Other urls found in this thread:
it's true
>tfw 5'5
W-What does my Pepe/Wojak look like? Is it cool?
fuck off Rogan
>breaking bad
nice b8
not accurate and wrong
I wish I was a pepecopter
he's there can't you see him
Breaking Bad is horribly overrated and you know it
/RBMK/ spawned the best threads and memes this shit had since 2012
stay salty faggets
I oughta fucking give you a smack
Where are Rome and The Wire?
>best threads and memes
not my fault u were jerking off to traps instead of watching Chernobyl when it was going on
Cringe overload
Twin Peaks mogs everyone
So true, 5'7 is like the 6' mark if you date tiny Latinas or Asians
Sopranos is a glorified sitcom. Breaking Bad is great but is nearly impossible to rewatch because it relies on surprise rather than a series of slow developments that you can better appreciate the second time through like Game of Thrones. Chernobyl isn't comparable to any of these, it's a miniseries about something that actually happened and would have ruined your lives if it happened a different way.
I don't watch the electric jew anymore. I do better things with my life
Looks about right.
>chernobyl humiliated
Anyone have a full image of the tiny Apu.
i always pick up on shows way too late and don't get to shitpost on Yea Forums during their initial run
There's a ton of subtle foreshadowing in BrBa.
It's BCS that's impossible to rewatch because it's so boring
Should just be a picture of four graves
>Breaking Bad
>anywhere near the same level as the Sopranos
>good or even watchable
Yeah, fuck off, OP.
It is still far better than muh nuclear plant and game of feminism.
game of MIDGE
>Being this wrong
>breaking bad used to be considered god tier
>eternal contrarians on r/4channel jumped to the sopranos in order to try and stand out
>The Wire
Oh boy I sure do love watch Gay Nigger Tales
>liking Breaking Bad
It's okay to be retarded, user. Don't let your disability keep you from doing great things in life. Do let it keep you from posting here from now on though, you fucking faggot.
Rope yourself please
It actually happened.... except for all the stuff we made up
Fucking based
>Still gets $2k a month on patreon
This image doesn't make any sense
>got engaged to a furry pedophile
The most embarrassing thing is that it took people till the last season to realize Game of Thrones was trash.
Who won the game of thrones?
The Shield was the Based tv series EVER
being this needy and off the spectrum ,go play fortnite kiddo
Chernobyl is really only cringe because it turns everyone who discusses it on Yea Forums into a literal armchair nuclear physicist.
tard crippled spazzer
yes it does.
The real game of thrones was the memes we laughed at along the way
fat twat will never work again
Now do Mad Men a 8’ pepe towering those two
The truth
No shit
>People actually think BB is on the same level as sopranos
BB is a good show, but sopranos is the best written series of all time.
That's because you are a manlet
no gaem of trone is best
holy based
Best written, best acted, best music selection. I can't say it was the best at direction though because some other shows have pretty dynamic camera work and I enjoy a bit of flair and style.
Chernobyl is way better than breaking bad though
Or maybe it’s because the later seasons of BrBa were horribly botched and everyone legitimately stopped liking it?
>stay salty faggets
Sharp Objects deserves more love from Yea Forums
being this mad because you missed the show when it was live
dont worry maybe there will be another great show in 6 years
Man feels good to be Ch/a/d in 2019
wtf is rbmk?
pic related is the truth
>Yea Forums hates GoT now
Show was good but the memes and threads on \tv are beyond forced
back to your containment thread fag/got/lover
How the mighty have fallen
was raimi posting before 2012? came here 2014
Based show but the ending was trash.
2012 started the baneposting which was peak of Yea Forums
nothing will ever top this
very based
Absolute state Yea Forums
Too bad the general is filled with faggots and redditors.
>breaking bad, sopranos, and game of thrones are all frog posters
it writes itself
based and WMDpilled
Mr Hickey you will make my show a lanklet frog AT ONCE
switch breaking bad with the wire and it's pretty accurate
this is the correct one breaking bad is redditcore you could put better call saul next to sopranos though
>breaking bad
I like Better Call Saul but only for Saul shenanigans. The entire Mike/Gus/cartel B-plot is a drag and explains things from BB that were better left unexplained. Nowhere near Sopranos tier.
i think that better call saul is more similar to the sopranos thematically. both are about morality and distinctly american crime. i enjoy mike's parts, but i can see how gus and the cartel can seem like fan service. if they make everything super related in the end it will kind of feel cheap but i don't think they will do that. iirc nacho and jimmy havent even seen each other since the first season