/got/ general - dany and drogon edition

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its treason to kill your enemies?

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Drogon dropping some knowledge on Jon Snow's manlet ass.

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Was re-reading Fellowship and I noticed this
>Mr. Frodo is as nice a young hobbit as you could wish to meet. Very much like Mr. Bilbo, and in more than looks. After all his father was a Baggins. A decent respectable hobbit was Mr. Drogo Baggins
Martin just couldn't help himself, could he

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episode 6 explained to kids

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It is when your king intends to keep them as hostages. I always disliked the way the show handled the Karstark situation desu. In the books Karstark had his men desert Robb before he killed the kids. But the show had to make it seem like Robb is an idiot who antagonizes his allies because, oy vey, honor and basic decency are just synonyms for stupidity.

Cutest psycho!

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>More incest, your grace?

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I don't trust the bastard.

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is it treason to defy and disobey your kings commands

yes, it is

Reddit BTFO

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>Robb marries a foreign whore in the show
>Jon nearly marries a foreign whore and probably will marry her in the books

Was he right about foreigners?

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Is he just mad no one likes his shitty ending


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>oy vey, honor and basic decency are just synonyms for stupidity.
I wonder if Benioff truly believes this. After all, his dad ran Goldman Sachs, I can't imagine he was exactly big on morality.

nth for the QTest queen

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KINGSLAYER! GET IN HERE! We're telling incest stories.

Mine was some bastard boy over the high seas from Dragonstone. My dragon took a spear so I was on ship, sailing over the waves. He came knocking for me, this dumb Northern lad, thinking he could further the Targaryen line with a single thrust of his sword. I pushed him down to the bed, GODS, I WAS HOT THEN. Caved in his pelvic bone, probably crushed every spermling he had. Got up over him, his fat pink mast straight in the air. Before I brought myself down on him, he shouted "WAIT! WAIT!"


They never tell you how they all jizz themselves. They don't put that part in the songs. Now the Targaryens are extinct, unlike everyone else. He could have lingered in my bed like a smart boy and today his wife would be making him happy, his sons would be dragons and he wouldn't have to wake three times in the night to piss into the snow, NEW EPISODE!!!

>those fucking names
Please tell me it's real.

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user! Get in here. We're posting only the most kino Histories & Lore videos.


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the three eyed raven stuff is stupid


why didn't bran show us the tourney at harrenhal

You guys think that DD used some sort of internal GoT casting couch that ended up changing the script? That would be for female actresses of course. At least some of them. Or is it just bullshit?

Yes, everything went to shit in the Norf when they started letting And*ls in

Adrenaline, in my soul
Every thought, out of control
Do it all to get them off their feet

Crowd is here, about to blow
Waitin' for me to start the show
Out the curtain, lights go up I'm home

And my father said, when I was younger
Hard times breed better men (better men!)

You took it all away, I give it all away
Can't take my freedom
Here to change the game, a banner made of pain
I built my kingdom

Now you bow to me
You took my dreams but not my name
You'll follow me until the end
I am my kingdom

Lights go down, I'm ready now
Tear this roof off for the town
Gonna give 'em what they came to see

Hear the crowd, on their toes
Ready for me to start the show
Out the curtain, lights go up I'm home

And my father said, when I was younger
Hard times breed better men (better men!)

You took it all away, I give it all away
Can't take my freedom
Here to change the game, a banner made of pain
I built my kingdom

Now you bow to me
You took my dreams but not my name
You'll follow me until the end
I am my kingdom

You tried to tell me what to do
I saw the door and kicked it down
I stepped right over and right through
And you can never stop me now
(Bow!) (Now!)

I am the king and you're the crown
Now watch me as I take my throne
And rule my kingdom

You took it all away, I give it all away
Can't take my freedom
Here to change the game, a banner made of pain
I built my kingdom

Now you bow to me
You took my dreams but not my name
You'll follow me until the end
I am my kingdom

You took it all away, I give it all away
Can't take my freedom
Here to change the game, a banner made of pain
I built my kingdom

Now you bow to me
You took my dreams but not my name
You'll follow me until the end
I am my kingdom

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That's nothing compared to naming the MC's fat best friend Sam and using RR as part of his stage name.

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Aren't the Manderly's Andals?


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Do i need DLCs to play the CK2 got mod? Thinking of buying It on the steam sale

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You need the republic if you want to play in the free cities and horse lords if you want to play Dothraki, otherwise no

Just go read the ACOK site. They specify which DLC's are required for different parts of the game. I think you don't NEED any for the mod to work, but having them adds fun shit to it.

is jaime a slut?

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Daily reminder that Roose hit that to further his goals and ambitions. What have YOU done with your life?

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Nah, hes only fucked 2 women

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roose is a smart man

Roose should have been played by Pierce Brosnan

1 in the books

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One his sister, the other a female with gigantism or something...

If you kill your enemies they win, so yes

They're real. Hobbits have really silly names, it's hard to get through the first couple chapters without chuckling

My uncles friend is GRRMs pizza delivery guy and he said they'll fuck and get married in the books

Emilia wouldn't fuck them so they mindbroke her by ruining Dany

Yes, but they're sort of weird by northern standards. Aren't they the only ones in the North who worship the seven?

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They're supposed to be silly, what with the "Proudfeet" line

Ι always excluded her from my assumptions. She is our Queen.

Now that the dust has settled, was he based or cringe?

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>swear oath to king
>king says don't kill my bargaining chips
>kill kids
Karstarks were dumber than Ned.

By the same logic the 2 females that did survive the series, as victors not just survivors, and were present in every episode or almost... did.

He'll fuck Brienne too in the books if both survive LSH. He was horny as hell in his last chapter.

Yeah, the books aren't particularly profound but the show just became a parody of its themes. Realism became le epic subversion of expectations - the Red Wedding wasn't 'unexpected', it was the logical outcome of Robb's choices and the broader political landscape.

>Andals are literal foreigners
>"First" Men took the land from the Children

cringe, just like anyone who follows the Targ whore

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Cringe but in a based sort of way

Jorah is the Platonic form of Based yet bluepilled

>not particularly profound
Hi, Yea Forumsnigger

>He was horny as hell in his last chapter.
post it user

extremely cringe

Most based waifuist in the Seven Kingdoms

Masie and Sophie? Yeah they fucked D&D

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Three great men sit in a room.
Prince Rhaegar, Jaime Lannister and young Robert Baratheon.
Between them stands a common thot.
Each great man desires the thot.
Who fucks her, who gets cucked?

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Jaime doesnt fuck her because kingsguard duty

All Jaime can think of is Cersei
Robert is too busy crying over lyanna
chad Rhaegar takes what is his

Who else /YoungGriffGang/ ?

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Reminder that he sacrificed his life for literally nothing

he's my husbando

He saved his waifu and Queen, it was Dany who made the mistake of helping norf fucking shits

>Jaime smiled at the woman in the bed. She had one hand over her left breast and the other between her legs, which left her right breast exposed. Her nipples were darker than Cersei’s and thrice the size. When she felt Jaime’s gaze she covered her right nipple, but that revealed her mound.

>“but your hand is solid gold. I like that in a man. And what is it you like in a woman, m’lord?”

I want to serve in his kingsguard and protect him

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That would be pretty sad if true.

>go on tumblr to find cute Young Griff fanart
>they make him a nigger

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What will happen when Jon Connington finds out Young Griff is a fake and Jon Snow is the real deal?

They think that Dornish are blacker than Moqorro there

tumblr always turns random white characters into niggers, what were you expecting

Robert impregnated whores while he was under the impression that Lyanna was getting raped by Rhaegar

yeah it's a tumblr thing where they just make characters niggers because they feel like there's not enough diversity
pic related draws all the arryns as summer islanders and makes norfeners look dornish

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How could he ever find out that when Jon looks nothing like Rhaegar and apparently fAegon does enough to trick his husbandofaggotry into putting him in the throne?

mental illness

What a world we live in.

I doubt it, D&D look like fucking virgins spergs


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I remember seeing a screencap of someone on tumblr drawing black panther as white and they lost it. Tumblr is a weird place, like the polar opposite of /pol/

he only watches vintage rape scenes

Are northmen literally the blacks of GoT?

He is half-dornish, so he's probably not quite as pallid as Dany.
>norfeners look dornish
There's some basis for that in the books. You can apparently tell first men from the andals, and Jon who has the northern look is described as "dark" compared to Robb's "fair" andal appearance. There's no excuse for nigger Arryns though.

they really are obsessed with dorne just because they're not white

>and Jon who has the northern look is described as "dark" compared to Robb's "fair" andal appearance
I thought that was referring to his hair and eyes. Robb's got auburn hair and blue eyes, Jon's got black hair and gray eyes. They're both still white, wouldn't make a ton of sense for people that far north to be anything else.

That and the Dornish are more tolerant of women, nicer to bastards, and more open sexually. Add in Oberyn being bisexual and the heir to Dorne being a girl and you've got the tumblr wet dream House.

I don't fucking trust the bastard. What do I do here?

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Auburn hair isn't exactly light, nor are grey eyes dark. Not saying you're wrong, but I always assumed the first men in general were a shade darker than the andals. Except the Boltons because they're vampires.


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why didn't robb just keep the rickard hostage

You HAVE read Fire and Blood, haven't you /got/?

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no. i hate targshits. maybe after i reread the books.

dorne is white though

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Honor, justice, all that crap and also the fact that he would look like a weak king if he didn't punish insubordination accordingly.

Dorne is just supposed to be Spain, right?

dark also as in his expression and shit I guess but I don't think there's any solid reference describing norfeners as darker-skinned than andals

Yes, but Gurm didn't outright say it until some tumblrites started crying that Oberyn wasn't played by a black guy.

>one of your subjects murders your prisoners then insults you to your face
No king can let that slide or else he'll have a rebellion on his hands overnight. Doesn't matter if you're Robb or Joffrey, someone does that to you they have to die.

It's Spain but with some Moorish Spain mixed into it

It's Spain but American retards think Spanish=Hispanic=non-white

Is it just me or does Essos seem like a really awful place?

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Robb was no better than Theon

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Ancient Greek shields though, spears etc. Ancient Greek element.

Its a mix of a bunch of things. Just like King's Landing has lots of Byzantine stuff. The chain, Greek fire and so on.

both Westeros and Essos seem pretty awful, but at least Westeros is a little less backwards

Sure but there are also the Rhoynar in Dorne, who are explicitly foreign and darker. Not necessarily black, but like this guy said it's probably meant to be analogous to Moorish Spain, with the Berbers/Arabs crossing the Strait of Gibraltar just like the Rhoynar crossed the Narrow Sea.

Practically everyone is a slave and if you don't live in the Free Cities you could get fucked up by Dothraki at any moment. It seems pretty awful.

Needs own thread


well nothing is quite as direct as that, but that would be closest comparison
perhaps spain if it had a more significant berber/arab population in the south or something

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mmm, Essos seems like some sort of 18th century European stereotype of what Asia was like - the whole 'Oriental Despotism' trope. Flamboyant cruelty, effeminate men, amorality, corrupting levels of wealth.

What would Tywin have done? Or Eddard?

Yeah, it's more ancient world than Westeros. I prefer it as a setting, but the Westeros parts are obviously better written.

>tfw no pale, sun-burnt Stone Dornish gf

Plus the extreme sexual openness/decadence, Dany's official outfit as queen has her get one of her tits out ffs


GRRM intentionally made his dragons only have 2 legs


Even being a peasant in the Riverlands in the middle of the War of the Five Kings is a far better fate than than any slavery job in Valyria or Volantis

That's Vermithor and Jaehaerys I, big guy

>tfw no pale, sun-burnt Stone Dornish gf

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I really want to know what happened to Valyria, bros. Plus what the Smoking Sea is actually like. It's really piqued my curiosity

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Tywin would have had Rickard tortured and killed for disobeying but also would have made up a lie about him being in a dungeon in order to not lose the bannermen. Or the bannermen would have still remained loyal to him because they are scared shitless of Tywin.

Ned would have also beheaded Rickard because he is even more autistic about protecting kids.

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>Most of the stories you hear about dragons are fodder for fools. Talking dragons, dragons hoarding gold and gems, dragons with four legs and bellies big as elephants, dragons riddling with sphinxes … nonsense, all of it.

There was also a blog post about him saying that his dragons have two legs because there has never existed any flying animal with four legs and because all the coolest dragons have had two legs.


Nuclear reactors had a meltdown. Also Valyria was a really decadent place, it shows with the Targshits.

edmure had one of the best claims to be king at the end
technically the throne should've gone to gendry though
fuck sansa and fuck the mary sue starks

I assume if true we will learn of it in a few years, from a leak or "shocking confession".

What did I tell you, uncle?

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You're disinherited, Sansa

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"Lady Sansa, you are a Bolton whore so do shut up, as you were saying Lord Edmure?"

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I was about to say I'm the best candidate for Hand of the King, now where did you hide our rightful King Stannis?

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Use this

Where exactly does he go after all is said and done?

Compared to post-Season 5's other assortment of D&D-supported villains, Euron is unarguably a God among men. He's the first true Chad we've seen on the series since Robert Baratheon, and as a villain he's taken out the cringe designated heroine Mary Sue's flying lizards instead of the patrician Stannis' army with 20 bad memes. Not to mention he has no need for rape or torture, unlike edgy book Euron and edgy show and book Ramsay.

Euron is the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time)

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Shireen is cute.


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Truly this is a song of ice and fire and I have become a game of thrones

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>didn't use the same actor for Euron and Daario

What a waste

Back to Riverrun to impregnate his cute Freyfu 20 more times.
Unless she starved because of Arya or something.

>even being close to a cringe inducing character such as Cuckerys
yeah nah


I love re-watching this scene and re-living the butthurt of every autistic Redditfag who screamed MUH CAVALRY FORMATIONS!!!11 and realized that they wasted a decade of their life.

Season 8 was a masterpiece.

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Don't insult my Qween

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>Died for cersei cause she fucked him a couple times

What did you like about season 8?

>technically the throne should've gone to gendry though
He's got about as much claim to the throne as Mya Stone and probably less people willing to follow him.

Your Queen doesn't even deserve a finger in the bum.

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legitimised though

he looks Asian


People practically worshiped Robert, Stannis and Renly as Gods who obliterated the Targshittian menace once and for all, they'd follow Gendry even if he was a bastid, same way Northerners followed Jon Chad before he turned out to be a virgin Targshittian.

Non-stop action. Great cinematography. No dull moments. Fantastic conclusion to a great tv show

Madness you say?

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Fuck off Dabid

For me, it's Jaehaerys I

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>Realizes he got cucked by cersei and jaime but shows up to fight for her anyway
>gets btfo
>dies to old washed up Jaime lannister with one hand
>Takes pride in killing Jaime even though he didn't even kill him

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>Great cinematography
it truly was kino

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He did kill him though. And he didn't show up to fight for Cersei, he knew he was fucked so wanted one last glorious battle.

Jaime made it all the way up to the top of the red keep and back down almost, he would've been fine if the tunnels hadn't collapsed. And nah he didn't know he was fucked he thought it would be easy cause he got a few lucky shots the first time and wanted to keep fucking cersei, he should've just sailed away
>got entire fleet slaughtered in like 3 minutes

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>He did kill him though.
No, he didn't. Bricks killed Jaime. Euron also lost that "glorious battle." He could have just stolen Jaime's boat and left.

>Imagine 9/11 happens
>Now imagine that the Pope, the First Lady, and hundreds of political and religious figures were in the towers
>After the Towers fall, President Bush kills himself over the loss of his wife
>Hundreds of civilians were also killed in the blast
>Now imagine if after all this, Dick Cheney ascended to the presidency and said "yeah I did that lol"
>He also admits to killing many of his political enemies as well
>And everyone in America was ok with it except for the First Lady's relatives

Cersei basically did this and no one cared. Meanwhile peasants almost killed Joffrey because they were kinda hungry. What the fuck were they thinking when Season 7 began.

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>Now imagine if after all this, Dick Cheney ascended to the presidency and said "yeah I did that lol"
No, Bush's mom would be a better example.

Cersei blowing up the Sept was literally when the show died. Even after Stannis' character was fucking raped worse than what happens in Bran's home movies, there was a chance for the show to redeem itself, but it didn't. All of Season 6 I was waiting for Cersei to die and Tommen, the Tyrells and Kevan to take full power, or for Stannis to return.

All of Season 7 and 8 I just watched for the memes and the Ramin soundtrack. Nothing in Seasons 7 and 8 had made any sense. There were no interesting characters left, all that was left was Mary Sues and emasculated cuckolds, sometimes the two somehow blended, example being Jon Snow.

Yeah, and the swinish multitude loved that shit. The conventional wisdom is that the show was good until the end of S6.

Cheney kinda works because at least it can be argued that Cersei would be chosen as Protector/Regent since there was no rightful heir left and her family had the most power in the capital. But it was still fucking stupid.

The show died when shirtless Ramsay and his dogs fought the iron born, the decent to madness began on that night l


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he was one of the best characters up until season 6

I want to fuck Maisie

No there's no argument to be made for that. The Queen Mother has no claim to the throne, she has no power, she is meant to have ZERO (null) power. Her only purpose is to produce heirs to the King, who would be grandsons of whoever the Queen's father is and thus assure further support for that dynasty. Cersei even failed at that.

Its likely some acknowledged bastard of Robert's would be invited it, book wise this would be Edric Storm, or a cadet branch of the Baratheons, in books this would be Houses Wensington and Bolling.

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dont try to make sense of the show, it was fan-fic tier after it passed the books

>betraying the North's independence for pussy
Dude was a cuck, Dany even accepted Northern independence and to help against the White Walkers, so this wasn't even a bend the knee or good luck with your threat thing. Jon literally cucked out for pussy, and he had that anyway.

Jon was looking for an excuse to not be king

>It's explained tyrells keeping Kings landing from starving
>Cersei kills the tyrells
>People are fleeing Kings landing saying its the worst place in the world
>Cersei tries to get food from the reach but Dany burns or takes it all
>Gets gold and uses it to hire and provision a huge army
>Somehow the population of the city doubles during this time

You're that butthurt fag from last thread. Bending the knee didn't harm the North.

Ergo, he's a cuck.
>France surrendering to Germany didn't have France
Though I guess it fits since Dany was a Hitler-level tyrant long before Season 8.

haha, in the CK2 mod the Bollings seem to always end up with the Stormlands, after the Baratheons inevitably self-destruct

That was the "nurturing dependence" part

Every lord and lady who bent the knee to Jon in the first place are cucks, too?

I don't really get why the Northern aristocracy were so gung ho about independence anyway, they'd intermarried alot with the South, and it wasn't like the Iron Throne was trying to stamp out their religion or anything

I had the same conversation with this guy last thread, and all he had to say in response was, "BUT MUH INDEPENDENCE!"

Starks are the legitimate Kings in the North.
They had national pride. Bugmen showfags won't understand nationalism though. And no, marriages with the South were extremely rare. The Robert/Lyanna betrothal and the Joffrey/Sansa one were one of the two rare cases of a North-South marriage.

Do we have any compilation of GoT relationship gossip and similar rumours? Years of it must have stacked up to something huge.

>Starks are the legitimate Kings in the North.
They were deposed by the Boltons. Why should the Starks get to rule? Because they killed enough people thousands of years ago? By that logic, Targaryens are legitimate kings of all of Westeros.

>we're about to face a bad winter, we're about to be attacked by a massive undead army, we lost lots of fighting men to various wars
>Let's declare independence

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Based. Thank you for setting me straight lads

No one wants them for their Kings. Targaryens only won because of having cheat codes (dragons). Now that they're gone, everyone should have independence. Storm King Gendry, River King Edmure, King of Mountain and Vale Sweetrobin, Iron Queen Yara and I guess with the Tyrells and Tarlys extinct, Hightowers can finally have the Reach.

>Now that they're gone, everyone should have independence.
Yes, everyone should have their independence, peasants included. They didn't vote their lords into power, so they shouldn't have to be ruled by them.

Destroy feudalism and ruin the point of fantasy stories set in medieval settings.

Stormlands, Westerlands, etc are all cultural entities though. We don't know much about their cultures because of lackluster worldbuilding on GRRM's behalf, but we do know that they consider themselves all separate, culturally. You could probably argue for a Pan-Andal state including the Stormlands, Vale, Westerlands, Crownlands, Riverlands and Reach, independent Ironborn, independent North and Dorne.

Season 5 was OK. Season 6 was good.

>tfw the world building made on this show made me want to write my own fantasy story
>easily whip out the first 7 chapters
>have a blast writing
>write myself into a corner
>spend 3 months not writing anything
>finally forced myself to finishing 2 chapters
>don't feel like writing anything again
I think I'm beginning to understand why the fat man is the way that he is

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>8000 years of stagnant feudalism

>Stormlands, Westerlands, etc are all cultural entities though.
So? Cultural differences exist within between houses anyway in each kingdom. Would House Bolton have been wrong to declare independence? Why should they have to give up their culture?

Houses aren't cultures numbnuts.

>tfw Battle of the Bastards feels like the climax of the series

I need an image of Brienne Crying from S8

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It was the most cringe-inducing battle with the most terrible characters fighting for both sides.

I really thought they would have gone with Jon ending up on the Iron Throne for like a minute and then immediately granting all the kingdoms their independence. He doesn't want to rule them, they probably don't want to be ruled by him. Just seems like it would have been the logical choice, but I guess my expectations were subverted.

Houses have their own customs and customs form cultures. The people of the North should all secede from the Starks.

The third worst battle, before hardhome and the long night

Would've been kino if Jon declared himself King in the North and despite being Rhaegar's son, he will always be a Stark through Lyanna.

>ah wan et

What changes?

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Cutest psycho!

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Why did Brienne get a vote for who would be the next king/queen?

Why did they put a random thug in charge of the richest part of the country?

We get the ending we deserve

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>random thug
He's the goddamn hero of the Battle of Blackwater

He marries Dany, she doesn't feel alone in the world, doesn't burn everything down, North's knee remains bent but now they have the aid of the South and any builders and food they have. Favorable trade is established and loans given. Westeros is united, absolute monarchy with a standing army is implemented. Golden Age. Jon has several sons and daughters. Dies happy at the age of 90 with a belly full of fermented goat's milk and his wife by his side.

If there were way more Lords there it might make sense if she represents her father

What happened to Jamie being blond

And this is why I can't get into unfinished works in fanfiction. Too many get abandoned, author disappears for months or years, fuck you dolorousedditor, barely update, promise to update, update just to say they're having difficulty or need to rewrite, don't actually rewrite, and finally delete or orphan the story.

And you get those authors that habitually create new fics while never finishing the first ones and they're shocked that people don't want to read their new one

he kinda forgot

like tyrion and cersei, they forgot

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>daenerys is supposed to be really fucking cute in the books
>we get this

How did Grey Worm assemble that council? How could he possibly know what Lords to reach out to or how to reach out to them? He doesn't know common tongue that well yet he's able to write to everyone, know which ravens to use and there happen to still be a maester or ravens to send to these distant Houses and Lords, and these people trust him and decide to go there to judge a guy some of them have never met, don't know, or were already related to?

And when they're assembled they're completely at his mercy with no guards of their own around and no means of escape. Grey Worm had the perfect opportunity to just seize control of all the kingdoms by means of hostages

That’s what Game of Thrones is, isn’t it? Forgetting. Being forgotten.

She is cute.

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She is really cute


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Better question is why would they care about his demands? He has no leverage over them at that point

I hate Jon so fucking much you have no idea

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It's not his fault D&D made him act completely out of character because they didn't know how to get to George's ending.

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It didn't even seem like Grey Worm had any demands. He just suddenly decided that the man who killed his Queen should get a sentence from people most of whom who have nothing to do with it. There's no presentation of evidence, there's no defense, I don't see why Grey Worm needs anyone else to execute Jon or Tyrion, why is Tyrion even there?

Then fuck George. I hope Sybel gives him HIV

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Is there a problem with the wall Jon? I've been there myself if you recall, it's an 8000 year old wall that stands a mile high and spans the continent, last I heard it was still intact, is there any reason to believe this wall is insufficient to keeping this zombie army out? If not, I think we should wait. Perhaps when we have stabilized the realm, we can send more men to man the forts and strengthen the defenses, but for now there are other more pressing priorities

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>Perhaps when we have stabilized the realm, we can send more men to man the forts and strengthen the defenses, but for now there are other more pressing priorities
Like starving the people of King's Landing so they tear each other apart.

The good old king

Guaranteed replies

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I like Jon. I like that he didn't end up being Azor Ahai or the epic chosen one prince of the Dragon Aryan bloodline.

I like that he was just a good dude who had a good dad that taught him to do the right thing and he's still the gormless dorky idiot we met in s1

Blessed smile

Jon killing Dany was forced though Just like Dany burning down KL

>Liberating Kings landing is our first priority for the good of it's people, and you could easily do this quickly with your dragons, but I would prefer we bring my sister to justice in a way that avoids bloodshed. Me and varys know secret passages under the red keep, we can lead a force of unsullied to capture cersei from the inside, we will wave a flag from the red keep when we have done this. Cersei's soldiers have no loyalty to her and will likely drop their swords once she has been defeated

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>being Azor Ahai or the epic chosen one prince of the Dragon Aryan bloodline.
Except he was. D&D just love Maisie so much they gave the kill to her instead of Jon. And then they have him kill Dany who like the Walkers would've destroyed the known world. He is the savior of the world twice over or would've been if it wasn't for actor favoritism.

And funny you should mention the "right" thing when Jon tries to doubt he knows the right thing when all he's been doing and forcing others to do it what he perceives as the right thing even if it meant getting murdered for it. Dany was right, he's always known what's right and imposed his views on others.

And he wasn't a good dude, he completely neglected and abandoned Dany despite saying Dany shouldn't be alone, and despite being told by Dany that Sansa hates her and will use the information to hurt her. Is that a good thing?

nah dude, you're just mad you didn't get Jon and Dany wedding and miracle incest baby ending

Jon choosing duty over love and Dany claiming she was raze cities to the ground have been integral to the characters since day 1

Fucking this, Jon is my favorite char but he was so retarded this season

>you're just mad you didn't get Jon and Dany wedding and miracle incest baby ending
I am, because the ending we got was actually much worse

>Duty over love
>I'm the rightful king but ah don't want it

Ned kept a secret; Jon didn't. Ned wasn't disgusted by incest (or at least acceptable incest, by Westori standards); Jon was. Ned married to fulfill his duty; Jon didn't. Ned was disgusted by Jaime killing his king; Jon killed his queen AND his kin in a cowardly act.

Jon was a fucking dope in season 8. He could have had it all, but D&D think he only wanted to live with the Wildlings.

The worst consequence of them cutting Young Griff from the show is that they had to make Tyrion and Varys morons to make it work. It's so goddamn annoying.

They didn't NEED to rush. At the end of season 5, HBO offered to fund 50 more episodes *at least*. GRRM recommended 70 more. But Chucklefuck and Chucklefuck II decided they could do it all 23. There were no budget constraints, no executive meddling, no lagging fan interest. They had full support from the suits, the original author, the actors, the show was doing better than ever, and they decided to just rush through a shitty finale because they wanted to do a star wars movie. The blame lies squarely with those two.

absolutely degenerate

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>Jon choosing duty over love and Dany
He didn't love Daenerys and he didn't perform his duty to the realm by marrying her. The "Love is the death of duty" line doesn't even apply. Jon could have literally have had both, but AH DUN WAN ET.

This. They already did an actual "love vs duty" storyline for Jon that made sense with Ygritte. The Dany storyline is nothing like that.

They didn't even want anybody else taking over as showrunners. They thought they it was their right to end the series, even though they didn't even give a shit about it anymore.

I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe.

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>Dany claiming she was raze cities to the ground
So the bad things Dany says are true, the good things are lies?

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>Cutest psycho!

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Yes. Targs are all psychos.

So she's just been lying about anything non-villainous?

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>stumbles his way into being the most powerful man in the world
How can one man be so based. Littlefinger rolling in his grave rn

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Also, keep in mind that Dany did almost everything Jon told her to do, but Jon and Dany didn't talk to each other about anything but his claim or what Sansa is doing.

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And I guess the showrunners and Dave Hill have just been lying too.

And no they aren't, that coin toss line is based on bullshit and isn't even true. Plenty of mediocre kings and Targaryens, few great ones, few crazy ones

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How is Ilyrio so rich?

It's just so frustrating, they were good in seasons 1-4, season 5 had problems (especially Dorne) but if they had stopped there and passed off the torch they would be remembered so fondly. Instead we got this shit.

Varys just kind of forgot about season 7 and episode 2 of season 8

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To be honest, I never really cared about Jon Snow.

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The Free Cities are insanely rich compared to Westeros. When Cersei tells the Iron Bank to go fuck themselves over debt, the Iron Bank immediately hires 20,000 sellswords (bigger than any army remaining in Westeros) to go fight for Stannis because at least he'll try to pay back the Iron Throne's debts.

It's heavily implied that Westeros is economically a backwater compared to the Free Cities of Essos, even if they're more ahead socially (slavery being illegal for example).

anyone got the drunken screenshot of me ranting what this guy was saying, think I called D&D rat nosed jew bastard lmao

It's just not fair

Half Dornish+spent a lot on the ships and sailing Essos = brown or tanned. I think he looks tanned there user.

>Master of Coin is illiterate and doesn't understand how debt works

What did King Bran the Broken mean by this?

It's wonderful if you have Illirio as your sugar daddy.

Watched the final scene of Jon and Dany again. I nearly cred when he stabbed her. She was offering him EVERYTHING, and he fucking killed her. Fuck Jon Snow, fuck Kit Harrington, fuck DABID, and fuck GRRM.

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did illyrio own slaves?

Best character arc in the show
It's going to be fucking criminal if he doesn't end up at least being the Valonqar, if not Azor Ahai.

>Half Dornish+spent a lot on the ships and sailing Essos
Neither of those should hold true for Aegon. Targaryen second born sons and the rest always take completely after the Targ father no matter what the mother is. See Daeron II and Aegon V. Aerys only ever said Rhaenys smelled Dornish and she's the one described as Dornish colored. Valyrians also don't seem to tan otherwise all the bedslaves and people of Lys for example would look tanned all the time as would Dany

Ramin djawadi is so based

Yes. including his last wife

Jaime's been character assasisnated since season 2 when they made him a kinslayer for no reason. He didn't even turn away from his sister until the ending of season 7, don't get why his running back to her made so many people angry. They character assassinated Jaime and whitewashed tywin, cersei and tywin cause they're kikes

does anyone have that image of bran dabbing on dany from his wheelchair?

Pretty sure it was the other way around

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No, the Starks had the best claim but Edumure was up there after them. They had most allies and the opposing forces were irrelevant.

Starks, the North, which is 1/2 of Westeros landwise. The House that was victimized the by all the mad rulers in the south for unjustifiable reasons: from Ayrs to the little inbred shit. They also are the ones who defeated the "big bads" of the Long Winter and Littlefinger who was the political antagonist who sparked the war of the 5 Kings.

Think about it, they have the North, the Riverlands that rallied with the Starks of the North and supported them (with Robb as King as his heirs), Starks also had Vale forces which are whipped under Sansa (which was stupid WITHOUT the subplot Sansa has in Vale like in the books where Sweetrobin defers to her but they still got that) but they fought with everyone and saw the Starks rising as the true heroes against the odds including avenging Lysa and Lord Arryn. We have Gendry here claiming Stormlands who is aligned to the Starks too, so that's the stag house leftover. And the leftover of House Lannister that aligned himself is also a Stark supporter. We're missing the Tyrrels but there's Sam there as representative of Highgarden again a Stark supporter.

The only two dissent voices that mattered (because who even gives a fuck about the Iron Islands, really? They are nobodies) could have been Dorne and House Martell wasn't too fond of Dany after certain someone burned, and how their family also suffered thanks to the Lannisters (except Tyrion) and the Targs, so they would at best neutral, and find this "choose your ruler" a lot better than bow to some family in particular. A crippled boy who can't sire kids is perfect as ruler, in particular because they can later offer someone for the Small Council.

If this pic specifically is what we're arguing over then there's nothing wrong with Young Griff looking tanned, especially since his mother was a Martell. I'm not defending the idea of a black Young Griff, but a half-Martell/half-Targ getting a bit of a tan in Essos is no big deal. Remember that the only other Targs that we deal with in the main books are Jon (the son of a "pure" Targ and a First Men Dayne) and Dany (the daughter of a "pure" Targ). Young Griff's mother is supposedly Elia Martell. There's nothing strange about him getting a bit of a tan from being out in the sun too long. The purple eyes and naturally light hair are the key factors.

the idea of a "rightful king" is a fucking myth you dipshit

if you think Game of Thrones ever advocating for a herditary monarchy you WEREN'T FUCKING PAYING ATTENTION

This at the end of the show, Stark House had in the bag most power and relationship network and connection. Tyrell was like the only "thorn" as rival but this was taken care of.

I think is worse they made Jon Snow look older and taller than Griff, rather than Griff getting a tan. I mean he was a fucking sellsword sailing with the Golden Company in Essos, it's unrealistic he doesn't get a tan.

>We have Gendry here claiming Stormlands who is aligned to the Starks too, so that's the stag house leftover. And the leftover of House Lannister that aligned himself is also a Stark supporter. We're missing the Tyrrels but there's Sam there as representative of Highgarden again a Stark supporter.
Wrong on all counts.

Gendry has no power in the Stormlands without Dany, he had no army, the legitimizing doesn't even hold since the Stormlands never bent the knee to Dany (think of it like USA just deciding some random Chinese guy in the US is the rightful leader of China), he's uneducated, never been there, doesn't know anything about the Houses, about being Baratheon, how to lead, read, rule, strategize, budget, or get around. He also can't prove he's Bobby's son, inb4 Davos though, Davos is lowborn and none of the other lords liked him, this is explicitly stated, he'd look like a schemer trying to put a pretender he controls and who'll listen to him in charge so he can continue being important

Westerlands would never support Tyrion. Tywin didn't like him, Tyrion killed Tywin, killed Joffrey officially (see trial by combat) and brought the lady that then roasted King's Landing.

Sam has no claim whatsoever in the Reach and no respect there. His father betrayed the rest of the Reach by sacking Highgarden then forcing the rest of the Houses to turn over all their food to Cersei. Sam himself is a sworn brother of the Watch, has a Wildling for a lover which is oathbreaking and South doesn't like Wildlings, has impregnated her which is also oathbreaking, stole from the Citadel (Dany's forgiveness of this doesn't count since they never supported her and she never publicly said anything to make them support this pardon).

>There's nothing strange about him getting a bit of a tan from being out in the sun too long
There is since Targs and Valyrians don't tan. Young Griff, half Martell or not, is Valyrian looking

>ever advocating for a herditary monarchy
>yet every lord there is from a hereditary succession that prior to Targ/other conquest was a hereditary monarchy
What did user mean by this?

>Ned marries Cat even though he wants to marry Ashara, because that is his duty
>Ned doesn't want to be Lord of Winterfell or Hand of the King, but does both, because it is his duty
>Ned hates Jaime for betraying his oath to his king

>Jon doesn't want to leave Ygritte, but does it anyway because it is his duty
>Jon doesn't want to be Lord Commander, but does it anyway because it is his duty
>Jon wants to be a legitimate Stark and Lord of Winterfell more than anything, but stays in the Night's Watch and refuses Stannis because he swore an oath
>Jon won't marry a woman to maintain peace and fulfill his duty
>Jon won't take the crown, even though it his duty
>Jon betrays the queen he swore an oath to and slays his kin in an act of cowardice

What did GRRM mean by this?

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To be fair, it isn't explicitly made clear that the smallfolk are aware it was her doing. Her own legal family by marriage (the Tyrells) were among the casualties so you could blame the Militant and make it look like an extremist attack.Then by default, Cersei reassumes her role as defacto Queen.

Brienne and Une are there and both seem to accept Gendry as that, you need to get over yourself. It's been months who knows what happened off screen.

>Westerlands would never support Tyrion.
And matters little, he's still the Lord of Casterly Rock and ONLY representative of the Rock in there.

>Westerlands would never support Tyrion.
According to you, but he's the Last Tarly and there's nobody of Highgarden. The Reach is empty and houseless apparently, Davos even says they can give land to the Unsullied there because this.

Face it, user. In that Council, it was groomed to be Stark-favored. You're in denial if you don't see that. Dorne sent an unnamed nobody who had no beef and could be neutral, and Iron Islands is completely irrelevant. It couldn't be more Stark if Theon resurrected and replaced Yara there.

the show itself as an art piece was never advocating that this was the way things should be done. This is why Varys and Tyrion had their little word games about the nature of power - divine right of kings is a meme and every problem that ever occurred in this series was because a bunch of different assholes each decided they were with rightful king.

Thinking you have the "right" to rule anyone is an inherently evil act, and it destroyed even those with fundamentally good intentions like Stannis and Daenerys.

He dun wan et

Shit the last is about Sam.

Even hot pie in the riverlands knows cause it's obvious. Cersei doesn't show up to her own trial, Sept blows up, her son dies under myserious circumstances and she takes the crown, completely obvious

Ned ended up loving Catelyn and viceversa (who wanted to marry his brother). Honestly, I don't think Ashara liked him since she clearly slept with someone else.

>It's been months who knows what happened off screen.
It hasn't been months, it's been weeks at best, they state this. And months aren't gonna matter when it come to getting people to accept a peasant claiming he's Robert's legitimized son by a Mad Queen is their new lord. Brienne isn't even the Lord of her house.

>Lord of Casterly Rock and ONLY representative of the Rock in there.
He's no Lord of anything without support. No one's gonna support him, he's still supposed to be executed for regicide and needs to be sentenced for killing Tywin

>he's the Last Tarly and there's nobody of Highgarden
Wrong, he has a sister. He's also not a Tarly cause you give up all claim when you join the Watch, he literally can't inherit jackshit and again no respect for having a Wildling wife and oathbreaking, he should be executed right now. And Tarlys have no claim or rigth over the Reach, only if Cersei's agreement with Tarly stood would they have anything (which would still be bullshit since they committed treason), Dany never agreed to that and explicitly burned them after they refused to bend the knee or even take the black.

>it was groomed to be Stark-favored.
Stark-favored or not, nothing about that council made any fucking sense.

I'm just trying to make sense of it, user. Sunk Cost and all that...

You could make an argument that Cersei's trial was unlawful and not recognized by the Sept or the Crown, which it wasnt. It could be easily spun as "I was wrongfully paraded into the streets and refused to attend my own trail, holy shit...look what happened to the Sept??? It was a trap the whole time. Even my daughter in law, your Queen is killed!
it would be an easy story to digest. Pretty much a Reichstag fire.

>Meanwhile peasants almost killed Joffrey because they were kinda hungry.
Peasants were terrified they'll blow up too. And lets' admit it, famine is really fucking problem in the middle ages, and peasants are going to care more about what they'll eat tonight than the death of fat politicians and priests.

>Thinking you have the "right" to rule anyone is an
Except that's literally how all the other Houses including Starks operate. See Sansa as the best example. See Jon saying the punishment for treason is death despite House Umber and Karstark never having bent the knee to them after they were deposed and Karstark explicitly supporting the Boltons. You're supposed to cheer that the Starks got their House back and rule the North again despite the only reason being that they happen to be Ned's kids.

Margaery was too good for this world. Tommen could have been a good king if wasn't for his bitch mother.

More chaos in the realms = more rape
It's gonna be beautiful.

I miss Night King

>make an argument that Cersei's trial was unlawful and not recognized by the Sept or the Crown
Lol what? Not him but the Faith is what's putting on the trial with the High Septon (High Sparrow) judging it, and Tommen explicitly came out in support of the Faith in front of everyone with Margaery.

If a peasant in the Stormlands knows it was Cersei, everyone in king's landing knows it was Cersei, especially since she took the crown right afterwards even with no right


Who was going to challenge Cersei at that point? The Stormlands' armies were wiped out following Stannis and there are no Baratheons besides the immediately family apparently.

It is kinda funny how the Lannisters are the only House in the entire series that seems to have cousins and cadet branches

>it's been weeks at best, they state this
No? It was winter and now is summer or spring. Where the fuck are you getting that?

>And months aren't gonna matter when it come to getting people to accept a peasant claiming he's Robert's legitimized son by a Mad Queen is their new lord. Brienne isn't even the Lord of her house.
It's not the first time we've had bad writing. They'll accept him because he is the spitting image of young Robert and Renly (even if the actors don't look the same the fuck) you know that.

>Wrong, he has a sister. He's also not a Tarly cause you give up all claim when you join the Watch
He was probably released of his oath, you know, he attended there and NOBODY of the Reach which is "empty" now is there. So he's defacto only representative. Stop trying to twist what's presented. You're seeing the best of Westeros Council.

>He's no Lord of anything without support. No one's gonna support him, he's still supposed to be executed for regicide and needs to be sentenced for killing Tywin
Obviously doesn't matter anymore because he's Lord Hand and likely of the Rock by the end, so your opinion is meaningless. And Tyrion was asked to be part of the Council. Do you see any other Rock Lord there? No? Then stop.

>Stark-favored or not, nothing about that council made any fucking sense.
It doesn't fucking matter. That's the Council we got, I'm pointing out with that Council full of Starks, Starks allies, or Stark allies' allies, you're surprised a STARK was chosen? Dorne Prince didn't even get a name or say or input because they got written out and Dany's sympathizers burned their bridges with Quentyn. Yara is irrelevant leader of a couple of islands, as the sole possible dissent. They could have bring back Theon and have him in her place, and it'll have a more obvious BIAS.

>Master of Coin is illiterate
That's wrong. Why people claim this?

Because people who nitpick and plothole surf season 8 are unpleasable autistic fanboys looking for reasons to be upset in an attempt to one-up each other in being offended to prove that they're "real" fans

Yes, so did Dany. And Jorah. It seems she should have crucified herself but she was always a two faced hypocrite.

Unironically this

Like, how the fuck is shit like "Brienne closed the book too fast" a legitimate complaint?

Its easily the best scene of the finale, and you're ruining it for yourself for...???

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>cadet branches
Targs have too, that's the Blackfyres.

Cersei wouldn't ever be crowned queen, all she has is a zombie bodyguard and qyburn, the Lannisters would bring her to justice

>the Lannisters would bring her to justice

Who? The only lannister opposed to Cersei was Kevan and he went up in flames. You think the entire army would just turn on her?

Starks would have had cousins if hadn't been for fucking Rhaegar.

>Where the fuck are you getting that?
Tyrion. " I've had nothing to do but think these past few weeks" That trial isn't months and months off

>They'll accept him because he is the spitting image of young Robert and Renly
looking like Robert shouldn't entitle you to rule people when you have no education, no background, no proof (as in he could easily be some Baratheon or cadet House bastard from different generation), no legitimization. Stormlands never bent the knee to Dany, her legitimizing Gendry in front of people in the North doesn't mean shit to them.

>He was probably released of his oath
No he wasn't. Nothing in the show displays anything about Sam being released of anything. The fact he becomes Grand Maester doubles down on him having oaths not to have a wife and kids, yet he's fucking Gilly, Gilly's pregnant and he's claiming little Sam as his. He's an oathbreaker. And "defacto" doesn't mean shit. Citdal and Oldtown aren't empty, never even got attacked, we fucking saw the place when Sam left which is after Dany fought the Tarlys. Sam gets no vote and commands no respect or men.

>Lord Hand and likely of the Rock by the en
Lord Hand doesn't mean shit to the Westerlands since Bran isn't their king. Bran has no army to make them bend the knee to Tyrion and Tyrion is a kinslayer (unconvicted) and kingslayer (convicted).

>It doesn't fucking matter.
Yes it fucking does. Something not making any sense does fucking matter. Stop accepting D&D's bullshit and stop accepting George's shit ending

The new Faith was finally an opportunity for equality, they actually treated the peasants like people and fucked over the nobles. They let them see the queen naked! Also the peasants loved Margaery cause she at least kept the appearance of liking peasants. Cersei should've gotten killed S7E1. Wouldn't it be cool if she got beheaded on the steps of a burning Red Keep, as a mirror of what happened in Season 1?

>the best scene of the finale
>writes down deeds Jaime did after being released of his vows
>writes down a positive spin of Jaime going back to Cersei who bombed the Sept
>doesn't bother mentioning Jaime cuckolding his king and fathering the bastards that helped set off the War of the Five Kings
>best scene
That's fucking sad. Are you a Jaimefag?

>Kevan dies so his army immediately is loyal to the person who killed him cause she has his last name, they don't have any structure or second in command at all
That's like tyrion taking over Tywin's position after shooting him

>D&D love Lena Headey. This is literally the entire explanation. Replacing Aegon with Cersei was one of their dumbest decisions, they're literal opposites. Everyone loves Aegon and hates Cersei. Cersei is already about to collapse at the end of ADWD, everyone hates her and she's about to lose it. And the worst part is they didn't even give Lena anything to do, she just stared out a window for several hours and got crushed by bricks.
