A fictional planet appears in a science-fiction film

>A fictional planet appears in a science-fiction film
>It's a single-biome planet

Attached: biomes_of_earth.jpg (813x605, 225K)

Most are.

Yeah, this'll look different in 50 years.

>What are latitudinal variations?

Global cooling/global warming/climate change/climate crisis is a hoax.

Attached: 25fonwyx0dhx.gif (850x477, 2.33M)

>Fictional planet
>Has only one species living on it (and it's a sapient humanoid species at that)

>is a hoax
>posts evidence of contrary


>projected futures are evidence

I fucking love science!

Global warming isn't a hoax, it's just not caused by humans like the kikes want you to believe. Global warming is a part of a natural cycle on Earth. Furthermore, every planet in the Solar System is warming up.

Attached: 156168089.jpg (438x600, 290K)

>different races when one superior race has not driven the rest to extinction
Actual ayys must really be scratching their heads at us.

>Sci-fi movie set on Earth millions of years from now
>Humans look exactly the same as they do now

Attached: 156014529.jpg (610x640, 75K)

If there's no major events happen between now and then, couldn't you argue that the selective breeding we have now would potentially keep us from deviating too much?

B-but Al Gore would surely never lie to me?

>Most are.

This is the redpilled response.
If you honestly think that throwing a Coke can on the side of the road is going to somehow cause a tsunami in Thailand, then you are a fucking retard. Thinking that us insignificant humans have the power to destroy the earth that has been around for billions of years before us and has seen far worse is the height of arrogance.

Right. When I say global warming I mean the global warming industry which is what everybody is really talking about. If liberals really thought global warming itself was an issue and that it was caused by humans they would be all over nuclear power.

based and humble-pilled

Based and humilitypilled! I completely agree with you.

Nah, we'd evolve at least to a certain extent so that we'd like different from the way we look now.

Fucking yikes

* look different

>Global warming is a part of a natural cycle on Earth.

Not as rapidly as it is happening right now.

We're not going to literally destroy the Earth you retard, we're just going to make it a lot more miserable for us

That map doesn't look like Koppen classification to me. The labeled names are definitely not. You jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire, OP. I do not think you appreciate the autism you're tempting. I do not even see plate tectonics being discussed in this thread. Did you attend the GRRM School of Worldbuilding. I don't care how much verisimilitude is present in his tax policy. He can fuck off with years-long seasons in a medieval european setting.

>Global cooling/global warming/climate change/climate crisis is a hoax.
Speaking of tax policy, the global anthropogenic climate change hoax is merely a tool to bully/scare us all into consenting to "carbon credits", which in it's essence is a constant, perpetual tax on the life and activities of every human subject to them from cradle to grave, calculated and tracked in absurdly fine detail. You will literally be born into a a new kind of indentured servitude that in practice never ends because most will not be able to pay their way out of their "harmful effect on the environment". You will be in thrall to this cult of the State that women, fags, and minorities are clamoring for with religious zeal.

On the other hand, humans absolutely can fuck up their local environment by being dicks. We can salt the earth in a million ways and a lot of them have timespans that, while nowhere near a threat to the planet or the existence of humanity, are basically "forever" from a human/civilizational perspective. America would have a giant desert in the middle like Australia if the Dust Bowl problem had been allowed to go on unaddressed. It behooves us to practice conservation while telling Progressives to Love it Or Leave It / No Step on Snek.

Oh no! Its rained an inch more this month! Oh no the temperature is 1 degree warmer than a century ago! Oh no God save us Democrats! Please tax us more!

>biome is called Alpine
>clearly is found in many other areas than the Alps

>"Alpine" biome
>98% of it is outside of the Alps

Attached: 5456663.png (880x768, 1.03M)

>southern England med climate soon
Thank you God.


I'm gonna say you're between 19 and 24. You're smart enough to act smart, but not smart enough yet to realize how stupid you sound. You insist upon yourself. You aren't yet aware that being intelligent can by a disadvantage, because you are capable of rationalizing anything, especially to yourself.

I realize this is just a meaningless ad hominem.

There's nothing to be gained by responding to this post.

This plus usually you're only seeing one spot of the planet so who knows if it's all a desert or what not.

redpilled but also cringe for drinking coke and littering

Based retard

That's right! Make sure to vote Republican. :-)

Attached: 1559250173956.jpg (897x898, 76K)

/thread. Deniers should be removed from society.

SG1 had an episode in season 1 where they ended up in Antarctica and thought they where on an ice planet.

"Climate change" is fucking scare tactics bullshit, and anyone who believes in it is a goddamn fool.

>knows nothing about the geopolitics about the middle east

>sucks arabian cock

>doesn't disagree

>doesn't deny it
So how does it taste

>U rdy for this?
>You act smart but sound stupid
>I realize this is just a meaningless ad hominem
Welp, you may know fuck all about this user, summerfriend, but I know a lot about you. For instance, you're shit at judging people by their shitposts, which makes yours that much more delicious to behold. Your skills at projecting your insecurities are possibly only rivaled by your skill with the enter key. Most faggots (and you ARE a faggot) just go for the pithy one-liner like >have sex, but you tried to be clever and I respect that attempt. Which makes me think you may be a wizard or even a boomer or worse yet a boomer wizard, but then I noticed that while you were fecklessly fumbling your epic takedown, you posted about how my posting "sounds" which in my experience is tell-tale later millennial or zoomer.

I would say get the fuck out because you are clearly constitutionally incapable of contributing to this thread, but then again your incompetence at the "withering takedown post" has caused my sides to slip the surly bonds of Earth to touch the face of God. You can stay, but only if you promise to keep posting reddit-tier stupidity in an entertaining yet instructive way (as-in how not to post).

Attached: my-sides-vel-1910-9m-s-alt-377-275m-meirl-5266312.png (500x370, 65K)


Well I think you're both gigantic fags.

Attached: gotem.png (525x393, 163K)

>all taiga
Ok sure

Thread appears to be dying, so I suppose this will do.

>climate change hoax

Attached: 1560974445740.png (3840x2160, 350K)

wtf is chapparal its only in a few coastal areas is it like warm beach weather

Not him, but I have no idea. Can you explain what you mean?

>omg u just said climate change hoax
>have a yike
nice job conveniently omitting the two adjectives that preceded "climate change hoax". Could you just not figure out what those words mean so you assumed they're optional? Otherwise that has to be the most low-effort greentext quoting i've ever encountered. You literally just chopped a sentence in half so it would fit the narrative that supports what you'ld like to believe about those think you're bisexual and dumb.

Either quote me accurately or I expect some completely made-up strawman greentext that at least is clever and amusing to read. I don't wan to see you doing some lazy shit like the shill farm didn't make payroll last week so you're like "fuck those capitalist colonizers"

English is an agglutinative language, my little Gen Z Zoom Boom friend. The key phrase in this case being "hoax". It immediately discards the rest of what you're claiming because only illiterate brainlets believe in the "zomg its a h0ax" meme.