>tfw 25 year old virgin
>tfw started lying to people about it
are the wizard powers worth it?
>tfw 25 year old virgin
>tfw started lying to people about it
are the wizard powers worth it?
It's all in your head retard, work out, in which ever way you feel like it and stop being a fag, there are ugly women out there to fuck you
this is me. how can i improve my looks?
If you care so much about it just fuck a hooker. Paying for some Tinder thot's bills and sweating over whether she likes you just for her to move onto the next cock is not worth it. At least hookers are honest about wanting your cock and money and nothing else.
If you think there is more to it with the average 2019 woman you are kidding yourself.
The thing is that you can't "just fuck a hooker" if you're a late kissless virgin
>look up for an appropriate hooker online
>call/message the hooker and set up the time and place of meeting
>look up for an appropriate hotel online
>go call up for a hotel room and pay up/reserve a room for that certain date
>day comes, go buy condoms and then drive to that hotel, go inside and wait for the hooker to come
>when she comes have some meaningless dumb small talk before you get to the room
>get into your room, get undressed and try to have sex for the first time in your life with basically a complete stranger while never even kissed a girl
>when it's over you get dressed, pay the hooker and then go home
Would bail out on step two already my famalam
Lies lead to more lies lead to more lies. I stopped lying a long time ago, not out of principle, but because it's fucking exhaustive. After a while it becomes too big to keep track of everything and you'll get caught anyway. Just be honest and be honest unapologetically. Better results.
I had my first kiss in elementary and the first time sex with 11 and then didn't have any for three years. Just like I now didn't have sex for almost three years. No matter what or how you do it, it's going to fucking suck. Life fucking sucks. You suck. We suck.
Where do you live? Here you can just go shitfaced and go to a nearby brothel. No calling or smalltalk needed.
cut your head off
Kill yourself
the closest i got was when i was 24. coworker who had two kids with two different men wanted to move in with me. she told me she was bipolar but it was under control.
i was like fuck it, ill stick my dick in crazy. but for some reason my brain cells kicked in and told me fucking this chick would be a bad move. only kissed her, she left my house, i never text her back. I should have fucked her and dumped her but that would make me feel bad. what the fuck anons. did i miss my chance
>The thing is that you can't "just fuck a hooker" if you're a late kissless virgin
Yes you can idiot. Literally what I did last year at the age of 27. Just call a hooker and go to her place, usually a brothel.
That's because you're severely autistic and overthink it when it's just a matter of meeting up and getting your nut off. Do you honestly think they give a fuck about small talk?
Protip: wizardry isn't some arbitrary age at which you get power from not fucking holes, it's a lifestyle in which you're secure and happy about checking out of society and relationships as much as possible. If you're sobbing about not getting a girlfriend handed to you then you're just an incel (by literal definition) or at best a failed normalfag. You will never be a wizard as long as you continue to be ashamed of not following norms.
Wizardry is when you get to your thirties without ever touching a pussy and you receive the Hogwarts card.
Wizardry is a byproduct of loving yourself and rejecting lust for so long that you begin to manifest your powers. Things like wasting your mana by masturbating and mindfully wishing you were a normalfag will only slow this process down-- the average age of reaching wizardry is 30 but there are wizard apprentices in their 20s (who haven't quite reached the apex of their potential magical output) and ""wizards"" in their 40s who might never be fully realized due to their self hatred and carnal desire.
have sex
This is where your plan falls apart.
Having sex with a plastic bag isn't sex.
It's a fuckin hooker, retard. She fucks strangers every day, it's only weird to you. If you're that much of a pussy, pony up some extra cash and ask for the girlfriend experience so she'll pretend to love you for a night.
man even wizardchan isn't this coped
No, your brain didn't let you think with your dick, which is a good thing in this case.
>multiple kids
>multiple baby daddy's
>wanted to move in immediately
>admitted to being bipolar
Massive red flags that your lizard brain would let your retarded brain ignore.
If you don't bag up for a hooker, you're just not thinking clearly. You're right though, sex without a condom is like a different experience.
t. girlfriend has endometriosis and is in medically induced menopause so i've been busting nuts inside her since new years
That's my point.
Sex with a condom isn't real sex, but you obviously can't fuck a hooker without one.
So hookers aren't a viable alternative.
They can tell mate
go to a gas station and ask the clerk to call it
But the good news is they feel way more awkward about it than you, so most of them will avoid any relationship/sex themes when talking with you
They are not lies if you believe them
I'm a 30 year old wizard. When I hit 30, I became very powerful. There is nothing that can depress mr any further than I am now.
The best you can do is fake it till you make it with some bullshit lines like "Lol I wanna go to Vatican to become a priest maybe, you know, I get get laid any time its nothing special, or Monk mode soon desu"
Either way you are fucked, they can tell when everyones casually talking about sex and you are just sitting there quietly bidding your time ot change the subject
>ugly women out there to fuck you
Why would I put in all that effort just to get the dregs? I'll stick to 2d thanks
Just go have sex. Have you seen how slutty women are now? Just go do it!
Same, in fact I don't remember the last time I have even seen a woman my age. I just go to work where it's all men and the grocery store which is always deserted or old people. I'm almost convinced that they don't exist. All these people saying you can get women by "just going outside" must live in the middle of NYC or some shit where's there's always people around.
You just now started lying about it? I have been doing it since I was 19, and doing it well probably takes more energy than actually getting a gf desu but I dont even care at this point
You don't need to be a virgin to become a priest lmao, you just can't fuck after you become one.
Luckily I have never needed to lie about it because no one ever talks to me
>they can tell when everyones casually talking about sex and you are just sitting there quietly bidding your time ot change the subject
this or the girlfriend/boyfriend topic that literally every normie starts when he has nothing to say. Good luck LARPing your way around that
i've sometimes thought about going to some city 300km away and fuck a hooker in some brothel there where i don't know anyone, nobody knows me and nobody will remember me, but even that is hard. also what if i enter the brothel and all the girls are ugly
I've just been banging a nympho recently without a condom, creampies are my fetish and I get to unload my ball sack every single time. AND they beg for it! How can you even call yourself a man if you don't know what it's like to blow your load inside a vagina without a condom on?
Something only a lair would say.
38 years old virgin here, my life is just a pile of shit ...
This guy gets it. Condoms are for faggots scared of aids
I'm good at lying so that's not really an issue. My story is basically that I don't do the girlfriend thing; I have no friends either so it's rarely I have to lie about this anyways.
my main is on Eredar
>dude just call a hooker lmao
How do you get a hooker's contact info?
>hiring hookers for the sake of losing virginity
Do people really do this? Isn't incel annoyance coming from isolation rather than lack of sexual experience? There isn't inherently special about sex, it's the context that makes it.
I know, but making friends with people who have nothing in common with you is hard.
So what age are you guys planning on putting the plug? I think I'll go the conventional route and choose 30
You're right.
Sex with a hooker doesn't count, one is still a virgin after it
sites like Craigslist.
My cousin always brags about losing his virginity the "true" way. By having sex with a hooker.
Planned on 18, then on 19, then on 20 and so on
Now I'm 25 and planning on 26. I even have the note written
I only hope it's sooner rather than later
>How can you even call yourself a man if you don't know what it's like to blow your load inside a vagina without a condom on?
They cracked down on that already iirc
What's the best way to bullshit your way out of these conversations? I want nothing to do with women, but everyone treats you differently when they explicitly know you're a wizard.
Why haven't you been lying about it since you were 16? Why are you even being asked at 25 years old? Who asks a 25 year old man if he is a virgin? You must be giving off serious virgin vibes my man. Get your shit together.
and you had to witness late 90's fashion trends as a teenager
>normies thinking that its just about sex only
It's about being desirable, feeling wanted and being special to somebody. You dumb fucking normies of course I can pay some whore to have sex, but I'll never feel genuine love.
Completely agree, it's one of my fetishes too. First time she moaned "this pussy is yours, fucking fill it up", it felt like I came a quart.
yes but baby steps
Rip. I fuck teen (legal) pussy every night
Man cant be a virgin. If you at least once masturbated while imagining how you fuck a woman than you are not a virgin. Fucking hollywood brainwashed so many people into thinking that "muh virginity is imortant".
That said, not being a virgin would not change the fact that you cant speak to a woman. But that's another story.
>be depressed virgin
>have sex
>life still sucks
how can one phrase from an ancient pic evoke such a feeling of nostalgia
All you need is /r/theredpill.
Beggars can't be choosers m8. If you had to choose between never having sex and no one caring if you live it die or having sex and no one caring if you live or die what would you choose
there're others (I'm not American so I can't tell you which one).
If you can't find anything, check dating sites or social media like snapchat.
25. on way to become a wizard
How can you expect genuine love from someone if you don't love yourself?
Damn, Sam Hyde looks like THAT?
Pretty sure the line of thinking goes "I'll punch my v card just to say I did it". I actually recommend it to anyone approaching wizard status. It drops the mystique of the act and makes it seem more real/normal.
>hookers are honest about wanting your cock and money
I think they only want one of those things retard
>missed out on parental love
>missed out on teenage love
>now missing out on adult love
I'm 26 and I feel like love is some kind of magic that I won't experience in my mundane life
Yeah, and I thought my life would be better when i get older, it got worse, I am a joke now
You guys must be underage. Who in his 20's gets asked if they're a virgin? That's the dumbest thing I've heard. Only teens ask this question. And if you do get asked if you're a virgin say no. They ask for your first? You tell em come over I'll show u and proceed to fuck that pussy like those niggers you watch on pornhub. Easy
>Isn't incel annoyance coming from isolation
Actually no, incel is the complete lack of approval and acceptance from the opposite sex, which is why paying for hooker doesn't fix your inceldom in the exact same way that rape doesn't either. Arguably, bi's who are only sleeping with men are incels as well because they are incapable of sorting their lives so females start approving of them, and are only attracting homos which is very easy to do
Pay for a hooker and then tell everyone that sex is overrated and they're patethic for putting pussy on pedestal.
Satan over here gets it.
Lucky fucks.
Tell them you had a steady girlfriend in high school/college, got all the sex you wanted, realized companionship and compatibility are equally as important, and are now waiting for the right girl. If they're people you'll never interact with outside of work, just tell them you're pulling the odd tinder slut to get your rocks off.
if you fucked her you might've got an std or she might've been harder to get rid of.
You're not asked, you're the one with nothing to say when the guys are talking about girlfriends, wives, and sex.
That may be man, but you won't be the first, and you won't be the last.
I'm 22, good looking but awkward and get asked pretty often by girls who are interested in me. They lose interest in me after I answer honestly.
no normal person is autistic enough to ask you that
it's the fact that you're never seen with a female nor talk about that that's starting to give out what you actually are
15 babyyyy
It's the best. She's like a 5/10 but she's blonde/blue eyed, thicc, DDD tits, quiet and respectful. Only complaint is she's a post-sex cuddler, so I'll nut in her, then she'll lay there cooing for a few minutes while my cum leaks out her pussy. Pretty sexy, but my fitted sheet is basically a giant cumstain after a couple weeks.
as a shitty 38 years old virgin, I still masterbate imagine that, all my friends are married and i still masterbate ... because I am a worthless loser
Probably autist here. Didn't have any desire to date or have sex untill my 20's, then read that it was all my porn killing my brain. Stopped watching porn and tried to get out there
Lost virginity to some sorority slut at 21 and felt nothing. Then tried with another and and another etc... And still felt nothing. 22 now and found a girl that I love and it's Great and she understands my autism and late virginity.
There's always time brothers just, sex by itself isn't special and whatever incel shit you read about being "biologically broken" is garbage don't fall for it
You'll have your time
Acting is the first step to being and it's powerful stuff. No man is born strong, your moral guides wanted you to be authentic, authentically weak, and weak as yesterday's mood, always chaining your current self to your worst self so they have less competition.
If this post is true my advice to you is to take advantage of your youth and looks...while they last. I speak from experience. I peeked in my low 20s and then downhill (In looks). You don't wanna be filled with regrets brother. Fuck those teens
>tfw had an 8 year dry spell between the ages of 18 and 27, managed to pull a tinder chick in Feb, and it turned out to be a pretty funny sex story, so everyone at work knows me now as "the guy who assfucked a Nazi chick" now
Felt like a 100 lbs weight lifted off my neck.
nice cope, virgin
>tfw been flirting and sexting with an older black titty monster recently, who's taken by some betacuck who pays her bills
>recently let me suck her tits, and jerk off in front of her and jizz on them, but doesn't want to "cheat" by letting me put it in her (lol)
>she's with her fat faggot boyfriend on the weekends
>don't get to flirt over text much for the next 2 days because he gets asshurt if she texts a lot and doesn't pay attention to him
>told me she'd break up with him and hook up with me if I wanted, told her no I don't want to commit
>I'm also fucking one main 6/10 girl I've been seeing for a while that she doesn't know about, and there's another I get my dick sucked by a fat chick every few weeks that that one doesn't know about
Who here Chad?
Just meet girls on Snapchat lol you may have to drive a bit but I’ve fucked 2 7/10s that way
Implying you couldn't have downright lied and said that story regardless. As a matter of fact. Post your story here and maybe virgin anons can use your story when pressed.
Me sticking my dick in an escort means I'm not a virgin user.
Pretty much.
I can call my woman for sex quite literally any time of day, and I still jerk it on the reg. Masturbation and sex have the same result, but wildly different methods of achieving them. Catering to single, forever alones is not how the porn industry became the titan it is.
Didn't know Satan was this ignorant.
Yes no one asks you directly about you being a virgin, but because you never engage in any relationship/sexual topics in conversations and you are never seen with a female near you people get it quick. Especially since 90% of their talks is about relationships and sex
You wish nigger
Please, please, PLEASE, everyone with confidence issues ITT, give this a try. "Fake it till you make it" is the great unspoken truth of the world.
Good choice
If you had fucked her, you would have probably fallen in love, since you're clearly a beta.
When I was 19 one of my older coworkers(she was 26) actually figured out I was a virgin because she kept hinting that she wanted me and I didn't notice any signs at all. When I admitted it and told her I was it actually turned her on even more and she told me she'd take it. We kissed 2 times before I panicked and quit the job. I've been unemployed the last 6 years now and am still a virgin. Thanks for reading my blog.
>older black titty monster
Say hello to Mr STD.
Must be a western thing. We don't talk about sex where I live. Relationships sometimes, if marriage is involved. Tell to mind their own business if asked. Ppl like sex is the premier discussion these days.
I don't have it in me. I'm an old man in a young man's body. My parents say I already acted like a thirty year-old at thirteen.
Imagine the sheer amount of shit I would have to put up with if I had a girlfriend. The meals, the stupid avaricious bullshit, putting up with her stupid bitch friends. And then maybe I can get into that cooch...that is...if she's not too tired. Maybe, after the fourth date....Maybe. Even fapping sounds better lmao.
Meanwhile I could go fuck a thicc latina escort for $140 (plus tip).
>out of town for work
>staying in hotel
>match with chick on tinder
>she's blonde, has two sleeve tats
>be great at conversation, so she agrees to come over the next night
>blah blah blah, she comes over
>shirt comes off
>making out, looking at her tats
>noticed a swastika
>laugh and ask of it's a Buddhist swastika or a Nazi swastika
>"Buddhist, but..."
>lifts her arm
>fucking SS logo tattooed in her armpit
>assfuck her until I'm about to nut, make her jerk me off to completion
>paint the end table
>she cleans it up
>awkward small talk
>she leaves
>unmatches me on tinder
>laugh about it with the lads the next day
>crazy French bastard goes, "LEAST YOU KNOW SHE HASN'T HAD ANY NIGGERS, HUH??"
Nice excuse.
>Plus tip
You had me there for a second. Good bait. The end was a bit too obvious tho
Hookers are always the right answer, Yea Forumsbro. Good luck!
>still thinking about virginity
Im nearly 30 years, still a virgin never pursue much into relationship because focusing on my business and taking care of sick sister and dementia mother
>just fuck a hooker
it doesn't count tho
>penis in vagina + ejaculation = sex
Yes it does.
It does in the technical aspect. I get that you guys are looking for mutual desire and companionship, but putting your dick into a vagina means you can truthfully say you're not a virgin.
Pretty sure its every ones fetish. Although I agree. It quite literally is the greatest thing, especially when they beg for it.
A girl like that is probably my number 1 fantasy.
What does this have to do with television and film? What I'm really saying is get lost
you have to put a lot of effort into being a wizard to get the powers. it doesn't suddenly come to you out of the blue.
What I'm really saying is go back
that's why you're supposed to have a towel on stand-by doofus.
>ruining her pits with tattoos
Incels are so pathetic No wonder their called failed normalfags
>If you at least once masturbated while imagining how you fuck a woman than you are not a virgin
HAHAHA best cope in the thread
>everyone who has ever been in a relationship has loved themsveles and has had no issue with self esteem whatsoever.
Fugg off
t. soulless zero imagination tranny
How do I fake it. I'm a really bad actor
I've had sex with prozzies. Made me feel worse because I had to pay for what to others is freely and affectionately given
Excuse for what? I'm not doing anything wrong.
fucking THIS. Fucked hot ass bitches I never thought I could stand a chance with with this philosophy
Congratulations. You are not a virgin anymore.
level 2 wizard
the powers are lie dont believe the lies
Pussy won't drastically improve your life, bro. Find meaning and purpose in other aspects of life and just hope for the best that you might one day stumble into a girl you really love.
Lying about it? Who could possibly be interested of your sex life?
Is this Sam?
cope harder virgin
Who gives a fuck.
I was a kissless virgin until I was 21 (I blame going to an all boys highschool for me being fat when I got to college).
In the last two years I've lost my virginity, taken two girls virginity, and hooked up with a fine jewess. The moral is lift weights, eat right and be yourself
The chads in marketing department
Fuck off to > or > with your beta male whining trash.....or reddddit.
>tfw got a talk from my parents today about how it's not normal to have never had sex at 20 years old and that they'd pay for a whore if I wanted
How pathetic and humiliating.
Then leave. They'll get mad but what can they do?
Have sex
I'll be 30 in 25 months.
what is better:
a) being a virgin
b) having your bussy fucked by an old dude that'll pay me 300€
kill yourself faggot scum
i'm not gay
Then don't be honest, you won't be 22 forever
Prostate orgasm is better then heroin
I cannot relate to people that have taken a woman into their bedroom and had sex with them. Every time I see anons talk about how they've had sex, it just feels like they're living in the real adult world and I'm a retarded little piece of trash that lies besides a trashcan.
I don't get it, I can't ever see myself engage physically with somebody, I can't see myself kissing a woman, leading her into the bedroom and being intimate with her. I'm that much of a loser that I can't even fucking imagine it any more. I should chemically castrate myself already so I can just live out my life in peace as a fucking asexual mongrel.
You fucking moron
what an odd way to say 2 years
Pay for it
Yeah I'm in the same boat, can relate to that feel.
I'm waiting a few years more and then I'll just force it with a hooker. It won't be the same, but at least I'll know what it feels like.
Get a job and build wealth.
just don't think about it so much that's your problem just do it
They sound pretty based
Aside from the fact that they've raised an incel freak of a son who posts on a kazakh towel folding forum