The docus have been good, when is Hollywood getting on this one?
The docus have been good, when is Hollywood getting on this one?
What do you think this guy’s IQ was? I’m guessing like 80.
>white on white crime
Why are they like this?
This case still bugs me
Why didn't he just divorce her?
How come every picture of the wife has her showcasing that patch on her arm? What is that? It doesn't look like a nicotine patch
>How come every picture of the wife has her showcasing that patch on her arm?
It was visible in a couple pictures so now you think it's in every picture because you recognized it.
I believe he was an engineer, so it had to have been pretty high.
>be a hyper narcissist
>don't show a shred of genuine remorse until you realize your social status is about to plummet
death is too good for this fag
she'd take 60% of everything and he'd be paying alimony+child support out the ass for at least the next 15 years
Is that a nicorette patch?
Why do men still get married in America?
Menopause patch maybe?
Show me a picture without it then, faggot. Spoiler: you can't, because you're just talking out of your ass
Why didn't he just get a divorce or is he just a dumb fuck?
The amount of marriages has dropped to a 100 year low. That and people should get prenups just as a rule.
thats why he got 4 life sentences
I have no inclination when they will get on it.
Prenups are often not legally binding i've heard.
>generic multi-level-marketing "disney mom" wife
>mcmansion covered with tacky "inspirational quotes" from target
>daughter named after a fucking twilight character
>fat redneck bubba neighbor and his braphog wife that has all the latest gadgets off groupon
>only area of your house that is visibly masculine is a small corner of the garage with a weight bench
The question was WHEN he was going to snap
depends on where you live, really, i hear in california that prenups arent even worth the paper their written on
Don’t listen to incel speak they are binding in most states provided you get a good lawyer.
Someone post his mistress and all the things they said to each other.
Omfg, he was so handsome he could've gotten any girl or guy he wanted. He could've gotten a divorce why would he snap like that? What's worse is you hated your wife so much you killed both your progeny.. Such a shame. Remember never to snap and take deep breaths. Go to therapy and shitpost to take off some steam. But never snap. Ok?
>killed his daughter in front of his other daughter
>younger daughter asked "is that going to happen to me?"
>kills her soon after
heartless monster
>he didn’t even fuck them first
what a fag
someone redpill me on this wh*toid family
What do you mean user, unless you talk to your therapist about going ER or being ped/heb they not going to go after you.
Pretty sure she was diabetic or something along those lines.
the guy in red murdered his family and the neighbor caught him taking out the bodies with his garage cam and exposed it to his face.
then what's the fucking point of them in the first place?
The murderer, the neighbour and a cop watched the footage together for the first time. The cop was wearing a bodycam, and you can see the guys eyes change as he realizes he's completely fucked. It's actually pretty crazy to watch.
To lure dumb men into a false sense of security.
thanks baby yoshi
He killed her and the kids to punish her, get revenge
Educate yourself and don’t believe the lies, but seriously though marriage should be a special thing, date the person for atleast 3-4 year first.
It's some feels good patch shit she was selling to people through social medias
Truth is she was as nut as her husband, the 2 girls are better off in heaven than with these 2 freaks
>not knocking up a girl within a month of meeting her and getting married out of feelings of guilt and obligation
>the night before the murders, August 18, Kessinger spent 45 minutes googling "how to prepare for anal sex,"
Absolute Chad
>googles how much money she could make off of a book deal in your path
This is when Chris knew he had fucked up
It's a normie thing, you wouldn't understand
why didn't he just kill everyone in the room?
Would you kill your wife and 2 daughters over a really good once in a life time type of ass ?
I know I could think about it at the very least
Cus hes a basedbeta who only produces girls
I want to get married because I like the sanctity of marriage, but modern women are destroying the concept.
>his eyes when he puts his hands on his head
idk why this is so creepy to me. How the fuck does a psychopath go that long without even showing it slightly
very poignant observations
this guy's pill supplementation is dialed in
stfu yosho
Do girls like it when you kill your entire family for them?
Look at them. They are ugly my dude.
>>How come every picture of the wife?
Le-Vel Thrive Patch
"It's part of an eight-week lifestyle program that claims to aid weight loss, support healthy digestion, promote healthy aging and improve brain and immune function.
It’s a multi-level marketing scheme, people who use the program sell it to their friends.
Shanann was very successful selling the patch and had moved up the MLM food chain.
Looking at a number of Shanann's pictures, she needed to slap a few more of those patches on, she was a hefty gal. Kids were ugly. He was 33 and look at that hairline. He had poor taste, GF was pretty ugly. Great reason to remain single, get involved with a woman and watch your life get flushed right down the shitter.
They married in 2012 and by 2015 had filed for bankruptcy. He made 6k a month, she made 4k, but they were broke.
Daughter Bella's last words were "No, Daddy".
but then you’ll never get the luxurious experience of a pompous dickhead telling you bootstraps bs, handing you ssri poison cuz they don’t trust you with benzos and charge you 200 bucks for it, yoshi!
What a piece of shit!
lol. do more research
>not fucking them from the back
get gud nibba
they must, otherwise it wouldn't happen
Marc Antony and Cleopatra
Look it up
higher res please
she clearly pissed away his savings on mlm suckerberg shit lol
Jesus this guy was a moron.
He married a fat, divorced Polack, from North Carolina.
Unborn kid was going to be named after a shitty boomer candy "Necco Lee"
Since he killed kids the prison will probably keep him in isolation.
ssri drugs should be outlawed
big pharma holocaust soon
>Since he killed kids the prison will probably keep him in isolation.
No one is extending their sentence just to exact revenge on this guy. Also prisoners tend to be put with people who commit similar crimes so he's surrounded with other family annihilators
Would hate to be him in the showers
>>No one is extending their sentence just to exact revenge on this guy.
Colorado moved the guy to a Wisconsin prison after several attempts were made on Watts life.
>No one is extending their sentence just to exact revenge on this guy.
Are you retarded? Plenty who dont care or have sentences long enough it wont matter. People like him are trophy kills.
Your life can get a lot worse once your in prison.
The small comforts you can enjoy in there can be taken away for repeated violent behavior. Do you think that once you have a life sentence it's just 007 license to kill?
Does no one remember the guy who killed Dahmer?
>reddit spacing
poor fucking kids though, nothing is just. this piece of shit should have a stake driven through his asshole and out his shoulder vlad style. sick of how we parade this case around like a cool murder drama to watch and gawk at.
i feel like im from a different world, not that im not a sinner but good fucking god. clownworld is the absolute most accurate meme. cant stand this shit anymore bros.
how culpable was his anal-promising side gf?
Calm down dude. He got locked up for life didn't he?
lifers will absolutely take that opportunity. he'll be kept in SC away from gp. 'protected' status.
should just throw him to the dogs but it wont happen.
>lifers will absolutely take that opportunity.
Not unless they want solitary for 30 years like Thomas Silverstein
more disgusted at how 'society' treats this like the lastest drama film to observe. the detachment from humanity is absolutely morbidly disturbing.
locked up for life, good. justice system got him but watching the interrogation/arrest footage he has zero remorse. he talks about his daughters like they weren't his. i just can't fathom it. i'm too empathetic and sensitive, its not a good thing.
This is my favorite pepe/wojack, it's just too perfect
What does going ER mean
Elliot Rodriguez
its related to becoming a tranny i think
The world is cruel but we are living in the safest and most humane period of human history. The shit we did to each other in the past is far worse.
>>Does no one remember the guy who killed Dahmer?
Sure, Christopher "the pipeman" Scarver, serving a life sentence for shooting and killing some guy, who had replaced his boss at a work training center, the old boss promised him a full time job, new boss said nope, black man kills whitey because he wanted a job, ended up stealing a $3k check and $15 in cash, found out he was a schizophrenic once in jail, killed Dahmer and another guy with a pipe, 2 more life sentences, killed Jeff because Dahmer was not significantly remorseful about his crimes, diagnosed with Messianic Complex, guy got locked in complete solitary for 16 months, guy was in Wisconsin, got moved to Colorado for his safety.
Divorce is a sin user
>most humane
Psychological torture is still pretty bad, we're assaulted by it endlessly with media agendas and other pedantic shit. Better than getting scaphism'd by the Persians though, I think.
>slow painful horrible death over weeks
>slow painful mindwarping over decades
at least we can turn it off to an extent.
You know the true Yea Forums from the newfags. Old chan would laugh but never defend this man unironically. the fall of a Spaz faggot would make memes and keks
New fags are all MGTOW actual incels who think kids need to die because "its edgy bro. Fuckin women suck. Why is my crush dating the assertive but actually good man I call an asshole because he doesn't tip his fedora"
Watching him get rekt in real time. Seeing him slowly realize he failed and the only sexual actual he will get is every cock in prison up his ass
You think prisoners are going to not rape his ass? They hate people who kill kids. And an unborn baby. Guys gonna die if he is lucky because he's gonna get raped by every nigger. Spic and aryan mofo in prison
Much like OP. He will be fag
>the pipeman
>not the pied piper
If it was really that bad you could just go live in the woods off the grid somewhere. You can easily live a life while ignoring all forms of media
>The REAL Yea Forums would defend a woman
Jessi Slaughter says hi you fucking election tourist faggot
>prison guys have good intentions meme
they only kill child attackers because it gets them cred with the rest. has nothing to do with the kids, theyre not doing it to avenge them on their behalf. Just a violent justification in their minds
im the one bitchin about society being fucked up. been here 10 years. probably why i have a skewed view of society, but i just dont see the good
>even off the grid they'll find you
yeah you're right though, wish i wasnt raised to be a suburbanite though. not enough survival/handy skills to do that yet.
"Wahh my fee fees hurt :(
I'm just as hurt as the guy getting his skin peeled off. Poked with blades. Stretched out. Anus and dick torture. Burning.
But Twitter being mean and not getting likes on my new photo is so hard
Omg my pretty good looking wife who let me cum in her and my daughters are so evil. Omg I must kill them because umm...I'm a tortured man living in the safest country. Area and who never would have a bad day in my life
Wahhhhh the tortured souls will never know real pain like me"
It's a fact that should be brought up every time this cunt is discussed. What he did was awful, but the circumstances and details are inhuman. Without tipping too many fedoras, he deserves worse than death.
>When the authorities looked through Chris Watts' phone, they found thousands of hidden photographs of a nude or semi-nude Nichol Kessinger who he was having an affair with
someone submit an FOIA request demanding the rest of them be released
the public has a right to jerk off
>slow collapse of society and knowing the future will devolve back to primitive violent tortures of the past
>spending your entire life being tortured with that fact, knowing your kids will grow up into a 'diverse' hell
where the fuck do you get the idea that i was defending that turd?
you're a grade A faggot
This is a very bizarre case, I've never seen anything like it personally. A lot of violent murders like this are understandeable to some degree when you look at the killers' backgrounds, but this makes no sense. How can a guy who had the capacity to do this and lie to the very end appear so normal for so long?
I think most think like you do, that's why it has drawn so much attention. But yeah the news covers everything sensational, good and bad, I guess you have to accept that
fucking degenerate
>my pretty good looking wife who let me cum in her and my daughters
commas, dude.
>seriously thinks that bitch was even remotely attractive
>B-but my thicc flabby j*w ass!
fucking zoomer faggots.
>You think prisoners are going to not rape his ass? They hate people who kill kids. And an unborn baby.
Most jails and prisons house sex offenders and child abusers together away from GP.
>-He never had a girlfriend during high-school
>-The longest relationship he had before Shan’ann was about 6 months
Let this be a warning to present incels: No amount of emotional, psychological or financial progress beyond your formative years can repair the trauma of your failed youth. Chris Watts seemingly escaped inceldom with a wife, 2 kids and a baby on the way yet still went Elliotmode. You "people" are permanently broken and should be in cages.
This man is an incel.A Mike Pence lookin' MF.
you dun goofed cyberpolice on the way
the public has a right to jerk off