When will a film be made about these two women who are changing the world?

When will a film be made about these two women who are changing the world?

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My two favourite women outside my mother. Anyone else follow Greta on instagram?

10 heartbreaking photos that will make you say fucking having laws and border and families and shit

Why are Americans so hideous?

Changing the world and destroying incels one sweetie at a time.

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What band is that?

They aren't American.

When AOC becomes president in the next 10-15 years.

Doesn't AOC already have a movie?

I know AOC but who is the one on the right? Is she a child? She looks like one

What are they GENIUS?

Who's the loli with the small titties on the right?

Who the fuck are these goblins?

How do you not know who famous climate activist Greta thurnberg is? She addressed the European parliament and gave an emotional tearful speech and also suffers from autism


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autistic 16yo with fas. yes really.

It's a literal aspie swedish girl who is the daughter of some leftist activist opera singer. She's been made into a climate change activist by the media even though no one gives a fuck about her. She's being coached by Lisa-Marie Neubauer who is working for an organization funded by Soros

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youtube deleted this exact vid btw hate speech LMAO

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So far neither of them have done jack shit other than a few photo-ops. Chloe Grace Moretz has done more and she's hollywood box office poison.

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Careful guys, if you keep hating on them you eventually will love them.

>whining about things
>changing the world
giving everybody access to the internet was a mistake

So is the argument that the West shouldn't stop climate change and be a third world polluted shithole like India and China?

right one is fucking HOT
any lewds?

I want to suck gretas buds :3

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no mate. it's the opposite of that.

same :3

the argument is that autismberg greta only wants the west to "stop global warming" when in reality its third world polluted shitholes like india and china that cause the vast majority of pollution, you utter fucking retard brainlet. god i hope youre shitposting.

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I love how the media turned this nobody with no intellect into the next big political figure. Blows my fucking mind how mindless Americans are, latching onto whatever.

How can you be so dumb?

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human caused global warming is pretty much impossible to prove scientifically
also, the industry that contributes more to contamination, by FAR, is cattle raising, and America is the biggest consumer of meat in the whole world

The biggest pollution in the world comes from GLOBALISM, which leftists push. The transport ships moving across the seas pollute 5 times more than all the cars in the world combined.

This fucking meme
>millions of American bison roamed the midwest
>nearly becomes extinct
>becomes replaced by millions of cattle

fuck off idiot

who determines which of these random fucks will suddenly get exposure everywhere

you're joking right? even if it were identical numbers, you think they just let that cattle roam free off the land and live until they expire naturally and then just let the bodies lie where they fall?

Bison are back, but luckily for them their meat is not very delicious. I had a bison burger once and it tasted like gravely shoe leather, its way too lean.

Jews also her parents are famous in her country

I believe they mean a cinema production and not a documentary.

Fuck off to > with your cancer.

>When will a film be made about these two women who are changing the world?
A musical one

One is, one isn't.

>two women

top kek

She's Greta Thunberg, a Swedish girl who is now one of the world's best known climate activists.

I can't wait to see what she looks like when she turns 21. She's swedish so she will get BLACKED by then

I'm seeing double here, four retards

the problem with cattle raising is not so much the animals themselves, but the intensive use of available land required with current techniques
there's no enough area in america to raise all the cattle they eat. they're dependant on 3rd world countries for that. #1 reason of worldwide deforestation

the heroes we need but don't deserve

they will do great things for this world

They did. It stars Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels.

>imagine blowing your load full throtle, while she looks you in the eye like that

Dad get off Yea Forums

Funny how the entire scientific community, apart from the ones bought by the oil companies, say man made climate change is real and we've wasted the decades where we could have implemented moderate and easy solutions to the issues at hand by doing nothing and even now when drastic measures are needed to just make it somewhat survivable we're faced with inaction and people dismissing the problem because they're partisan sycophants.

Look I don't give a fuck the planet can burn for all I care just don't steal my motherfucking money and tell me that you're saving the planet.

Ah yes it's 7am on a Saturday morning. It's time to fire up the old riding mowah and take care of the lawn.

Las goblinos de los estados unidos

bullshit. global warming IS real, of course, but linking it to human industry, let alone some conveniently cherrypicked ones is just bullshit no serious scientist can demonstrate.

>pre-1800 estimates 60,000,000
>current- 360,000

>current US cattle population 91,000,000

like I said, bullshit meme. Cattle merely replaced the (larger) indigenous Bison population. Whether they are free roaming or not has no effect on climate change, C02 emissions are the same.

Quit being a faggy vegan trying to dickride an unrelated crisis.

again, the problem is the LAND use, not the cows, retard

It's nice to not know who the fuck that little girl is.

how the fuck is she only 29. jesus christ

she's hot, tho. why don't you wanna know more about she and her little buds?

(((Who))) indeed

Yea, propaganda one. So does Beto and Sanders.

age of consent is 29 now? america is such a fucking joke

Dedeforestation occurs in Brazil predominantly, not the US, and the main reason for deforestation is crops, not cattle.

Yeah. Shit is getting wild here.

Three largest polluters: India, China, Africa

3rd worlders are very messy and uncaring people. White people have been giving them billions and they're still messy 3rd worlders

Like i pay attention to people who talk to politicians

it is cattle, retard. by a mile, check the numbers
America is the biggest importer of meat in the whole world

Lol the biggest partisans on global climate chamge are people against nuclear energy. Republicans are unironically better at offsetting climate change than most greens.