Why don't I see Boondock Saints ever discussed here, and why the fuck are critics so retarded...

Why don't I see Boondock Saints ever discussed here, and why the fuck are critics so retarded? This is one of my favorites

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dunno lol

it's a horrible movie for 13 year old boys.

My favorite movie... when I was a freshman in high school. Grow up, dude.

Underage detected

The documentary about that movie is better than the movie itself. Also worst sequel ever.

Why are there only Boondock Saints threads in the summer?


you know why

Truly a mystery for the ages

I genuinely forgot Reedus was one of the brothers. Too used to seeing him with the faggy hair.

ive never seen it. but ive seen a couple of clips i think. somebody shooting people while hanging from the roof and some scene where a guy drops a toilet on someone. why is it so polarizing?

I've been here since I was 15. Im 27 now and I never got the summer meme. Why would going go school stop underages from posting on Yea Forums? I posted while I was in school all year not just the summer.

I think it's the same premise behind why activities lower youth crime. The little bastards are bored and unoccupied so they find their way here.

The summer meme is just a meme but the theory is that during summer kids have more free time and thus you see a lot more kid posts.

I kind of want to like it but it's not nearly as cool as it pretends to be.
What's something like The Boondock Saints but good?

It's an edgy male wish-fulfillment fantasy by someone with no experience in filmmaking. Because of that it has a sort of raw primal appeal but at the same time is too juvenile and amateurish to be really enjoyable.

boondocks saints is one of those movies people pretend to hate because it's connected to the edgelord phase of white boys who go through with it. it's the same thing with fight club, a clockwork orange etc

The documentary made me really want to see the movie. When I saw it, I was a little disappointed.

>This is one of my favorites
maybe you're retarded

>putting this movie in the same category as fight club or a clockwork orange
the fuck?

That movie is fucking awful though.

you edgelord fags cant criticize star wars and capeshit all you want but do NOT criticize Boondock Saints.

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>hy don't I see Boondock Saints ever discussed here
Because we come here to shit on movies, because we got banned for doing so everywhere else. No reason to discuss good movies.


Also Big Lebowski for connection with fratty collegemos

People that like Boondock saints are the same people that watched Fight Club, thought "thats so cool" and then started their own backyard fight club.

Horrible, awful movie that's only loved by troglodytes.



This is one of the few movies I rented that I turned off halfway through. One of the biggest pieces of shit I've ever seen.

lol why do so many of you fags not like this movie? Better than any cape shit that's ever been released, which constantly have 5 to 10 threads

watch it again when you're not a teenager

Is this the "Objectively wrong audience reviews" thread?

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is this the movie about meth heads going nuts in a motel room?

Why is it ok to hate a "so bad it's good" movie like TBS but whenever Tommy Wiseau is mentioned on Reddit or Yea Forums every single one of you troglodytes creams your pants and starts chanting "OH HI MARK!"?

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Audience Score for most of these movies and sites have always been shit, you guys just bring it up whenever it works in your narrative.

Growing up in the suburbs really seems to mess people up.

No it's a pretty good indicator. Under 80% audience score is ALWAYS unwatchable shit unless it's a movie that's specifically brigaded like Captain Marvel. Under 70% is an abortion.

my fellow neger

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>unless it's a movie that's specifically brigaded like Captain Marvel

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Is this good? I've seriously never heard of it. I like Ashley Judd.

Never watched The Boondock Saints and don't even know the synopsis. Why is it considered for edgy underage kids?

Really? I stopped paying attention to Rotten Tomatoes a long time ago. It's an embarassingly ridiculous way to rate films.

This, saw it at 15 and fucking hated it. Must have been too late

Rotten tomatoes are for cunts

>Why is it considered for edgy underage kids?
It's just a movie that resonated extremely well with a very specific audience.

it's a ganster movie about these two irish guys going around killing people and they say this edgy prayer before they do it
on top of that it full of fuck this fuck that, it has quite a few racist/sexist jokes thrown in for good measure. I don't mean 2019 "racism" I mean pol thread racism
finally you have the FBI agent who can deduce exact what happen in a shooting just by looking at the crime scene for a couple of minutes

>finally you have the FBI agent who can deduce exact what happen in a shooting just by looking at the crime scene for a couple of minutes
Out of all your three points, this one is actually pretty cool

lots and lots of great movies are never discussed here

kek I love how u fruitcake pillow biters sit on here all day fawning over corporate cookie cutter popcorn flicks yet the second someone brings up a movie with some soul you all pound on it for not being 'professionally made'.
You can all go fuck, movies like this are infinitely more entertaining to watch than mainstream safe money making vehicles that are completely predictable from start to finish.

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>his opinion actually aligns with rotten toschomos

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You sound like you should be teaching gender studies.

badass movie when you're a 16yo pothead
when you get a little older you realize how derivative and dumb it is
when you get past that you realize it's a watchable movie with some fun stuff in it

cut rate tarantino

He couldn't figure out it was one guy with six guns. Dude was a fucking retard.

it is literally edgy male wish fulfillment, though. A gender studies professor would probably come up with a more ridiculous take, lest people start expecting them to make sense.

yeah it's watchable with some fun stuff

I used to know a guy that had a special tv set up at his apartment specifically for playing this movie on loop 24/7.

Pulp fiction by definition


Lock Stock

Troy the director is ripping off fans by promising a TV series or a 3rd one (he flips back and forth every few months) and asking for "donations". Don't buy into his shit, likely funding a coke/hooker habit.

in the commentary track the director talks about being accused of ripping off Tarantino and John Woo and he says he thinks it's an honor to be compared to them. it's honestly legit cringe.

>funding a coke/hooker habit.
a cause I would fully support

>enjoyed the boondock saints enough, but didn't glamorize/fetishise it
>2 comes out
>holy fuck was the first one this bad?
>spiderman villain is the only worthwhile character in the whole film, overacting his ass off and hamming it up


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Critics and the films own producer hate it

both these movies are the exact same type of shit as boondock saints, juvenile trash

fair enough

Lucky # Slevin (or however the fuck the title is spelled)

>You insignifiCUNT, little fuck!

Why was the Russian mob boss speaking with an Italian accent?

Its a pretty great film honestly. Enjoy it just as much now as a boomer than I did as a kid when it came out. There's nothing really wrong with it.

Are you me?

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they're more enjoyable and better written
they have twists in the plot

Literally the opposite of this situation. I thought The Souvenir was really good and Boondocks Saints is one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. RT scores usually seem random to me but the critic/audience divide seems interesting.

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I am not saying it like it's a bad thing. Are you denying it's true?

It's a stylistically trashy and populist film, qualities which liberal critics conflate with being bad because they don't know shit about art or media.

I didn't ask for a more polished turd. In a way I asked for a less polished turd. I kind of like the B-movie feel The Boondock Saints has but ultimately it's as full of posturing as your average Tarantino flick.


S0yb0ys critics OP


Well, in his case it's legitimately an honor.

>What's something like The Boondock Saints but good?
>I didn't ask for a more polished turd.

Watch this and tell me you aren’t embarrassed. It’s cringe on par with “call me V.”

hey man the question mark was there for a reason

I don't see a contradiction at least when thus quoted. For example if you quoted the less polished turd part that would make more sense.

Boondocks Saints & Fight Club - what is it about these films that attracts impoverished, low IQ 14-22 year old males.

Pictured is a Fight Club fan that could be described as nearing success, this is what these fans look like.

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Killing Zoe

King of New York

True Romance

rip anons phone


no one cares about old movies

Continue the joke.


>dude Boondock Saints is so childish...

Did you type that with tears in your eyes, Boondock Saints fag?

So the movie is like your mother?

Its a dark comedy you moron. Its not supposed to be taken seriously.

Yea Forums was banned at my school

>le slow motion bloody action scene with classical music playing

so fucking cringe

Don't you mean epic?

Hating on movies like this one is the Yea Forums I signed up for.

An actual Tarantino flick

>like this one
You mean movies reddit memes people to hate?
Everyone talks about childish capeshit garbage all day, but NOO THIS IS BAD BECAUSE REASONS

>finally you have the FBI agent who can deduce exact what happen in a shooting just by looking at the crime scene for a couple of minutes
You left out the part where he’s a self hating fag and is the absolute best part of the movie

you just made me realize I've been on this shitty website for twelve years too, oh god why

Cinephiles have been hating the boondock saints since before reddit existed, my man.

because no one has bothered memeing scenes from it yet.

>pure kino spiritually akin to Death Wish, every second of screentime is deliberate and genius
>TV: ugh trash, baby audiences only! based critics trashing a trash film!!

>gay capeflick literally made for 8-12 year olds
>TV: i clapped!! i clapped when supersman said "martha" and batfellow got confused! critics only hate it because Disney payed them off!

maybe when you contrarian teenage autists grow up and have sex you'll realize how cringe your opinions were. probably not, but maybe.

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>pure kino spiritually akin to Death Wish, every second of screentime is deliberate and genius

They also love capeshit and Soi Story, cinephiles are a joke, they should be called pedophiles for being addicted to children's media

back in '07' and such, most kids didnt have smartphones to shitpost from the bathroom, the classroom, or on their breaks, so much of the underageb& rabble was reduced during the school year.

in the summertime the little bastards have literally all day, every day to do nothing but shitpost and spam our fair board with childish bullish

get it? got it? good.

You answered your own question, senpai

Is the second one any good?