What are the best kinos to watch while stoned?
What are the best kinos to watch while stoned?
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Smiley face
Anything starring Seth Rogan
She looks like she fucks niggers
I would fuck her tits, but smoking dope is for losers.
I fuckin love getting high and watching movies
I watched jaws last night
I wouldn't recommend it.
A scanner darkly
user I know this may come as a surprise to you. But probably 90% of women will/have fucked a nigger past a certain age. Its one of those things women feel like they need to get off their "bucket list"
stop watching porn
David Lynch
Speed Racer
The one where Western civilization collapses because it's men and women are degenerate, useless losers
This is the reason you dont touch modern women unless you can verify that they havent touched shitkskins
How is that a porn thing?
And this logic is the reason you wont touch a women. As i said the VAST majority have.
Take acid and watch apocalypse now if you want some real deep thinking you stoner fag
You're confusing statistics with your strange sexual fetish, user. What study are you referencing?
Discord tranny shill poster
Anything with long, colorful or high contrast shots.
I have plenty of dates, faggot. Not being ready for blind dates in this day and age is common sense.
drop it like it's hot
>this is your brain on /pol/
Ask me how I know you are American.
the fake tits are worse
>thread about smoking pot
>post about women fucking black guys gets the most discussion
Its just a fucking fact. Like how most guys like to try and fuck every race they can. Same applies to females. Except they have a much easier time accomplishing this goal.
Nice buzzwords faggot. Now go back
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
Lmao lets hear this you obsessed euroshit
It's a fact most Americans are cucks.
>I replied to everyone!
here have a (You)
Go to bed grandpa.
>meanwhile, the US is trying to brainwash actual white countries because they aren't a bunch of niggerfuckers like them
You are alone, burgerclap.
How easy it is to out you faggots. Go home, literally no one believes you in this thread except yourself so I'm not sure what your goal is.
I smoke weed to stop the deep thinking
I have a brain job. It sucks.
says the one posting on a taiwanese sewing forum
Boring as fuck. Stop pretending you like watching good movies while you're high.
you sound like a caveman, stop smoking weed
at least I'm not a woman I guess
A single drop in an ocean of whores, it wouldn't matter if you found the sauce
Bill & Ted
When I get high I like to marathon the Marvel Cinematic Universe films. Where my fellow MCU stoner bros at? Any of you gonna see the Avengers Endgame re-release?
Any good sci-fi is good stoned
You can tell them that but they will always be in denial. White guys are all about "redpills" but when it's about white women and blacks they all go "lalala i can't hear you" because the fact that they can marry a woman that have fucked a black in the past makes them furious. I honestly don't think there's nothing that makes them more furious than this. The best part is when somebody does that but with asian men and they don't care at all. It's just blacks. It's always was like that.
The opening of Casino Royale. The tension of the black and white scene and then the explosion of color and music is great.
this is how its done. based.
>You can tell them that but they will always be in denial. White guys are all about "redpills" but when it's about white women and blacks they all go "lalala i can't hear you" because the fact that they can marry a woman that have fucked a black in the past makes them furious. I honestly don't think there's nothing that makes them more furious than this. The best part is when somebody does that but with asian men and they don't care at all. It's just blacks. It's always was like that.
rick and morty
Spotted the Reddit fagot.
porn, even tho its really bad for you its the best.
And suck*
That's not true. Statistically women view black men low on all the ethnicities. It's just pushed in media.
you delete that shit right now and better never post it again!
>lost virginity to cousin at 13
>don't have sex til 19
>*officially* lost virginity at 19
>stopped having sex consistently at 21
>now at 25 I'm having it again consistently
Virgins don't realize how worse it is to have sex then not have it for a long time.
>he had sex this decade
>I honestly don't think there's nothing that makes them more furious than this.
Nothing makes nerds rage harder than Asian women getting blacked.
So how is life in Texas?
I live in Seattle.
What made you move there from Texas?
The homeless people.
Fuck stoners degenerates fuck just kys
>fuck drugs
>keeps consuming drugs and alcohol that his government sees profit in
Who is the girl?
thank god my gf is coming over soon so i can smoke a doobie and lick her asshole.
>probably 90% have of women have fucked a nigger
None of them because you wont remember any of the movie an hour after it finishes anyways
based and have sex
Psychedelics and kino is so much more superior than DUDE WEED LMAO, Psychs enhance your senses while weed dulls them
Enjoy your throat cancer
If its a movie with outdated nu-metal, being high enhances the experience.
>mfw I know this feel too
Estonia? Who are they going to brainwash, the couple dozen farmers living there in the middle of the forest? Why?
Americans hate white people.
Every single one of them wants to racemix and shuns those who don't.
The USA is absolute cancer.
Sure, I agree with all that, what I'm saying is, it's fucking Estonia. Even their neighbors would have problems locating them in a map.
>I don't need a study its a fucking fact
No you're just such a consumeristic shut in that you have no idea how ethnocentric the average person still is.
No, 90% of white women have not slept around with black guys, in fact it's white guys are more likely to engage in interracial than white women. Historically and statistically. Even then, the vast majority of people only date within their own race.
Pretty sure they are trying that all across Eastern Europe.
Exactly. Even the last white speck has to be wiped off the map. Let's carpet bomb them with blacked porn.
depends on if the weed gave you a high or a low.
you spelled it wrong but you know what you are doing
Man, imagine a black cock plowing all that white pussy...
I bet you'd love that, Amerimutt.
Fortunately, not every place in the world is a 3rd multicultural world shithole like the US.
Women are such degenerate whores.
There's way more men with tattoos in the world, and girls getting tattoos wasn't a thing until recently.