Opinions on this documentary? It's about a gay couple who purchased a baby boy from a Russian mother and rented him out to pedophiles around the globe. Not sure if I can stomach it; how detailed does it get?
The Boy With the Henna Tattoo
sounds based to me
gay pedos give normal pedos a bad name
/pol/ thinks only gay people can be pedos and all gay people are pedos.
Who are we to judge people for creating a business venture the only way they knew how? If a girl sells herself we praise her. I gurantee the money went towards housing,clothing, and feeding the boy. Willing to bet he didnt even hate it. Boys like sex.
Aren't those the guys from the "Two Dads are Better than One" story?
>/pol/ thinks
Let me stop you right there.
>It's about a gay couple who purchased a baby boy from a Russian mother and rented him out to pedophiles around the globe.
i wonder if there's a loud echo if you shout something into his ass.
/pol/ is always right. In future anyone who deines word uttered by /pol/ will be executed.
Every gay couple adoption story is basically this.
Yes, and?
99% of kids are diddled by fags
first case of a based redditor
Aunt works in a hospital, and this shit is way more common than people are aware of.
Usually, it's lower-class women (think drug addicts) who arrive to have their baby, then a gay couple shows up and starts circling the newborn like vultures around a dying animal. It's fucked, and CPS never ends up doing anything.
All kids?!
I saw this. The prosecutor noted that they didn't do it for money.
CPS as in Crown Prosecution Service?
99% of kids diddled are by relatives and acquaintances, not in some elaborate international pedo ring like /pol/ fantasizes
but if a male diddles a male are they not gay?
Cool made up story, retard. Hospitals don't just hand over babies to random gay couples, haha
Imagine believing this nonsense.
they should have their dicks shot off by firing squad
Fake and cringe. You might get some (You)'s with this on /pol/ though.
>Fake and cringe. You might get some (You)'s with this on /pol/ though.
If I was the arresting officer those guy would have resisted arrest and wound up on the floor with their temple leaking
>Y-You don't believe this bullshit story that hospitals are practically tossing around babies to random people like candy? S-Seethe!
Trannies out in force today trying to keep their operation on the down low its sickening.
Well they were right about the jews, so I'd trust them in this more than I'd trust you.
Sounds hot
surrogate mothers you fucking imbecile
how do i know you're a d*sinfo sh*ll
Imagine being this bigoted in 2019. Yikes.
do you think all the people being diagnosed with cancer ever wonder if any of their long term partners have hpv?
You fap to trannys?
no why?
That's a whole different process that takes time, evaluation, and oversight, you disingenuous nig.
That guy was talking about his aunt's story like random crackheads show up in hospitals, where gay couples apparently just hang out waiting for babies to be born, and nurses simply hand over a baby.
Enjoy your faggy conspiracy theories all you want, but I've been outside more than you enough to know how hospitals and adoptions work
So Why would CPS need to do anything if those are all surrogates, you fucking retard? And how does your aunt know all of that? Nice backpedaling
They’re 16x more likely to rape a child than a straight man.
Child Protective Services
Sorry you're angry about fags being pedophiles, but it happens.
lol, no it doesn't.
and you're the one that's angry about fags so much that you make shit up to justify your bigotry.
>random crackheads show up in hospitals, where gay couples apparently just hang out waiting for babies to be born
Nice attempt to reframe.
The LGBT scene is heavily involved in drugs, so it's not hard for a gay couple to find some random druggo whore to have their baby.
Go watch some Glee reruns if it upsets you this much.
>it offends me so it's obviously fake
yes because there's no way this shit could happen IRL, oh wait lol
>The LGBT scene is heavily involved in drugs
As opposed to what? They do drugs at the same rate as other communities.
I'm not even sure what you're suggesting. You know that adopting a child, even in surrogate, you don't just hire some whore off the street and take the baby home from the hospital without any paperwork and oversight first, right?
>They do drugs at the same rate as other communities.
Post your sources
>They do drugs at the same rate as other communities.
yes and i'm sure they contract STDs at the same rates too
There's a special place in Hell waiting for people who hurt children.
Straights are more degenerate, fight me
>pay some heroin addicted girl to have your kid
>go to hospital to watch the miracle of life with your "partner"
>sign birth certificate because you're the biological father
Was that so hard to wrap your head around?
Just say normal people, faggot
I refuse to believe a story so ridiculous and backwards.
Besides, straight couples abuse their kids at higher rates than gay couples.
>pay some heroin addicted girl to have your kid
>go to hospital to watch the miracle of life with your "partner"
>sign birth certificate because you're the biological father
>dress kid in rainbow colours and make him dance on stage in gay clubs for money
>gape his ass with 30 of your greasy gay mates.
Refer to:
You forgot a few steps there champ.
Back to /pol/ with you, edgelord.
And people still think it's arguable that gays are pedos
>straight couples abuse their kids at higher rates than gay couples.
obviously because normal couples are actually having kids you faggot.
No, just more in general cos there are more straight parents.
Then again, if you are a man and you diddle a boy, you are a pedo AND a Faggot.
Nice made up stats, /pol/shitter.
>I refuse to believe a story so ridiculous and backwards.
The guys in OP's pic only had to pay $8000 for the kid.
>99% of the pop does something more often than 1%
whoda thunk
To make an accurate comparison you must compare per capita instead of raw numbers. It's more tragic that 30 out of 100 people do an evil thing than if 300 out of 100,000 do an evil thing.
Eight thousand dollarydoos
What is that, like $450?
I actually dont think most murderers deserve death. Most criminals dont. Yet pedos and people like this need the burn or hang. Fuck that "prison/therapy helps them" shit. It. Never. Does. These pedo shits are like those furries who will buy a dog to rape it to death
Documentary should end with these two at least being shot. In the dick. Let to die
The second part is true though.
Homos and trannies reproduce via child molestation.
>only gay people can be pedos and all gay people are pedos.
Yeah, that's correct.