Half the zoomers I know are terribe, in skill and in mental. Also rip mustang
Why can't zoomers drive?
Too much GTA at a young age
Because they all have ADD and can't focus on a single task or look away from their phone for more than 5 seconds
this moron took out 7 people pn motorcycles up in Mass recently. I was denied by uber for past speeding shit but this gem was able to get a commercial trucking license despite two DUIs and a bunch of drug shit.... god bless our corrupt government
They don't have experience because they're young.
>teens are bad drivers
wow what a revelation
For me it's the fact that I don't trust people enough to not crash into me
It fucking blows my mind that millions of people drive in the streets without crashing into each other
I feel the same way, people always criticize me of driving like a pussy but I just flat out don't trust anyone, who the fuck knows what maniacs are out driving
Too much GTA might have fucked me up because I like to have loud music playing constantly when I drive, makes me drive a lot better and makes me stay a lot more focused and not get distracted, might be autism
>It fucking blows my mind that millions of people drive in the streets without crashing into each other
This is autism. Driving is not that hard
Buddy you have pure unadulterated autism by assuming everyone else is adjusted and competent. Wake up!
i blame cars with automatic gearboxes. manuals are some kind of a plebfilter
I know it isn't that hard but I used to park my mom's car in New York every week and that shit gives me nightmares with how close cars get to each other without crashing
Like take any other skill and you see people fucking it up constantly, but suddenly with cars we have to trust that a billion people are 100% at every moment at any time of day and are competant
Sorry cheif, I don't even trust my waiter to not spit in my food
maybe you should apply to get that cushy trucker job instead, user
>track pants
way to live up to stereotype slav
I don't drive or have a license. Cars and all the scamming bullshit around them are a boomer creation. I don't need a depreciating asset with high maintenance costs. But I live in a big city that isn't in America. I also think part of the reason Americans are so fucking fat is from cars. They have drive throughs for fucking everything there.
Yeah. I noticed this as well. My nephew, who is 16, didn't want to get his drivers license. We had to force him to learn and take the test. Weird that he didn't want the independence like my generation.
meh, where the fuck you gonna go?
If you live in driving country it's all soulless chain business trash out there and if you live in a city you have no need to drive
this kills the zoomer
We have robot cars that drive themselves, why are you proud that you can work something archaic
people have the internet now, the world doesnt feel as small with that. You already game and socialize over your phone or computer, you dont need a car to go to some soulless strip mall
>manuals are some kind of a plebfilter
only in the US tho
Almost everyone in Europe can drive a manual car.
Yeah, and it doesn't make them better drivers. Manual or auto, there's no difference. A bad driver is bad driver.
because its cool, you dumb neet
After putting it off for 8 years I'm finally taking my drivers test next week. So nervous bros.
To whom?
Who is ever impressed by someone that can drive Manuel
Who ever has said to somone
>I can drive manuel
And the other person thought it was cool
No one
Not a single human
I'm 27 and I couldn't drive for shit as a 16 year old.
Only people who drive a manual think it's cool because they're feeling superior to lowly auto drivers. I for one wish for the driver less car revolution as I'd like to stop wasting my time by having to drive a thing to get from a to b.
I don't even have a driver's license
t. 99
It's literally a basic life skill like knowing how to use a knife or start a fire.
Of course the neet shut in also doesn't understand that in addition to being a pleasant and fun experience woman also love men with class.
Yeah very nice you stay with your 6 gears while my automatic handles 9 gears for me for ultimate fuel efficiency. If you don't care about efficiency you don't care about engineering perood
>Why can't zoomers drive?
that's only white boys.
i drive a car and im not fat, public transport sucks in my country and is full of the worst kinds of people
> tfw 34 and dont have driving license
I'm 26 and never driven, have always tried to live a life where I don't have to. Live within walking distance of my work, etc.
Don't get me wrong, driving sucks everywhere but it sucks especially bad in NYC
>tfw I have a 20 min drive every day for work and nearly die at least twice a week because I live in a tourist location and people turn into fucking retards on vacation.
Rvs that swerve hard into my lane at any gust of wind, stoned tourists that are constantly riding and weaving over the center line, assfucks driving 20 mph under the speed limit which is actually more fucking dangerous than just going the normal speed and retards towing things like boats when they have 0 experience with it.
You don't have to be 100% all the fucking time, just when you're close to other cars.
>Who ever has said to somone
>I can drive a Spaniard
Er ... probably no-one?
No-one can drive for shit as a 16yo, it's just that 16yo don't know this, they all think they're Sterling Moss
>t. 99
How many 99 year olds do we get on 4channel?
>all that cope
Just have the bigger car.
t. guy with SUV in goymany
For me it's a driving skill/racing thing, I like being able to take corners effectively and be in the proper gear at all times. Obviously you wouldn't be driving around like a racecar driver everywhere, but I think it's useful to have the ability to do so in case you ever need it (or if you ever want to bully auto drivers who are only fast in a straight line). Automatics just suck at recognizing which gear to be in when cornering aggressively, and I've noticed a lot of them have really sluggish throttle response; for example the automatic Kia shitbox my parents drive must have a full 3 second gap in between hitting the gas pedal and the car actually doing anything. I've never had that problem in a manual.
>gets turned into a vegetable by a deer
Fucking zoomers.
>because its cool
It really isn't, though. It's the equivalent of some guy bragging about how he knows Morse code and can operate a telegram. Congratulations on your skill made completely useless by advances in technology I guess.
fuck cagers
Just because you can listen to an audio book doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to read.
I wanna learn stick but the only car I can learn with is an old Honda my dad uses for work. How do I learn without fucking it up?