands of Orlac
The White Ribbon
In July
From Morn to Midnight
The Merchant of Four Seasons
Look Who's Back
it is.
- Gegen die Wand
- Derrick
- Soul Kitchen
- Traffik
Essentielles Palinakino.
>Palina Rojinski
she does make my dick diamonds, though
i want to give her the "Ostfront soldier visits her grandmother" treatment
Guess who's back
>no Stoßtrupp
>no Kolberg
Come on man
>Shit opinion
>Reddit frog
Imagine my shock!
Böhmermann is Antifa scum who shits on Germany every waking minute.
Should be deported to Turkey, so he can complain how shit Germany is from a Turkish rape prison.
Also the perfect example why there are no good modern German movies anymore.
The commies scum hate the country and are uncreative NPCs.
>saying NPC unironically
Based and accurate.
>literally zero (0) good films
Yap, Germany has Khazar Milkers too.
>That is just the subhuman Böhmermann
Pretty sure they've had a reputation for being scat fetishists since before your parents were born.
Does palina gets blacked in this film? she enjoys rap music so I bet she's already blacked IRL
Weird seeing as how Britain has produced more scat porn than Germany. Coincidence, I'm sure.
>>Run Lola Run
>muh german techno tranny
it's every pleb's automatic reply when u say german movies
>knowing the stats on scat porn
Way to out yourself Fritz. Don't you have a continent to Destroy?
We have the luxury of being able to shitpost and destroy the continent at the same time.
So when are you going to return all the money the EU pumped into your nation, you ungrateful fuck?
I wonder who's behind this post. literally the same IP as always.
>*Himmler screaming into SS barrack*
>"Dirlewanger, in my office. NOW!
>Your actions in the east have the führer breathing down my fucking neck
>You are a loose canon, but GOD DAMN YOU BRING RESULTS" *slams fist on table*
>*bullet cases and knives collide*
>"You are a good soldier, but Hitler wants his way
>Hand over your bagde and luger
>And your other luger
>And your other bagde
>You are off the front, report back to me in berlin"
>*Wanger speaking*
>"Give me 3 months and I have every partisan from here to moscow either in chains or dead"
>*Himmler turns around to light a fag*
>*takes a short pull and blows smoke at the window*
>*SS man enters office and hands himmler a note*
>"The kcazinksrecz village just got raided by another bolshevik partisan group"
>*Himmer turns around and yells*
>"In GERMAN, god damnit"
>*SS man rolls eyes*
>"Yet another communist uprising in poland, sir"
>*Himmler flicks the cigarette and faces Wanger*
>"You have 2 weeks, I am giving you a new parter. Name is Berger, he does the job by the book.
>Now get out of my office and take your stupid hat with you"
Kino. Literally.
Fund it.
She´s the typical SJW jewess, so it´s a given.
>"In GERMAN, god damnit"
Problem Child 2 you absolute tastelet
Anybody who´d actually try for an official film grant with such an idea would end up in jail here.
And I´m not even joking.
The Bolsheviks have pretty much taken over Germany, civil war is just a matter of time.
Fun fact. The problem child movies were based on unused scripts from Hitler when he tried to get into film school.
There's a rumor that the script for the third film exists and is stored alongside the lance of longinus and the ark of the covenant in a nazi vault that has yet to be discovered.
>Wanger and Berger approach a deserted farm house
>they enter through the front door, mp40s in hands
>the kitchen is empty but there is a small package on the table
>Berger picks it up
>"looks like meat to me"
>throws it to Wanger
>Wanger uses his knife to cut it open
>Uses the tip of the blade to take a small sample
>rubs it on his teeth
>"Its kosher"
this mad lad says otherwise
nobody mentioned this kino
Hey knowledgeable user, do you know of a German film where a stuck up German guy gets coerced by a Turk to do loads of shit while his girlfriend is convinced over a period of time through a series of events to give a guy a blowjob. They both meet up at the end after the guy kills the Turk and the girlfriend gives the guy a hummer. They walk down a train track to 'avant-garde' music.
Any idea?
im fucking dying here lads
a man whose films are rarely even shown in germany.
I'm seconding this request.
It sounds like some wild shit.
Anti-socialist propaganda garbage
Was it an older movie or a newer one?
triumph was kino, too bad the worlds first movie industry got btfo by the anglos.
just think of the kino we could have had
Ossi spotted, pay back Soli u rat
RIP Germany
Torture porn???
> Op thinks "Funny Games" is graphic filled with bloody Gore.
> This isn't "Frontiers" or "Flowers of Flesh and Blood" thank the pervy Japs or faggy french.
> I bet he thinks "Paranormal Activity" is an instant classic,
Er Ist Wieder Da
How the fuck did they make pic related then?
>Das Leben der Anderen
>Goodbye Lenin
>Das Weisse Band